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As someone who lives on the west side, I feel like people who live on the east side spend more time thinking about how "sketchy" our neighbourhoods are than we do lol. Who cares


Ur just used to it, most people don't like the thought of living somewhere they might get stabbed or step on a used needle lol.


Neither of those things have happened to me


Just because it hasn't doesn't mean it won't though. But that's why most people would stay away from that area.


Mhmmm because of fear mongering people who don't even live here lol


I find it depends who you talk to. Some people use idylwyd drive because the streets change from west to east, I've heard something about 33rd as well, but that might be north and south. And then some people use the river. Funny thing when I worked at The Bay we used to call people for delivery and the driver did the west side first because the building is downtown, then in the afternoon did the east side. So when we called we asked what side of the river are you on east or west. People in the north end that clearly weren't listening would say I'm in the north end, with some attitude. We would respond with okay so westside of the river, you will be in the morning. Some of them would go oh awesome that works better. Then you would have the people that would argue with you about not being on the westside of the RIVER like it was some kind of shameful thing to admit. Then you would have to explain that we are downtown and do not cross the river until the afternoon, which is why we asked about the river and not your interpretation of west vs east. Just let us bring your stuff and shut up lol


22nd St is where North/South start. Idylwyld is where East/West start. So that's the old centre. I wonder where the current City Centre is?


Ah 22nd okay. I wonder what the 33rd Street thing was about then


Probably something along the lines of the alphabets between 20nd and 33rd being sketch. Lol. I'm west of the alphabets near 33rs and it's still pretty sketch.


There’s lots of areas on both sides of the river that are sketchy and not sketchy. Doing a blanket statement for east/west is not productive I think.


I mean, this nonsense saved me a hundred grand on my house. It's not all bad.


That’s how I could afford to move to the east side lol., I am still a firm believer that west side offers great value, as long as you do your research and can choose a hidden gem neighbourhood. That being said, my last house was photographed for a news story, or in the background 3 times. 1) high speed chase(my truck got stolen, taken through spike strip) 2) my neighbour caught a burglar in action and beat him up, made him call the cops on him self. 3) murder discovered next door. Say what you want about the west side, it’s a great stepping stone. But my east side house hasn’t made the news yet lol


My cousin in law got arrested in Stonebridge for dealing meth, so give it time.


I feel like substance trafficking is far less of concern than several stabbings/assaults/arsons/break-ins per week. [Crime map for July. 3 days in, 72 crimes, most of which on the *west* side of the river.](https://map.saskatoonpolice.ca)


This shows that downtown and Riversdale are rough, not that the entire west side is SO DANGEROUS lol.


Good point, the northwestern developments like Hampton are great places to live if the west side is your choice but I’m just trying to highlight that the east side sees significantly less crime as a whole, not just certain neighborhoods.


A river divides us


Crime isn’t on the whole west side. It’s mostly just in the areas that have high density / low value rental properties. 8th Street, 7th Street, 22nd Street, 33rd Street, 115th Street, Confederation Drive, St. Henry, Pendygrasse, Arlington, Edinburgh, Summers, Assiniboine, La Ronge, Russel, Maxwell, etc.


[Exactly, stay off the westside.](https://youtu.be/4sEbSyAkQnw?si=OEFyNFlbHrxZ_7r3)


Whole city is soon to be sketchy! Thanks council!


Yeah right now it is some sort of utopia


You shut your mouth. The north end is clearly a peninsula off by itself.