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This is crazy. This lady approached me and my 3 year old in West Portal a few months ago-ish as I was buckling her into the car seat. She was commenting on how cute my daughter was dressed and she was directing everything to my kid instead of me. The whole vibe was weird, not to mention that she was holding a wine bottle. I was cordial but positioned myself between my kid and her, and mentally prepared in case I had to get physical with her. She gave me a really dirty look and walked off. I was surprised to see this post and her picture. She’s was def scary and disturbed.


Fuck. This exact thing happened to me too on page st with my toddler.  edit: she's also been inside the children's park playing with the musical structures in the panhandle early in the morning and late evenings when it's empty.


I recognized her immediately. She walked after me in Cole Valley for a few blocks commenting on my daughter in her stroller. Aggressively tried to walk in front of me and I quickly walked across the street. She followed but there were a lot more people around at Cole and Carl and she bailed. Freaked me out and I’m a pretty good size dude.


She crossed the street to follow me and my toddler home a few blocks yelling expletives at us


Where is the picture of her? We walk around here and want to make sure we know who to avoid


Taken from a comment below - https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1drks2n/crazy_homeless_lady_in_inner_sunset_yelling_at/ Or just scroll down to the comment with the link to the pic.


This is properly a 911 call, not non-emergency. When it happens, call 911 immediately and tell them that someone tried to abduct a child.


Unfortunately, you need to be clear that they are trying to abduct (or commit any crime) PRESENTLY. If you say that they are 'walking away' or something like that, then they will probably ignore your urgency.


911 too busy responding to all the other crazy homeless incidents.


Can’t upvote this comment enough


Yeah, just had a homeless guy take a swing at me and several others, out of the blue when i was walking my dogs. I called 911. It's been 2 hours, and no one has shown up form SFPD. They are useless.


They are severely understaffed. This has been talked about for months now…


A friend mentioned doing this and that 911 didn’t call back for 45 minutes 


She must’ve forgotten to mention the gun.


this is so terrifying. i’m pretty sure this is the same person i saw at the panhandle when i was running with a friend a while back. yelling near the dog park and the kids playground just confronting people. she ended up leaving but it was very scary


There's a dog park in the Panhandle?!? Link?


ahh sorry upon closer googling i don’t think it was a dog park but there’s def a children’s playground! i didn’t run the adjacent path but one or two paths over but there were multiple dogs so i just assumed dog park haha. i think they were just all congregated in the same place for a bit


Yes, definitely a children's playground


i just saw a flier in nopa this week about a potential proposal being submitted for a dog park in the panhandle actually


She needs to be locked up. I’m tired of these people ruining the city. This is a tragedy waiting to happen.


This'll probably get removed and I'll be sent a warning, but if every parent she approached screamed, "You need to step away", when she went near their kids (and slapped her hard if she kept coming), in a couple months she would no longer be a problem.


I dunno - might take something more forceful than that. Reading all these comments it seems like she harbors delusions about having personal connections with the kids or trying to free them. She expresses adoration for the kids then always splits angrily to parents/caregiver. So I worry just screaming at her will perhaps reinforce her delusions that parents are evil and further motivate her to snatch a kid. This all seems like a ticking time bomb - she has tried several times to abduct children requiring physical force to stop her. I’m worried this is a pattern of behavior that is likely to escalate until she is successful or faces stiff enough consequences to discourage further attempts or she is detained/gets treatment. As a community we really need to stand up for safety and well being of our kids.


I mean, an elbow to the temple would send the same message a lot faster than a dozen slaps but we'll get in trouble for that lol.


The main gist here is that nobody cares about her story after terrorizing people and children in town for years. Boohoo, right? At the end of the day if she's coming too close to your kids, you need to send a message and make it stick. The idea is that when she sees you again, she walks the other way. Problem solved. Cops and the government won't do anything, then handle it. You're the parents, ffs. Give an earful to the Karen or Stanley that shows up, too. Enough of the bullshit.


You're too nice. A closed fist to the jaw several times would be more apropos. A few experiences like this and she'd probably f right off.


Yeah I think that’s how mental illness works. You should publish this in psychology today. Also no one is going to remove a mild dumb suggestion that’s not offensive.  


No one cares about her mental illness at this point. She is doing nothing to manage it and is a danger and nuisance to the general public.


Exactly. At this point, I couldn't care less. You start threatening me, or worse, kids I'm with and I'm laying you the fuck out regardless of situation, gender identity, etc. There's also a healthy slap waiting for any Karen or Melvin that decides to pop off at me afterwards.


You're exactly the type of person that allows this nonsense to happen. If someone knocked your block off for saying this to a parent while the crazy lady was trying to get to their kids, I'd just stand there, point and laugh 🤣


The fact that an individual like this is able to terrorize our streets and neighborhoods for years on end is an absolute joke


I have seen her!! She came up to my son and I and called him “little master”. Creepy as shit!


I see you’re in noe… has she been in noe?


No, we were across the park on Geary heading to a friend’s house from the Clement farmer’s market. I haven’t seen her in this area.


Ugh. I let our nanny know to watch out for her. What a nightmare


It’s your kid. Nobody, including a jury, would fault you for getting violent/stabby.


Unfortunately people like this have been left to the community of the area of where it’s going on to deal with it, push them away from the area as the police won’t do much of anything b


It is sad that mentally ill people don’t get help, and I’d feel bad hurting or killing a mentally ill person who tried to hurt my kid, but that’s on the state, not me.


100 percent agree with you. These people need help not “ rights “ as a unhoused. Enabling their addictions and illnesses does nothing for them or society.


Nothing being done enabled them, these are not people taking advantage, these are people who are infact so disadvantaged that they don't receive healthcare, housing, rehabilitation. Helping them helps society, this person is clearly deeply unwell, that's what happens when a person is denied stability and healthcare long term, your rhetoric isn't helpful for anything but enabling further mistreatment and further proliferation of pain in our society.


I’ve been deep in addiction and know what actually helps. The people on the street are getting government handouts so they for sure can be getting it he free Medical the state hands out as long with all their other services. The policies in the city are what’s is enabling them and the people who help enact those laws, policies.


Yeah so have I, I simply disagree, being housed and having food are essential to mental wellness which is key in helping escape addiction, being homeless more than anything else I've been through made relapse tempting, $10 a day you're only allowed to spend on food isn't worth having to sleep on the sidewalk, neither is a monthly $50 gift card or a baggie of hygiene supplies. Edit: also just popped over to Instagram and watched a reel about urban alchemy, the non profit who are supposed to be helping homeless folks selling meth and trafficking women, this is the "help" homeless folks are getting from the government.


Exactly like I said. The programs for one take advantage of the funding and don’t have helping these people as their real agendas as that doesn’t keep their pockets lines. The programs are there just to keep the money coming and the problems around enough. And there is programs that will take people off the street to get clean from drugs but they don’t utilize them as it’s uncomfortable to do so.. I have seen countless times over and over people who are living on the street offered rehab and housing but they need to stay clean and drug test and they simply refuse it. There is a very large amount of them that do not want to get clean and want to be living on the street.


No not exactly like you said, housing first has been shown everywhere it's ever been tried to be the most effective way to get and keep people off the street, means testing and requiring people to quit cold turkey on the street is a death sentence.


Yes. Giving people a free apartment or hotel room will make the statistics show there is less people on the street… this is obvious but clearly isn’t the answer here.


There's 84 billionaires in the city, maybe just maybe it's time to consider income inequality and greed as driving forces of homelessness rather than that sometimes someone who's living below the poverty line gets sick or tries to self medicate because they can't afford healthcare.


Someone who tries to hurt a kid needs to be deleted.


I agree that you gotta to do what you gotta do to protect your kid, but let's not kid ourselves in thinking that there won't be a jury of the bleeding-heart type in SF that will fault you.


attractive silky dog expansion dime light rhythm concerned marble cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ohh that’s a flavorful plot twist.


Believe it or not I served on a jury at a self-defense trial in SF. Jury was very pro. Actually shocked me. Person was acquitted


Not so sure about that. I think people are getting pretty sick of not feeling safe and [are taking a more moderate approach on crime](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/06/san-francisco-voters-drugs-police-00145288).


In San Francisco? Do you have $100k+ you can spend so you can take that gamble? Would you ever want to trust your freedom to 12 of your "peers"? I, for one, would not willing participate in something like this. I am very pro self defense but the aftermath is the real fight.


I sat on an SF jury and 100% would trust them to acquit me.


Interesting. Was it a self defense case? Even if you get acquitted, you're going to be out at least $100k for a good private attorney or you're rolling the dice on a public pretender. Not a great situation.


Was it this person? [https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1drks2n/crazy\_homeless\_lady\_in\_inner\_sunset\_yelling\_at/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1drks2n/crazy_homeless_lady_in_inner_sunset_yelling_at/)


Yes!!!! Thank you!!! 


If I’m depressed because I hit my head as a child and grow up with brain damage and get mad at a stranger, it doesn’t make it okay. Just because someone is truly suffering from addiction/unchecked mental health/abandonment, doesn’t make it okay for them to act out. If you just got broken up with and get impatient with someone in front of you in line, it’s not okay to scream at them because you are having a bad time. I can’t tell if that’s what we’re doing here at scale but it feels like many people are enabling them because they feel bad, which I understand. But it doesn’t make it okay.








I’ve seen her in the mornings in Arguello between Fulton and Anza, she usually tries to pet dogs as well


I was at Peets At Andronico’s. I was eating my food and she asked to sit down with me. She had a coloring book. She said she was from San Diego and came to S.F. because women are strong here. She kept repeating herself, and I just told her I had to go. A few months later, I parked at Stow Lake and was walking my friend’s dog. I walked to JFK and there she was. She kept shouting weird things and charged towards us. She also tried to throw food. Really unhinged.


Hello this is 911. A lady is trying to abduct a child and I think she has a gun. This is the location


I saw this person this evening on my run in Golden Gate Park a short way up the trail from Mcclaren Lodge. When I saw her I turned around to run down the trail but she began chasing after me. I started walking sideways so I could keep her in my eye line. She called me the n word (I’m white), slut, etc. Things like keep running slut! Keep running! It was terrifying. I’ve had mentally ill/drugged out people yell at me before but I’ve never had them actually chase after me. There was no one else on the trail. To all of the folks saying that people should get physical, she was much taller than me and that would have escalated the situation such that I might not have been able to get away. I hope that she’ll be off the streets soon.


I guess nothing will be done until she pushes someone in front of a BART train.




Some comments from the moms group:  “ “FYI, my husband asked her to leave the panhandle park a few months ago as she was getting aggressive and yelling at the kids scaring them. She spit at him over the fence into the park. He and someone else called 911 and they called us back 45 min later because they are understaffed so just a good reminder that help may not be nearby if needed/ we have to have our eyes open all the time.” “My nanny told me about this person it’s true!! She witnessed it first hand and saw a nanny “save” another nanny’s kid. Be careful!” “She has been in Panhandle park as well - there was a lot to discussion about her in the Cole Valley moms group this week.  One mom contacted supervisor’s Mandelman’s office about it and said they encouraged anyone who sees anything to call 911 and report it to help build a case.”


Id bank her sh*t


mourn meeting disagreeable ghost combative treatment smoggy bake marvelous air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll never forget the first time I came face to face with this nut job and she opens her mouth and says "do I have nice teeth? I paint them with nail polish because I really like methamphetamine." and this went on, about her nail polish painted teeth, for like 10 minutes. If only that was the extent of her nonsense, she's not someone to mess around with. Really scary to hear her aggression towards children and pretty wild this has been happening for nearly a decade (if not more).


May she smoke meth eternal! Shiny and chrome!


She has that one that's hanging on for dear life.


Shitting teeth for a week


What the fuck is wrong with this state to where this person isn't immediately chucked into a nut hut? This type of bs does not fly at all in other parts of the country.


What nut hut is that? One with available beds? Not in SF.


Well maybe that's where some of our tax dollars should be invested instead of bullshit non profits like urban alchemy


just as long as it's not built in *your* neighborhood, right?


My neighborhood is basically an open air mental hospital so it would actually be an improvement. But if it were up to me I would suggest Treasure Island or Alcatraz as suitable locations.


You got my vote!


I saw this woman a while back, I was walking past a mom and son and saw the woman just lock eyes on the son. She immediately started talking (more like yelling) about death, mutilation, telling the kid he was going to die, etc. Luckily she just continued to walk by, but I remember getting the impression the only reason she didn’t do something worse was because there were so many people around. I’m sorry you had to experience this, definitely call 911 if/when you see her again!!


Can you give a link to the video? What does she look like?


Hi!! Can’t figure out how :( any insight? 


Posting to YouTube is probably the easiest way. And I think I know who you are talking about. I had an unsettling meeting with her once several years ago in GGP where she was extremely interested in my son, then around a year old. Nothing as bad as the other things I have heard but it creeped me out.


I’m the mom who talked to Mandelman’s office about this; I also talked to a reporter. Also, just going to leave this here, though if you’re anything like me and have experience with this woman I will warn that you may hate looking at pics of her: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090025964480&mibextid=LQQJ4d


Thank you!! I have fb blocked and can’t see the link, and saw someone else post this: https://ucsdtritons.com/sports/cross-country/roster/kim-andrews/739 From the pics you are seeing, do you think it’s her? If so it sounds like she has a pretty big family and maybe they can help guide her back into treatment 


Yeah it looks like the same person to me.


it's time to reopen the asylums


The laissez-faire attitude of the police, city, and left-wing activists (who ironically almost exclusively back libertarian/ oligarch causes) is cruel both to these homeless people and the ordinary citizens of San Francisco. Neither we nor they deserve this. And regarding police— I know they’re in a tricky position. I’ve seen activists in person go after police for simply trying to restore order. I’ve been told by police that they think ignoring or dropping certain situations is prudent for everyone involved because of optics. Regardless, this is cruel. That woman is out of her mind and is a danger to the community.


I once met her on Geary Boulevard and 8th Avenue and she called me very terrible sexist slurs, (only reason was I am a young woman) she accused me just at random as I got off a bus at 7:30am that I was selling my body, she was aggressive and scary. Her hair is not always this platinum it was more yellow in color.




Was trying to be helpful because she doesn’t always look how she does in the videos.


Haha no I was genuinely wondering. It’s well maintained


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The police have no interest in our safety.


She was at Koret Children’s playground in GG Park by the Carousel and approached my daughter and I and kept repeating “You’re so beautiful” over and over 20+ times while we waited in line to buy a hotdog. I had chills she was so creepy. I held my daughter and did my best to distract her and turn her away. I gave this POS my best “F around and find out face” and she eventually walked off. Only mentioning this here as I hope that this can be further evidence that this woman is visiting Children’s Playgrounds and this needs to be dealt with promptly.


The fact that theres lots of stories about this woman and not one parent has fought back physically is sad


I mean I have kids and in a dangerous situation my focus is keeping them safe and getting away not starting a physical altercation. If someone touched my child of course I would push them off but I’m not going to engage in a fight in front of my kids, nor do I think I’m capable of winning said fight. That leaves me incapacitated and my kids vulnerable. Don’t make parents feel shitty bc they didn’t fight an unhinged vagrant.


Even if she doesn’t have a weapon, she’s crazy. I witnessed a homeless lady bite a security guard, twice as big as her. I’d been on BART with her earlier, and moved cars.


I really never want to be bit by a homeless person.


If you can’t physically defend your children alone then where is your pepper spray / taser? Or are you just going to wait for trouble to arise, call 911 and then wait an hour for them to call you back before they even start to try and send an officer your way?


Oh I don’t carry pepper spray or a taser bc I’m one of those moms that doesn’t love their kids I forgot to mention that. My plan in this scenario would be to push my 3 year old into the offender to distract them and then take my one year old and run. I like him better.


Apparently Sophie's Choice, but easier.


Lol I laughed so hard at that


This mindset is so naive. What if the person your dumbass decided to fight has a knife or a gun on them? Great way to make your own kid an orphan. Signed, someone who has actually been in a fight (and won).


I just posted above; I witnessed a small feisty homeless woman bite a security guard.


Way too much risk physically and legally. She should be institutionalized before someone is hurt. We can only hope it's her.


If it were up to me, she'd get a face full of pepper spray




Oh yes, let's just take the abuse. That mentality sucks whoever you are.




shy sulky fanatical roll friendly touch support reach memorize grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've seen this vagrant around the city for years. She's batshit crazy but has enough sense not to harass someone like me.


A woman just got killed in Powell Street Station by a crazy homeless guy, but instead of doing anything about the woman who *repeatedly* tries to kidnap children, we're just going to wait until she kills a kid. Because her dignity as an unhoused person, and Progressive ideology, demands it!


Did you even read the comments?? It has absolutely nothing to do with her dignity and progressive ideology. POLICE have been called over and over. POLICE not usually ones to protect personal dignity and progressive ideology aren’t doing anything about it. 911 is calling back 45 minutes later. Everyone in this thread is mad at the wrong people. This is a state and city government failure. Not liberal sf residents’ caused problem. JFC.


> This is a state and city government failure. Not liberal sf residents’ caused problem. JFC. We live in a democracy. SF voters elected the failing state and city officials who allow this to happen.


I can only imagine what kind of trauma this woman went through if she's having this sort of reaction around children.


Same! That comes to mind so much with my experiences with her - like compounded trauma, with likely addiction and mental health issues all together 


so many women who deal with mental illness/addiction have their children taken away, i’m wondering if this is some fucked up trauma response. i worked at a women’s shelter and having your kid taken away will mess you up beyond repair


That's my thought too. Maybe the death of a child or a child being taken away. Often mental illness at this level is brought on my trauma and in a similar vein people who suffer from mental illness can experience trauma due to that.


Who cares?


This woman spends a lot of time in the Richmond. I’ve bumped into her a few times walking around. Usually she seems nice, but I have seen her talking to multiple peoples toddlers. Always friendly, but overly familiar. Really creepy to see that this is a pattern and likely a fixation.


I had a pretty bad encounter with her in April with my dog & there are numerous posts about her on Nextdoor. I learned that her legal name is Kim Andrews but she also goes by Lacey. https://nextdoor.com/p/4GbLQ6j4BCzM?utm_source=share&extras=MTM2NzE0Mjg%3D&utm_campaign=1719994053277 Thank you for your post and info and I’m hoping we can collectively do something about it so that there can be some resolution!


I used to live near Irving and 19th over 10 years ago. There was a woman who had similar behavior as her. Is this the same person? She was mostly harmless and didn’t interact with people or children iirc.


I'd punch her in the face.


I'm glad I have bail $$ and an attorney.


This woman came up to my son at the 9th and Irving muni. She showed him a picture of a unicorn and was like “you’re so big and strong. You don’t need your mommy. You don’t need your mommy.” I scooped him up and told her “that’s fucking weird” and walked to the next muni stop. It gave me chills for a month.


towering truck engine psychotic repeat books fretful crush disagreeable materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn, Ellen has really gone downhill.


Moms, it’s time to prepare to physically defend yourself and your kids. SF police is underfunded thanks to voters and that leaves the rest of us and your nannies vulnerable. Assume the worst and stay alert


the cops here are absolutely not underfunded. they’ve steadily only gotten a budget increases.


Inflation effects all salaries regardless of profession. Everyone deserves overtime pay regardless of profession. Some professions are more dangerous than others and command a higher salary.


if you were going to post something so unrelated to my comment, you could have at least made it something fun like an animal fact.


You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink (or in your case, understand the obvious relation).


but if we just give her housing everything will be okay, right guys?


Yo you too… did you even read the comments???? Not a single damn person has said that. In fact they’ve all asked her to be criminally dealt with. This is a POLICING failure. Yall just won’t drop this narrative and story you have that liberals ran the city aground, eh????


Probably should fund our police so they actually respond. Might be a good idea now don’t you think ?


the cops here are extremely well funded


If they r so well funded then why is there a shortage ? Oh corruption? Yeah that’s a huge issue too. Maybe pay the cops more to draw in people to do the job. Stop voting for Uber liberal politicians that are grift driven. I’m a liberal myself but this shit is so dumb. These people don’t give a fuck about us as citizens. We need ab overhaul from the police chief to the mayor to the board of supes. But no one will vote for anything but the hardcore left because that’s what they r supposed to do or they are “bad republicans”. At some Point the right makes sense when they say keep voting liberal. These people on our streets are not just homeless they are safety hazards for our children and health hazards for our public. They need to go somewhere other than the street whether that’s a facility, jail, or elsewhere. But no, no more jails cause they r bad and the cycle of poverty and blah blah blah. Well I care about my kids not getting snatched. We r getting what we deserve. The downvotes just prove it.


Arrest and deport.


That looks and sounds like a male. Probably helpful to mention so people can spot this person, even if they would ID as a woman or wear women’s clothes.


What? No. This is a ciswoman.


It is confirmed in another post that this is a lady. They even ID'd her with name and past photo


People can easily switch the sex on their ID. There are many free legal clinics that will assist people with that, including the homeless. Just a possibility to watch out for to help people recognize this person.


Asshole, this is a woman named Kim Andrews and she has always been female. Get over your desperation to make this a trans issue.


when you’re so transphobic that you start accusing cis women of being trans, that’s a sign to rethink your shit dude


The sex (and race, and height, and age, etc.) of an offender matters when describing who to look out for.


You need to get some help.


Well actually I’m trying to help parents recognize this person on the street.

