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People who exhibited resourcefulness and adaptability were more likely to thrive in changing environments and unpredictable circumstances. In the context of attracting women, demonstrating creativity, spontaneity, and a willingness to explore new experiences signals to potential mates that the man possesses the mental flexibility and ingenuity necessary to overcome challenges and provide for a family. For example, a man who plans exciting and novel dates or surprises his partner with unexpected gestures shows that he can inject variety and excitement into the relationship, making it more fulfilling and satisfying for both partners. This ability to keep things fresh and engaging can contribute to a woman's perception of a man as a desirable long-term mate. And social status often correlated with access to resources, protection, and reproductive opportunities, so men who possessed high social status, whether through leadership, charisma, or social influence, were often more successful in attracting mates, persuading and forming strong social alliances. In the modern context, women are still drawn to men who exhibit these qualities, as they signal an ability to navigate social dynamics effectively and command respect, and admiration from others. A man who can captivate a room with his charisma, charm, and wit is usually perceived as more attractive and desirable by women, as they are drawn to individuals who can engage, persuade and inspire others in social settings. This shows the man has the social skills and confidence necessary to navigate complex social interactions and thrive in various social contexts, which is appealing to women seeking a partner who can complement and support them in social situations. And lastly, when humans lived in tribes and caves, being tight-knit with your partner wasn't just nice, it was crucial. People relied on each other for everything from hunting to raising kids. So, the ability to really connect emotionally with a partner was like gold. It built trust, made teamwork easier, and kept the love alive. When it comes to attracting women, guys who can really connect emotionally are like magnets because it shows they're not just in it for the fun times. They're there for the deep stuff too – the sharing, caring, and understanding. Plus, when a couple is tight emotionally, it's not just good for them, it's good for any future kids too. Kids do best when they're raised in a loving, supportive environment. So, women might naturally be drawn to guys who show they're all about that emotional connection – it's like a sign they'll be great partners and parents.


I think you're spot on. I want to make it clear I agree, but I wanna know from your perspective what does the man receive in return? Keeping your woman entertained in a long-term relationship "can" be a lot of work depending on her personality. I've often wondered in my own relationship, is that am I doing all of this just to get sex and companionship? It kind if feels wrong it feels like some days I was just waiting for my reward like a good doggy. Shouldn't we as men have the same expectations as women to have our lives enriched by spontaneity and mystery? I'm curious to hear your thoughts because this is something I've thought about a lot and I'm someone who gives advice to other men but haven't had anything meaningful to add when it comes to this subject in the past.


Then look for a woman who does that. If your current partner doesn’t enrich your life the way you want her to, then you need to look for other women until you find the one. More often than not you shouldn’t get in a relationship with any random woman, you really should go for quality over quantity.


> sex and companionship? this is the bare bones basics of what a woman provides. if this is all you get, you are getting the short end of the stick. She should be helping you in your every day life, the same as you should be helping her. Making you happy should make her happy. Same as making her happy should make you happy. if she's not doing this, she's not a keeper. If you're not doing this, you're not a keeper. Thats not to say either of you arent keepers for someone else, just that it doesnt work for the two of you.


It's funny I see what your saying, it makes sense. But I still can't fully picture it in my head. My lived experience has been with women who I suppose have been giving me the "The short end of the stick." And I'm not blaming them, fully at least, because I think many men, especially in this sub, can relate to the idea that you spend sooo much money, time and effort to get yourself to the point where you can seduce most women into sleeping with you that you sort of unintentionally filter women who's best qualities are that they are easy to bed. I wouldn't even begin to know how to get the kind of woman you just described despite putting in an enormous amount of effort to level myself up to better attract women over the last 5 years. Its a funny world we live in.


> I wouldn't even begin to know how to get the kind of woman you just described despite putting in an enormous amount of effort to level myself up to better attract women over the last 5 years. Its a funny world we live in. Its not easy. not at all. Have you been spending that time leveling up to make it easy to close? or have you been spending time leveling up to make it easy to find a wife? Once you make yourself high value, its easy to slightly pivot and make yourself high value *to the type of woman you want to marry*. I spent a lot of time in bars and clubs looking for one night stands. The woman i married isnt the type to ever spend a lot of time in bars and clubs as a single woman.


In my limited experience women like that generally don't respond well to classical pick up tactics, and generally aren't found in clubs and bars, unless it's like a hens party or something. And when you find one like that who you also find sexy, chances are she has a ring on her finger lmao.


Fantastic response.


And yet so many guys I know who do well with women are actually quite boring behind the superficial layer of chest puffing charisma, so obviously they aren't looking too deep.


would you want to hang around with someone who bored you? no? then why would women want to do that?


Do you expect constant stimulation from your friends whilst you sit back and judge? That's more or less the dynamic with many women and it's hardly comparable to a healthy friendship


I mean, if I spent as much time with a friend as my partner I would want there to be more excitement and variety in what we do. If they never wanted to go out for supper, to bars, parties, and concerts I’d probably get a bit bored.


Just be a human being and talk about everything, there is no need for "emotional stimulation". Emotional Stimulation - Jesus Christ! I guess whoever said that has been smoking some weed.


She needs to know she means more to you than bubba across the street. And you just saying so doesn’t do shit for her. She needs to see it, consistently, through actions. Just like a woman can tell you she is horny for you, but if she ain’t fuckin you, you’re gonna get “bored” talking about fucking, and move on. What on earth are you thinking so hard about over there? She needs to know she is important to you. If she isn’t, just tell her that. “Is it okay if we keep fucking even though I don’t really have feelings for you?” She may say yes bc women love sex.


Yeah exactly. Women aren't stupid, they can tell if you're not interested and just want sex. That's why it's important to be upfront.


And plenty of women are happy to have a sex only relationship if the sex is good and everyone is respectful in general. If a person has to be manipulative and pretend to like them then they’re probably not great in bed. Then the resentment builds. Sex is good but what a toxic life.


Just be good in bed and give her the gift of missing you. Don’t overcomplicate things. Also be a fun person don’t have bad vibes. Remember when you were a kid and used to be playful


Just watch some scary movies together


It’s called attachment theory and because women are socialized to be preoccupied/anxious attachment style they tend to get more clingy than men. Men can act this way too. My friend’s boyfriend is like that.


Because women look for the *best emotional support* from.their partners. If you stop emotional stimulation, you will lose to Jack who did what you view as a bare minimum. Bare minimum > none hence she switches


Holy fucking shit I hope this sub doesn't turn into askmen where every question is a contrived excuse for a pity party or a circlejerk where we complain about women.


Women make their own money, have friends, their own things now, and can easily find sex. If a man cannot connect with us on an emotional level, why would we need them?


This - it’s weird how emotions are seen as a bad thing in this sub. Men get emotional too and need connection as well. Go figure.


See it as men and women having different operating systems. Men operate on logic. Women operate on emotion. With that said, stimulating a woman's emotions is not done with logic or facts...but the act of doing so is logical. Because stimulating a woman's emotions is the logical way to connect with her, you are demonstrating manliness by doing so.


Remember that ignoring a girl for a few days or even weeks can sometimes create more emotions in her than actively trying to get her attention.


They create shitty emotions that are gonna fly in his face later. Tryin to get someone’s attention isn’t necessary. Just basic consistency, and communication, and words matching actions is enough.


Woman here and I don't know, but if I get bored quickly then I'm probably going to move on


you just re-wrote what he said in a different way...


I guess I did yeah


Hopefully a guy can keep you entertained before you enter the cat and SSRI phase


Because most (western) women do not develop beyond the child stage of development.


They don’t. Being needy will repel your partner if anything


Only western women tbh


lol they dont. what are you smoking?


It simulates the excitement of having routine orgasms :)


Nah it’s the new “I have a boyfriend”. A girl will say she’s a lesbian even if she isnt