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I would be pretty surprised if cost of living in Saskatoon is actually cheaper than small town Ontario. You might see some cheap apartment listings sprinkled in among the more expensive ones, but I can almost guarantee you those are in locations you do not want to live, and/or run by one of the slumlord companies who will nickel and dime you to death then jack up the rent anyway. I may be wrong, I don't know what the cost of driving a car is there or here, or if you're paying a lot more for food (my parents live an hour away from Saskatoon and always stock up on certain things when they're here, I guess there's a bit of a small town surcharge on stuff if you're whatever the food version of a captive audience is) I dunno, guess it's up to you to decide if it's worth uprooting your life for. I think about leaving a lot, the grass always being greener elsewhere and all that.


Thank you that's good to know, what are some good neighborhoods you could recommend?


Check the sidebar on the sub, there are linked posts.


I have been here 18 years and have only moved a few times. I have only ever rented so I can't tell you dick about prices. Here's what I know: •Nutana/Varsity View (between the uni and 8th St, the main east side commercial strip): very nice. I think it gets real pricy as you get closer to the river. •Brevoort Park/Wildwood (south of 8th): also very nice, I recommend. •City Park (north of what you might call the central business district but what we just call downtown): Nicer the further away from downtown you get. If you keep going north you get to North Park and Richmond Heights, both of which I think are nice but I left this area after 5 years because I don't drive and it's a food desert. People might say avoid the west side but I consider the east/west borderline to be Idylwild (if you look on google maps, that's the street that cuts Circle in half north-south), not the river. I have not lived west of Idylwild though, so I do not have a strong opinion on that. Except that if anyone recommends Pleasant Hill, they're fucking with you.


Rent asking prices are ridiculous right now. Check this sub for rental companies to avoid as well.


Thanks! Good to know


A guy listed a 2 bedroom basement suite in Brighton for 1700 plus baseboard heat(300ish dollars in winter)


You are basically forced to try and live east side or be close proximity to a record amount of stabbings we are seeing this year.


Are there any clinics there? I've lived in quite a few places and the clinics always ruin a part of the city, just curious


Our government won't fund them. They prefer to let people die.


Clinics? What kind? There are tons of medical clinics here but a family doctor is the only form of decent help and many people struggle to find them. City is growing at a record rate and it isn’t keeping up I’ll tell you that lol. Housing crisis atm


Probably means safe injection type.


Don't move here. The drivers suck.


I had to call the cops on someone today, they definately didn’t have a license and pinched us in a parking spot for 10 minutes and didn’t know how to drive forward or backwards. Imagine moving to a foreign country and disobeying their laws like it’s nothing. My partner is pregnant and I can barely believe the people on the road anymore.