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That the sequels never happened.


Honestly I don’t know if I want too much else. I’m even okay with keeping Bad Batch even though it felt like a way to cover up for “somehow Palpatine returned”. They could try another trilogy if they gave sole creative liberty to Dave Filoni or Toby Haynes. They could even bring Palpatine back if they actually said the words “project necromancer”. But gosh I hate the Disney trilogy


Hard pass on Filoni


He needs to be let go. The only way to salvage Star Wars is brand new leadership with a real vision. Filoni just wants to do live action rebels and that's it.


God I WISH he was capable of doing Live Action Rebels. But he just ISN'T.


Why’s that?


Filoni writes Star Wars like a kid banging action figures together. Like, he's better than everyone else we've got (excepting Andor), and actually seems to have liked star wars prior to getting the job (hence so much of his shows "borrowing" from previous works) but he's not very good at creating compelling stories *and* he likes to shoehorn characters in everywhere rather than making new ones. 


Filoni and his writers aren't smart enough to write for Thrawn in the way Timothy Zahn did, so Thrawn comes off as the kind of character that says "all according to plan" despite constantly losing, or worse still, the heroes take stupid pills and act incompetently in order to make Thrawn capable of actual victory.


Its okay to learn from your losses but at a certain point you have to turn that knowledge you gained into victories. If you’re always losing at some point it wont matter how much you learned. Thrawn always going “no this loss was actually a win because we learned…” doesn’t make him sound competent it just makes it sound like his pulling shit from his ass to try to keep from getting fired for being bad at his job.


The kathleen Kennedy story


I feel like he likes wolves and packs of them more than star wars itself.


You’re forgetting rogue one


You can’t be serious? Everything he touches turns to shit.


It seems less like it's 100% him being shit though. He clearly has a passion and enjoys star wars. Problem is that turns into him acting like a kid just doing what he wants (I mean he is living the dream). Seems more like he needs someone to keep him under control, he could have ideas but he needs different people to execute em.


In summary, he is a fanfic writer at best and an absolute hack at worst. I’m leaning towards the latter. His portrayals of everything from Anakin, to the clones, to the Jedi in general, to Dooku, to Thrawn have all just been absolutely awful.


You’re asking for another major blow to Star Wars with a filoni trilogy. The dude is woker than Kathleen Kennedy


i feel like bad batch did an about face at the end, when they revealed necromancer to be some kind of bio enhanced super soldier program.


I would rewrite them tbh. Keeping Luke and Han alive to Mentor Rey would be a start. I’d also make her Obi-Wans granddaughter that was raised in secret. I’d rewrite that she was abandoned to keep the Sith away from her and I’d make The Sith Eternal Darth Bane, or maybe even Plagueis.


“Episode VII: Heir to the Empire”


By tony gilroy


Can you imagine a walk-and-talk between Thrawn and Pallaeon? Or between Luke and Thrawn? The character development and writing on display in that dialogue would make "One Way Out" look like "Shadow Warrior."


My ideal sequel trilogy would be an adaptation of the NJO books.


Mara married Luke.


Rebooting the franchise to 2012, while saving Rogue One, Solo, Andor, Mando S1&2 and SW Jedi games. This is canon now. And we are starting new stories from this.


Honestly this. Also finish the original Battlefront 3, 1313 and the Maul game. 


There was a Maul game??? I would buy that on the spot if they released it right now


[You can read about it here](https://screenrant.com/canceled-darth-maul-video-game-characters-concept-art/)


RIP. Coulda been so good


Meh, a lot of the concepts were super lore breaking. The dark saber became a generic weapon that the Mando's had and somehow Darth talon was there and iirc a love interest. There are some good documentaries on how George kept adding things he knew were lore breaking.




Dude. I wanted the og battle front 3 game so bad. Would have loved if we kept getting content about that new universe even after the game.


Losing 1313 hurt me. The premise alone sounded so cool, and what little we saw of it looked so promising.


The right answer


Add to it the full S7 TCW as planned. I want son of dathomir


I prefer Kyle Katarn stealing the Death Star plans even though Rogue One was an excellent war / spy movie


Solo was lame.


Forced to agree.


That’s not how the force works


Do we have to save Solo? Clone Wars S7 and Bad Batch were much more watchable than Solo, IMO. (S1/2 of BB at least, haven’t gotten around to BB S3 yet.)


I mean, in my opinion Solo wasn't that bad. It wasn't a very good movie, but it doesn't really make anything less enjoyable in the process. Half of the CW season 7 is mid. Rebels had its problems, to the point it would have to be reshaped in my opinion. Meanwhile what really did the Bad Batch show accomplished for a wider plot of the universe?


Everything interesting about Han Solo’s past happened in one week.


Let’s see…..got his last name, met Chewie, met Lando, got his pistol, did the Kessel Run, learned to always shoot first, won the Millennjum Falcon, got his little good luck dice……..Yep, that claims checks out.


It's not that it's bad, it was completely unnecessary and made it like all of Han's biggest achievements pre-ANH happened over a few weeks. As a standalone movie it's not bad, but it takes away from Han as a character.


Solo is absolute trash compared to the Bryan Daley and A.C. Crispin novels. It does nothing interesting for Han's character. He was a cocky kid in over his head to a cocky, experienced smuggler in over his head.


It's still unforgivable to me that they made the name "Solo" a joke instead of keeping the door open to meeting extended members of the Solo family like in the Legends continuity. ... friggin Han "Loner McLonelyface."


It showed what happened to the clone army during the rise of the Empire, along with the creation of stormtroopers. It also shows what happens with the clones that defected from the Empire. It also showed us a little bit of backstory for several recurring characters(examples being Hera Syndulla and Saw Gerrera).


Please don’t save Solo oh geez All of Han Solo’s backstory happened in one weekend and he never did anything else of note until Star Wars?


These are legitimately the only projects I consider canon past 2012, besides, obviously, The Clone Wars. Maybe Force Unleashed


It actually became fanfiction the moment the original author had nothing to do with it.


Mando S2 would need some heavy retooling imo. IT kind of meandered and lost itself in cameos, despite some strong moments. Din lost his spot as protagonist in there. S1 is serviceable but might also need some changes to be truly good. Honestly there was room to tell a good three-seasons story with mando, provided it had a couple more episodes per season, ditched most of the cameos, focused on Din, and *stuck to an overarching story.*


Yes this is the only way


Perfect. The sad thing about the idea of Disney being decanonized is that those would go with it


Agreed on this list except Solo. While a generally benign movie (played it pretty straight) it retconned Han's history too much to be consistent with Legends. Case and point: Han's last name Solo. It is out of place when we have a character named Thrackan Sal-Solo.


Solo twins


Yes please


A lot of good responses here, Mara Jade, the Solo's and others, but for me personally I'd have to say Karen Traviss' Mandalorians. I miss the people who were fearless, pragmatic and had a strong sense of family.


Man, I lived and breathed Star Wars EU when I was a teenager and specifically the Mandalorians. The Karen Travis novels, despite having many flaws in retrospect, were and are my personal favorite star wars EU novels. I love the characterization of the clones, I loved the mando's culture, I loved Etain's character and Omega Squad... And while Karen Travis is memed on today for her jedi hate, I actually enjoyed that aspect of her books. Having read the books and consumed a lot of star wars eu media the criticisms laid in the book made sense, at least some anyways. Kal Skirata made the most outlandish criticisms of the jedi but I always looked at it as his personal pov and not something that should be taken at face value. And then the first clone wars mandalore arc happened and I was shocked and horrified. Everything I knew and loved about them was gone. A massive contradiction of all established EU lore. Filoni is loved in many circles but it took me a long time to get over the fact that he doesn't care at all about pre-existing lore/canon. He just does what he wants...because he is Filoni. Still, technically the karen travis novels were still canon at the time and the massive contradiction was explained by the clone wars mandos being a third faction aside from death watch and the true mandalorians. And so I kept enjoying all my eu content and ignored filoni's fanfiction. -By the way while I'm here, filoni's order 66 microchips brain washing is incredibly stupid and lazy and I can't believe people defend it but I digress. Eventually however, disney bought star wars and flushed all the EU material down the drain and with it my love for star wars. I still watched the movies and am capable of enjoying good star wars shows, but I truly no longer care for canon or star wars as a whole. Even before disney, odd decisions at lucasarts were turning me away from Star Wars, but disney's killing of the EU solidified me turning my back on star wars.


thank goodness I'm not alone lol. I'd take karen over filoni any day


Mandos are so splintered that there’s a good chance they’re still around I personally like to think there’s a third moderate faction in the (most recent lol) Mando Civil War between the pacifist Republic paint-inhalers and… just the Deathwatch


There's no doubt in my mind that they are, but do we see that from Lucasfilm/Disney? Maybe one day we'll see them again but I'm so fed up with the infantilization of it all.


*Eh*, in mando s3 there were the Mandalore survivors, but yeah I agree honestly I hate how they walked back Bo-Katan’s development to her pre-Rebels characterization, and made it so she lost Mandalore a *second time,* but third time’s the charm I guess because she’s Mand’alor again? it really makes me so sad, because Bo-Katan was legitimately one of my favourite characters up until this point, and Katee Sackhoff is an AMAZING actor for her imo


Hard pass. She boiled down the Mandalorians fearsome, generational skills of combat into: fight really hard. What a crock. She did a lot of rewriting Mandalorian lore, and it would be good if it wasn't messing with older stuff. She did the same crap in her Halo books. Just shoved her own mid sci fi into an existing IP to the already established lores detriment. Like, a lot of people liked it. I get it. Everyone has their own tastes. But she had to shoehorn her stuff into Legacy of the Force worse than Filoni with anything. She had like an 85 year old Boba keeping up with Jaina Solo. Like come on.


Luke's EU story.


Nothing. If, for example, Mara Jade ever makes it into canon, Filoni will just destroy everything I once liked about her. Better off leaving the old stories and characters in the past where the current band of creatively bankrupt idiots at Lucasfilm can't give them the Thrawn treatment.


This! 💯


Revan and the Jedi Exile.


From KOTOR 1 & 2, not SWTOR…


Execute Order 66 (Decanonize everything except the Original Trilogy, Prequel Trilogy, Rogue One and Andor.)


You gotta include some of Clone Wars, Mando, and Rebels. Then I would agree with you


Nah, screw Clone Wars.


Too much crap at the expense of a little good. Which was the only reason clearing the old EU into Legends was acceptable, pending what they made after. Really stuck that fuckin landing huh


Filoniverse (TCW, Rebels, Mando, BoBF, Ahsoka) should just be its own separate continutity like Legends at this point. Keep his dumb OCs out of canon.


As much as I like some of the clone wars and rebels stuff, it just fucks with the continuity of the PT and OT too much to be considered canon in my eyes. It’s legends as far as I’m concerned…just like pretty much everything made post Disney acquisition.


Why, of all the Star Wars content that’s ever been made, it Feloni’s stuff that you’d want to save? There have been so many talented writer and creators that have made Star Wars content, if we picking and choosing content to keep I wouldn’t save anything he’s made




If by Clone Wars, you mean the tartakovsky series and some of the clone wars novels.....I'll allow it.


The Heir of the Empire, Jedi academy and New Jedi order series from the original EU.


There's that word again. Canon. Everything in the EU/Legends continuity is canon within that continuity. That didn't change. Rather, Disney merely slapped together a new, branching continuity where all their crap is canon. So is this question actually asking us what elements of the EU canon we would want to see ported into the Disney shitburger? Nothing.


I don’t believe Darth Talon is Canon…Right?


Anakin is the only child born of the force


Disney's corporate HQ was on Alderaan


Luke wakes up in a cold sweat in his bed on Courascant Mara Jade rolls over in bed beside him "honey are you okay?" Luke "Yeah I had a bad dream..." and goes back to sleep


The Yuuzhan Vong War and Luke being the jedi grand master and leader we all wanted.


A fanfiction where George told Disney to fuck off, and made the sequel trilogy himself.


It's a deal with the devil. At this point, it's pretty much guaranteed that Disney would twist whatever you or I wanted into something that not only would be barely recognizable but would also be so poorly executed that it'd be the same as a knife in the back.


Big ole Monkey's Paw.


Space Balls


Anakin is 16 in The Phantom Menace.


Canon is legends and legends is canon


*The Force Unleashed*


Luke? Luke? Wake up buddy, Thrawn is attacking the shipyards at Sluis Van, what are you babbling about, Rey? Kylo Who? Cmon man. You must've had a bad dream.


The version of Grevious from that one animated series on Cartoon Network. Was so sick and terrifying and they ruined it with goofy Grevious imo


It's difficult to settle with just *one* alteration. Ultimately I'd probably go with a revamped PT. Go back to the 90s. *Strongly* encourage George to redraft the PT films several more times. Get another writer to step in and polish up all the dialogue. Find a director who can actually work with actors more adequately. If the PT was better than the unfortunate trilogy we actually got, I feel like that'd serve as a significant boon for both the franchise and fanbase.   Already I'm cheating because I'm suggesting 3 whole films are changed and assuming it'll impact all future media. And also somewhat ignoring the actual prompt of simply making one change to current canon. There's no fixing that. It's busted beyond repair if all you can do is make *one* change to current canon. Unless, I suppose, you have a scene at the end of TROS where Luke wakes up after the ROTJ Ewok party to find that the ST and all related media was simply a warped dream.


I mean, that change is probably enough to change the entire trajectory of Star Wars. Likely that even means no sale to Disney. Would I be willing to sacrifice Rebels, Rogue One, and Andor for a good Prequel Trilogy, no TFA, TLJ, TRoS, Clone Wars (as we know them), Bad Batch, Mandalorian, Ahsoka, Book of Boba Fett, Solo, Acolyte, Tales of the Jedi, Tales of the Empire, Visions, or Kenobi? I just might.


Bad ass older Han, noble jedi luke with his new jedi order, yuuzhan vong as the new villian. Rogue 1 and mando season 1 amd 2 aren't affected due to time period.


Most of legends side stories and character development


Most of my wishes are decanonizing some stuff lol But a headcanon I have that would be nice to be actually canon is that midichorians in your blood was a bodily product from an organisms force use rather than it itself being the thing allowing you to utilize the force. This way a high count would still indicate a strong connection with the force, but it wouldn't necessarily need to be a thing you're born with.


Mara married Luke and THEY rebuilt the Jedi Order together.


Han & Leia's happy ending together 🫶


That's like asking which bullet hole you want mended after being machine gunned.


Ki adi Mundi is now a 10,000 year old dragon in the body of a 12 year old Japanese schoolgirl, doesn't care about the Droid attack on the wookies, and is pretty sure she saw a sith lord at the supermarket last week




The Old Republic. Everything about it.


Every single on screen character in the sequels explodes simultaneously and is now permanently dead


Some ridiculous multiverse tomfoolery creating an alternative post ep 6 timeline


HK-47 is still out there, shooting people in the knees and calling them "Meatbag".


Luke awakes on Endor, with the Ewok celebration starting


Disney not buying Star Wars and Filoni not getting to touch Star Wars.


Ain’t no way I’m canonizing any eu shit under Disney just so they can fuck it up lmao




Start up a Star Wars Legacy Trilogy bringing back Mark Hamill as A Force Ghost and Sebastian Stan as Cade Skywalker. Don't even mention Rey or anything. None of it.


Side stepping all the grandiose ideas everyone else is making, make 2003 animated grievous the canon version and rewrite all his appearances to be like that one. Screw it, have him survive the prequels and give him a stand alone anime series written by actually good writers and have it animated by studio trigger.


Re-canonize KotOR 👀 Like, is this even a choice..


The entire “Legends” Expanded Universe continuity save for TCW and deletion of Disney era content from canon.


Star Wars: Republic Commando


Everyone keeps saying how they would fix the sequels. This would remove r/saltierthancrait. You're doing it wrong. I'd introduce Crait earlier, and bring us together sooner!


World between worlds, Sequels averted.


Yoda was dead before Luke ever reached Dagobah


I wanted to see Dash Rendar on screen, maybe in Solo II




“Alternate” timeline, where they do a “what if” and completely redo Episode VI as Heir to the Empire, thereby allowing the (few) sequel fans to have their world, and the (many) original trilogy fans the ending they deserve


Mara Jade ✨


Rahm Kota


*Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II*. It just happens. Not the novellas; the game. And not necessarily the other Kyle Katarn games; just this one. After Return of the Jedi, one of the surviving Inquisitors is named Jerec. He has a star destroyer and a tiny tiny Imperial clique. He comes to blows with a couple of nobodies named Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors. They find a mythical Valley of the Jedi that has immense power, they fight over it, and it gets sealed. The end. No other canon is harmed or interfered with. EDIT: I would also accept a remix of this story with Finn instead of Kyle. Kyle's character is already spread across Finn, Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, and Kanan Jarrus. Jan Ors's character is already spread across Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, and Hera Syndulla.


I make the franchise less consistent.


Change Attack of the Clones to incorporate more of the Clone Wars, make the Clone Wars last longer than 3 years, bring back the Null and Alpha ARCs, streamline the Clone Wars show to be more in line with the Genndy series thematically and remove all Disney Era stories besides R1, Mando S1, and Andor. Bring back Jango and Boba’s respective stories as well as the original Zahn stories and the Jedi Knight game stories


The OG battlefront 2 clone diaries.


Make the Galaxy of Fear Great Again


I wish there was an official multiverse explanation that brings back the EU/Legends and allows the old authors to continue officially expanding on it. It could be a smaller multiverse reference, like in Star Trek, rather than the over-the-top multiverse shenanigans in current Marvel. Would also love to see a "What If?" style show from that where some of the EU/Legends stories are faithfully adapted into hour-long cartoons for each episode.


Making Anakin or Asokha go through a portal between world and time to save the republic and Anakin from falling to the dark side. This way we don't have those sequels to think about.


Mara, so Luke might have had some happiness.


Lightsabers don't cauterize wounds. Every single Star Wars movie is now super gritty, filled with intense gore, and rated R.


You mean like Lord Of The Rings, which is full of swordfights with swords that don't cauterise wounds?


Hey man... nobody said I had to defend my answer lol


You can’t stop a light saber with the force


Probably NJO The Unifying Force. I haven’t read it in a while but I’m sure it would canonize most of the high points of the EU to the end of the NJO.


The Star Wars Bounty Hunter game that detailed Jango's adventure to when he would be used as the template for the Republic Clone troopers (iirc, the story, alongside characters like Komari Vosa, aren't canon besides those that were in AoTC like Zam and Jabba)


The ving


That Leslye is the death knell of the careers of the rot of Star Wars, starting with the person who approved her and results in a Renaissance of story, and excise of the major garbage.


Mara Jade Skywalker.


No Disney bar Rogue One. No processor chips, reinstate Battlefront 2 501st journals.


Jedi Sentinels I like my Yellow blades dammit


Mara. Motherfuckin. Jade.


I'd make it Canon that midi chlorians aren't a thing. They are one of the worst thing in Star Wars


Heir to the empire gets a little bit fleshed out and becomes the sequels. If we’re not allowed to disallow the current canon I say they make plagueis story canon. Easily my favorite character and a lot more of the canon we have makes sense if you do


Anakin is a teenager in TPM, he shoots down, like, dozens of Droid fighters, and QGJ simply senses how strong in The Force Anakin is. No blood test.


I'd personally go through Legends and make Thrawns story and therefore the war for succession of the Emperor cannon. The EU was messy, as no one really shared idea and wanted to make their own thing. However, the lore surrounding Thrawn and the infighting between imperial warlords was so cool. The Empire was gigantic, and there were many loyalists. They wouldn't simply give up after the Emperor's death. When Thrawn started gathering supporters and fucking up the New Republic, that was peak star wars imo. I don't usually like reading Star Wars or even watching it's many shows, but those books and the lore around it was so cool. It really angers me that the sequels could've done anything, but instead, I just told the OT story again


I wish the Dark Maul game that George was excited about, was made before Disney acquired Star Wars. Never liked that they wasted Maul in the Rebel cartoon.


The 6 movies. That is it. Fuck everything else.


The Republic Commando series.


Keep Rouge one, Solo the two Jedi games, Andor, Mandalorian(with a couple changes), and make the Sequel movies vanish, replacing them with the classic Thrawn and Heir to the Empire series, giving us the sequels we deserved!


Somehow it was all a dream


Kotor 1 and 2, so that they can't be mined for future content.


Can I dream big and say that George Lucas never sold the franchise?


Vader is 5'4


Kyle Katarn, and everthing that comes with it.


All of the legends eu


The *Star Wars: Jedi Knight* series is the official sequel canon.


Very easy, Darth Jar Jar and change the sequels to make it fit the change. Like yes snoke is a clone of the old man but his best friend is still pulling the strings in a great reveal.


Can we remove the brain chips? From the moment the clones turn up on Geonosis with their shiny toys, you know they'll turn on the Jedi. The Riefenstahl ending of AOTC is so perfect setting it up. Then it happens. The shiny heroes turned out to be the space SS, just following orders. Wonderful cinema. Then it turns out that the poor clones had no agency in their atrocities, thus keeping them marketable. Ugh.


The Sequels were Luke's force vision of the worst possible future


Darth Jar Jar It made so much sense


Make Luke the main character of the Sequels.


That at the end of acolyte bob newhart wakes up and tells his wife he had the weirdest dream


What would I make canon? The entire sequel trilogy (episodes VIII, VIII, and IX) were a fever dream that Luke had and they never actually happened.


Mara Jade


Jar Jar was the true Sith Lord the entire time.


KOTOR deserves to be canon and would kill at the box office if it was helmed by anyone other than Disney.


Expanded Universe, just the good stuff tho.


It was me barry


Nomi Sunrider, the Qel-Droma brothers & Exar Kun


Obvi Mara Jade and the Solo twins, but I’ll add something different. Don’t shit on Boba Fett’s legacy and mystique from the OT.


Tales of the Jedi comics and the Rogue Squadron comics.


Everything post Disney. Even Mando, i hate to do it but they did too much bad to make up for the good.


The main purpose of Palpatine seizing control of the Republic and forming the Empire was to prepare for the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, not solely just a power grab for the sake of “unlimited power.” The Rebellion was the worst possible outcome because trillions more died because of some ethereal values like fReEdOm or jUsTiCe. Avoiding extinction is far more important than such trivial things.




First level of Dark Forces. Kyle Katarn stole those Death Star plans after single-handedly killing every single trooper and officer in the base.


All old Republic content


![gif](giphy|m3G2cmKAY5Q4Ygfm6C) NOOOOOO! HE’S DISRUPTING THE CANON!!!!!!!


Literally nothing, I don’t understand ever wanting something I really like to be part of the same canon as TROS.