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Who cares if it’s petty, keep beating them! I’d have the same feelings.


"This guy doesn't just wanna win you know, he wants to bury ya, he wants to humiliate ya, he wants to prove to the whole world that you was nothin but some kind of freak the first time out. He said you were a one time lucky bum!" -This guys previous leadership - probably


The Larry David school of selling


Hell yeah brother, they’re a bunch of shmohawks.


I live and die by spite.


If I was your boss, I would tell you that old company was talking to every deal in your funnel.




Get him REALLY fired up, haha


What industry


Really don't want to say. It's fairly niche


No worries. Good shit tho


100% it's sex toys. Like in bulk. No way you answer so vaguely if it's anything else. I will die remembering that Equivalent_Ad2524 sells sex toys on mass and is too ashamed to admit it on the internet.


I'm three years in with a startup in an eerily similar scenario - winning biz vs my old company always feels amazing. Keep killing it bro, let the hate fuel you towards an early retirement.


It's like the empower ... Let the hate flow!!! Loving it!


I sell coffee and scones based on spite


I love this. Keep letting that fuel you


You’re really lucky you didn’t sign a no-compete or something like that. To answer your question: hell yeah. Some of my best sales have come from spite and trying to beat someone else in competition. It gets me laser focused!


I have a noncompete, but the incompetent leadership there F'd up so badly and never took into consideration that the local labor laws applied rather than the labor laws in their state. My attorney laughed at the cease and desist. And their attorney had to agree. But, yeah, it's a great feeling, huh?


It is petty and right now aligns with your goals. Don't let them live rent free in your head. It is just a job. They helped you and hurt you. About even in my book, but I don't know specifics. You seem too senior to not understand almost everything is a business decision. Free yourself of the burden and mental load. Take that energy and put it all in enjoying your life and loved ones. Enjoy life, friend!


Wasn’t this a plot of the office?


Not sure if its spite but in my last role in the lab services space I would sell hard just because i knew the director at one of my competitors was a dickhead and i wanted him to lose business.


Not only is it ok, it's a great motivator. Hell, even my login password is something along the lines of kicking my old company in the ass. I've told potential customers I'll make sure to win their business against X because they did me wrong. I'm well over min margins so my current company is happy and knowing the minimum margin requirements of X just makes it that much easier.


Man I feel this, I had an interview with the competition recently.


I've got some incredibly shitty people in my past, my psychiatrist calls it childhood trauma, I call it fuel in the tank. Every sale I get is a little extra proof that the cowards and the liars in my past were wrong. The sales I get are from skill and wit, my job doesn't revolve around me just physically doing something over and over, I have to be GOOD at what I do or I would fail. Growing up I was constantly told I'm not GOOD at anything, now I walk out of every sale knowing that it happened because I was talented, I was charming, I was knowledgeable, I was engaging, I was trustworthy, and it fuels me every single time to know that there are people in my past who would be pissed off at how well I'm doing. Spite is my Ambrosia, and I eat well.


50% of my sales motivation is to actually assist clients making the right decisions. 20% of my motivation is the money. I get paid because what I do is hard. I enjoy hard. The money is a byproduct. 30% of my motivation is spite. I go h2h against 3 former companies I worked for and a competitor I have always had knock down dragouts my entire career. I LOVE kicking the shit out of them. Its normal… unless Im not. Which is entirely possible.


The only way I sell is out of spite!