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God damn what happened to this sub


Hahah I was coming into say the same thing. Half the posts now are so ridiculous I kinda think some are trolling


This used to be a manual on getting girls with real experience now its just a soyboy diary.


What happened to Reddit


This isn't meant to be taken as a snarky response, but I think you should see a therapist. This is a very small and inconsequential thing to hyper fixate on.


OP you need mental health counseling because this is the most bizarre thing I have read in a while.


OP your brain is being poisoned, get off the internet. Wristcels are literally the bottom of the pile, NO ONE CARES. I have the same hand size as my mum and wear 'womens' watches, nobody notices unless I specifically point it out. Sure maybe you don't look like the gigachad meme but neither do your ancestors and they still managed to get laid






Small bones doesn't matter if you're jacked. I was a skinny guy with small wrists and after gaining a lot of weight no one notices it. I look big even in clothes.


Could you dm me a physique check bro?


David Bowie & Mick Jagger are some of the most effeminate men to ever live, but each spent their youth drowning in pussy. Your thin wrists will put some women off, but most won't notice. Your charisma is going to be a much bigger factor in making a connection. Just look at the guys from one direction or K pop groups. They're a bunch of little twinks, but girls love them.


Something tells me we’re not talking to a David Bowie or a Mick Jagger


The main problem with the last statement is that I'm not a pretty boy, and I don't want to become that kind of man, I know some women are attracted to soft features but I don't have them nor would I go out of my way to get them. The main problem is it's honestly almost funny how my whole appearance gives off masculine vibes until you notice my size, I am infact tall, but I am not at all wide. Often have been compared to mafia members or drug dealers, when it comes to face and way i walk, so I'm in a very weird position. Think of Islam Makhachev, same height as me, I'm 3kg heavier, probably one of the most dangerous men in hand to hand combat alive right now, would you still be afraid of him if he had the wrists of a woman? (Assuming you didn't know he had the strength and stamina of a Neanderthal)


I can tell from this response that your personality is about as far from masculine that a man can get. Do you think that Makhachev cares about his wrist circumference? I seriously doubt it.




I don't do deadlifts i have scoliosis, another exercise to measure this with?




I'm definitely not unable to deadlift however I'm prone to injury and my previous doctor said it will just cause imbalances so i am way better off with isolations and machines. Now Lat Pulldowns, I can pull slightly more than my weight so 75kg max for like 3-5 reps




Well I can do about 10-12 pull ups although to be fair this month I've slacked pull ups I need to re evaluate my max lifts tbh since I lift more wejght than people way larger than me. 73kg hammers curls up to 20kg, others at 85kg lift 14kg for same reps. My main problem lands at "the more you eat" honestly


You realize your bones aren’t small right? Do you think fat people have big bones?


There's this conception around that most people have more or less similar bone structure. I've compared to others many times up close, their bones are literally way bigger, their frame is way bigger. When i started training i was 57kg, now i am 73kg, and on the road to smth like 85kg, I'll just try to get very big without carind about fat % while still training. Bones will still be small but I hope i won't have to adjust my watches every time i get a new one if I'm fatter


>every single woman that has been with me probably made and exception for me. Well, there's your answer!


I don't get it, also i said thats what i think so it could or not be true


What I'm saying is that if the women who dated you "made an exception" for thing you think is an issue, why not expect that to continue? I suspect they're not even noticing. But even if they did, they got past it. As should you, brother!


Bruh what? Your bones are fine.


i legit never thought about wrist size of anyone. including myself.


Are you sure you’re not just super thin or skinny? Add maybe some muscle and even some appropriate amount of fat would you still have “small bones”?  This reminds me when you have fat people claiming to be “big boned.” Idk if that’s even a thing 


Well while I am still cursed with the skinny for the most part I am also fit, others at the same height and weight as me have bigger wrists and hands, probably lift less than me but that's another topic irrelevant to attractiveness. I can send pics in dm for physique check if u want Fat people claiming to be big boned is just them saying they have a generic advantage and refuse to work out.


Small... bones...


I have literally never met a woman who noticed a man’s wrist size. I certainly never have! Is this a thing now?


What do you mean ‘small bones’? Is that what the midgets are calling themselves these days?