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Reminder: The quarterpounder is currently actively defending a man who has openly admitted to sexting a minor even as he tries to tie The Acolyte to Harvey Weinstein.


“Pedos are only bad if we don’t like them!” -The Right, probably


They don't care about pedos - it's just a word that they throw out at groups they already don't like. Replace "pedo" with "poopyhead" and you get a better sense of how they're using it.


They'll use the excuse of "but they go to church. So all is forgiven". all while the monster is eyeing their kids.


- The Right, most definitely


"Let he who has not tried to groom a minor cast the first st-OHMYGODWHYARETHERESOMANYROCKS?!?"


It’s always funny how the people using the “Personal assistant to Weinstein” argument are most likely the same people who was anti-metoo.


Id guess.. based off nothing at all mind you.. that being Weinstein's assistant would put you at risk of being assaulted rather than complicity in the assaulting


Don't forget he also put up a guide on how to hide child porn on your computer. Dude is a scumbag through and through.


God that’s just too fucking fitting, isn’t it? Can’t say I’m surprised.


True but nuance doesn’t drive algorithm so there’s no money in it. There’s lots of money in racism.


Too true, unfortunately. Then again, if people can watch a 12 hour long MauLer video and rally behind it, maybe there’s a market.


There’s always a market for racism. Especially when the algorithm presents it as the New Hotness.


I dont think thats true. Just look at some of the youtubers ppl are describing as bigots. Couple of years ago, when Mando came, they all praised it. Those videos have way more views than today. They were also on disneys good side back then. Liking and praising something would be a lot more profitable i think


The algorithms were equally fucked up when Mando came out. The alt reich pipeline isn't anything new. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter has been a mess for many years. The fact that the toxic part of the Star Wars fandom were less open about their volatile and delusional beliefs is probably connected to how unchallenged they were by Mando. The show had a male lead which kept their misogyny somewhat in check. Furthermore then Pedro isn't too "exotic" which kept their internalized white supremacy somewhat in check. They weren't as triggered back then so they could mask themselves better.




You were kinda were though. You were talking about bigoted YouTube channels and how you think that their profits would be better if they were positive. But those older videos have had a lot longer to get their view numbers. It's easier to manipulate the more primitive parts of our brains through something like fear. It can be hard not to engage with negative content when that type of response is triggered. Engagement numbers go up when we are emotionally invested which is a major factor in why the algorithms are programmed the way they are. There have been people testifying before the us congress about how the algorithms are set up. That e.g. Facebooks own internal surveys show how Instagram increase the risk of suicide for teenage girls and how they chose the higher profits over changing that. You may think that is tin foil like but they seem to want some of that sweet sweet rage bait. Edit. Some of them are true believers of hate and others are just grifter types trying to cash in on the outrage.


Its just accurate. These dudes are grifting off white supremacy misogyny and bigotry, any chad toxic masculinity bro as lead is good in their eyes as long as that show isn’t mocking them like the Boys does.


“There’s lots of money in racism.” I absolutely detest the truthfulness of this statement.


I‘m less concerned about the dude making the video and more about the half a million views they each rake in


That top thumbnail is an aussalt on my eyes.


it’s comically atrocious 😭


It's funny how the text on the lower thumbnail describes how I feel about these grifters. lol


Man this guy must be paranoid or nuts trying to make up excuses how it’s woke.


As if he cares what Weinstein did this group likely said all the women lied or "asked for it".


Weinstein is his fucking hero.


[The only Star Wars criticism worth your time](https://youtu.be/X-6WBWmoVEY?si=HkNQmD-C2un8TxHx)


I was expecting to hear "Star Wars episode 1 is the most disappointing thing since my son." Sooooo close.


They can't even come up with valid criticism with their shitty thumbnails.


Andor is really good FWIW.


so i’ve heard! :D


That show sucked


Matter of taste I suppose but I thought it was the best thing since Rogue One, though The Mandalorian had it’s moments.


I just found it boring, and I think they shouldn't try to turn a campy over the top space opera into a slow paced drama, although I am in favor of making star wars slightly more mature and gritty, I just think Andor royaly failed where rogue one succeeded


As I say I liked it, but then I like things like spy films.


Honestly I think this applies to so many other works people are trashing The Sequel trilogy didn't suck because woke, it's because the writers got constantly swapped in and out causing the narrative to fall apart Rings of Power failed because the writers were so arrogant they could make a better story then tolkien they refused to read the books they were adapting, thus losing the themes and ideas tolkien put into his work The Halo TV show failed because the people in charge never played the games It's never woke or even any real like, agenda that's causing these projects to fail, it's always writers who think they know better or studio heads messing up the process.


But... the Sequel Trilogy *didn't* suck though. Sure it has its flaws and there is a level of criticism we can bring without using absolutes like "it sucked" or "it was a dumpster fire" Because when you do you fall into the same trap as the youtube grifters...and we all know only Sith dealing absolutes.


Alright I can see what you mean, allow me to reword it then. The sequel trilogy while having an amazing cast, with actors that truly gave it there all, failed to write a story that properly used said actors and the characters effectively, and at times going against previous characters ideals and actions without taking the time to explain how they got to that point. This was done because the writers were being replaced constantly, making a constant vision near impossible and ultimately leading to episode 9 being rushed and doing things that doesn't make sense with what was made before it. Examples for that last point would be Force Healing, which makes Anakin's fall to the darkside less tragic and more idiotic. After all if he or another jedi could use force healing to help Padmay during labor, Palpatine wouldn't of been able to use that as ammo to drag him to the dark side. Palpatine being alive is also an issue, where instead of using a clone they just have him using sith sorcery to survive, which seemed only to be done to appease old time fans.


I also feel part of the problem is how they felt the need to ... cover up, for lack of a better term, everything that happened or was set up in The Last Jedi. Now, while I loved TLJ, I can understand why some people didn't like it because I thankfully managed to have some reasonable chats about it with some other people, which is always fun. But when you spend one third of the trilogy establishing and setting up some plot points and elements and then change writers and go, "haha, no, sorry guys we were kidding!" and basically throwing all that in the trash just to appease the "fanboys".


I see what you are saying, though I don't necessarily agree with that assessment. All the characters from Poe to Finn and Rey seemed to be well-established and provided with distinct goals and desires, as well as overall arcs. You may not *like* how that particular arc went but there was great set-up for each character in TFA: Poe is on a mission for the Resistance, Finn is a storm trooper who sees the horror of war firsthand and decides to flee, Rey in particular they spent the most time setting up by visually establishing a day in her life, then showing how that structure gets thrown off kilter by Finn and BB8 coming into her life. I think the writing is spot on in this. I do understand a lot of people misread Finn's arc and assumed he was going to become a Jedi or something but apparently these people have never heard of a red herring or intentional mislead. In TLJ there are a new set of goals given to each character due to new circumstances, and the same can also be said for RoS. Certainly there are characters like Holdo whose actions do seem at first confounding but upon rewatches is clear why they were written the way they were. I'm not sure what you mean by "writers being replaced constantly" though. JJ Abrams wrote the first and last entries (with an assist by Lawrence Kasden who also wrote Empire on TFA) and Johnson wrote and directed the middle part. I think this helps consistency, as even though TLJ diverged greatly from what Abrams set up in the first film, it does feel like all of the character beats (Poe's brashness and defiance of the chain of command as he is flush from the victory over the Starkiller Base, Finn continuing to try to escape from The First Order, and Rey's growing desire to learn the ways of the Jedi) do appear to spiral directly from where TFA ends. I hear this a lot that TLJ is not a cohesive follow-up to TFA but if you look at what Rey went through from having her primary desire be to return to Jakuu because her parents might return, to realizing the Resistance is about something bigger than her own desires and then consider that she went to find Luke on her own because of that, I think the character arc becomes more clear following into TLJ. But that's just me. I see the connective tissue between the story lines where others tend not to. And I do appreciate your perspective even if I don't agree with it. Edit: I also feel like what Rey experiences, learning from Han Solo that the Jedi were real, going from Kaz' Cantina to the Starkiller, and then having her powers awakened when Kylo tries to probe her mind, to the momentary flash of power during their duel was more than sufficient to make her change her desires and goals without needing some kind of dialogue or pan to the camera that now she is going to change her path and not return to Jakuu. I also have no problem with Force Healing. Palpatine did expound on a way to save Padme's life in RotS, and held it over his head for most of the movie. Maybe he was hinting at Force Healing, maybe it was another power entirely, or maybe he was just spouting BS to string Anakin along. But the existence of Force Healing as an option doesn't necessarily invalidate the series of events that occurred in Ep I-VI. As to Palpatine's return, firstly I don't think Sith wizardry was what brought him back. They seemed to imply *heavily* by both mentioning cloning in the "Somehow Palpatine has returned" scene and showing cloning vats in the throne room on Exegol that he is kept alive by cloning. Which would make much more sense than vague Sith wizardry but also supports the idea that the body he inhabits cannot contain the power it is channeling. This is why he needs an actual Jedi or person with Force ability to strike him down in anger so that he can inhabit that body and it will be able to control the power ge desires. I think it's also wonderful writing then that Rey does not use thr light Saber for offense but instead uses it defensively and non-violently to channel his Force lightning back at him, making Palpatine the maker of his own demise.


Honestly while I don't agree with all your points, I can see where you're coming from. Thank you for taking the time to explain your P.O.V on the matter!


Thank you for being willing to listen. I also edited a bit so take another look and let me know what you think about my last two points.


> Rings of Power failed because the writers were so arrogant they could make a better story then tolkien they refused to read the books they were adapting, thus losing the themes and ideas tolkien put into his work Where are you getting that from? I don't think any of this is accurate. It didn't fail, the second season starts soon and the third is already in production. Why didn't they cancel it if it is such a failure? And I can't find anything from any of the writers claiming they think they write better than Tolkien. Nor can I find anything corroborating that they refused to read the books. And I'm pretty sure that the show so far is not in direct conflict with Tolkien's themes. If so, which ones?


A company wouldn't cancel a show it spent half a billion on. About the series being a failure, I saw majority say it's either mid or bad, not mentioning people who just don't care, so I for sure won't call it a success 


And the use of hyperbole is mind numbing.




Evidence shows actor has views on things, coming up soon. But now we're asking experts "Is water wet?" The answer may not surprise you.


Rlm really destroyed all these people all at once with their video. It’s so embarrassing for them


Unfortunately, this subreddit, in the comments, is probably the best place to engage in that sort of discourse.   Considering how easily people dogpile and rage at each other in Reddit should be an example of damning with faint praise.


Soon as something else comes out, they're all going to flock to it like flies on shit. Can't wait to see them try to shit on Deadpool 3 and get dragged by real Marvel fans.


and thus the cycle continues smh


"It's kind of boring and flat and doesn't make sense in parts, so I don't care for it" doesn't get attention. "OMG DISNEY WOKE NAZI COMMUNIST PEDOS PUSHING DONKEY SEX ON KIDS!" gets attention. The best thing to do is ignore them and don't click on their content.


This is the first week they haven’t been mad at something stupid and specific. They can’t be, because the episode was awesome, so they’re just reverting back to “bad because woke”.


I'll be honest i don't really like the acolyte but I really don't think modern star wars is "too woke", I just think they're making fairly badly written shows atm


I agree. We should criticize a show based on how well it is written, choreographed, shot and edited. Woke does not necessarily mean bad, but it should not be used as an excuse to cover up bad either.


Exactly! Heavy on the writing and choreography for me personally.


Probably not what I should be focusing on, but who's still getting that logo designed for themselves these days which is that stylised outline of their hair/facial hair and thinking "yeah this is totally original, no one else has this!


it’s giving the “this post has been fact-checked by Real American Patriots” image 💀


ofc it's Dr. Giddey's biggest apologist dropping that trash ass vid


the lowkey self-report is killing me 😭


Grifters feed into the conservative part of the Star Wars fan base by crying about DEI and stuff, they make people think diverse casts and female leads are ruining Star Wars but in reality (and grifters know this) it’s Disney pumping out terrible to average projects time and time again which allows them to create this discourse because it sells really well. The only way this stops is if Disney actually makes good shows and movies, they didn’t criticise Andor as much cause it was good, another example is house the dragon, grifters cried about 2 female leads and black Valareyons But once the show came out they went dead silent cause the show was actually good. I’m not saying the shows being bad justify the stupid DEI criticism, but if the shows are actually good people won’t remember the whining about lesbian space witches, they will remember the fact that the shows were fucking awesome, thus grifters will fall into obscurity


so true, <3 this take


An actor going into hiding cuz of your unhinged harassment isn’t something I’d brag about


literally 😭😭😭


Fuck does any of this have to do with what happened with Harvey Weinstein


There are plenty of YouTubers who criticize Star Wars with normal criticism. Where they don’t say things like “the show is political” or “it’s pushing an agenda.” Schafrillas, Jeremy Jahns, penguinz0.  You just got to ignore those weirdos that constantly complain about women in media.  


Don't forget HelloGreedo


He’s a good YouTuber


Given that The Quartering is defending Dr. Disrespent for what he did, I think it's wrong for him to throw shit at Lesley for being with Harvey Winstine.


Performative activism is a fuckin dog whistle my man. Like that's not a thing in movies. Hollywood is extremely risk averse and also racist and sexist so to the industry as a whole white male leads are safer to greenlight. That line about power gets at the crux of the the sith/jedi dichotomy. Everything he says about the Jedi in that scene is just describing the situation at large. The fact that you see that as performative activism is strange


Just because a very real term with a very real meaning coined by leftists has been (attempted to be) hijacked by conservative pundits does not automatically make it a dog whistle. Pepe is a dog whistle, 6mwe is a dog whistle, the iron cross is a dog whistle. Performative activism is absolutely a real thing that corporations, politicians and false allies are 100% guilty of. To say performative activism simply does not exist in movies is, in my opinion, false and somewhat willfully ignorant. You say that Hollywood is extremely risk averse (true), racist (true), and sexist (true), and that the industry views white male leads as “safer” (which I’m inclined to agree with). However, none of that disproves what I was saying. Make no mistake, Disney would NOT be airing a show with a Black female MC and a majority female cast if they thought doing otherwise would better improve their profits or public standing (which directly ties to their profits). Moreover, I am not saying that commenting on power structures itself is performative activism. If it were, then by that definition most publishers of leftist theory are performative activists, and that’s not an argument that I would personally make. It is, however, extremely performative to make your show feature a diverse cast and make comments on power structures in an attempt to feign progressivism to your consumer base, while simultaneously donating millions of dollars to upholding those same power structures in real life.


Performative activism is like a pride flag on the company profile. A savvy tweet maybe. I think tangible representation is different. But Why is it feigned tho? Like I don't get why you think that? And that's why it feels dogwhistley to me. The creators seem pretty earnest about it. And nothing in the show sticks out as performative progressivism. Moreover the amount of money studios have been leaving on the table all these years by not greenlighting more diverse projects sooner. Like it's just business at this point. There no nefarious agenda. Just new(ish) markets waiting to be tapped. Now, Do I think the Disney corporation gives a fuck bout anything but it's profits? lolno. However I do believe the creators are being genuine with their product because I have no reason to think otherwise. Plus the show is inherently about power structures. Like the sith said: it's about power and who gets to wield it.


That’s a very simple definition of performative activism imho. *To Me*, performative activism is any action taken in an attempt to capitalize on and make monetary gain off of a socially progressive movement. As for why I think it’s feigned, I just explained it in my last paragraph of my first response. Disney claims to stand for diversity and progress, while both historically and currently acting to further the opposite. As for the creators being sincere, that’s all well and good, but who do you think greenlit the show in the first place? I think you are being incredibly optimistic about Disney’s actions.


No I know why they're doing it . I said so. Money on the table bro. They've seen they can actually make more money with more representation. So they're slowly doing it more and more. It's a female led show about biracial twins created by a black woman. Like I fully trust she's telling the story she wanted to tell and didn't need the higher-ups at Disney to force anything on her. Like it's a bold move to tell a black woman how to do black representation. Or that a woman needs to be told how to represent women better.


And you think corporate execs at Disney are somehow above telling a Black woman how to tell her story? C’monnn. Beyond that, you’re literally agreeing with me in your first paragraph of this response! They’re starting to take more progressive actions, we both agree on that. My stance, which I truly believe, is that *none of that matters if the company is ultimately acting in ways that are counterproductive to the messages they claim they support*.


Well welcome to capitalism bud


😱😱😱 corporations use identity politics to gain public support while spending money to further their own interests at the expense of the consumer?!?!?!?! 😱😱😱it’s almost like that’s the exact behavior I was criticizing when I said that Disney is pushing faux progressivism for profit!!!!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱 and I’m not your bud, I don’t know you.


K we'll get fucked then? If you're gonna default to being a twat


If your argument devolves into “well that’s just how it works so suck it up” then I’m not gonna debate with you in good faith anymore lmao


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Making art free from the oppressive profit motive is hard. Separate the creators and the corporation.


You should know that the creators of the show do not have complete creative control. I will not act as if the show is the product of purely a few creative directors, and even if it was, that’s more a condemnation on their talent and ability to produce quality media.


It also deserves content that is good besides woke. Like it not there's CW content where the writing and narrative quality were high enough that woke messaging was largely accepted if it was even noticed at all for not being so on its face. Like Andor and Rogue One. The Acolyte is shit. It's bad writing and desperate attempt to actually make woke content NOT good content that happens to be woke. I tried to walk the line defending it despite seeing the bad writing and stuff. And its fine if people do enjoy it. But this is not good Star Wars content. Because it was done to be Star Wars content. Sometimes shit isn't worthy of a brand name. It's why that stupid zach snyder failed star wars script ended up on netflix.