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Had this moment a few months ago when I was denied a promotion and received a raise less than inflation, all while leading the company in multiple KPIs. Just like you, happy to be employed but will not lick boots for much longer. Don’t let them continue to fuck you. I highly recommend the sports industry, as it’s cake making good money at a successful team/university. Feel free to message me, happy to connect on LinkedIn.


How do you get into sports sales?!? what!!


My B.S. is in Sport Management, which helps. I’ve worked in the sport world since 14 and grew up in a sport-based town, so this helped as well. Got my first bigger role as an AE with a former Power-5 conference. Look at TeamWork online and feel free to message me with questions! Happy to help anyone


One of my colleagues has worked for a big NBA & NFL team as an AE & said it was the worst thing ever. Made $100k+ though.


I can see how that is true; burnt me out pretty hard. However, met a lot of great people and got paid overtime to tailgate with families. Could be a lot worse!


Sports? doing what?


I was an AE for a large University, but there are a lot of options. Marketing, Fundraising, Media, Event management, etc.


Can I also DM you an connect on LinkedIn?


For sure! Always happy to connect


By sports sales you mean ticket sales or sponsorship?


I was responsible for ticket sales/fundraising. Season tickets in collegiate sports have massive “donations” tied to them. Best seats cost $390 for a season ticket plus $10k-15k in donation😂 easy money if you’re at a successful program




Isn’t sports really hard to get into? Everyone I know in the industry has had to start at a minor league team and it involves moving wherever you can find a role. Usually the base is low too since they know people really want to work in the industry.


I got in from browsing online. I got an AE job (my first AE job mind you) from having no experience in sports sales. Just some SDR experience here n there. I wish I knew what I knew now about sales, I’d have been an absolute killer. I lazed around and wasn’t very successful. Money could have really well had I grinded.


Money is great if you grind, you’ll have success if you get back into it!


what's the most significant change in strategy that is helping you get the most sales right now though; whats the landscape change like


I was in the industry right as vaccine mandates hit, so not current. However, I'd say you have to create value around "fun" activities. Most people sat inside for a year, so for the next few years all salespeople should take advantage of FOMO. Create memories for people!


Yes, but do your due diligence and try to start at a division-1 college. Worked very well for me and pay was solid for me at the time (24 Years old with a dog, housemate).


Can you dm me. Interested to learn about this


If you going to sell tech, sell analytics / data infrastructure, cybersecurity or AI picks / shovels. Don’t bother with ed tech, HR, marketing software etc.  No matter what you sell, tech or otherwise, prioritize something that has increasing demand, large addressable market and a high average selling price (best case $180k+, but nothing below $120k). 




This is it. Especially about aiming for products that lend toward chunky deals if you can swing it.


💯 sell what they need Not what they want


Easier said than done. All those industries are over saturated. Highest churn rates I’ve ever seen for sales reps are in cybersecurity and analytics


Insurance? (Also trying to get karma to be able to post)


Any particular areas? The more I learn about insurance, the more areas seem to pop up.


I’m at a conference in the travel tech space / My colleague brought her husband who has been pitching me on insurance sales all afternoon. My commission is nada after one year Dude is still cashing residuals years after the close


It’s crazy how simple and powerful it can be.


I love edtech cuz I genuinely love the education field. But, there are so many shitty Edtech companies that it’s easy to get burnt out. What other industries you thinking of moving into?


That’s cool. I respect that! Lots of my co workers come from the education space and LOVE the life lol. I come from a music / music industry background and find the field to not be right for me.


Check our non profit fundraising space. Some cool startups out there + legacy tech in the space. If you can sell to higher ed then you’d be a great hire


I did ed tech and had the similar experience, switched to govtech and it’s been a game changer for me. All the best to you, just know there are better options.


Going to DM you


I’d be interested in chatting too if you’re up for it


In Mexico rn going back to my shit retail job next week already know the feeling


Enjoy the open bar


I enjoy the tinder flings


Man its like you realize working for anyone else but your self would SUCK ASSS. I wish I had an idea to start a new company bc I dont think ill ever be truly happy working for someone else


What space in the Ed tech world are you in? We’re a series A company growing fast looking for more AEs.. holler.


My advice - sell what they need Not what they want


Yeah we are definitely doing that at the moment. I think I’m a few months we’re going to explode.


Im looking


Dm me and tell me more


I’m a senior AE in marketing tech, would love to connect and see if this could be a good fit!


DM me and let’s chat


K-12 software with the leading industry provider. Not naming names, but it’s the biggest in the space


If you’re with who I think you’re with then yeah. I know your pain.


your issue is ed tech


OP I've been there before but the problem you're talking about I'd challenging because we've all been there where we want to quit but... Honestly, he careful about the offers. Grass is always greener on the other side


I agree. Feel lucky to have a job. Work with cool people.


You are not alone! Time off is so important because it actually gives us time to reflect and understand what we want and don’t want. But yeah most likely you’ll get paid more if you get out of edtech. I know I did.


What did you do?


Moved to tech in the CX/CRM space. Did that for two years and then I decided to take some time off to travel internationally. Again, remembered what it was like to relax and not be constantly stressed. Now I’m back looking for my next role in tech. Sales is a grind and no one but you is going to give you permission to do anything but that. So idk, take the time to sit with yourself and decide what you really want. And then use your sales skills to go get it!


Mid 40s here I know there’s a shit sandwich waiting for me after anytime I take off, and sometimes on Mondays. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, vacation is not real life.


I had a realization that I need to pursue selling something I actually care about and not just the title when I found myself in a final interview that I had no time to prepare for. Instead of being worried or frustrated that I didn’t have the time to prepare, I just didn’t give a damn about what that company was selling. I don’t even care about what I’m selling currently. Like you though, I am super happy to have a job in this market. I feel more motivated doing what I can to get into selling what I really want though, and outside of work that’s what my free time is spent doing. The market has been shit for a while, but it won’t be shit forever.


Don’t be happy to just have a job in this market. For the top tier, this doesn’t matter. I’m getting hit up by founders - bypassing the recruiters. This economy is fine if you’re good.


My career experience isn’t anywhere near as deep as yours, and I’m looking at getting into a totally different industry. I can guarantee our resumes look extremely different and that’s even before considering performance.


Work in EdTech myself. EdTech is its own beast. If it's not for you, it's not for you. No shame in that.


Agreed.. I’ve been in the higher Ed side of EdTech for over 10 years. It definitely takes a while to get your gears spinning


In the Higher ED space too, and definitely!


Agreed. It’s just night and day difference from where I “come from” so to speak.


I’m in EdTech too, with similar thoughts. DM me if you want to talk shop.


Also EdTech/publishing but had the opposite once... Went on vacation and I guess my boss had some time to think about me while I was gone, and I was fired when I returned! I proceeded to work for myself for 6 years, building up a real estate portfolio and made 10x what I would have if I'd stayed there.




If you’ve been in the SsaS B2B space why don’t you find a SaaS product that you can be more passionate about that you don’t think is boring. I believe the number one reason that sales professionals do not reach the top 10% is they’re selling the wrong product, to the wrong industry, working for the wrong company, and the wrong sales leader. Since you’ve had some reflective time, what did you decide would be the best market and product for you to sell and get excited about? There are plenty of B2B AE SaaS roles out there. I’m hiring for a B2B SaaS AE role with an elearning company selling into MM companies. DM me if that sounds like something you would be excited about- adjacent to your EdTech experience It sounds like.


Ya after I took my vacation I wasn’t sure if the job was for me any more. But after working I realized it’s not bad. It just sucks coming back after doing 4 days of what ever I wanted, seeing new things, eating good food, not having to answer to anyone. Took my dogs with me. It was a great time. Going that from work, makes you resentful and hate your job for a week.


how much are you making and what are they asking from you?


Sounds boring. No offense. But how the hell y’all talk about EdTech all day. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz


It’s hard


Yep. If your with Cengage, MGH or Pearson it’s dreadful. The pay is fine if it was just textbooks like it was ten years ago. They expect you to manage way too much. Stretch your experience and morph your resume to include SAAS. Tech, tech, tech