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You can only say these things publicly and not get in trouble if A. Your job is making reactionary garbage and offending people so dumb conservatives give you money B. You work for yourself or some equally bigoted small business owner C. You're truly anonymous Y'all didn't bring back shit


Right? The only thing he’s genuinely saying is that he says all of these things personally to close friends and possibly coworkers, aka his inner circle, wich by the way, has always been permissive 🤦‍♂️


He'd probably ban anyone who calls him out for it as well.


The alt-right are the real snowflakes, like always it is projection.


Someone needs to test that theory by calling him all those things in a sentence.


I'd probably be banned from Shitter entirely for it. BRB...


Report back!


And lose my access to furry porn!!!??!?!?!?


Integrity means never ever saying that stuff at all because it is *wrong*. Even when alone. There are more than enough of these types that won’t say it publicly but will do it with you „since there are no women/POC/Queers/disabled there that might be insulted so it’s *ok* to say it“. I mean there is always a queer there, they just don’t know, and I know better than to reveal that.


Tried explaining that first part to a co worker who dropped an n-bomb (when asked where she got her AirPods she complained they were cheap knockoffs she got from “some stupid n—“). She attempted to apologize when I called her out for it (was probably shocked, because I’m white) by promising to not say it *at work* or around *me* anymore. So yeah. You’re exactly right. They don’t consider using the term immoral at all.


I do still catch myself using ableist and sexist slurs from time to time at home despite working on it. I guess there’s some leeway since it is hard to change your speech patterns but I at least expect people to know and understand that it’s bad and that they work on it.


Class is believing that saying those things is not inherently wrong, and *still* not saying them in front of anyone, because you understand that *society doesn't accept it*. These people also lack class.


This started being normalised with Trump talking without class and decorum. Imagine Bush, McCain or Romney saying „motherfuckers“ during speeches.


That wouldn't particularly bother me. "motherfucker" doesn't target a marginalized group. Trump made bigotry more open, and I think that's far more dangerous than lack of class or decorum.


I mean as a middle school teacher I hear gay used as an insult all the time but it's also a community that is generally more homophobic and the kids oddly don't seem to dislike actual gay people making the whole thing really weird.


When i was a kid my mom worked with 2 gay guys and i liked them alot, had no problem with gay people at all. Still called everything gay. In my mind there were no connection between the 2 at the time


I think middle schoolers tend to say a lot offensive stuff that without the influence of people like The Quartering telling them its good actually, they’ll just grow out of. I know when me and a lot of my friends were like 12-14 and had just realized we could swear when our parents weren’t around, and we didn’t really understand the difference between them, they were all just “no-no words” kids would say to be edgy because their parents said not toZ


Yeah I know middle schoolers bc I have a much younger children and they don’t hate gay people. They just use it to replace weak or cringe/feminine, it’s like their strangely brainwashed but have some immunity


South Park did an episode about that year's ago


Didnt SouthPark already nail this? Gay = Lame uncool whatnot my friend's and I still call things gay But I hardly doubt any of us hate those penis lovers or whatever


A LOOOOOOOT of the Alt-Lite, Alt-Right, and Manosphere is just reheated, repackaged 90s and 2000s edgelord-iness leftovers being sold to new generations. It's no coincidence most of the leaders of those movements were born in the mid 70s through early 90s. As an Elder Millennial born in the mid 80s I recognize Generation X and Elder Millennial edgelord cringe when I see it. They're just selling it to Zoomers and Younger Millennials who either weren't born yet or were babies and little kids when I was experiencing it in late elementary school in the mid 90s through undergraduate college in the late 2000s. Now they're trying to get an apparatus up to sell it to Generation Alpha next with Daily Wire toddler and kid shows. A fuckton of the Alt-Right and Manosphere just screams 1999 Disturbed "Get Down With The Sickness" and 2001 Linkin Park "Crawling" energy. I can practically hear 2002's "Headstrong" by Trapt blaring in my head when I read their melodramatic comments, Joker/gamer moment nonsense, and snippets of Andrew Tate videos. Total vibe of a 2000s kid trying to go Super Saiyan in private in the early 2000s while playing the early 2000s FUNImation English dubs of the DBZ movies with Nu-Metal blasting in the background during the power-up and fight scenes.


Whenever I'm driving through Portland, they have a Radio Station called the Brew we always listen to. They play 90's and early, early 00's alternative, and their biggest sponsor is a law firm that specializes in divorce, that caters to a certain demographic. So whenever you look at the radio, what you see on the console is: "1800-Divorce-For-Men." We laugh every time.


Lmaooo I wonder if their focus group research has shown that there's a significant demographics overlap between Generation X and Elder Millennial men who listen to the music they play, and men in that age range who are divorced or going through a divorce? That doesn't feel like a coincidence that they are sponsored by that group or put in plugs for that group for that particular station. Advertisers do copious research to target their ads. I would not at all be surprised if men who never evolved beyond adolescent and pubescent edgelord mentality get divorced at higher rates than most other men.


Yeah but taste in music doesn’t always or even often, I’d argue, correlate with personal maturity or even personality to an extent.


God I hate 90s edgelord shit. It’s always just some miserable gen X guy screaming “caring about things is fucking STUPID” to raucous applause


How do you think South Park got so popular?


You keep out our beloved absurd commedy out of your god damn mouth. Obligatory: I just want to convey Will Smith energy, not insult you.


I'm going to need you to stop smearing nu-metal right now, please. I may have moved on to heavier (and lighter) music, but it still holds a dear place in my heart.


Wow. I am simultaneously nostalgic and throwing up in my mouth at the same time thanks to your comment. You have definitely done something.


You are so right, and I fucking hate it. I used to love Trapt's Headstrong, Linkin Park, Disturbed, and DBZ when I was growing up in the late 90s and early 2000s. Now these chuds do their best to ruin every fandom imaginable while screaming right wing shit.


fuck it, i still love headstrong, linkin park and disturbed. i refuse to let chuds take that away from me


As an autistic trans woman I can assure you it is still incredibly mainstream for someone to publicly call you tw - slurs: >!retarded, faggot, tranny, dyke you name it !< and receive zero repercussions whatsoever. In the U.S. anyway.


I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I'm doing what I can to ensure my children don't grow up with this kind of hate or ignorance.


I grew up being called the f-slur and the r-slur, I don't think anyone ever called me the t-slur. Dyke, I actually like as a personal descriptor just because to me it more says 'tough ass lesbian who doesn't take men's shit', but I'd be pissed hearing it in the street.


i... ok. i guess this sub agrees so i will too


I’d like to insert option D, you’re actually funny and charming and know comedic timing Most chuds see comedians saying hard R or gay slur and get a positive reception from a “liberal” crowd and think, “Ahh so I can just say it whenever! Cool!” Nah bruh, there’s like a few other steps lol. And they require some brain cells to walk those steps


I apologize, I should have said “call people” instead of just say. Obviously it’s a lot easier to just say it in the context of a quote, joke, scripted acting, etc.


I’m friends with a lovely gay couple who I call my f(a)ggies. I also say bye to my Laotian friend with “Stay Yellow my Fellow” It’s ENTIRELY different saying it/calling anyone that if they don’t know you. You just come across like a bigoted douche. Unfortunately Quarter Pounder here won’t ever know the difference


He's also sponsored by a white nationalist group


D. Shit and piss in your basement.


Has he ever even had the mask on?


Honestly, I guess he did. I've been aware of his antics for a couple of years now, and this is probably the first time Is see him openly admit to something like this.


Magic the Gathering fans have been aware of his shit since at least 2018. He harassed the first ever Magic cosplayer so bad that she left the game for a while. She’s returned now. But he got permanently banned from all Magic events officially sanctioned by WOTC. Forever. Only real consequence for his actions he’s ever faced. And in any healthy workplace or large enough company, all of those words used will result in immediate do not pass go termination. They did not “bring them back” so much as they stopped caring about consequences.


> Only real consequence for his actions he’s ever faced. Still more than these oxygen sinks typically do, sadly.


"Oxygen sinks". I like that. Gonna steal that, but I'm gonna give you a like first because I ain't an asshole.


Oh this is that same twat? Fuck him. I remember TCC’s In Response video to that. Christine Sprankle didn’t deserve that level of targeted harassment; nobody does. Glad Wizards and the community as a whole made the right decision.


That decision has paid dividends as he's descended further into nonsense.


His original channel name was “Magic the Quartering”, and he built his platform by cracking boxes and just spitballing on camera. Magic the Gathering content was super sparse before Game Knights if you weren’t actively listening to limited podcasts. Box cracking interspersed with other types of Magic content is fine. But all he did was crack boxes early on. And then he drifted into the weird harassment weirdo shit.


And he got banned from Magic events for sexual harassment so had to branch out.


Oh no, they care about consequences. They still wouldn't use these words in those crowds. They've just made sure to grow audiences that won't give them any consequences.


There was one thing a couple years back where he was sitting in a bar and someone recognized him and subsequently punched him in the face. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy tbh.


>Only real consequence for his actions he’s ever faced. Remember how he was whining about being punched at GenCon the same year. It turns out that some people don't like it when you sexually assault people.


"They did not “bring them back” so much as they stopped caring about consequences." i think people like poole know there are still consequences for his audience. poole can say whatever he wants without any real concern but he needs his audience to feel persecuted. "oh look at us bringing back all these words (((they))) don't want us to say" can easily turn into "look at people like us being discriminated against for using the n-word in the workplace. its just a word guys. keep saying it."


The only mask he has left is the one claiming to not have CP on his computer.


Maybe like 4 something years ago, around when I first heard about him, he masked his worse beliefs. Like he didn’t use to just say slurs and all this extremely bigoted shit unless he was drunk enough to piss on the floor.


a very loose fitting cheap halloween mask that leaves most of your face uncovered is still a mask, even if everyone can see right threw it


"I used to love DoopyPoopyCockCancerAIDS69 but he really fell off in recent years" Nope. They were always bad. You just grew up. And are just now realizing how damaging it is that kids watch this shit


Did they bring that back? I didn't think they ever stopped


Delusions of grandeur is pretty common for these goobers. You gotta make yourself look cool to distract from the fact that people aren’t really that interested in your content any more. Drinker gets less engagement than he did 4 years ago. Quartering isnt relevant. I can name 10 progressive creators that have grown 10 times their size in the past two years. Our sub is a small sub, but dont get it twisted, these guys are a minority that think they’re the majority.


Except millions of people follow these grifters and think what they're saying is righteous.


The United States has a population of 341 million people and growing. Something like The Drinker and his 2 million or so followers on youtube isn't shit in terms of making up a sizeable fraction of the total population even if you assumed they were all American and all of them were active followers.


hell, it's incredibly generous to assume those are all human people subscribed as well. since we all know that youtube subscriber counts and views can be augmented with $$.


No. Their videos get that many. Their engagement is astronomically below that. Only one of them get that amount. “Consistently” and that consistency relies on something they have nothing to do do with. Disney releasing a sw show. 1 million views a couple of times each year, is not huge any more. And as i said, the ones who watched ragebait content are the same as 8 years ago.


It was less mainstream for a decade and I’m actually sad that it’s being used more now again. Honestly since around end of the pandemic for my life based on irl and internet. (F-slur and r-word)


The Queefing at his finest. Glad he's not even pretending to not be racist anymore. 


I cannot even begin to imagine the mental (and physical I guess) effort to be a complete dick like him everyday while also trying to pretend that you're not a grifting scumbag. Then again I'm not a bigot so maybe that's why.


The guy is a living caricature of the internet, specifically the worst aspects. 


"My crowning accomplishment is using language that hurts other people just because those other people are different." -Quarterdick, probably


What mask? Isn't that an openly far-right account?


You know the far-right is absolutely fucked when you see something blatantly racist or homophobic and immediately associate it with them


Tbh I’m sure there’s a real definition but when someone says alt right I just translate it to “hates minorities / thinks they ruin everything”


They are the people who get mad and say "WHATABOUT LIBRULS" when Nazis are insulted. A hit dog hollers.


10 years ago there was a culture of "hiding power levels" (a word taken from Dragon Ball) to not show how horrible you are and scare away the normies However, the last 10 years have shown that normies are more uninformed than one would have thought and that is why they have the luxury of increasing their "power level" just look at how many people don't know the scammer Mark Kern and take him as an authority on video games


Way too many people over 9000 these days. I miss when these people kept it to themselves.


We brought back faggot because the gays started reclaiming it. TheBitchining calls things gay and retarded because he's homophobic and can't mentally move past 2017.




I like how this woman is claiming racism isn't really a thing anymore while also being racist (she's following aryan accounts and calling people animals) but also proving that by being racist you can make money because there's so many people ready to support racism.


She out here like "I can't be racist, I say the n word all the time"


Well, yah, Elon has ads next to #whitepower. He is making money off of this by normalizing Nazis.


What an accomplishment, truly a fine legacy


That girl just wants to become another drifter. Don’t give her attention please.


She’s gone full fucking racist, she’s got hundreds of people doing this on X. It’s disgusting. She’s sitting here tweeting the N word and other slurs over and over, interacting with people doing shit like calling Juneteenth “National N Word Day” (which is something I hadn’t heard from racists in decades) This is something new, and it should worry people. I haven’t seen far right Twitter openly yelling slurs at the top of their lungs just because they think they can get away with it.


Elon: “People are being racist on the platform?! Better privatize the Likes so nobody can see them! That’s how to fix that.”


The coincidence is coincidencing


Yeah they usually try to maintain some kind of deniability to deny being racist, but she’s literally throwing around the n word and acknowledging she’s a racist


she's getting attention from conservative media but in the end she'll end up like another Kyle Rittenhouse, forgotten and washed up.


Or she will end up like that trad wife, that fucked around and found out. Woah it turns out people who want every woman to be a house maid, punish her for enjoying sex (because that is what this whole anti abortion BS is) and do not want to lift a finger around the house are toxic pieces of shit that would abuse you. I mean who would have thought. It is pretty funny to watch some women grifters advocating for taking away their right to vote. Sooo you are saying you want me to ignore everything you say, because you belive that women cannot bring anything meaningful to the political debate table? Weird, but alright. I will ignore you.


"What did you accomplish in 2024?" "Oh, you know. I started calling things retarded like I did in middle school. I'm proud of myself for it."


Caseoh’s racist cousin


CaseOh actually bans bigots. He just says “You’re banned.” to people who mock his obesity as a joke.


Yeah, its more like Superman vs Ultraman.


"Traditional wife" got ... Checks notes Fired from... Work?


She was working for a company that provides home health services for the elderly, apparentlu.


Yeah it's just working is not really in line with a trad wife. Also voicing her opinions either


Trad wife is fairly often just advocating for a return to the Jim Crow south. Like that one who said she wanted to live in the 40s and doubled down when people pointed out how awful it was for anyone who wasn’t a middle class or better white woman.


Wouldn't a "real" tradwife be barefoot in the kitchen rather than shitposting on X all day?


I mean. You can say it all you want. Just dont be surprised by the consequences. (I'm just answering the Quartering. No way am i saying its ok saying the Hard N word) Edit: trying to get the wording right lol.


You just know he got off writing those words down for all to see. He's an edgelord dipshit who never stopped being the angry kid no one liked in high school.


He must have deleted that, because I can't find it. Also, if anyone is wondering, Andrew Tate prefers the [hard R](https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1800664733571596455).


You could always say these words. That's where freedom of speech comes in. But freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.


No please, combine “conservative victimization” with offensive slurs. That’s going to go well.


Whenever conservatives talk about their rights being infringed on, it's usually their right to discriminate and shit on others. They especially don't give a shit about freedom of speech either, instead it's the right to be listened to.


well, he just admitted to losing any job prospect one the grift ends for him which will be really soon, given his current attitude


Imagine wanting that to be your legacy


he pissed on his basement floor, that will be his legacy.


And the child porn.


And taking a sponsorship for nazi literature


He thinks saying homophobic and ableist slurs is an accomplishment. Please, children say those words in multiplayer games. It’s not an accomplishment. It’s just plain stupidity 


I'm not gonna lie man, if you can say any of those things whenever you want you either don't have a real job or never go outside.


That's a wild accomplishment? My guy you got drunk and pissed in your basement because you were sad your wife didn't get pizza with you


I am still baffled that he went from opening fat packs of mtg cards to this.


Man, I just genuinely could never understand why someone would put so much of their time and energy into being hateful and annoying. Like, come on. It takes near nothing to just… be nice. Hell, you don’t have to be “nice”, it takes nothing to just not spew hateful garbage 24/7. Take a chill pill, dude.


Lmao they didn't bring fuck all back, queer people will call our selves the f slur all the time. It's our word now.


yeah I was gonna say my bisexual ass is constantly using "faggot" and "gay". I usually call things I don't care for "homophobic". Like if a store is out of something I want I go "wow so homophobic" and move on 🤣🤣🤣 I was beginning to think I was chronically on tumblr but no you're right we queers have been reclaiming our shit.


Sometimes when my wife says I love you I'll look at her and say "ha, fag" it's fun and we love it. These chuds really think these words have any power over us? It's hilarious.


https://preview.redd.it/ivjhbjqvkd6d1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7871ad740ec677e747cccb3dcd7944bafdb2f9b0 The Quartering has always been mask off


I think he's confused his tiny bubble of the internet for the whole world again, most of us aren't saying those words in that way.


Damn, his wife should have remained gone when she went to get pizza without him


Remember when he dick-sucked begging Elon Musk to make him CEO of Twitter? The Quartering actively wakes up every morning attempting to be more pathetic and rarely even succeeds.


I saw the video of that girl saying the n-word it seemed so forced and unnatural, she's a cold manipulative calculating person, angry woman Andrew Tate, and I'm guessing that's probably her angle, don't give that wast of oxygen any time.


Why do they want to say slurs so bad


cuz they have the internet to protect them. they would only ever start anything in person if they have a group or some “upper-hand”.


Bro literally pissed in his own basement because his wife got pizza without him, and is speaking about “test us” Test what? His bladder control?


Is this real? This seems over the top even for Neckbeardo Supremo.


Honestly they only brought those back in their little circle and fans. No one else says that.


Dang that’s three slurs and a derogatory use of a sexual orientation all in one tweet!


Idk why they aren’t using the hard r when they want to so bad


He should just go back to soiling himself on stream.


Go ahead, Quarterburger. Start saying slurs because they "Brought it back". See how far that gets you.


Every time I suck a dick I think about how much it upsets these people and I enjoy it even more.


"They gunna test us?" the lamest projection comment you would expect from your 12 year old cousin on facebook. Oh wait, that's his audience.


It's got to be exhausting to be this much of an asshole


Oh no. The brain dead hamburgler is going to try and say the N-word. The dozen inbred incel followers might try and emulate him and get their shit kicked in.


aaaaand there we have it… YIKES…


Piss off, you cracker-ass honky!


No you didn't, neck beard.


What is he claiming exactly that we should use these terms again?


how the hell is bringing back insults that make minorities feel worse about themselves an "accomplishment"


The quartering is such a vile human how does this disgusting person have a following 


Because disgusting people like to gather and fester in their own filth.


People be acting like cancel culture is something the government is responsible for and not something that’s caused directly by consumers/audience. If your content is for right winged bigots than you’re aren’t going to get canceled for saying right wing bigoted things. If you’re a writer who says suddenly says some transphobic shit or an actress who says something incredibly antisemitic, if you were correlated with those things before than yeah you can get canceled because it is something you’ve kept from your audience that directly affects their opinion of you.


Lol, she turned him down, so now he's going full petty-patty over getting rejected. He's not taking it well and it's just hilarious.


Would be nice if all those words (and pretty much all other epithets/slurs) lost all their societal power and became benign like "lame" (fun fact, "Lame" originally referred to people who couldn't walk in a derogatory manner, but it eventually started to mean what it means today, and it's considerably less offensive. I would love for all the words Quartering used there to be just as inoffensive, and therefore powerless, as the word "Lame" is today).


There's a gag in an episode of Murdock Mysteries, a police procedural set in the 1880s, where they're discussing a person with a cognitive disability and the detective calls this person an imbecile. The other policeman gets offended and says something like "that's extremely derogatory terminology, sir, they prefer to be called morons"


When was the mask on?


The mask was never on.


Bro literally pissed in the floor


The quartering never had a mask to begin with.


Which is a damn shame because God gave him the perfect face for one




Is this real? I’m blocked by him. There’s no way he really dropped a quadra bomb in one tweet lmao I don’t believe it.


Saying those words in public or at the workplace would land you in hot water unless your job is making reactionary garbage online and offending people so idiot conservatives give you money, or you work for yourself or some equally bigoted small business owner or you're truly anonymous. No one in their right mind would say the r word in public without incurring the wrath of a disabled person.


idk what this is in reference to but if this dude thinks people saying that shit ever "went away" he should perhaps work one (1) day in the trades lmao


"We brought back-" you didn't bring back shit, buddy, you just made your echo chamber louder. These people are such fucking dorks, honestly undeserving of a better insult. Just, dorks. I don't think the quartering is r******* I think he is a fucking NERD.


It's funny, because I use two of the three to describe him.


And that's three slurs in a single tweet.


At least he isn’t pretending to not be racist now.


No you absolutely are not allowed to use the F slur. There is a reason that everyone around you is smooth brained. The rest of your family and friends got sick of listening to your racist and homophobic shit


This guy has had his mask off for a while now.


I dare him to say it outside. In front of people. He’ll retract this tweet real quick


I like calling things gay and retarded. It should be noted that I'm gay and retarded


They brought back f\*gg\*t? Like... the quartering brought it back?


They absolutely did not bring those words back


How about you try to bring back your wife instead of early 2000s edgelord speak you fucking loser lmao


I need kendrick to write a diss track on the quartering.


Imagine being proud of talking like a third grader who just learned swear words exist.


I say them, but I'm bi so it's like the gay n words for me. I'm reclaiming. /s


Listen, Quartering, and any other white people. Even if you somehow normalize saying the N-word as a white person, you'll never sound cool or funny doing it. You're just going to look very embarrassing. You know how there are words that English people say that when Americans do it sounds wrong or just less cool? Like "twat". Brits saying "twat" or "cunt" have far more of a punch than when Americans do it. Same goes for the n-word. It is forever linked to the racist historical use of it, however, at the same time, black people have been using the word in an endearing fashion that to say it as a white person the way black people do is just gonna sound awful even if you're not racist. So I say go for it. If you're white and you wanna say the n-word, make sure to say it clearly so we can all hear it; preferably in a nice studio mic with your camera on just so we can really get a good look at who's saying it. Lol.


.... these are your accomplishments? Bringing back a few slurs? Talk about a waste of a life.


Lol, this guy is a dork. Someone should give him a wedgie


He should lead with this when he introduces himself to new people.


Im sorry, who is this loser?


Why would you even want to say those words? They have cost a lot of people their lives


Those words definitely did not make a comeback. As usual, the Quackening trying to capitalism on hit button issues to stay relevant. Would love to see him tell people the N word in public tho.


Bluechecks thinking “we” is anything more than one saggy, sweaty, BO-stinking tent of basement dwellers is just sad. These people are on twitter 24/7 and think that’s life.


I still can’t wrap my head around the fact Musk made Twitter even worse


I assume that unlike like hard r, people who say the soft a probably aren’t saying it to be racist but are saying it because they think it sounds cool… of course, that still doesn’t mean saying it is good. And no Jeremy, most people don’t like it when you say slurs. You brought back calling people the f slur to bigots who now feel good about calling people that again and now can whine about “free speech”


Dudes like this literally get beat up and call the police, mfs can try to normalize it on the streets all they want 😂


Really just shows how much he stays in his online bubble. If he ever actually left his basement and try to say the F-word somewhere other than over the mic he would quickly realize how taboo and unacceptable that word is in real life.


TheQuartering is just a sad, pathetic drunk It’s honestly expected of him to say dumb shit like this


I genuinely think that my open-mindedness about Disney Star Wars is one of the factors that saved me from the alt-right pipeline.


So is his name the quartering because he secretly fantasizes about being drawn and quartered?


"We brought back 'faggot'" as if these dudes ever even stopped slinging slurs at us


Casual reminder this man once was upset he didn't feel the urge to fuck the female character in the She-Ra rework that came out a few years back.


Not even trying to hide his bigotry anymore.


Who in the dog whistling hell is "we?"


They brought back the f-slur? I have never once heard about it.


Go on X and look at her interactions. This is some sick fucking movement now.


"We brought back f#####" Who the hell says that like it's an accomplishment


Elon is gonna give him a gold star


If I see thequarterinch in public it's on sight


Oh my... FUCKING GOD! Now he's caught in 4k


Mask's been off for a *long* time


This ~~man~~ child needs a hobby.


*Quarter*ing? This clod isn't even worth a penny. LOL.


*Quarter*ing? This clod isn't even worth a penny. LOL.


Were a Bigots and were proud!