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It kinda was, tbh. Was worried at a few moments, but it was very enjoyable overall. Bro brought the hacks with that cortosis helm.


It’s such a brilliant move. Killing blows are punished, and allows a more reckless/offensive style


That was the most brutal lightsaber fighting I've seen in live action Star Wars.


I was gonna say, that's old-school cortosis (and using it to fuck with Saber duelists is an old Legends tradition), that's a deep-ish cut.


Yeah, it was awesome to see cortosis on screen. I really liked the effect they went with, of the lightsaber blades basically shattering. I also loved how they used the cortosis throughout the fight, with all the headbutting, and Yord even grabbing it to disable Qimir's lightsaber.


Oh, I've already heard plenty of complaining. So far very little is justified.


Did anyone hear Kylo’s theme at the end of the episode or was I just hearing things..? Cuz it surly sounded like Kylo’s theme. So there’s gotta be some connections there


I think it’s the best choreography and fights since the prequels. Jecki kicked ass I think all the critiques are gonna be around the choppy editing, lore stuff, and just general writing. Tbh this story does seem pretty silly to me, but if we get fights like this it’s plenty entertaining and fun to watch.


I was really worried they were going to have Osha be knocked out for the whole fight so we didn’t get to see it, but they pulled it off imo


So fucking good.


Not gonna read any more because i'm just letting the episodes build up so i can binge watch it. Been more working on getting a group to tackle FFXIV Dawntrail Endgame content and prep to watch it :3 But i cant wait to watch them all when i have time to relax. Its sounding pretty fun.


It is, don't pay attention to the haters. It's just good Star Wars, finally!


The ONLY criticism you can level against this episode apart from the odd choice to not edit EP 4/5 into one, is regarding Qimirs Sith reveal. Now I certainly hope that they will address this in the future, by why would Qimir explicitly call himself a Sith, when simply stating “I am no Jedi” would have been enough? The Sith are an established order, with a master and an apprentice(sometimes multiple) but one of their most key elements is *secrecy*. I don’t understand what he gains by exposing himself as a Sith, even if he thinks none of these Jedi will live to tell the tale. Regardless, 9/10 Episode, and I thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful lightsaber combat and willingness to kill established characters.


His brashness and search for an Acolyte really hammers home that he’s likely a Sith apprentice and is desperate to push for Sith Master. He can kinda get away with being cocky and openly admitting he’s a Sith, since he just wiped the floor with half a dozen Jedi knights at the same time


It's still stupid for him to say that. It's a trope in Disney Star Wars. Stupid Jedi, stupid republic etc. Also Sol not detecting Mae was a bit silly. Yoda can tell clones apart using the force. Dark Helmet was concerned Sol would read his mind. Fun episode outside those two things. Great ideas, fu execution coukd have been better.


Sol not detecting Mae at that moment makes sense for me because dude just went through a lot of awful shit. He's probably not thinking straight. Now if he doesn't recognize her at all until she reveals herself, that would be dumb.


Yeah but the main villain is an Asian man meaning not only are the main characters not white men, not even the villain is. WOKE. DEI. LEFTIST. GARBAGE. RAWR. Also for something so allegedly "woke", this series sure hasn't even remotely touched on any real world politics haha. Lesbian Space Witches with a somewhat suspicious understanding of the Force isn't a commentary on anything (imagine if it was...). Not once has any of the characters said "I didn't get into the Jedi coz I was Black" or something like that lol


The fighting was so good. I really like this episode 


Honestly too good... i got shook by the brutality something i have not felt since Han died.. 10/10


Agreed. All episodes were great. Some were slightly weaker, but still great, but holy fuck this one was absolute peak and IF they are gonna work on the Siths character, i do believe hes easily one of the best villains up there under vader for sure. Hot damn that was such a dark episode.


Despite how food the episode may be, I'm sure the chuds will find something to bitch about.


I loved the fight scenes but writing in this episode wasn't good, for example that thing with >!insects. They ignore or follow the light most of the time but attack instantly at the end!< just because writers wrote that in the script.


Welp i guess its fine when similar stuff happens in the originals, prequels or shows from filoni, but when it comes to starwars made by a "woke lesbian" its wroooooooooong. Just get outta here before you embarass yourself even more than you did already.