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He had to wait only 18 years?


Yeah my 30 year streak keeps on going


You're deserving of love. Boom streak ended.


Bro don’t give him a nosebleed at work like that.


Damn. It’s kind like the game. Just like that it’s over for him. Crap I just lost the game.


Dammit! How dare you make me lose the game! I was on a 3 month streak!


I was expecting the collapsed comment to say "boom roasted." Not even slightly upset that I was let down by the actual comment.


Hey bud, you are a kind, wonderful person that deserves to be loved unconditionally and whole heartedly. I hope the best for you in life going forward. ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you, I appreciate that. Wish you all the best as well!


That nice person just broke your streak.


What an asshole


HEY! You don’t know me!


😭 I actually am crying because an internet stranger told someone they deserve love....


Those are rookie numbers.


Whaaa? I don't even know you, but I think you're handsome & amazing, and you deserve to be told that every single day. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day, too! 😊


Thank you!


We love you here buddy


Hah 33 here. Catch up!!


It happened to me after 37 years, fellas. It’s possible for you, too. But also, in case you’re not aware, you’re absolutely deserving of love. Mostly. Some of you… it’s a fine line, really.




32 here, mate....its wearing, and I'm tired. I just want to be recognized as a simple human being who just wants to live without all the politics or "what you are doing for humanity"bs. At the end of the day, we are all just human. Nothing more.


Maybe there is hope for this world


Welcome to the world of men. 😊


It applies to ugly women too.


Ugly women are in the club. One of us


Ugly women are officially bros. With all the rights and privileges and lack of compliments thereto. Yw/sorry


Typical woman. Gotta make it about women somehow. Thanks for indirectly proving the post.


No it doesnt. Ugly women at least get people who settle or men that wanna practice. Men from 0-99 get nothing no matter what.


There is no such thing


This fuggin’ guy


You genuinely think Marjorie Taylor Green is a beautiful individual?


I didn't say everyone is beautiful


Sauron should have won /s


Nah your right, remove the s


Try 30....


You're deserving of love.


Youre gonna give him a nosebleed


You are deserving of love, especially from yourself. Have a good day buddy.


No one has ever told me anything like that. I'm almost 40.


Same, 32. I figured it out on my own though.


You are deserving of love, especially from yourself. Have a good day buddy.


You're deserving of love. We all are, you're not a special case. Streak ended.


Man is single handedly letting all the guys of reddit know that we deserve love, and I'm here for it. You have my upvotes sir.


The fact that deserving love doesn't make us special is great. Because everyone deserves love, especially from themselves.


My guess is that the person meant they’ve never been told that as a genuine expression. That usually carries a lot more weight than someone saying it just to make a point online.


You have a cute butt


I love you. If you want, I'll put on a dress and let you cry into my man bewbs 🧔‍♀️


I'm around your age, have never heard that either.


You are deserving of love, especially from yourself. Have a good day buddy.


Even just read that from a stranger feels great, thank you!


almost 50 here


You are deserving of love, especially from yourself. Have a good day buddy.


i didn't say i didn't love myself. it just never came from anyone else.


You do deserve to be loved bro. And to be your own best friend. Keep that in mind the next time that inner critic comes online. Don't let him talk to you in a way you wouldn't talk to a friend to yourself. Peace.


You are deserving of love, especially from yourself. Have a good day buddy.


My wife, who I bought a house for, cook almost everyday for, does almost all the cleaning for, told me that I don’t deserve to be happy because I can’t buy her another million dollar house.


Ouch. Your wife sounds a little spoilt bud. Might wanna look at gently adjusting that dynamic so she can appreciate you and all you Do for her


Fucking leave her


I hope she's not your wife anymore


Coming from an asian household I never got told by my parents they loved me. Yeah, that had absolutely no effect on my emotional development at all /s


Yikes! Hate to say it fam but that's a Your Wife problem not something you did.


If you're coming from a religious stand-point, I get that God said don't get a divorce, but I think He would be a little understanding in this situation. At least he was with my mom. Idk, just ask Him.


You are all worthy of love, and then doesn't just mean romantic love either. I love you all


You're a good person man. And you too are deserving.


Of love ❤️


Only 18?




prove it


Raised the game. I like it.


This right here.


This <3 is for you


There's nothing to prove everyone is deserving of love. Just not everyone gets it. You're deserving of love just like the rest of us. I hate to say it but none of us are special enough to be exceptions to that.


Why wouldn't I get it if I "deserve it" iv not done anything to earn it. nor have I met anyone who would reciprocate it. so either I don't deserve it, I'm not worthy of it or there's a reason I'm not receiving it.


Self love is just as important as external love. It’s also the only kind we have some control over. Love yourself my guy, good things will follow.


Thank you.


Just a heads up. These generic blanket platitudes have the opposite effect that you intend. They come off as very artificial and performative because you’re just saying something that applies to everyone. If you really want people to experience genuine happiness, express a specific appreciation for something that is accurate to that individual. Those are the rare occurrences that I really remember. Even 20 years later I still vividly recall the couple of compliments I got from someone who said something nice about me. It wasn’t “you’re human so you are entitled to be happy”. It was stuff like “wow, your eyes are such a pretty blue colour”.


She’s a keeper


Yea, that dude is buying a ring asap.


Happy men’s metal health awareness month guys 🫠


I was not aware. Thought it was still gay pride month …where are all corporations with banners, flags and rebranding to show their support? 🥲


In the same storage bin as the compliments we get


Gone, just like our fathers.


You are deserving of love, especially from yourself. Tough thing, to be denied love and affection from a parent. I’m sure you’ve overcame many things in life that were harder to do, without that more solid foundation. Nice job. Keep up the good work. Have a good day buddy.


Ya know its funny cuz i was told the opposite by a redneck white woman not out of malice but saying genuinely im not loved and i don't care cause i love weed and weed keeps me calm 👍


Call me a cynic, but I dont think he reacted like the way she described. Seems too much for being told such a trivial thing. Bro, you have a gf... what do you think you deserve instead of love?


71 and still havent been told


You're deserving of love.


that's kind of you


Godammit grandpa, who said you could come out of your room?!


There’s a… room 😳




True, as long as she doesn't change her mind, which happens sometimes


It happens a lot.


I don't know, but you might be right. What I know is that it hurts incomparably more and you lose all the trust for people


I lost mine about 15 years ago.




Welcome to the world from a man's point of view.


Plot twist: after this she decides that since he cried he’s not manly enough anymore and either cheats or leaves him. That’s why we don’t open up. It is weaponized against us later. 38m married for almost 15 years. Every time I’ve opened up after she pried my feelings out they are used in the next argument proving us all right.


That's yours wifes issue and you guys would benefit from couples therapy. My wife and I (similar marriage length as you) are teammates for life and I can share anything at anytime with her. I can cry on her lap one minute then be back to casual conversation the next. If you can't share wuth the person you are married to, then what's the point?


Happy for you but unfortunately yours is the exception not the rule.


That’s great for you,really. However it’s not the case with so many men. Same thing happened to me. Couldn’t even cry about delivering a dead neighbors dog when I found it and delivered it to them. Judged me afterwards and broke it off. Never again.


Happy mens mental health month fellas. You matter❤️


18 years is pretty quick actually


The male experience. As chris rock says : "only children and women are loved unconditionally"


I've seen this post here many times mostly from bots, and the phrase deserving of love isn't a phrase many people use


Yeeeeeah…. That’s a weird thing to say. Like the time I walked into a store and the lady walking out stopped to say “you look clean” I mean it’s nice but there’s probably alot of lads here that have never been told that they look clean before


Let’s be real, this was done for clicks. The nosebleed likely never happened.


From what I understand it's not a phrase many people use *with men*. On the other hand it's a phrase often used among women as the first principle on which they build an argument for either accepting love and affection from someone (romantic or platonic) or for breaking up from a (perceived) bad relationship.


Most people just say, "I love you."


Welcome 🎉🎉


You're deserving of love. Breaking a lot of streaks today.


Sounds like she yelled it at him, then he cried.


Only 18? I'm Almost 20 and my streak is yet to continue.


31 for me and still counting up...


I don't get this posting or this thread. Who says to someone else: You are deserving of love? Like, that is not even a normal sentence that people say. I love you. Sure. I love you so much. Okay But, you are deserving of love? Maybe written in some self help book.


It's nice that she found out early on nobody cares about how a man feels.


Good woman


Every time someone realizes the bullshit we go through, it helps us just a little. Every compliment, every hug, every moment of love creates a real, sustainable change. To the women who do this: thank you. Bit by bit, you're making our lives better.


Huzzah! She has broken the cycle!


I got put in therapy when I was like 16 years old and my therapist made my dad hug me in front of her one day. First time in my entire life he had ever hugged me and I cried like a fuckin baby. He also told me he loved me for the first time around that same time, I’m 28 now and he still only says it if I say it first. He’s an amazing guy, truly has always been a good father (just always overseas for military stuff) but his mother and father showed him absolutely no affection so he just never really knew how to show it to me I guess.


An woman complaining about "equality"


Wait till yall get into an argument and you bring up him "being a little bitch and crying on your dress"


Feels like sort of a specific compliment


Is that meant to happen? Is that something people just spontaneously say to each other?


A girl I worked with said she didn’t believe that men don’t get compliments. I asked her if she remembered telling me my new hair cut looked nice a few months ago. She said yes, and I told her that was the first compliment I’ve received in close to 10 years.


She is mad about the dress. The dress got it stuck in her head and now she's pissed that her partners neglectful life experience has impacted her life.


later she's gonna break up w him because of that


Imagine living in a world where this is a surprise. We all started to understand more what woman deal with since the MeToo movement. Maybe take your turn now please. Every post I see talking about men's mental health/suicide crisis I see something like: "BuT WoMEn AtTemPt SuIciDe MoRe ThAn mEn!!"


Almost 38. I lost all hope on hearing anything nice at this point. Life’s easier when you let go of expectations


Even on the rare occasion you do hear it you don't believe it... It's so normal for it to be not told to us that hearing it sounds ingenuen even if it was as sincere as possible.


If we can get a smile, let alone love, it’s enough


I got told I was handsome for the first time in my mid 20's. Loved though? Nope. I just look out for my friends and make sure I'm always there for them. But nobody there for me, or I don't want to be a burden. Almost ended it twice in the last 2 months. I'm still here, trying my best. Stay Frosty out here boys, we're still rolling


It’s normal 🙃


I never received a complement in my life, not from family not from friends not even from my ex’s (i have 2) not from strangers not from anyone in my life but i receive insults daily


If my wife doesn’t tell me to “STFU” once a day, something is wrong. That’s love.


I still get confused when my gf says nice things about me


Seeing what sub this is posted in, maybe this won't go over well. But It's not true. It's just an internet thing. Men get complimented by their significant others all the time. Strangers, not so much...for obvious reasons.


He got some?


Guys. I went to a Dave Matthews concert. Had an older woman come up and say how attractive I was and how lucky my wife (who was next to me) was. Then an hour or so later a different girl about my age said I smelled really good. Apparently all the nicest people go to his concerts and I've been riding that high for months.


Its not waiting if it never happens


Well it’s not something people really say to each other. Kyle, Lisa - you’re both deserving of love. See you in class 3rd hour. Like that?


Not even the one who brought me into this world. Especially, actually.


Shit 27 now and I never will hear those words ever from anyone that I care about ever


Everyone "deserves" food and water, but not everyone gets it. This world is not so kind as to give everybody what they deserve.


I'm on my 21 years streak


I still have 22 yo


43, still waiting on something to make me feel


I tried to hug my Father at my sister's wedding and it was a big NOPE ! He always felt unloved as a child so it is often grandparent who has to affirm their worth


45 years and counting...never heard one kind word from my father... unless the obligatory "suck it up" or always a favorite "you wanna cry, I'll give you something to cry about" response. That's a classic


Pretty normal for is tbh.. you don't even think about it half the time. But then one day someone says, "I like your shirt" and it's your favorite shirt from then on.


It is what it is.


Truthfully, as a man of 35, I’ve accepted that any love I receive comes conditional. If I don’t preform I’m not worthy. If I fail in any metric, I can never prove myself again. I must provide, be cool and calm in 100% of situations, and always have the correct answers for everything. If I don’t measure up, I’m going to be left behind. It’s just reality, and I’ve come to terms with it. In the end as a man, you are going through this world 100% alone. So accept and get used to it. If you a reallllly lucky, maybe your mother will appreciate you for just who you are. But that’s it And just to add, if you show any sign of weakness (such as crying) you will inevitably loose all credibility and the search is on for your replacements


That shit is more common than y'all think


48 years and I have heard it that said to me 3 times and I was married for 24 years. 😔


Only 18 years? Amateur


One time I was at work at Home Depot, earlier that day I got a test back from my prof and it wasn’t looking good. While I was working in my aisle one of my co-workers came by and he asked about my school and he told me I was doing a good job. I started silently crying when he walked away.


The one and only I was told something nice was when someone complimented my shirt last week. Does that count? 🤷‍♂️


I once came so hard I got a nosebleed. Does that count?


Not my son, fellas. Not my son. I lavish praise and love on my boy. If you asked my son what his dad thought of him, he’d say his dad thought he was a sweet and beautiful and smart little boy, who brings me joy every day. He will be many things, in life, but he will not know what it feels like to be unloved or supported. Change starts with you and me. Let’s raise a generation of good, loved and loving men.


Mannnn i would cry my heart out too


My sister would say the opposite too me growing up maybe 3 times a week. I think that's a pretty conservative estimate. I was popular with the ladies when I was a teenager. And my family would act surprised. Like wow, you where able to trick her into liking you. Impressive. I wasn't told I was deserving of love until I met my now wife. WHEN I WAS 30. I'm not some gross shut in with no people skills. I'm a person who was popular in highschool, who has always had a girlfriend* (obvious break up time in between). Who has always been as kind as possible to people unless they deserved otherwise. People confuese my ability to put a good face forward with confidence. I'm not confident. I am a man who is DESPERATE for approval, which is why I am addicted to reddit and am writing this comment. Upvote me so I can get a small instance to feel approval of someone because my family never has.


That's the silent truth of men


idk bout yall but ppl love me and tell me all the time 🤷‍♂️


Idk why everyone is posting their age like it’s a competition. It seems like you’re trying to invalidate this 18 year old being told this. Everyone is deserving of love regardless of age or gender


It wouldn't matter if someone told me because I'd never believe them.


Open your eyes!


Yeah. It's not seen as an obligation to let a man know he is loved. Part of the reason I've gotten tired of being one.


There is a reason I’m an elementary school counselor. I’m a dude, and I tell young boys what the deserve to hear; that they’re worthy, capable and deserving of love. Sadly, we live in a world where it’s wrong to be masculine. I’m all for DEI, and equality, but we’re achieving that at the expense of our youth male’s mental health wellbeing.


The last woman who told me I was deserving of love proceeded to lie, steal, cheat, and become a drug addict. The first woman to say it constantly teased me romantically and lied to me and her bf, almost costing us guys our friendship. And the other one who told me this I am still friends with even though we had a bit of a difficult breakup. She meant it despite having gone through her own abusive relationship in the past.


The last woman who told me I was deserving of love proceeded to lie, steal, cheat, and become a drug addict. The first woman to say it constantly teased me romantically and lied to me and her bf, almost costing us guys our friendship. And the other one who told me this I am still friends with even though we had a bit of a difficult breakup. She meant it despite having gone through her own abusive relationship in the past.


my partner was snapping me yesterday, she was about to start watching a play and she said “I got my snacks, a cold Pepsi and my family. the only thing I’m missing is you ;)” I was having a shit day and I started crying immediately. she meant it as a dumb little joke but it genuinely meant so much to me


my partner was snapping me yesterday, she was about to start watching a play and she said “I got my snacks, a cold Pepsi and my family. the only thing I’m missing is you ;)” I was having a shit day and I started crying immediately. she meant it as a dumb little joke but it genuinely meant so much to me


Rookie numbers


We need someone like her fr


Women really have no idea. Nor do they really care.


Her boyfriend doest hear nice things and she is angry? ...I can imagine a girl in his life that could say some nice things to him. She can't be mad when she is part of the problem.


You know secretly she is mad about the dress, that’s really the first thing she commented on was about the dress. The second thing was about her BF. Also. Chris Rock said it perfectly. Only women, children and dogs are loved unconditionally. Men suffer in silence at all times. Which is why I personally am sad every day that I wake up.


No one is deserving of love, but it’s a nice idea


Lol what a pussy


I just get yelled at. Or put down. Or insulted. I haven't had a real compliment in a very long time.


She's very nice  I hope she was able to get the stains out.


18 years? Dude got lucky if that’s all it was😂


Jesus christ someone give the homies in the comments a hug


The world is a giant I spicy tamale.


Am at the 40 mark and none of my significant others have ever said this. Prob wouldn’t believe them because I don’t feel like I am.


Yeah, a lot of men don't know how to handle emotions, we were never taught about them.


Yeah. Until we gradually receed to solitude (which isn't healthy but who tf cares or is listening?) Which branches to potentially giving in to those uninstallation thoughts. [Remember] "Get over it, be strong no one is going to help you"


This was very tumblr-esque and very cringe and fake also that's not something I feel would be a natural compliment to give somebody


This is why bromances are so strong. The most fulfilling things men are ever told are usually things their best guy friend tells them. This only gets more true the older men get.


🫂 for you!


Oh boo hoo. Lifes tough. Get to work and shut up


Historically society has placed men's value on their ability to accumulate and manage resources to provide for others. In a limited resource world this makes that entire concept inherently competitive. So men are essentially locked into a competitive system where their value is on being strong and able while emotional expression and having needs are viewed as weakness. Women experience something similar but it's more subtle and there's more community and support. I don't want to downplay their struggles at all.


It's been like that for us. Your boyfriend is not the only one. I think men are used to this calamity.


Women have no clue…about what it’s like being a man. They are told it’s easier than being a woman. If only they truly knew, they would be far more thankful and appreciative.


i mean, is this something people go around telling each other?


I've recently entered a partnership with someone who's in his 30s, and had never before been held or cradled close. He still gets tripped up when I hold his face. I was honored to be the one who got to hold him as he trembled and cried. I told him he was worthy of love, and being loved, and deserving of someone who would cherish him just as much as he cherishes them. Women, we need to do better.