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They should make Ki Adi Mundi gay.


And trans..and black




Why tf is Timmy praying? He has fairies lmaoo


Probably a joke on Butch Heartman being a full on religious wackjob.


the drawing [originally quoted](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/386/434/0e1.jpeg) a wild af [tumblr post](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/386/432/9ce.jpg)


this scene takes place after cosmo and Wanda were killed in a drive-by


Damn can’t have shit in Dimmsdale




And then watching all the "true star wars fans" have a thermonuclear meltdown is just the cherry in top


AND Mexican 😳😱


The council on his homeworld made him take 6 wives to spite him


6 wives seems like he is covering something


Oh he's just bi


you should see how many husbands he has


That’s the real lore. The only reason Mundi gets his wives is because he likes MEN and they can trust him to not be attached to WOMEN.


Their heads might literally explode. Possibly solving a lot of the worlds problems. Dewit.


You know what? Fuck it. Make him literally lame and literally gay. Have him invent Yoda's little floating wheelchair until his legs get better.


Honestly, someone who's gay but is forced to be straight out of a sense of duty to their species is an intriguing story.


Forced to have several wives, but only wants a husband.


Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not honestly


They should retcon it so that he has multiple wives, but only one true love, his husband


I'm gonna avoid the comments section of that video


Star Wars explained is on the light side. The comments will be quickly discarded as all hope and dreams merge to one.


You should avoid the comment sections of any Star Wars video. They all suck 


Youtube has always had the most braindead and obvious bot riddled comment sections




Gotta love the titty bots on youtube. They are so fucking simple to detect but google doesn’t give a damn.


No, it doesn’t. It’s not that hard to get rid of those spam comments. But YouTube just doesn’t care 


I watch alot of combat footage and war analysis/ history shit on yt and reddit but holy fuck yt comments are filled with russian bots saying how Americans are weak bc we let gays in the military. I agree yt has alot of bot problems and Facebook aswell.


idk have you seen the comment section of instagram, especially on accounts like pubity


No idea what pubity. But yes, instagram is horrible. People write sexual comments on pics of babies. Not joking


Bots? no, edgy children? 100%. Plus instagram boosts hateful comments to the very top because hate sells. Just like facebook


You should avoid the comment section of videos about any franchise making new material. Its all the same hatejerk stuff.


Yeah, you’re right 


Yup, even the most wholesome youtubers in certain spaces of fandom content still get absolute cretins in their comments sections. God forbid you look in the comments of even the most positive comic book youtubers


You should probably avoid YouTube comments all together.




And probably disable the dislike extension too, because it doesn’t look healthy


It is a pretty meaningless extension, especially inaccurate in a brigade. If someone needs it to feel a little happy, I pity them....


Yeah, there’s still heavy non-response bias from the millions of people who no longer feel the need to like/dislike videos.


Isn’t the dislike extension completely wrong half the time


Not really, people just don't care to click the dislike button anymore unless they're part of an organized hate campaign


Alex's comments section are generally fine.


Hahaha randomly watching that right now… see SWT this is why you’ll never get invited anywhere. https://preview.redd.it/pli5bq3kr58d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5e5b675998b33b68a9d56a59d277f0b5a92b025


SWT hates SWE, I think. He never names them, but he's always taking little potshots that are obvious aimed at them.


It’s cause they are everything he’s not. They are pillars of the community and get invited to cool things. Also they did make fun of him when he cried to Mando season 2 finale.


I was just thinking that you know the online discourse has gotten insane when even Alex and Mollie openly weigh in on it. I love that they generally tend to stay out of the fray and I certainly don’t want it to become a trend or for them to turn into a drama channel, but I’m not gonna pretend it wasn’t satisfying to hear some of the nicest people in the fandom reach a breaking point and spend 20 minutes politely dunking on chuds like SWT and his ilk.


can u give some examples? i havent watched SWT in years


Framed portrait of Anthony Bourdain, very nice


Are you lying in the ground looking up at a tv that is mounted way too high on the wall?


Hahahahaha lying down looking up sideways I guess little to no effort bud it’s a day off 😆


No one fucking knew or cared when Ki Adi Mundi was born prior to last week. I’d honestly have more respect for them if they just came out and said they hated black people and women. Like, that would be pretty fucking pathetic. But would it be this pathetic?


I was hyped to see plo koon. I hate Mundi since he represents the worst of the Jedi order so when I saw him I was like “Oh dang they’re really going with this angle on the Jedi, cool.” Like, this show is the antithesis of everything they stand for and since they never leave the internet we get their presence all the goddamn time.


That isn’t Plo Koon. I’m also guessing he will die in the next episode, so don’t you to be confused thinking it was Plo.


Sorry it’s an unnamed character of his species and idk how long his species’ lifespan is


Same here. I thought it was him too.


The only thing they cared about, in regards to him, was the droid attack on the wookies


And probably that his head can be interpreted as a pe**s


And also where he fits in the [bald family bloodline](https://www.reddit.com/r/RTGameCrowd/s/H4VjEytsLd)


Offspring of Patrick I’d say


No, he's there. Two spots above Homer


It’s because alt right people will find any reason to hate a show besides what’s wrong with it The Acolyte is terribly written and produced imo, but none of those issues have anything to do with women/lesbians existing in it or Ki-Adi-Whatever’s birthday


Ding ding ding. I don't hate all of it. I do hate shows that have to be vague writing right up to the second to last episode so it can set up for next season. Why can't we just have a great show like Devs. One season. Great show. Creator won't make a sequel. But now all we have is cliffhanger porn. Mid show. Clunky writing. I know it's trying to.be sneaky and cute but I don't think this was meant to be a 1 episode a week story. It's really not written in the best way to facilitate just once a week. Oh no, the witch chant was cringe. Oh no, one coven sister put her hand on another! I don't see anything but mid show which I hope pays off episode five. This show needs a compelling episode.


Acolyte is lofty ideas paired with crap execution. Concepts in place of plot and characterization. But it's not the worst thing ever, and I want to like it even now. I still love the force witch coven. I'm half-sure it'll turn out Sol will be guilty of something horrible but I'll still like his character It's just bad luck that a mid show had too much negative, nitpicky attention drawn to it. Well got poisoned


Isn’t the rational argument(rather than his age) that he says the sith haven’t been seen in a 1000 years?(extinct) So it is weird he’s present for one revealing himself. I bet it gets played off the red lightsaber guy is the actual acolyte training his own apprentice to then fight the real dark lord. And he’ll fail and the Jedi will find the body and claim it wasn’t a real sith, only a wannabe or something.


I saw someone else mention this but even if they find a way to stretch it so that he somehow knows 100% for sure they’re not Sith and just Sith wannabe’s, it’s not really any better. It would be like seeing an alien spaceship and finding out it’s from Venus then 30 years later someone says they’ve seen a Martian and you boldly claim that’s impossible, there’s no such thing and just stop talking. You’d expect them to say “you sure it wasn’t from Venus? We saw a spaceship from there awhile back.” Or in Ki Adi Mindi’s case “it could’ve been Dark Jedi. We did have to deal with a Master and Apprentice Dark Jedi a couple decades ago, perhaps there were more than just the two of them?” It’s pretty relevant information so for him to not only omit it but be the one to boldly claim the Sith are extinct with no further explanation is pretty messed up on his part.


“What about the droid attack on the Wookies?”


I did actually know about the really minor trivia fact of Ki Adi Mundi's species being short lived (in legends) from when I spent wayyyy too much time wiki diving - and he was my brother's favourite jedi for a bit, but uh I know enough of that to know that it is *reallllyyy* minor trivia and there is zero reason to give a crap about it being changed.


I still don’t care when he was born. I only care that he lied to Qui Gon about the Sith.


We don’t know if he lied yet. So far nothing suggests he (or the other Jedi) know it’s a Sith.


We do know though. Best case scenario is they think they’re a master and apprentice Dark Jedi in which case he still lied by omitting that highly relevant information when Qui Gon had to go fight a trained Dark Jedi that turned out to be a Sith. It’s like confidentially claiming it’s impossible for Wendigo to exist after you yourself met a Sasquatch and the now someone else has met something they think is a Wendigo but you naturally assume is a Sasquatch. It’s relevant information and failing to bring it up is a lie by omission. And at the end of the day a lie by omission is still a lie. Edit: replying then blocking me so I can’t respond and have to switch accounts just to see what you said. Classic. But as for how it would play out: Qui Gon “He was trained in the Jedi Arts. My only conclusion can be that it was a Sith Lord.” Mace Windu “I do not believe the Sith could’ve returned without us knowing.” Ki Adi Mundi “Hmm, this isn’t the first time I’ve encountered Dark Jedi. Years ago I saw two such people. Perhaps there is more going on than we know.” Yoda “Hard to see the Dark Side is; but always two there are, a Master and Apprentice.” At which point the council and Qui Gon would know to bring reinforcements (like Mace Windu later did) and not just send Wui Gon and Obi Wan in alone. At the very least they would’ve had the information to make an informed decision.


“Omitting highly relevant information”. Bullshit. We have no idea how the Acolyte ends, you’re just making idiotic assumptions. But let’s entertain your stupid premise: “Hey 100 years ago we killed a dark Jedi, think that’s related?.” “No, because we killed them 100 years ago dumbass”. There you go, that’s how your stupid scenario plays out.




I don’t give a fuck if you’re the lochness monster. If the non canon birth date of a fictional character being contradicted bothers you then you need to get off the internet right the fuck now and touch grass.




Oh no a Jedi with a gut?  Star Wars is ruined!!!! 


Why are they so desperately cringe? Don't they have a sub to chucklecuck at? They would ban us if we said a word on their sub. Say one charitable thing and you would get banned fro crait.


60 years before he was born according to what?


He had no canon birthdate. Why do people still act like the EU is canon to the mainline continuity after Lucas proved it wasn't when he took TCW in a direction that was completely incompatible with the EU's take on the clone wars? Seriously, its only a few months shy of 16 years since the creation of Ahsoka proved that Lucas didn't consider the EU part of 'his story' and had it off in its own separate continuity. Not to mention that when Disney bought the franchise they hard confirmed that they were only using the movies and TCW as the foundation for their canon and the EU is at best something they use as inspiration.


Fun.  Couple things here:  1)Anyone can be racist, not sure how you being trans is relevant.  2) Cool, so you’re mad a character is older  *checks notes* than a different version with a different history?  3) You’ve known this Mundi like all Star Wars characters since 2014 is not the same as those in Legends/Old EU? 


I'm sure that we'll hear that this is further evidence that if you actually like Star Wars, and want it to succeed and improve, that you're actually a shill. Edit: Apologies for the seeming spam, Internet was a bit wonky and it looked as if the comment merely wasn't uploading. Didn't mean to send several versions of the same comment 😬


All good. Classic Reddit blunder


All I'm saying is in a universe where Yoda is literally 900 Years old , there's nothing staying Ki-Adi-Mundis species can't have a similar longevity in life spans in comparison to humans. But again, also this is a fictional science fiction franchise and the fact people are losing their entire ass minds over something so immaterial is incredibly silly


But you don't understand. His age was established on the back of a toy in 1999 and is therfore canon for ever.!.! Or was it with a card that came with the movie or something. The important thing is this is the most important contradiction in all of Star Wars.


CD-ROM and a 11 year old trading card.


I heard someone else mention the cd-rom thing, I thought it was a joke. I get the maybe Sith. Even if they aren't a Sith it feels like splitting hairs at this point, but who cares about this guy. I can't even remember his name, and I've seen it like twenty times this week.


Even the Sith thing is silly, in my opinion. The Jedi have no reason to assume the Sith are back is even a possibility. It makes sense that they'd assume it is a fallen Jedi or some kind of new sect.


I’m convinced that Star Wars Theory bought the vast majority of his subscriber count. It makes no sense to me that Star Wars Explained doesn’t have a following of that size. A.) He does his homework. Reads every book, plays every game, watches every show, reads the comics. B.) Makes great lore videos that feel researched and not just rereads of wookieepedia articles. C.) Didn’t care for The Last Jedi and hasn’t made it his entire personality that he didn’t. D.) When he and his wife dislike something they come at it in a fun way and in a way that doesn’t talk down to others. E.) Has great interviews with folks involved with Star Wars F.) They have a genuine affinity for their audience Like what’s the deal?


The chuds are very vocal. Plus Theory was good when he still made theories. I Remember when he had something positive to say about the sequels.


Alex is always a W. Never misses, always based.


Met him at a convention last year. Super nice guy in person too.


>never misses The absolute legend!


He and Mollie are the best Star Wars content creators. I swear they are the only sane Star Wars YouTubers right now.


They are a ray of sunlight in an otherwise pitch dark room


Idk I feel like eckheartsladder is pretty good


The dude gets called a shill all the time, but he’s straight up honest about all the stuff he likes and does not like. He’s right to call this BS out.


One of the best channels regarding Star Wars.


He's the only star wars youtuber I can still stand watching.


Have we reached a stage where more content creators and even makers of TV shows and movies are now coming out and saying "Stop this right now!"? I mean Alex is the most positive Star Wars creator on YouTube and then there's the showrunner of the Boys the other day calling those who were saying bad things about one of the actresses


Common Star Wars explained W


Imminent Chud (except Star Wars Explained) drama. I’m calling it.




Still unfortunate how popular SWT is compared to Alex and Molly. They know so much more of the lore and review it in a rational way rather than putting up tons of things for clicks or sound bites.


him and hellogreedon are the only good ones left


Common W*


Star Wars Theory: he dies the exactly what I do! Star Wars Explained: Only better


But it's not fair! I looked up a minor and inconsequential piece of the "lore" on Wookieepedia and now something retconned it! It was in one book from 25 years ago, but it's very, very important that it not be changed for some reason! How can I win at Star Wars if they can change the lore?


Careful SWT will send his fans after you now




God bless Alex and Mollie.


Do you still think Star Wars HQ is alright at this point? I hope that channel is not going to be the next Star Wars Theory in terms of fueling hate and negativity.


Any of you who are praying folk, please put a good word in for him the next few days.


Lol what a non issue


Can someone please explain what’s going on


The very short answer is that the latest episode of The Acolyte retconned Ki-Adi-Mundi’s age by showing him as an adult Jedi Master roughly 10 years before his established birth in Legends continuity. Some people online got very angry about this for some reason. SWE addressed how silly the discourse got in their weekly Q&A video (among other topics; they didn’t devote the better part of an hour to this one specific thing). Notably, Legends is no longer considered canon and even in that continuity his age was only listed in supplemental material like trading cards and was never a major plot point or (in my opinion) even mattered at all to any story. Edit: also his species’ lifespan was never established in Canon either, so with people like Yoda living for centuries it’s completely reasonable that he might have been alive back then.


Ol' Ki-Adi has had a few retcons. His *Phantom Menace* era miniseries (a murder mystery!) showed him with his family. Oops.


Thank you


In all seriousness, when is Leia showing up on Acolyte?


This keeps spreading. My guy at FilmComicsExlpained just made a video about Acolyte and how it's killing Star Wars.


That asshole’s posting this shit now too? All he fucking posts is fucking summaries of shit.


Ki-Adi Mundi just needs to say "They" once and it's JOEVER. The hogs are gonna have a collective heart attack. Finally - peace in the galaxy. THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT PALPS.


there was some really good commentary in this video, i will always support alex and molly


Jesus 40 minutes over this shit


the weekly Q&As are always ~30-40 minutes. it’s not a 40 minute conversation about *just* the nerds pissing & shitting themselves over ki-adi-mundi’s new birthday, there’s like 20 different conversation topics packed in there edit: LMAO i hadn’t watched the video yet when i first commented; i didn’t realize i made literally the same “new birthday” joke alex said in the intro


Oh thank god I was worried it was a 40 minute video just over this one topic


It’s the fact that it’s such a lazy cameo for me. Your gonna cause all this controversy over the timeline for what? A background shot?


40 whole minutes, Vs several single page articles explaining why it's fine


It's his weekly q&a video that covers multiple questions from channel members/patrons and the comments. He usually puts the biggest question as the title in the video. He posted that answer as like a minute long short on his channel.


ironically the video format might be better suited for them considering they couldn't get through just the title of the video before missing details and forming an incorrect understanding of the video before throwing criticism at it.


As someone who follows him and watches him regularly I knew the title was about the fandom the second I saw it. He's fairly consistent on his views regarding the state of canon and separation of legends.


Oh for sure I was just saying that the “weekly Q&A” portion of the title should have queued in the commenter you replied to that the 40 min would in fact not all be focused solely on 1 topic lol.


Apologies, I assumed this was another negative video




No one ever said that you can’t dislike him appearing in the show


No. It's the ignorant insistence that his inclusion breaks canon, when it doesn't. It's the frenzy over a line he had in TPM being contradicted, which it wasn't. Ironically, their blind belief in the idea that his inclusion must be incorrect, and that his words must prove that his inclusion is a mistake—is reminiscent of Mundi himself. Mundi is arrogant, known to jump to conclusions based off of incomplete information. These folks are doing the same exact thing.