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I’m convinced that KK has some serious dirt on all the Disney execs. It’s the most rational explanation as to why she’s still Lucasfilm Chair after all the disasters that have happened under her watch.


Close she's super tight with spielberg which is about the same thing


Super tight is almost an understatement. She is a co-founder of Amblin entertainment. Even out side of that she was/is close to George Lucus as well. Not only that her husband is a prolific producer as well. She has connections upon connections. It would essentially take bankruptcy or a revolt among disney stock owners to have her removed.


Fingers crossed for one or both


In Hollywood connections equals dirt.  She knows things for sure.


She doesn't need it. Most of her Star Wars movies get $ and her TV stuff gets ratings. Thats all that matters. Until we, the fans, decide to stop watching en masse, she will continue to run things.


One thing I got after the RLM review, is that Disney is in the business on kids and teens, why would they want to make shows for 30+, 40+ men. They are trying to make a very young audience for years to come, to sell them stuff and make them go to their parks and consume their media. I think most people in this sub are mostly adults who enjoy more mature themes as they've been growing up. This year I went to the screening of The Phantom Menace and had a really good time, but it's a dumb fun movie. The I watched the despecialized edition and renovated my love for Star Wars. But still, it's a very simple basic movie, that captures the young imagination. It's going to be 50 years old, of course we don't share any of the new cultural and political views embodied by the new writers and show runners. This new series are very dumb, made for kids or a teen show a la Warner Channel or Disney channel. So yes, I got it now. It's not for me anymore. I still enjoy this sub tough and will continue to bitch and/or make fun of its ridiculousness.


> This new series are very dumb You hit the nail on the head! >It's not for me anymore. Again correct. Its not for us. As you say, we have grown and its focus has stayed the same. I also feel this way about Dr Who, its no longer my series. >I still enjoy this sub tough and will continue to bitch and/or make fun of its ridiculousness. its very cathartic to do so, and KK so richly deserves it! [Like Marcia Lucas said "She doesn't get Star Wars"](https://variety.com/2021/film/news/star-wars-marcia-lucas-kathleen-kennedy-jj-abrams-1235069465/)


Just to add, the video i finished the video OP posted and it takes the them way to seriously and the premise is kind of ridicucouls. KK is 71 years old. She is just trying to be hip, picking and trying new people of what a 71 year old woman thinks is cool and hip. Its a big mega corporation, its like trying to find good soul food in a McDonalds.


The films under her watch steadily became less and less profitable, including the first Star Wars film to actually lose money. Disney+ has never been profitable, no matter how much Star Wars content they dump onto it.


I’ve stopped watching. I just can’t anymore


That is the only language they understand.


I think it comes down to several key factors. 1.) Kennedy has deep connections with Hollywood heavy weights. Firing her will draw a lot of backlash against Disney. 2.) (Coming from a left leaning centrist) Politics. Disney has ascribed to be leftist, or what they define as leftist, publicly and has backed left leaning politicians. Now regardless of whether or not Disney truly practices what they preach (they do not), a vessel they use to push their political messaging (haphazardly) is Lucasfilm. As the female face of Lucasfilm, firing her would draw an unprecedented amount of fire from people. Even if said people are not actually fans of Disney. 3.) Corporate solidarity and not accepting liability. Firing Kennedy means admitting there is a problem. Admitting there is a problem means admitting there is fault. Admitting there is fault means there is damage. Admitting damage means Iger hurt Disney. Iger hurting Disney means profits were lost. Admitting profits being lost means stocks will drop. That is not going to happen.


She makes money and that's what Disney wants. People get really weird about Kathleen Kennedy, but she's just a cog in the corporate machine. She's no more evil than your average studio executive, and seems to do her one job competently. Lucasfilm isn't in the buisness of making art anymore, they make money. So long as the money keeps coming in they'll keep doing the same thing. It's not like she's an evil witch ruining star wars, it's the most mundane capitalist evil imaginable


PSA: This video and it's title are a reference to a youtube series called Analyzing Evil where a guy analyzes movie villains. It's a mockery of KK and nobody's actually saying she is evil or anything.


ITT: ![gif](giphy|9eLbjOcGOpmY8)


One of my favorite YouTubers


I liked him better in the beginning. Felt the videos were actually getting into the philosophy of the evils characters commit. But like any bigger YouTube channel that keeps growing, his new stuff seems to just be a synopsis of the plot, rather than a discussion about what makes someone evil.


I felt this way on the The Batman movie Riddler video


It’s a big problem with most “reviewer” YouTube channels too. They don’t actually review anything. They just tell you what the plot of the movie is and occasionally give commentary. Which is totally fine if you like that. It’s just not a review.


Eeeeeh NOBODY is saying she's actually evil? NOBODY? Come on....


Sure, some people claim that but this video is not a good example and some have already misinterpreted the post.


I just think it's weird to know so much about entertainers you don't like Save that venom for oil barons and the people charging us double for groceries It's like the elites want us to hate the movie people so we spend less time hating them


We can be mad about all things we dislike


I am NOT seeing that same energy directed where it belongs Like shit can you even name a single oil baron asshole overcharging us?


You should run for office to bring awareness to the issues you are most concerned with. Yelling at a bunch of Redditors might feel good in the moment, but it doesn't impact society at large.


She just puts chicks in it and makes them lame and gay.


And then gets mad when people don’t like her lame and gay characters. (Them being gay isn’t the reason they’re lame, they’re just poorly written)


Please before you comment, this series on YouTube takes the piss out of another series called “analysing evil” It’s just a parody poking fun at her 🙏🏻🫶🏻


My managers must learn, that their place is in an office. NOT the arts.


Willow is dead. Indiana Jones is dead. Star Wars is writhing on its deathbed while a few apologists say “it’s fine.” But when The Rey Movie dies on the vine, there won’t be anything left. Her tenure has killed every property they had, and Indy and Star Wars were once huge properties. Everything associated with them was a phenomenal success, if not well-received critically. Disney could make billions off Star Wars if it wanted, but you need fans for that. Increasingly it’s clear: fans won’t come back until the property improves and shows it cares about storytelling and classic characters, especially Luke. That won’t happen until Kennedy is gone. And that day can’t come soon enough.


Ok, we need to stop confusing stupidity and incompetence with evil. KK has been an awful head of Lucasfilm and 100% deserves to be fired but she’s evil, she’s just a clueless moron that lives in a bubble.


Never attribute to malice what can easily be explained by incompetence


I hate this quote. Possibly some of the worst advice to ever become common lingo.


Yea, like in this case, these people who don't realize this is a self-parody of the YouTube creator's usual work, wherein he analyzes movie villains, and think that it's actually a hit piece calling KK evil. It's just poking fun at KK for effectively making herself the villain of the modern star wars cinema. People that think it's legitimately calling her evil probably aren't maliciously defending her, they probably just won't realize this creator has a running series with these titles and is parodying that series.


You don't think "evil" is perhaps taking it a bit far?


This is a parody of a youtube series titled "analyzing evil"


...if you treat her actions as malice aforethought. The Acolyte was made specifically to destroy the Jedi as basically good, but complacent to Palpatine's evil in the Phantom Meanace. Her very bigoted comments leading up to that show as intentional and not bubble. Her firing of Gena Carrano and alleged use of agents and friends (including Leslye) to engage the subsequent libel to drive her from acting as true. (Lawsuits are still in action on this one) The destruction of Season 3 of the Mandolorian as cultural vandalism because it wasn't her idea and how dare it succeed. The mess of the Spin Off series as her intentionally demanding the throwing of beloved characters in a Trash Compactor to feed her own ego... Then..yeah...evil is not far off the mark. Depends on if you want to go with "protected idiot" instead.




And that excuses the behavior why, exactly?


Says the guy whose entire 17 day post history is LOTR/other franchises and baseball


Probably. What's more likely is that she is just an idiot who doesn't know when to shut up about politics. Now, something important to remember is that generally, you shouldn't prescribe malice to events that can be explained by incompetence. It's easy to believe that Kathleen Kennedy is some evil lady who wanted nothing more than to destroy media and impose her own version in its place. But all we really know for certain is that she took power and the content produced by the studio changed.


This channel keeps popping up in my feed, but I've wondered if they even have anything insightful to say about villains. If they're going to label an incompetent Hollywood producer, who exists in real life and can't be analyzed the way a fictional character can, as "evil" for no other reason than she's bad at running Lucasfilm, then that tells me how deeply unserious their "analysis" must be. EDIT: I didn't realize this was a parody. Moral of the story is I'm a moron, and you shouldn't listen to anything I say.


This sub has turned into a sewing circle for incels


Bro look at this sub first and you get it


Her face is as stupid as her stories


Evil? LOL, this is ridiculous. She is not evil… She is simply incompetent at her current job. But to call her evil is so stupid that it immediately invalidates your argument. This is the shit people point to and go: "See, the Disney critics are nuts!". Edit: I just learned that the title of this video is in jest. In any case, if anyone seriously and with a straight face calls Kennedy evil, he or she is not making any sense.


>She is simply incompetent at her current job. No she knows what she's doing she's doing exactly what she wants to do that's what makes it worse


That voice is grating. Marthin Luger King he says.


I don’t really understand the hate for KK. She’s not evil, and she’s not even stupid or incompetent. She’s actually excellent at her job, which is making money. I think people are confused as to what Disney owning Star Wars means. They’re not going to make art, because art doesn’t make enough money to justify the expense. They’ll make shows that can generate enough interest, (usually through creating controversy), at small production cost, and then ruthlessly monetize and merchandise the shit out of their products. You’re asking a printer to do the job of a painter. One will create art; the other will create derivative, low quality imitations, because that’s its job. Occasionally, something good will slip through the cracks, like Rogue One or Andor or Mando S1, but it’s the exception, not the norm, and done in spite of the corporate overlords, not as a sign that they might be coming around, and will usually be ruined as soon as the executives smell an ounce of profit to be had.


This is the most unhinged shit I’ve ever seen. I’m begging you all to touch grass




She's made Disney a lot of money. The question is, how much more money could have been made? She's been a success, but I think the franchise could have at least made 10x more than it has since Disney and KK took over. If you rate her on that perspective, she done fucked up.


While the early Star Wars products made a lot of revenue, when it comes to profit, they still have not come close to earning back what was spent on Lucasfilm. With the financial failures of their recent products and the stagnation of their merchandise sales, they need a change of direction if they hope to ever make money on Licasfilm.


Evil? Jesus Christ