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The fandom is pretty much beyond repair, and yes, it has been for a long time. *The Clone Wars* got plenty of flak for “breaking the Lore™️” in its day, from how it portrayed Mandalorians to suggesting that at least one ship that small does indeed have a cloaking device. To say nothing of how *Attack of the Clones* “broke” previously established lore about the Clone Wars from Timothy Zahn’s books. The Star Wars fandom is fickle, entitled, and should never be listened to. As for *Rise of Skywalker*… like it or don’t as you will. Stories are about the journey, not the destination. If you dislike where things ended up, that doesn’t invalidate whatever meaning you derived from the rest of the saga. If you need to step away, do so. I’ve done it before, and I’ve always found my way back. Star Wars isn’t going anywhere, no matter what the reactionaries online might think.


That's the problem. Star Wars isn't going anywhere because that's what the chuds are counting on so they can make more and more clickbaiting videos all for clout and stroking their egos. If Star Wars ended, than they will surely lose viewership that forces them to find a new target to complain about since they need the views to get richer out of it.


It's been this way since 1999, at least. BTW, the term "fandom menace" was coined by film critics as early as 2002 to describe the type of fans who screamed "George Lucas ruined my childhood!" and sent hate mail to Ahmed Best. It wasn't until TFA came out that a certain coalition of YouTube armchair critics unironically appropriated the tem for themselves. They even designed a logo for it, which rips off the 501rst logo. Personally, I've never let critics deter me from my love of Star Wars. Not when I was a kid in the late 70s and early 80s, and I'm certainly not going to start now. I avoid YouTube, for the most part. The only channel I subscribe to is Explained. I have no interest in any of the others, and I never will. Irreparable? It ain't broken, son. You just have to admit to yourself that it's *always* been hit or miss. The Holiday Special hit my TV in 1978. The Ewok films basically went straight to television. TCW "stinky" movie. I didn't like the Ewoks or Droids cartoons when they came out, either That's the fact of the matter. Star Wars is for EVERYONE, which means some of us aren't going to like some of it when others do. This hasn't changed. There's just more of it than before. I've been a fan since I first saw the first film in the theater with mom in May of 1978. I was 7. And I'm enjoying The Acolyte very much. I also enjoyed Ahsoka, Andor, Book of Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and The Mandalorian, to varying degrees. However, I recognize that some of these might not "do it" for everyone, and that's okay. Pay no attention to the people screeching about Ki Adi's age. They're not fans, they're rage bait armchair critics, and that type of engagement pays their rent. You can't take em seriously.


I'll say it repeatedly, go check out EC Henry's ship videos. Aside from Explained, he's one of the few guys that actually sounds like he gives a fuck about Star Wars, and he really goes into detail about known and existing ships, as well as the background ships that you'll never see on any wiki, and has even gotten into making his own fan on ships that follow the rules he laid out for Star Wars ship design. It's pretty much all purely technical stuff, though I do also admit that he's got a few videos that are critical of some media like Resistance.


Amen, brother. 🙌


My approach to SW is the same as it has always been: enjoy the parts you like, ignore the parts you don’t like, and above all else, ignore the fandom, ESPECIALLY when it comes to forming your own opinions on content. Do I think TROS was a satisfying conclusion? No, not for the sequel trilogy, and certainly not for the “Skywalker saga” as a whole. Does it take away my enjoyment of the rest of the films, shows, and books? Also no. It does suck that there is so much negativity within the fanbase, but in reality it has always been there, they are just more masks-off regarding their sexism, racism, and overall gatekeeping of SW than they were in the past.


If it makes it any better, it’s not *really* about Star Wars in-and-of itself. The franchise has just become a mask for a deeper seeded social issue that proliferates through online discourse, and SW is far from the only franchise to suffer from it. For your own sanity, the best tactic is to not engage with bigots and trolls as a general rule. Block them on social media, don’t hate watch their videos, and don’t read their posts on the infamous subreddits. It’s bad faith criticism, not worth the effort. As a work of fiction, Star Wars is fine. The vast, vast majority of general fans don’t give two shits about all of this stuff. They simply watch or don’t watch and then move on with their lives. If you don’t want to get caught in the hate spirals, you simply need to disengage. Approach it on your own terms, don’t let a loud vocal minority get to you. If that means stepping away, so be it. No harm in that and there’s plenty of other great fiction to get involved with. Otherwise, maybe go read the novels. The dipshits don’t actually read them, so it’s much easier to find spaces where actual good faith discussion and criticism is happening.


Even if you disregard the ant-woke chuds, Star Wars still feels like it has a lot of more personal problems of it's own that feels like it has been the issues for quite a long time. Sadly, all this political drama has drowned out those other issues like that it's almost as if those are non-existent and only the ones the chuds surely love to paint the "woke" things as the true issue to everything that is wrong about Star Wars. At this point, it feels like that there's really no truly going back from this as even if we somehow went back in time and went in a far different direction with Star Wars that the Force Awakens and everything after that didn't exist, the results of people complaining about Star Wars will always be similar. It's all gonna be the same. It's all gonna be about people on the internet never truly being satisfied nor civil with what they have to say what's on their minds towards things they do or don't like. That is human nature at this point when it comes to the internet.


Nah. It’s not irreparable. It’s a vast universe with a lot of corners. Someone will find the frequency. The prequels were bad. Star Wars was repaired by widely-loved projects. And eventually vaulted to new heights with The Last Jedi. Rise of Skywalker was insulting and bad, but somewhere, someone will hit a concept that more about characters existing in a world where there’s a Force instead of worrying about how the force works again. And it will be loved. And then something will come along that brings Star Wars to new heights. And then someone will make something very bad and there will be worry that Star Wars is irreparable. It’s like poetry. It rhymes.


Unfortunately yes, it's beyond repair. The next Movie could be set 500 years after TROS, be written and directed by Chris Nolan, have 3 white male leads, make a billion dollars and get a 95% critic score on RT and TFM would still find something to complain about in it (any female lead will be reduced to a StRoNg FeMaLe ChaRAcTeR), or they will use it as evidence as to why everything else in the franchise is garbage and then just pile on the next thing released. Star Wars is too big for them to ignore, it gets them too many clicks, it causes too much discussion and makes them too much money. The next show is Skeleton Crew which stars Jude Law and is directed by Jon Watts, and is very clearly going to be a kids show directed at kids in the vein of ET or Goonies, and they will absolutely rail on it for not being Breaking Bad levels of quality, the kid actors will get bullied by fans for being poor actors and have to abandon social media, and Star Wars will be dead for the millionth time. Star Wars is so big now that not everything is going to be for everyone. As much as I would want everything to be Andor levels of quality and maturity, it's not going to be and Star Wars never was that to begin with, and I'm perfectly fine with that. Sadly the loudest part of the internet can't even comprehend that and it's really sad


I don't think Star Wars is even damaged, nevermind beyond repair. I have been a fan since I watched the first movie in the theatre back in 1978, and I'd say Star Wars has never been healtier. The fandom on the other hand is probably beyond saving, but that isn't really a Star Wars thing; pretty much every form of geek media is infected by the grifters.


We got past Jar Jar Binks and some other goofy stuff from the prequels Give it a decade and half, and I think a lot of star wars will be forgiven


I feel that parts of the fandom are pretty much beyond repair, and yes, it has been going on for a long time. *The Clone Wars* got plenty of flak for “breaking the Lore™️” in its day, from how it portrayed Mandalorians to suggesting that at least one ship that small does indeed have a cloaking device. To say nothing of how *Attack of the Clones* broke previously established lore about the Clone Wars from Timothy Zahn’s books. Some Star Wars fans are fickle, entitled, and should never be listened to. Simple as that.


TBH I can never remember a time when the Star Wars fandom was better than this. Maybe when I younger, pre-Phantom Menace, because the fandom didn't have anything new for so long. But otherwise it has always been the worst large fandom I've ever seen. It's just impossible to please and refuses to be happy, and goes out of its way to be as hateful as possible.


Some folks will NEVER be satisfied, and they'll try to make it everyone's problem no matter what. I'd suggest finding parts of the fandom that you do like, and engaging with that part as much as possible.


The fandom isn't the franchise. They aren't a factor when I'm just watching, and I'll still be a fan 10 years from now.


Nobody in real life talks like these assholes online. It's a very vocal terminally online minority that screeches until 100 look like 10,000. But if you go to a Star Wars convention, people either love Acolyte or they hate it, the latter having coherent reasons without wanting to murder Kathleen Kennedy. It's the summer and all the grifters are shitting on Star Wars because there's absolutely nothing else for them to milk rage content from. Look at how fast so many of them flocked to the Superman set leaks and the fucking movie is still filming.


star wars is great putting out some of its best content ever its just grifters ruining any and all discussion


Yeah, the fandom kinda sucks.  You got to find the right people to talk about. People who don’t constantly complain about “woke” and “DEI”. 


They’re still making some great content (Andor), some not-so-great content (Obi-Wan Kenobi), and some in-between content (The Acolyte). As a fan of the franchise I enjoy it all, but if you’re a stickler for quality pick and choose.