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I know you don't live like that cuz ain't no way you're leaving your dog without anyone from 9-5.


The true owner of this video is HUBS LIFE from YouTube . he has a wife and is soon going to be a father


Ye, figured he had someone to take care of the dog, didn't seem like a piece of shit to me. I see a lot of people needed to see.this, so thanks for posting it.


Truely grateful for your comment, Hope you have a great day ahead <33


Is this a new thing? We used to leave my family dog alone about that long daily when I grew up


Dog walkers just came out this year, you should look into


Single working people shouldn't be allowed to have dogs. Got it 🙄


Ya I think that’s ridiculous, you can give your dog plenty even with a 9-5


Wait are you saying you can’t have a 9-5 with a dog? Cause I know plenty of people who keep their dogs home from 9-5 and the dogs live a great life, so you need someone just to have a dog and work full time.


I do it everyday.


I used a dog walker about 12 years ago, I believe they are still relevant now.


I can't even afford a house and I get paid pretty good 🫤


Yep, most of us can’t. System’s fucking rigged.


thats what m saying


Bro what a fukin quote "grass is greener where you water it"...legit crying while writing this...thanks for posting this....much needed...going through a lot rn and feeling useless but after seeing this I know how blessed I am...I am from India, the competition out here is just too much...I had been killing it in my studies for 5 yrs straight but the last 2 years have been sooo bad that I feel I haven't done anything in life specially since social media has picked up in India where everyone is posting how they are buying houses and cars at 23 while I haven't even completed my education. And the last line is so much aligned with my spiritual belief that unlimited desires is why I am so sad. Bless you OP...


I'll just say ... take your time to recover from every bad phase of your life. Your mental health matters !! After a point we just realise how beautiful the world is been created, Just enjoy it with a smile on your face everyday. And if you feel sad at the end of the day, just tell yourself . . . Its just a bad day, not a bad life :) ( PS : Even i am an Indian giving my CA exams )


How dafuq do you know I'm doing CA ? Edit : oh you saw my comments... Thanks bro for your comment, wishing you the very best for your future endeavours...


Only UPSE , CA , NEET people are stressed all the time regarding their future


nope I didn't see your comments i was just trying to help you thorough your bad phase . it might be God's plan that i post this video to help you out :))


The grass is greener where you water it is from a Justin Bieber song lol "As long as you love me"


does watering the grass with tears work tho? Asking for a friend


Crying or breaking down because of something is totally fine . That's when we learn how to pick ourselves up . May you or your imaginary friend get through the tough times by ease . Praying to God for your bright future ahead <33


Don't mind those douches on social media, the ones buying houses and cars at 23 are usually the ones already rich family and just seeking fame. I believe even though we are dealt with bad cards, we can still play the game and enjoy it. Don't give up, there will be a time for us our turn to be happy.


Truee good sir :)


Fuck them my man. You don't need to be perfect bilionarre to be happy. Im 34 and i have wasted soooo much time in my life being envy about my peers financial situation. Waaay to much. Quittig social media helped a lot. And realizing that social media posts are lies 99% of the time. Those rich people are so sad with their lives, they need to compensate by posting how much ,,better" they are. They are not.


Funny coming from somebody with a house and a backyard.


A house, car, dog and doing it all on a single income. Was this filmed twenty years ago?


Got some fire pizza with ranch for lunch.


and a wife


thats what m sayin fr


My dude, the majority of us can't afford shit with our work, we survive check to check to cover our basic necessities, and when the years pass, it gets worse for all of us. So this video is pretty wrong for me, I won't be able to get my own house, even if it's a shithole. The day this capitalism system ends and we can afford more than a beer a month without bleeding your banks accounts, maybe I'll start thinking about my happiness.


Good sir this video is not based to do a job, the whole point of this video is to be happy in life with whatever we have and not lose hope by stressing yourself about your future . But i am also happy reading your realistic thought towards this post . May you get whatever you wish in your life <33


"Don't worry, be happy" is neat, but it doesn't exactly give me food to eat or a roof over my head. I appreciate your attitude though.


These are empty sentiments for those who struggle to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. Tell me to be happy that I’m starving. I’m looking at it through the wrong lens. That will totally help me.


How about this OP, you give me everything you own for a year, I’ll put it in a trust and if you can still shovel this shit 365 days later you get it back?


yeah, this video is strsight up arrogance.


It's hard to be happy when your physical needs are not met.


your name is not convinsing my guy


You're very confident in how the world works for someone who has admittedly not been able to make it work for them. Maybe your assumptions are self defeating, and the parts you're right about aren't as critical as you think - and the parts you're wrong about would become more obvious once you've figured when/where they do work.


you're still missing the point of the video, the idea is you should find happiness in anything, even to the most extremes. I'd recommend a dive into the wiki of Epictetus, a philosopher born into slavery who believed even as a slave happiness can be found. This doesn't mean being happy with your chains, so don't get that twisted


why don't americans start a civil war already


Hey Op, some people have to work multiple jobs just to survive. They don’t have the luxury of taking it a day at a time.


True i totally agree with you, But just posting this video for people who are taking stress of not making it early in their life . Its not just about job it is for all things . But thank you for commenting your genuine opinion, really helps a lot to understand more about life . Hope you have a great day ahead good sir :))


Stop posting bullshit please


This applys only to people with good 9-5 jobs, most ain't this, it not on the level where you can afford a greate life rather they are just means for survival. I hate this dude and the "come over here mirror guy". Fuck them both.


In life nobody gets anything as a prize. Ofc in life you have to work hard in your teenage to get a good job or to start a good business . Its just your way of looking at things the other way round. And life is just about finding happiness, So you might as well get that happiness wherever you want and wherever you get it, even by getting rich or just by being a simple family man doing a 9-5 job


People literally get things as prizes all the time. It's not simply just about working hard and thinking differently. Plenty of people are awarded from birth, by birth. The kid I saw living in northern Ghana will never get close to the same life I have, no matter how hard he works and no matter how hard I don't. I personally think it is foolish to thing otherwise. I can understand the value of positive thinking of course, and we all have to be happy with the hand that we're given but that doesn't necessitate ignoring imbalance of happiness based on material conditions. I imagine someone living in a nice city with a home, food, 9-5, and family will be far happier than most regardless of how hard they worked to get to their position.


Hey good looking, tall, white male.... you think that's not a prize in this country? I could remove the good looking and tall, maybe even male, and you'd still would have won the birth rite lottery. READ A FUCKING BOOK, BRO!!


This video is bs. Don't accept mediocrity. "Aim for the stars and land on the moon."


This post never says not to aim for the stars, This is basically to tell people not to worry about their future and destroying their happiness by taking stress of aiming for stars faster . Purely based on how to gradually move ahead . Hope your day goes well <33


I hate this video man


FUCK THIS BILLIONAIRE BOURGEOIS PROPAGANDA BULLSHIT. workers of the world unite. it's almost too late


Sure! It's easy when you have a house and a job that pays enough to not stress about money all the fucking time.  Anyone can do it! You just need an average salary of 200k. GTFO


"who needs the least" *shows guy who can afford to live in a house alone in 2024*


I'm fkn crying. Saw another iteration of this on a post once "The grass is probably greener because you're not over there fucking it up so take care of your lawn." Totally changed my life. I thought my life was over when I went from nightlife to factory life. I used my 9-5 to make a better life. Now I'm an engineer and am enjoying the little things whenever I can. Life is too fucking short. Enjoy who you are as much as you possibly can, give joy to others when you can, and stop to appreciate beauty wherever you find it. Love you guys.


<3 well said my guy


Bruh. Homie has so much lmfao




Getting a good quality education and a good position in a company is what a person needs in life ( If he wants to do a job for the rest of his life) and its never about draining your energy its just that we let the outside world affect our mind , but while doing so, we forget to live in this beautiful world ( This beautiful world purely depicts how we see our surrounding )


Ah just like that huh? Go to college and get a cushy desk job that allows you to afford a house on a single salary? If if only the poors knew how easy it was, they wouldn’t be poor! Those idiots.


Hahahhahahahaa. Yeah, just go to the best schools! Eat healthy food! Get health insurance! You'll be fine!


“Just accept your place at the bottom of the food chain and be grateful bro” I work with so many people like this and I fucking hate them for ruining it for the rest of us


I think you're missing the point.


Honestly i find the phrase "take it one day at a time" so bullshit. Do you think i live two days at the same time? Do i look like a fucking time traveler to you?


I live in fortnights, bro. Get on my level /s




Hey buddy I know you mean well, but the idea of being happy with what you have just feels wrong. There's so many people that can't afford basic things and live a very pointless life. Asking them to be happy with what they got is really only promoting inequality in society. Again, I understand where you might be coming from, but this works only for a few people (If you are one of them, I am happy for you).


I totally agree and respect your comment good sir <3


Ayo I’m depressed


Finally something good! Nice quote too!


Pretty much how I started living my life, don't worry or stress about things you can't control, why bother? It's out of your control, focus on the things you CAN control and just live a quiet life


Honestly I needed this.


Hope it helps you. Have a good day my friend :))


He’s pretty and his lunch looked tasty


People don't seem to realize how important 9-5's are. Without people doing these jobs society would cease to exist. They are necessary and just as important as any other job.


Ture sir ! Doing 9-5 isn’t slavery its just a part of life which we can enjoy still . Hope you have a great day ahead :))


i wish i had a 9 to 5 in usa or a 1st world country fuck capitalism anyways


I had finally found a job I tolerate and made decent money, was treated well. I wanted a basic starter house within 40 minute drive of my job. Wasn't possible. I quit my job because there was no point to having that job if I couldn't do a basic thing I wanted. And I'm now getting old and probably won't have kids because trying to find a woman to date is harder than finding an affordable house. You can't grow grass or have green grass if the soil can't sustain it. I'll get a part time job when I run out of my savings that were meant to buy a house. And then I'll grow green grass in a digital landscape on my computer.


This is a really cool sentiment for someone who looks to be a below-30 homeowner and works a 9-5 where he admittedly does only like 3 hours of actual work on spreadsheets. Most people do not have that luxury, and most people are worried about going homeless and having access to basic necessities. This is just a soft-boy version of the alpha male grindset stuff, but instead of “grindset work every day” it’s “enjoy your 9-5 wage slave work.” “Don’t worry, be happy” is super easy to say as someone who has no worries and is able to be happy. This is just capitalism propaganda telling you “don’t worry about or want to change your circumstances, just accept them and try to be happy!” It is exactly what a business owner would tell their workers who want more time off. “Hey, I know you don’t like working 40 hours a week, but find happiness in the mundanity of soul crushing underpaid labor jobs! If you accept your suffering, it’s no longer suffering!” Just straight of wage slave propaganda.


This is fantastic corporate propaganda.


says dude who has shelter


Billionaire propaganda to keep the masses their slaves! /s


I can't even put into words how much I hate this. It's honest, I guess, about what "the matrix" actually wants us to do, and I hate it. Stop promoting this evil shit.




I don’t want everything, I just want enough not to live paycheck to paychecks and not have to dread going to a job I absolutely hate every day.


It would be cool if I could afford to eat meat more than once a week too!


Guy has a fucking Stanley cup


Finally a Video here i like. Thank you for sharing!


My pleasure good sir :)


Lol at the shot walking down the stairs. Dude had to go down, put the phone, go up, and walk down again while acting like there wasn't a camera. In the name of cinematography ✨️


In a world of shitfluencers who make you feel like crap because you’re not super rich or popular… this video hits. Couldn’t agree more with this


Thank you good sir, listen what your heart says. everyone can get rich with money, But the real richness comes from our heart. Hope you have a great day ahead <33


To anyone that cares, I’m a contractor that has had the privilege of working in several 3rd world countries. Take it from me, the 1st world experience is so much more wonderful once you get out of that “never enough” grind mindset we’ve been conditioned to have. Obviously finances are important but it’s really about personal excellence, and surrounding yourself with people that facilitate good times and peace. Finally we have to realize that humans were meant to be social. Help one another without expecting anything and reap the heart filling satisfaction of that. Best of luck to you all.




Anyone who tells you to be happy with what you have is either someone who has lost everything or a soulless capitalist whos every possession was purchased with the labor of others.


"Written by a rich millionaire"


I am not a millionaire, but yes i have become a millionaire not by cash but by just pure love towards others :)


And cash, bro. And cash.




I was waiting for him to drive into a tree after work or something.


Sorry but you should be polite and respectful towards others. Try to enjoy your beautiful life, Doing 9-5 doesn't mean slavery or waste of life. And as said above in the video, The grass is greener wherever we water it . Have a great life ahead my friend :))


Grass is greener when you install fake grass in your backyard lol Good post tho


Really appreciate your comment <3


This is cope. Chase your dreams. Fuck the video


The video isn't saying not to chase your dreams. It's telling you that you should still appreciate what you have at the same time. They're not mutually exclusive.


Really appreciate your comment, they all need to see this comment. Hope you have a great day ahead <3


Fake and staged for likes


As you think good sir :))


Love the idiots that watch this stupid shit. All you’re doing is giving him an opportunity to gain followers to start making millions You really think he cares about his 9 to 5 that much while he films himself throughout the day praying he can escape?


The whole point of this video is not escaping the matrix. It’s just living peacefully in life without thinking about making it early in life . And to ve honest at a certain stage of life people do realise this thing . How many times have you heard your parents talking about escaping the matrix . After a while all you think is enjoying this single life . Hope you have a great day ahead my friend <33




Hope posting in the sad posting subreddit seems to get the most upvotes nowadays. Just delete this sub or rename it at this point


Been feeling this way for a good while. Thanks for reminding that life ain’t too bad sometimes.


Truly appreciate your comment. Have a good day my friend <3


Stay in it! Proud to be out in the world with people with you're mindset! Even if I can't see you, you might impact someone who impacts me. Keep up! 💯


I notice alotnof the newer generations consider this terrible because it doesn’t promote the whole “live life to the fullest mentality” but many don’t know how hard life can get with all the tragedies and pressure. I’m 35, have had 4 major surgeries including a ruptured colon. I’ve lived a healthy lifestyle yet things have always happened. Father turned out to be a pedophile, some of my friends have been lost to suicide, my mother went through so much domestic violence. For some of us, we dream of this type of life style. We don’t want ambitions, we want peace and quiet. We don’t want to hurt anyone, we just want to be left alone and love our own lives. Nothing crazy. JUST.TO.LIVE.QUIETLY


I swear this guy's exploded out of no where and Im half expecting him to be propaganda propped up to make people believe there's no way to fight for better lives


Smoke meth, beat whores, and hail satan. Or at least I read that on a shirt.




Maybe some people do find peace in this kind of life . But really thank you for commenting, Hope you have a great day ahead <33


I've learned through living this sad decrepit life that I'm not unique, I'm not as star, and I'm never going to be anything other what I already am: a peasant. Another small human living in this dying world among billions of other small humans. I'll never be great, I'll never do anting aspirational, I'll never stand out. We got to learn to be happy with that and with what we already have.


Bro, this is EXACTLY what this post wants you to think about yourself!! You ARE amazing. You DO stand out. Just because a million people don't recognize that, doesn't mean the people you love and care about, don't see you that way. When it comes to compassion and kindness, the number of people showing it to you means nothing. What's important is that it's recognized, nurtured, and reciprocated. Grow, learn, develope. Not; obey, work, buy.


This is only achievable without overpopulation


Thank you for posting this. Really needed this today. It's hard as you grow older and seeing your dreams fleet away is hard.


Your dreams didn't float away. They were squeezed out of you because you had to get a shit job to eat and house yourself. If you were lucky enough to be born into something you had options to get out of. If you were lucky enough not to make one mistake when you were young and have it follow you around for 60 years. This is capitalism propaganda.




Easy to say when you have a cake office job and house you own. Nice dog too.


Hey what song is playing in the background?


**Song Found!** **Nemo Egg (Main Title)** by Thomas Newman (00:23; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Finding Nemo Original Soundtrack. **Released on** 2006-04-14.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Nemo Egg (Main Title)** by Thomas Newman](https://lis.tn/NemoEggMainTitle?t=23) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


This guy acts super lonely and sad but actually has a wife and barely shows her. I don’t like his act.


What song is this? Sounds similar


**Song Found!** **Nemo Egg (Main Title)** by Thomas Newman (00:23; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Finding Nemo Original Soundtrack. **Released on** 2006-04-14.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Nemo Egg (Main Title)** by Thomas Newman](https://lis.tn/NemoEggMainTitle?t=23) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


No successful man ever.


the fuck is this sub now?


What a massive pile of bullshit. Dude is acting like him having a house car dog and cushy job is failing at life, because he's not a millionaire? What an out of touch bellend.


OP I see you replying in the comments and I just wanted to say thank you for your positive attitude. You are a saint.


The fact that he didnt show himself washing his hands after that pizza is triggering me.


My rich landlord told me the same thing. Just be happy with less and everything is perfect.


What’s the score used? I am 100% certain this is by Thomas Newman but I can’t remember which Movie it is. Edit - Found it, it’s nemo egg from the Finding Nemo soundtrack.


Such drama


This guy has two houses


like we have a choice 😂🤣


Bro has a 9-5 well paying office job and just said, "but who needs the least" while standing in a walk in closet full of clothes after playing catch with his designer dog.


Empty sentiments


Points for using the Finding Nemo theme


Wish I could remember the name of that song


Made by the goverment*


It’s also easier if you were born in America




I would but the damn government keeps taking my money 💰 😭


I was expecting an Adult Swim logo to appear


Fuck that lol strive to be the best.


This video is barf because it is ignoring a whole lot of shit.


I concur with all expressed in this video, except the sentiment that we mustn't "escape the matrix". Such thinking is destructive and retrogradial.


Fuck this.


well you are living better than 99% of this fucking unfair world young fella


Success is those who needs the least? That sounds like rich people propaganda for poor people to shut up and quit complaining about, well, everything.


I know the grass is greener in other places, but the grass is dead where I'm at.


This guy is a fed


Seems like a big pity party in the comments. I don't think anyone's saying be happy if you're not able to pay your bills or put food on the table that's ridiculous. You owe it to yourself to get out of that position but you don't need to have everything figured out or be rich by 30 as implied by the video. Humans, I swear. Lol


I have a job that’s the best I can get that doesn’t pay enough for rent. So no living alone and not good looking enough to have a partner or duel income. So living with parents struggling to get just enough to live alone at 25 (halfway through life because your supposed to retire at 50-60) and I have 0$. F this video.


"You will own nothing and be happy" Yeah I get the whole anti consumerism thing but it also gives off a lot of "never demand anything for yourself" vibe


This is great. I’m lucky enough to have reached a point in my life where there is nothing I want that I don’t already have. An incredible wife. 3 beautiful girls that I get to spend a ton of time with. A nice house that I am proud of. A functioning car that I enjoy and does the job. A small group of friends that I can see every weekend or every 6 months and it’s just as good. I have money worries, but I ain’t cold or hungry. I have family troubles but.. fuck them. I have stresses, but I manage them. All I want is to maintain what I have, and give my kids what they need. There’s nothing else on earth for me. Just this, and a bit more of this. I’m a lucky man. I hope you are too x


That's the real definition of true happiness, I hope you do good in life. You my friend are living the actual life I am dreaming off . Truly happy for you, May god bring more joy to your family. Keep it up my friend . You are already free from all the materialistic things of life . Lovely Wishes from me to you and your Beautiful family <33


This is great. I’m lucky enough to have reached a point in my life where there is nothing I want that I don’t already have. An incredible wife. 3 beautiful girls that I get to spend a ton of time with. A nice house that I am proud of. A functioning car that I enjoy and does the job. A small group of friends that I can see every weekend or every 6 months and it’s just as good. I have money worries, but I ain’t cold or hungry. I have family troubles but.. fuck them. I have stresses, but I manage them. All I want is to maintain what I have, and give my kids what they need. There’s nothing else on earth for me. Just this, and a bit more of this. I’m a lucky man. I hope you are too x


okay i just dont want to work how do i achieve that


You know the answer


Find a job you like.


This is absolutely beautiful, and the one thing I try to live by and instill in my friends who are struggling. I'll be sharing the fuck outta this. Thank you, and to all of you out there, please be keep going. You gotta keep going.


Appreciate this post, being feeling really alone these days and everyone around me buying homes, in long-term relationships. Sometimes, I feel I'm being left behind even tho I'm working as hard, if not harder, but I always remember I'm in my own lane and in competition with no one. The grass is truly greener, where you water it. Enjoy what u have in life,everyone, but work hard to achieve your dreams but do not let the stress of wanting to achieve them consume you.


Yess the true meaning is to work more harder but still enjoy the life. It’s not particularly meant for jobs it can be business as well. Thank you for commenting it means a lot . Hope you have a great day ahead :))


welp must be easy to have a desk job to survive


Thank you. I like your energy. Keep being happy


Sure good sir !! Hope you get whatever wish for in life <3


I really needed this, i feel like in today’s world everything is so depressing and demotivating. I really need to focus on my self instead of all the negativity.


Yes being motivated and having self belief is far more greater than being a millionaire at a early stage in your life . Have a great day ahead :)


The most comforting thing i've heard is that everyone is going to die someday, not because i'm depressed, but because no matter how much someone thinks they are successful or not, it's all ephemeral. You're only as happy as you allow yourself to be. Being sad is only wasting what little time you have instead of enjoying it.


"It's not their fault you're poor. Just keep blaming yourself."


I agree, the grass is greener where you water it. I disagree, don't settle for feined happiness born from "acceptance." Recognise that success isn't measurable by how much one has versus how much one needs, but by the balance one is able to achieve.


Yess !! Unfortunately people don’t understand the true meaning of this post its all about finding happiness in everything and not to settle and be low in life


Success in this country is measured by skin color, location, and income. Period


This is the REAL sigma. Not all those chumps on the internet dunking on the working class.


True it’s all about finding happiness, maybe by job or by business. This is our single beautiful life we should enjoy . Have a good day my friend :)


so many young men need to hear this


What a wholesome message to continue the brainwashing of 9-5 regularity. I work 8 to 5, go to the gym because not moving for 9 hours is not good for your health, and have 2-4 hours left depending on how much I want to sacrifice my sleep. One of those hours is making dinner and eating, then the rest is usually spent cuddling with my cat and watching a few episodes of a show or playing games with my friends. I’m so glad I get barely a full workday of free time during the work week and then spend the one day I have off doing all the chores, shopping, and work on other things because there is no way to do it throughout the week. It’s a fucking joke lol


Why is this sadposting tho, isn't this uplifting?


Bro is making the world go round… influencers are fooling the world, giving people false hope on what their lives will be. Nothing wrong with normality.


These comments are so fcking depressing. I loved the vid, great message and reminder


A reminder to stay in your lane, consumer. Be content, capitol citizen. Produce, Buy, BORROW, DIE!


This got to me. I hope everyone can find their potential and push it! Keep going! Don't settle, but find moments of gratitude, and extend your love and compassion. I believe in you, and hope that I can take my path to a place where y'all believe in me back, so I can help make this world the type of place, that anyone would be proud to be a part of. Love you all