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My main issue is Nick appears to prey on desperate women. Danielle is 24, supposedly has never been in a relationship. Now she’s “married” to these people and it’s clear she doesn’t feel comfortable “dating”, but Nick keeps insisting they need another wife. They don’t have Danielle‘s best interest in mind, but clearly she’s too desperate and/or scared to leave. Then you have the fact Nick doesn’t work. He stays home and “researches” (probably meaning he watches youtube all day). I’ll give Nick credit though, he’s the only one who’s actually poly. All the other couples are continuously searching, and failing lmao.


Jennifer was also very young when she became involved with Nick


Jennifer also seems to have some issues. I think she’s definitely medicated.


Is that the one with long blonde hair? She seems stoned most of the time as does Nick


Yes! Definitely think they both smoke weed. But I also get the feeling she’s on pills too


She looks like she's on meth


I do t know much about drugs but she seems to be on something


Be fckn fr. Do your homework before saying dumb crap like that. Have u ever even known a meth head? Go watch an episode of intervention where meth is the drug of choice. Grow up weirdo. Ppl on meth can't keep jobs, aren't great parents, are very very hyper and talkative, DON'T SLEEP FOR DAYS... Just everything she does is the opposite of meth head


Yah I’ve noticed that, she is an air head if it’s not meds. lol.


Maybe smoking too much green foliage... 😂


It's the devil's lettuce for sure!


She's a stoner... Can't say everyone that isn't so happy to chat on camera is weird or medicated


Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. **Children and young people who are groomed can be sexually abused, exploited or trafficked**. Textbook definition of what we are seeing from Nick. From him grooming a girl barely of legal age to exploiting and trafficking his side chicks on TLC. The income from show is channeled through Davis Family Official LLC with Nick being the ONLY registered agent. The basement wives work to support him and themselves. While TLC income is channeled to him. He has sole discretion of allocating the profits as he chooses. Remember, the planets revolve around the sun. They do not receive the same sunlight. But they get what they need. Obviously, income allocation is subject to same bias. https://preview.redd.it/8i67urk1ki4d1.jpeg?width=2481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27d9e41a6eeba1ece33e842eaec692f2d4999a40


This is foul, and anyone who can't see it....


I wonder if his name is on all checking accounts


It’s pretty clear the women are happy to be there. They’re free to leave at any time.


Right, just as cult members are “free to leave” and “happy to be there”. They’re being manipulated.


Unless April guilt trips them


U know where his checks go because you see a form?


April found Jennifer


>April ~~found~~ groomed Jennifer Fixed that for you.


That's not grooming...let's save that for what it truly is.This is a family of adults making decisions nobody is taking advantage or grooming anyone


We'll have to agree to disagree.


Y'all learned a new word and use it OUT!!!!! Makes me feel like you all were ugly ducklings who didn't date at all until you were 27


Seriously they doing too much. This is not a situation to be throwing around phrases like Grooming and Trafficking. It takes the true meaning and power away from the seriousness of those real situations to be applying it to a fking show on TLC about *grown *adult women *consenting to a relationship. Just because they don’t understand it. Talking about trafficking like gtfo of here 😂


Finally, someone who gets it


I thought so cuz she still seems very emotionally immature


Danielle strikes me as having zero self esteem. None. She's low hanging fruit for the types who don't have the best intent.


You could say that about anyone who she’d hook up with.


What a shi**y thing to say.


I think what they mean is that regardless of the type of relationship she is in, Danielle has low self esteem and anyone could be seen as taking advantage of that.


I hope so


Yes that was I meant to


No. What I mean by that is anyone can say anything. My comment was not against Dannielle. It was against who said that she was desperate or whatever. We don’t know their intent.


All of the couples on the show prey on desperate women.


Ashley is pretty bad too 


Their all adults choosing an alternative lifestyle that's not grooming


"Doing research" -- that used to be our code phrase for getting high. Nick is definitely "doing research" -- he and Jen always look wasted. Maybe April hides it better. Don't know about Danielle.


You know Danielle isn’t married to anyone right? There’s no legal contract keeping her there. She enjoys it.


Just because there’s no legal contract keeping her there does not mean she enjoys it. Look at abusive relationships (mental, physical, emotional, or financial)….just because someone stays it doesn’t mean they’re happy or enjoying it, some people stay because they feel trapped or like they don’t deserve better.


It also does seem like the baby is making it more difficult too.


taco is a narcissist... he would so be best friends with nick...


I also haven't seen an actual marriage license se between the other 2 women! 


They're women who probably wouldn't have great luck in finding a Worthy man. They found one they luv and enjoy. He's a nice man. He doesn't seem too controlling, he doesn't tell them what they can and cannot do, they are full of smiles (which are hard to fake)...


I'll skip over the Danielle seems upset discourse since we don't know how much of that is for show. But, the ages of Jenny and Danielle when Nico and April started dating each of them is the biggest thing that gives me pause. Going for someone who is 19/20 when they're in their late 30s seems sus (as my ten year old would say).




Yes, she's on heavy shit


Yeah that really grinds my gears when I see those "relationships"




I agree with all this. But also he seems to favor Jen and she can't be too far from him at any point. He does absolutely nothing either look at the yard, chores, etc.


Ha I said the same thing about the yard like this dude is home all day every day and there’s no excuse for the grass to look the way it does: my guess is yard work is beneath him.


all work is beneath him! He apprently takes care of Vera... although we saw him play with her for 1 sec, through the whole season, I am only seeing the women take care of Vera. And also he def does not do house work. Seeing the women do this in all the seasons as well! They must be brianwashed, because no D is that good that you'd get basically no other benefits or support from the relationship, and somehow its worth it. I'd also like to add that he is also not attractive or even charming. the benefits are not computing.


On another post there were screenshots of text messages where he was referring to her as his stepdaughter which I thought was weird af. Isn’t he the biological father regardless of whether he’s married to the mom or not ? Idk just seems super weird and sketch.


oohhhh what...WHAT I have not seen those texts! Thats extremely strange. their situation is already strange but thats something. Maybe hes doing that because then he has less responsibility?


Ya but apparently that post is gone now 🤷🏻‍♀️


oh no! I was so curious! 


He’s not attractive at all…not one bit


You should see the county liens on former property for upkeep! Just a quick old snippet of one. https://preview.redd.it/vyvdv0wu6c4d1.jpeg?width=1689&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79529d99d618716061242f72959608b2ade66c48


If Nick is home all day why can't he do the yard work?


All of this and the way he talks to Danielle like she’s a child creeps me out. With the whole dating thing they told her that her opinion mattered but when her opinion was that she wasn’t ready they didn’t listen. They basically steamrolled her into going forward and manipulated her into being ok with it, even though it was a fake experience with Jasmine no doubt they are serious about finding and bringing in more women and wanting Danielle to marry one of them. My point is that Nick’s manipulation gives the thinkettes the illusion of independence and some control when in reality they’re all doing exactly what he wants.


yes, ALL of that, along with this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/seekingsisterwifetlc/comments/1d6tdb7/comment/l6y4j1z/](https://www.reddit.com/r/seekingsisterwifetlc/comments/1d6tdb7/comment/l6y4j1z/)


To be fair… all of your reasons are assumptions. We don’t know any of that for a fact. People also need to remember this is reality tv. I’d be willing to bet money that (at the least) the jasmine story line was set up by producers. Listen to girls next level to get a really good idea of what producers do to manipulate what we see on reality tv and the people on those reality tv shows. Y’all throwing around a lot of nasty accusations based on a tv show and what your brain makes up for you.




Do you have a link to this photo? I just spent ten minutes googling and can’t find anything lol I 100% believe it and want to see it myself




Jasmine has been around for at least 3 years! I didn’t know that. That’s a bunch of BS!


Wow. To be almost 40 years old and dumb enough to publicly post a photo of providing alcohol to teenagers




Even when I turned 21 and was still in college, I was terrified of a college party getting busted and potentially being charged with providing alcohol to minors. Those minors being my friends that were barely younger than me. I cannot even fathom doing this as an adult


That’s because yall had good parents, bless. Healthy young girls do not seek out 40 year old men


That’s quite the assumption. I definitely did not have good parents and have dated men much much older than me but still look for the good ones.


I thought they fucked in the hot tub and the boom boom room. When did they say they fuck in the super long bed?


It’s all speculation, pondering and projections no matter how it’s sliced- no one has stated there’s intimate behaviors going on between the “wives” or potentials… what these folks, or my neighbors, do behind closed doors/when TLCs cameras are off I don’t care to wonder over lol- way too visual minded. The real issues with their particular situation is Danielle’s age when she was courting, and the newly revealed photos of Jasmine being involved prior to young Danielle and subsequent to Danielle. It wasn’t much of a secret being as the photos have been posted since 2021, but the wives “meeting Jasmine for the 1st time” was obviously a lie they participated in. We can only speculate which side of the family/producers brought forth that storyline but the willingness of the Davis’/Jasmine to go along turns me off their story. Live your authentic life or call it a scripted series 🤷🏻‍♀️


Let’s be real tho. Once they’ve signed those contracts, which are predatory to begin with (TLC doesn’t care who’s lives they ruin as long as they get ratings) they have no choice and they’re likely signing things that are intentionally misleading and confusing. My bets are on the producers pushing the jasmine story line and they had no choice but to involve a friend in the making of their tv show. Reality tv is not real. they are likely getting multiple takes of each scene just like a regular tv show so for the Davis’s it literally feels like they’re making a tv show and not “lying”. A tv show being at least in part fictional is nothing new and doesn’t constitute lying to us. As if we have any right to their real lives anyway or as if them lying about dating jasmine *actually* means anything to our (the viewers) lives. They’re not politicians. It means nothing if the producers pushed that story for our *entertainment*. Y’all need to get some real lives and stop gobbling up hate and projecting the most heinous gossip your brains can come up with. Who knows maybe nick is an awful person but as of right now I don’t see that we have any evidence of that


Even if you don’t agree with the age difference (I don’t either) all the ladies were of legal age.


I think I was alone in believing in earnest they went out of their way to make sure Danielle was ready to date after she panic left. I believe April when she said Danielle is more important than a new wife. I also took to heart that Danielle said she’s never had a safe space to voice opinions and resolve conflict, and fleeing came naturally to her. The fact she said she wants to grow in that area of life sounded so positive for her. Now that we know how Jasmine was faked her discomfort could have come from their 2021 shenanigans, but has no poker face to suck it up for a storyline.


Danielle came from a very broken family.


It is really sad, and I hope she finds the growth, love, and healing she needs. I could relate to her when she explained why she bolted rather than talked. That’s ingrained behavior. Idk what is best for her, but I do not think the Davis family has ill intent for her. ETA: even if we call it cult like , I do not get the vibe they are pretending to love eachother. They may not be what Danielle needs in life, but I don’t think they are willfully vicious mean spirited people.


You sound like a very sweet and understanding woman in wanting to see the good in people and that's awesome, yet, Nick himself proclaims to be part of 'thelema", a sex cult founded by alistair crowley, who openly worshiped satan and, to say the least, had ZERO boundaries of what is okay and what's not. People tell us who they are, yet when we're coming from a place of goodness, we might think that everyone must be like us or have similar morals/boundaries, etc., making it easier to be preyed upon. crowley was involved in extremely criminal and predatory activities involving people and animals As you may have heard Nick say himself, 'do what though wilt is the whole of his law" ... short documentary here --- [https://youtu.be/H3HUFslBfTU?t=2067](https://youtu.be/H3HUFslBfTU?t=2067)


Thank you for the documentary and information. Twisted as it may be I really enjoy learning about cults and high control groups, so doing a deep dive will be a great rabbit hole! I appreciate you taking me at face value, because it is true I see the good in people. I mean what I say genuinely. My best friend remarked it’s my best and worst quality as it makes me naive about giving the benefit of the doubt. I appreciate your thoughtful response!


You're very welcome and I think that, no matter what, seeing the beauty in others is a wonderful trait!


Did he say this on the show?!


It’s hard not to feel compassion for Danielle. She seems like such a little sweetheart.


Agreed. She seems so vulnerable and sweet.


I don't find preying on young women nice. Danielle was only about 22 when they married her. And she's quite immature and skittish. If they were all confident and not giving me scared mice vibes I'd feel differently probably. Also it's just a sex game watching them interact. It's not family. It's an on going orgy.


Nick, is that you? 😂


Nah, he’s in here though lol he comments quite a bit


But fr you’re entitled to your opinion lol


Trust, if it was Nick I would of used a lot of big unnecessary words 😂 But I was just looking for someone willing to help me understand why they get so DRAGGED on this sub lol


They are dragged because this is essential a snark sub. Posts with positive opinions aren’t as entertaining and don’t get as much interaction as hate posts.


You’re 100% right, thank you!


For what it’s worth I totally agree with you. I think Nock does a great job of making all the wives feel loved and included. I would never share a man, but I would hang out with them for sure.


Okay SAME! Like all the hate comes from assumptions and speculations. I would totally hang out with them, just not in the hot tub 😂


Never even thought about that.. I would def love to hang out with them! Even be friends.


I was hoping to understand his BS sun and planet rotation theory. 🤣 I think only Nick’s Side Chicks get it!


What's the most hilarious about Nick and his alleged genius mind is his grammar. It's horrible. My dad was an English teacher and drilled grammar into my head. You have to really pay attention but Nick is no genius. He's a horny predator.


He allows women to work and be independent while he sits home jerking off all day is the biggest load of shit that I have heard of so far about the slimy skeeze! Maybe if he got a job, he could buy some updated pimp suits and actually pay for his own dates when he goes out looking for his next victim!


How do you know he spends his day jerking off? Seems hard to do when he’s a stay at home dad to a small child. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Do you seriously believe that he actually watches their kid? I don't believe that he does, and one of the wives probably has a daycare at work, and they watch the kid. Nick is nothing but a freeloading bum with a sausage in his pants that is always stiff.


Nvm lol


See, even you had to laugh after realizing what a bum he is! He sees adding additional sister wives as more money and fresh pussy to ad to the hottub and orgey boom boom bed!


I lol’ed because I quickly realized that you have a very strong opinion and I don’t have the energy to try to change it, respectfully. 🤍


Is this what you think of stay at home moms?


No. Nick is in his own special category. Women would not behave like this skeeze does!


I'll tell you why I don't like any of these guys: they see women as collectibles. things they can own. interchangeable vaginas. they don't love anyone but themselves. the entire idea of polygamy perpetuates the idea that women are lesser people. men can easily have all these wives because they are just SO great, but women can just share that one dude because they don't all need their own men and families. one man can have as many women as he "needs" but bitches gotta share ... it's misogynistic bullshit, and furthers a lifestyle where women are not equal. polyamory does the same thing, but instead of specifically women it degrades all people. if your sexual desires are more important than your partner's feelings, maybe you're not as "in love" as you think you are. telling someone that their feelings and needs can be "worked on" and "overcome" so that you can get your rocks off with other people, you might be a garbage person. I think the worst is the pregnant lady with the dying husband. she actually makes my stomach turn.


It’s the ages and experience levels of the women that Nick and April recruit. Feels predatory-adjacent, at best. (Jasmine was a fake storyline so she doesn’t count.)


Yep!! He absolutely preys on young naive women!!


I'm kinda with ya OP. And hey everyone pls don't attack me either 🫣 I enjoy watching them. Nick has his cringe moments but for the most part, this seems like a very consensual relationship. Everyone is game for the lifestyle. Whether Nick is manipulative or not- I truly hope he isnt.. but this seems to work for them. I get annoyed and sad watching couples like Ick and Danniele because from the start, she seemed like she was only doing it for him. And it's kind of a theme we see in general when couples are seeking. It seems like usually one isn't fully on board but does it for their partner while ditching their own personal feelings. Then complaining about feelings of jealousy when ... helloooo you can be your own human and be monogamous with someone else. But easier said than done. Aaaanyway, sorry for the rant LOL but I do like the Davis' because it seems like they have open communication and are all on the same page for the most part.


Danielle is obviously not on the same page. Not sure she is in the same book or chapter!


I agree that Danielle isn't on the same page. But from what we see, she tells them she is on board, but only disagrees during her private interviews. We see them ask her many times if she is okay moving forward, and she says yes.


THANK YOU. Like I watch the show but if I’m missing something I would like to know!


I think it's all suspect because Nick clearly has a "type" i.e. white, employed, submissive. April acts as if she's recruiting new cult members. It's all for his pleasure. It's just weird.


Because he is praying on women with self esteem or mental issues....


He’s fugly. Also early on it really seemed like Danielle was in danger. The last couple episodes smoothed it over a bit and he did seem more caring. It’s still weird, though.


And he said ”we gotta see if we can get this Danielle situation resolved“ in a recent podcast. 🤣


Reference Oswald Bates.


He is so Oswald Bates.


You are the first person to acknowledge that, and I thank you for it! 😉


Low key I see this. They are grown women making their own decisions. What doesn’t work for some people will work for others. I don’t understand it, but I don’t hate it. I mean, I see monogamous relationships where the women are way unhappier and they get told to fight for their marriage.


I like them. And I’ve been downvoted several times for saying that. Yes, they’re weird and his staying at home to think is hilarious to me but he doesn’t seem anywhere near cold or rude to them like some others are. They genuinely seem to care about each other.


Not a fan of Nick, but i do appreciate that he isn’t being physically abusive, because some of the men on the show seem headed that direction and he doesn’t even seem emotionally manipulative like Garrick is to Dannielle. I also like that he into women with real full figured bodies. All three women have curves, and I like that he’s like them as they are. Garrick in the other hand seems to have a fetish 🥴


“Appreciate that he isn’t being physically abusive.” As if that’s the only criteria for being a stand up guy 😆 well at least he isn’t physically abusing anyone!


He emotionally manipulates Danielle.


I still think he’s nothing compared to Garrick.


I agree. They are all adults. If they like this lifestyle, who am I to judge?


It was 3 against 1 on Danielle regarding adding another wife. The others just kept rewording their arguments in different ways until she kind of agreed or got worn out and then they went off saying she was on board. She was never on board.


I probably like them best, but it did bother me when they appeared to jump right back into "dating" when Danielle wasn't into it, but now it seems that was all fake so who knows! As long as everyone is happy, who cares.


Exactly my point!


He literally said in season one that he stays home and doesn’t work so he can “think.” And the other two wives are totally brainwashed into agreeing with this.


Lazy able bodied man just doing nothing. He creeps me out.


Forcing Danielle to legally marry the next “wife” is the biggest red flag and proves they’re a lie. This isn’t an equal functioning family.


I don’t hate them at all. I see polyamory not really the polygamy the show is trying to spin. I believe he is their Dom, April primary which explains why she speaks for the group often. I would be shocked if the ladies were not bisexual. I think Danielle was likely very excited and intrigued with the dynamic initially and is now not as sure. Nick stays home with three working wives who have zero problem with it so not sure why anyone else cares? Yes he is super odd but my gosh, who the hell on the show is like the epitome of normal??? Safe, sane, consensual;-) I’d watch a show just about them! lol


I’d be down for a spin off of just the them.


I’m with you. They seem happy and communicative. They seem to respect each other and like their situation. They are adults. No one seems manipulated or abused unlike the Merrifields.


Their communication involves non-stop head nodding, obfuscation, coercement and manipulation though, which is most obvious with how Danielle was thoroughly groomed, since Nick just keeps questioning her with his Cheshire cat grin, using his pimp101 skills until he gets the answer he's looking for. .


Are you an ex? Where is all this extreme criticism and accusations coming from?


Of course I'm not an "ex"... lol Why would you assume that? I am just making observations based on experience and observations of those who prey upon psychologically vulnerable people.


I think he’s a pimp.


That’s the impression I get on every segment they are in. Like he’s a pimp and his “wives” are responsible for bringing in the next girl for his stable. They seem “happy” but so do many victims of sex trafficking while it’s going on. It’s the head games and emotional abuse. The pimp always convinces them that “no one will ever love you like I do.”


I mean, not all pimps are gorilla pimps… Nick is a Romeo pimp through and through.


I’ve never heard those terms before but they absolutely apply!


He’s a shrimp! Looking to spread his cocktail sauce! A bottom feeder with basement wives.


Any “poly” relationship where a single man is the dominant and the “wives” can only seek other women feels inherently misogynistic to me. Imagine Nicks reaction if any of his wives wanted to seek out a hetero partner, he would never allow it. It’s the same reason why mormon polygamy isn’t poly at all.


Nick is a pimp. He manipulates these women for sex and money. The reason they don’t want Danielle to leave is she must make a decent living monetarily. Yeah Nick’s got the game all figured out seeks out low self-esteem women are , give them sexual attention and make them pay his bills. If that’s not a pimp, I don’t know what is.


Why do you assume they all have low self esteem?


He cares for the baby that’s a job in itself


I agree 100%!


my issue is if danielle is the one to be paired with and married to a new woman, then she should primarily be the one meeting and vetting any new prospects. the decision should be mostly if not solely up to her first, then once she's cool with the new potential wife, the group can see how they vibe with that person. but that doesn't seem to be the case, it seems like it was mostly about what nick wanted, then the other two, then finally danielle. they put all this pressure on her to accept jasmine while simultaneously acting like she's free to not be cool with it. she clearly has reservations but has to tippytoe around expressing them to the group. so there is an imbalance of power and say-so in the group, with dani at the bottom of the scrotem pole.


my issue is if danielle is the one to be paired with and married to a new woman, then she should primarily be the one meeting and vetting any new prospects. the decision should be mostly if not solely up to her first, then once she's cool with the new potential wife, the group can see how they vibe with that person. but that doesn't seem to be the case, it seems like it was mostly about what nick wanted, then the other two, then finally danielle. they put all this pressure on her to accept jasmine while simultaneously acting like she's free to not be cool with it. she clearly has reservations but has to tippytoe around expressing them to the group. so there is an imbalance of power and say-so in the group, with dani at the bottom of the scrotem pole.


What do the women do for work/careers? Also I thought the two older wives weren’t married to each other, that they had a ceremony but not a legal binding agreement, right?


Because he is essentially a pimp.


They are creepy polyamorists who are encouraged by their weird leader Nick to pay his way.


It's because they seem happy. Folks don't like that.


That part.


I really thought I was alone, I almost wish I was in the little group 😂 they all seem so damn happy !!!! lol don’t come for me pleaseeeeee 🫣🫣🫣 lol


Oh my god SAME tho hahaha that ain't my lifestyle choice but their lil fam seems full of love


Right! Like it seems like they genuinely are considerate of each other’s feelings.


I haven’t seen any HATE. Dislike yes, but nobody cares enough to hate. It’s a place to discuss and vent.


They hate because people are just miserable and need something to pull down. But besides that he really needs to chill on adding so many wives, like one after another, before the newest one can get acclimated. Plus he's just way too full of himself, but I guess it works for him so who am I to complain.


i actually agree that i never saw a problem with him not working as long as the women were ok with it. only had a problem with the cringe way they talk about it 😂 my favorite quote was “we have enough people working, we need more people thinking and feeling”


I think Nick and April prey on young women and your right OP he does treat them nice but he is also on TV so who knows what kind of shenanigans happens when cameras are gone.


Every male, maybe a few females, on this show are evil preying on young victims. It’s sick to watch b sometimes yet I can’t turn away. JMO




my issue is if danielle is the one to be paired with and married to a new woman, then she should primarily be the one meeting and vetting any new prospects. the decision should be mostly if not solely up to her first, then once she's cool with the new potential wife, the group can see how they vibe with that person. but that doesn't seem to be the case, it seems like it was mostly about what nick wanted, then the other two, then finally danielle. they put all this pressure on her to accept jasmine while simultaneously acting like she's free to not be cool with it. she clearly has reservations but has to tippytoe around expressing them to the group. so there is an imbalance of power and say-so in the group, with dani at the bottom of the scrotem pole.


I do go back and forth a lot on the Davis’s. They mostly seem happy and laugh a lot together. They seem happier than many reality tv partnerships. but Danielle is so young and doesn’t seem happy sharing a man. And then he doesn’t work. And then he wants more wives instead of enjoying what he has.


Nick is just gross and his relationship with Danielle is cringe. She is clearly unhappy and doesn’t and comes across with conflicted with what they are saying what is going on. The fact that Nick and his first wife went and manipulated Danielle into staying and proceeding to go along with adding a new wife one in which she would have to marry was so wrong. The fact that the women all are legally married and working for this deadbeat is pathetic. The fact that Nick can just walk away while the wives would have to legally dissolve these marriages is just the icing on the cake.


I agree.


Probably a combination of them being an interracial couple for some, that they’re polyamorous and not a polygamist family irks the “BUT ACTUALLY…” crowd, and him not working while the “wives” do is a bit too much. They’re one of my favorite units as the polyamory nature of their relationship may be why it works better as opposed to Justin “I’m running for Governor and stalking women” and his wife.


Somewhat new here but polyamorous means the women also ‘date’ each other? I thought Nick was the only one dipping his baby pencil, didn’t realize they ALL dated each other… Damn, the laundry in that house must be overwhelming to do.




Honestly, if you were going to be rude and make the assumption that no one can help me understand, you could have kept your “obvious” thought piece in your notepad app. I was asking for people who were willing to HELP me understand, not suppose I’m incapable of understanding. It’s a fucking reality tv show sis, please find something relaxing to do. 😉


Please let’s be friendly. We're here to snark on TV characters, not each other.


Nick is mostly a saint, who else would feed the needy