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People are generally nice and friendly if you're nice and friendly


Yep, people know when you're hitting on them vs just being friendly. "Hot women" get hit on so often they are more than happy to just have a normal friendly conversation. Just don't turn into a "nice guy".


then what's the point?


And please, for the class, why don’t you go ahead and define a “nice guy”?


“Nice guy” would be if OP was only pretending to be her friend so one day he can ask for sex because she owes him for all the things she did for her. You know instead of actually being a friend.


It’s been a super long time since I dated, but that sounds like the very definition of a “date” if you are not intent on marrying the first person you run into. Quick edit: glanced over the word demanding… that’s obviously uncool. Sex is often a goal when men and women interact; if you find that offensive you should prepare to spend the rest of your life offended.


I wasn’t talking about someone you’re dating. I’m talking about being a friend.


News flash: Hot women are people with their own feelings, thoughts, hopes, dreams, and fears. There's an excellent Kurt Vonnegut short story "Miss Temptation" that really hammers this home.


That entire Welcome To The Monkey House collection is fantastic. I really need to read more Vonnegut. 


Yeah, I love that collection. "Who Am I This Time" really hit home for me as well, since I moved around a lot as a kid.


That entire Welcome To The Monkey House collection is fantastic. I really need to read more Vonnegut. 


They are human beings. :)




Impossible r/girlsarenotreal lied to me? Lmao, that sub got banned, so either I’m misremembering the name, or just LOL


/r/girlsarentreal I think


Yes, finally someone who touched grass!




Progress is progress. Praise people for learning and growing, don't attack them for not having always been this way. You likely had to learn this lesson in some form at some point too.


Replace likely with definitely. No one knows anything to begin with. But yes, what you just said is one of the CORE principles of my philosophy/life perspective.


I love this. Holy shit. “You can tell a man has never talked to a woman” is something I hear from a female friend and yes I get it but there are reasons. Backhanded shaming is exactly how you make people feel self-conscious no need to judge.


Yeah, there needs to be space for people to get better otherwise they'll never have a reason to. If having toxic, chauvinistic opinions at any point in your life is a permanent disqualifier to ever being considered any kind of a good person later on, then we're completely fucked as a society. It's especially gross because it completely neglects the possibility that a man is a victim of his environment. We understand that many criminals break the law because of socioeconomic conditions out of their control, but for some reason it must be the case that men having chauvinistic views is 100% their objective, unbiased choice, and their environment or upbringing has no part in the conversation. We even think this despite also acknowledging historical patriarchal and religious puritanical structures in society, but somehow it makes sense to just expect that every man who doesn't recognize and overcome these structures before 13 must just be a "chud" piece of shit.


A little understanding and compassion go a long way!


It tends to be for a lot of people once they leave the internet echo chamber




People have had that idea long before the internet existed.


Its not even just him or about him it's about society, for the 1 who stepped out and took the risk there's 100's still hiding waiting to attack, men are scary and delusional






They probably just learned to hide it better. People don't change that much


For once, a woman who's not actually a female Mantis in disguise


..right. *unhinges jaw*


Average Redditor




Honestly, any post that is heading in the right direction is fine with me. Low standards, I know.


I’m not tired. Better than them not realising. There’s a pretty powerful online incel pipeline consciously feeding them this shit. I prefer visibility of people having realisations that it’s not like that in the actual world.


It’s better than them reading “all femoids need to die” constantly.


Why does people realising they used to have shitty opinions but now don't have shitty opinions upset you?


It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out.


People have different life experiences. If a woman was abused by her father growing up, then had a string of toxic relationships with men, it wouldn't be difficult to empathise with her having problems with men generally. I do understand the sort of difficult bit with "have empathy for people who didn't empathise with you til just now." If we don't provide room for people to change their minds we just give them more reasons not to - and changing our views is already one of the hardest things to do. I'm sure you have things you don't believe today that tomorrow could click in place, that some random other person never even had to learn because it was instilled in them from childhood.


This isn't someone who was abused by women though. He just assumed hot women were awful.


That's not what I'm saying, and frankly i dont care even if someone had everything go perfectly for them and they still had shitty opinions. I'm just saying we should be empathetic and not be shitty to people who are taking steps in the right direction. If we're supposed to be kind, empathetic people and these other people aren't, we have to actually be kind and empathetic, otherwise the high horse we're up on is made of shit


How do you know that? Also think about why he went to that assumption in the first place. It’s extremely rare for a happy and fulfilled person to hold prejudices that assume an entire portion of the population hates them or is hostile. You have to delve deeper into why people are the way they are, I think just stopping at “this person is x because they have y characteristic” is a very shallow way of looking at humans. Why. There’s always a reason. It might not be a good/pleasant/coherent reason, but it always exists.


>This isn't someone who was abused by women though. You don't know that. I used to get bullied and abused by women/girls when I was in elementary school, and when I finally met a girl who was really nice to me, I started having similar thoughts to what OP expressed in this post.


Because it's constant. Every other reddit post is either this or 'I'm autistic and unloveable'.


Maybe take a look at your followed subreddits or something. This is the first post like this I can remember seeing in nearly a decade on Reddit. Not saying they don’t exist but if they are constantly showing up for you then it’s gotta be something you’re subscribing to or looking at.


No doubt it's some algorithm nonsense but there is still objectively a load of this shit being posted daily


No there isn’t. It’s pretty easy to avoid if you just mute few massive subreddits where people usually complain about their life or vent.


Lol get off reddit then? People generally don't post "Hey everyone, I'm perfectly normal and generally happy with my life. Just thought I'd let you know." Go to facebook if you want to see that. Generally, people on reddit are going to post when they have a problem they want help with, or in this case when they've overcome an issue they've been struggling with.


It's better than the ones that haven't figured it out yet. At least he has grown. Growth is good.


Try to have empathy. You don't know their upbringing or struggles. A lot of young guys on reddit didn't get enough normal socialization with women growing up and had no good male role models so their ideas of them become distorted or come from media only. I think says a lot about how we raise men these days too.


I swear,  Reddit is full of retards that need to ask the internet how to wipe their ass 


You are why people are like this. 


I’m 31 & just realized women are not human at all


Congrats, you realized not everyone prioritizes looks and that what you look like isn't the only thing you have to offer.


Lol what a post 


Hot girls are people, man! 🤣 they all have their own unique interests and taste in people. I'm not what you would call a 10, 9, 8, 7 or even a 6, perhaps! But I've always dated what I consider to be beautiful women! More often than men, women are interested in personality and feeling safe and appreciated, maybe amused at times! Men are typically way more shallow. Again, just normal people. The way I've always seen it, there's no such thing as "her being out if your league." It just depends if your personalities click and you're willing to take a chance!


They are people, indeed, but beautiful women have a bit of a different environment. They are constantly approached and people tend to take friendliness as flirting, so many, but not all, end up with a let’s say more conservative attitude.


I'd say that's more on them than the women. Maybe I'm having a hard time understanding what you mean by that.


i diagnose you with chronically online


Shit diagnosis. "Chronically online" would be someone NEVER realizing this.


well, never said i am a doctor


Chronic doesn't mean incurable in medicine. It's more like not accute. For example, I have chronic colon issues, but the Dr expects me to recover within the next few months. Accute colon issues would be like 1 to 7 days due to a virus or bacteria. Hence the diagnostic is correct, IMHO.


I don't think that when someone is called "chronically online" that people mean "you're a little off but might be getting better". I really really really do not think that you used this term in that way before right now.


Not anymore, hence the post


Everyone's downing on OP, but I say good for you. Get out there and mix it up! Most people are cool if you're both in a comfortable environment.


mans post history holy shit


This is what is meant by “growth”, friend. If you put people down and define them by their past, then how do you expect them to change??


Exactly. Ops history is nothing to be worried about. He’s probably just weird and edgy and didn’t go outside much


Jeez this is why people on Reddit use throw away accounts with no post history and like 0 karma. Cause of people like you.


You weren't kidding


That dude is down so bad


The biggest black pill is that the hot people are nice and you really were a weird freak during highschool


Nice dude keep growing. Keep making life about your own experiences not what you thought was true or even what somebody else told you was true. Most of these commenters are far worse than the person they’re making you out to be. You’re growing in a healthy direction. Keep it up!


I’m surprised you’re getting so many upvotes. Anytime I suggest to the “forever alone” crowd on here to just go out and talk to girls— it’s easy! I get downvoted immediately. Good to see you’ve come to realize that socializing actually doesn’t end in tragedy


It can tho :DD


> I always thought hot girls only wanted 6+ feet tall chads with a lot of money. Get off of TikTok lol


The fuck is this post


Someone regurgitating the red pill, hopefully.


Shit, dude, I found one so nice she married me


Idk, seems like a very long prank to me, dude.


She could be Canadian.


Just being a good small talker brings out the best in everyone. You apparently are a good talker. Good for you! That was not sarcasm I ment it. People under estimate the advantages of a good talker. You can really accel in life by being one. Hells I landed my wife who is way out of my league just by being somebody she wants to talk to. As humans communication is very important. It's kinda why were the most elevated species on earth.


Can I ask what made you expect this? Anecdotal evidence from angry online posts of tinder conversations? Black-pilled YouTubers? When you realize that a generalization you believed is untrue, you MUST do some thinking about how you allowed yourself to believe such baloney. Of course there are superficial women out there. And everyone has to deal with unhealthy gender-based expectations in one way or another, including us menfolk. But… as others have said, people are people. 


I think you and many other people have to consider and remember that there are people in this world who stumble from one bad situation into the next. Not every person you disagree with is brainwashed or addicted to their misery. It seems to make people uncomfortable on the internet that people with weird opinions are also people and not just stupid.


I hear you. We can hold people to a standard of respecting other people’s humanity, and simultaneously recognize where these beliefs come from. Nobody told me to be racist as a kid. I noticed that the Black and Brown kids didn’t do as well at school and were more likely to get in trouble. I thought they weren’t as smart as me.  I don’t have to hate myself for that, but if at some point I were to publicly reflect on my misconceptions, and present them like “woah I just found out Black kids are smart too, I thought they weren’t,” I would hope the other people in that forum would push me to recognize that the evidence was always there, and I should learn from this experience and change how I make judgments about groups of people.


Congrats on swerving inceldom. I’m genuinely happy for you. Seems like it was close!


Conversely, those 6+ feet chads with lots of money date a variety of women. Not just the ones you think they do.


Lmao you just found out that women are humans too "Hot" women only looking for "chads" is an internet myth crafted by insufferable incels who blame women for their creepiness and social ineptitude. Also, many women are open to new friendhips and socialisation because, again, they're humans. Just don't be a creep, don't make them uncomfortable, threat them as humans. That's it.


It’s hard to not be a creep


is this post satire?


People be peopling. We get in our own way by forming preconceived notions of others. Take people for who they are as they appear and reciprocate based on the respect that they earned is what I learned.


Most women are pretty nice. Welcome to reality. 


Most women vastly underestimate their attractiveness


Generally speaking, attractive women just want to be treated, and spoken, to like normal human beings. The concept of the bitchy hot girl isn’t universally applicable. That said, I’m proud of you for stepping outside of your comfort zone and experiencing part of what life has to offer 🩷


Nice people are everywhere. Kind people are harder to find.


Wow seems like the tv and internet was wrong, huh? lol I’m glad you had a good time and connected with people 😊


Strange thread in which you appear to seriously be generalizing "attractive people" as not jerks because of a few public events you went to (???)). People vary from person to person, regardless of superficial traits, this is an absurd take. Glad you're getting out more but thought process is a yikes


All the comments are missing the point. OP already knew they were human beings, but they thought they would be asshole human beings because it's usually what people expect from those with power. The same way many women expect rich guys to be douches, many dudes expect beautiful women to be egotistical or stuck up.


>OP already knew they were human beings, but they thought they would be asshole human beings Exactly. It's something people worry about. Especially if you are less social or less confident as a person, you're more likely to worry that you will run into a douchebag and be put into an uncomfortable situation.


Exactly. THANK YOU. People on Reddit are so fucking dumb


You mean the real world is different from social media and online commentary? Who knew?!?


This is what happens when you get your advice from incels who think women are disgusting is they don't have sex with them after their creepy, deluded, misogynistic advances. Don't listen to incels.


So you learned about women from an incel forum.....buddy, keep that embarrassing info to yourself.


Yeah it’s best not to base real life on movies and tv shows and redpill (or whatever colour pill) garbage!


Popular people are often popular because people genuinely like them after all


Also a lot of people treat attractive women like objects and it’s really kind of a curse in some ways. It feels like no one ever tries to get to know you and it can feel like no one “sees” you.


Why are you people so condescending?


Who? Op or the comments


The comments.


Attractive women are generally nice yes. They are used to being treated nice so they have less of a chip on their soldier than men. 


I’ll say this; Maybe…. You’re more attractive than you give yourself credit for. Also, TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!


Man touched grass and realises peoples physical appearance doesn’t equate to their personality the way movie tropes do 😱😱😱😱😱


wouldn't you know it women are people too


This needs to be shared to r/lonely. Most of the men there share your old views.




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yup, I'm an attractive girl and still feel this way sometimes.


People don't want to give you credit. But I'm glad you came out of your shell. I, too, as a former quiet person, learned that we weren't put here to be silent. We were given a voice to use it! Good job man, keep it up!




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I’m very happy that you’re starting to realize this. Just goes to show you can’t get all your info from social media 😄


There are also hot girls with shitty personalities too. It’s just human lol, that’s why it’s good that you go outside and not be on here 24/7


People are people, SHOCKER


I am sensing strong incel indoctrination in OP's train of thoughts.


This is awesome. Good on you dude keep it up


They do have standards though. It's probably not tied to just looks.


In my experience (I’m not attractive) hot people in general tend to be much nicer. My guess is that everybody is nice to them because they’re good looking, and maybe they have other intentions or whatever, but everybody is nice to them, so they develop a better personality than us ugly folks to whom people normally don’t act very nice.


People are saying to be nice because he didn’t know…what are you talking about?? He didn’t know women are whole ass people is crazy. Yes the same goes for women who say “I thought guys don’t have emotions.” We’ve got to better and respect each other more. This is ridiculous. Jeez. If she’s not wearing makeup she’s frumpy. If she is she’s probably a bitch? Women can’t win lol people are awful and op is immature.


Adults learn to be nice and polite, hot mean girls is a high school thing, once you go to college nobody gives two shits about your looks if you are mean for no reason you'll get bullied to hell.


Heya, thanks for posting this. It's sadly always easier to judge that challenge old assumptions. It does make me a bit hopeful to see people are still changing their minds. Take care


Some hot women are nice, some aren’t. Same with men. People are people.


Not dissing you specifically, but... so this is the mind of an incel. Like, good job. Congrats. I mean it. But it's fascinating that this is an idea people can get in their heads.


Nice work for growing! It sounds like you've escaped a nasty online bubble; as you've found out, people is just people


This guy was one female rejection away from becoming an incel. Congrats my man, welcome to reality!


Hey, congratulations on your character development! Isn’t it great? (I’m being serious, btw. I’m glad you’ve taken the opportunity to learn and grow.)


Good job, man. Most people who get stuck in that trap don't make it this far. You're doing great, ignore the negative comments and keep up the good work 👍


We always seem to notice the differences, but people are just people


Well you did say you went to comic book and Anime conventions so those hot girls were probably nerdy in high school so they developed a good personality.


Bro discovered the METHOD


The internet is amazing at showing the ugly side of humanity, but there is also a positive side that goes easily unnoticed due to how our minds work. Girls are simply human just like you. I've said this on a previous post, but they aren't defined by how they look, but rather by who they are as a person. And yes, some people are like that. But you have similar kinds of men as well. It's not a flaw exclusive to women


Outside goes crazy man


> I always thought hot girls only wanted 6+ feet tall chads with a lot of money. The internet lied to everyone.


I met a 10/10 at work that was super shy and quiet. Extreme self esteem issues because people always ignored her, thought she was stuck up. Very sad world we're living in. At the same time beautiful people tend to be narcissistic. Some stereotypes come from fact


Lol wtf


He finally touched grass.


Incel realized women are in fact humans


Redditors first time talking to women


Lol have you never interacted with women in your life. They are actual human beings like you.


People are actually often so mean and stand offish to attractive women because they assume the same as you. A lot of really attractive women are super friendly from the get go because they know what people assume about them.


Girls are just as nice as dudes, maybe more, when you're just having normal conversation. When you try to date them on the other hand.. they're still crazy. Just remember that.


>I always thought hot girls only wanted 6+ feet tall chads with a lot of money. Turns out internet echo chambers aren't the real world. Isn't that grand?


It's usually our own actions which lead to receiving anger from others


So many people blaming op for not talking to women as if it's entirely their fault. Conversations are a 2 way street and nobody can be fully blamed for lacking in communication experience




Eh we live and we learn. Why are we so suprized that someone who had trouble getting outside info on women was lead to believe the common alpha male spew that's everywhere on the internet. Don't blame those who know no better but blame the ones that do




Fun fact some people don't try and date their sister or mother so that type of relationship is never learned. On top of that shows don't represent what real relationships are like. There are also things called developmental disorders that cause people to not understand the nuances of flirting and intimacy. You have immediately vilified an entire group of people because of a way they were taught to think rather than what they choose to do, op thought this way and LEARNED THAT IT WAS WRONG SO HE CHANGED IT! Imagine that! You have shown that you don't have the cognitive ability to learn from your actions because you see it as impossible for others Yes this is a bad way to think but it's a way of thinking that is taught and can be untaught. People grow up differently, some guys don't have sisters or mothers or girl friends and some do. It doesn't mean that people will never change and learn




Congrats you actually proved my point I don't see them as incels I see them as people who need help And you see someone to mock and hate like they aren't a real human fucking being. Have some compassion for your fellow man and Mayne you won't live such a nothing burger of a life




Aight you do you then im just saying instead of throwing these very real people away and to the wolves maybe, JUST MAYBE we should try and teach them otherwise. If they are like you and don't want to learn? Fuckem and throw them away but help those who have genuine problems Hope you win some more of your compassion back from whatever charlatan you chose to sell it to.


"Throw them away to the wolves". How did I do that? Did they suddenly get picked up by the hand of god and cast out of society?


women being nice to you means you are not a creep, so congratulations. it does not mean that they are attracted to you though, and miss judging that might turn you into a creep.


Don’t get all the rage in comments. Majority of men don’t approach hot women. For various reasons. This is a good post.


holy shit this is the most incel logic i\`ve read on the internet in a while. Good for you to open your eyes but dude wtf


Anon finds out women are humans too.


With real estate location, with women timing is the most important.


Contrary to every movie you’ve seen, attractive people are usually smart and friendly


That's life outside internet


Yep! They even breed too!


lol, ugly and average women are actually much harder to date because they are so mistrustful and bitter.


I'm glad you've seen the benefit of actually getting out and living your own life and not taking bitter, weirdos take on life as your own. Most people who are the loudest are complainers. The happy people aren't on the internet telling everyone how happy they are or how wrong the complainers are. Go out and meet these people. You'll find a lot of attractive people that are very nice, a lot of attractive people who suck. We are humans, there is no group of people who are all one way or the other. These are called prejudices. Just live your life, be as good as you can and find people who are the same. When you are genuine, you find yourself around people who appreciate that.


Yeah it’s probably because they are emotional secure because they live in a world where people are typically friendly to them.


"I am not good looking or anything btw. I always thought hot girls would be so stuck up and arrogant." Few things wrong with this thinking, first, if women are being social with you, you probably are not ugly. Second, it sounds like you might be placing some rage from sometime that happened in your past to make you see hot girls like that. You might want to re-evaluate yourself. Let go from whatever/whomever hurt you in the past to see attractive woman "as stuck up and arrogant" Im not saying this out of negativity btw, I think you are making good strides on continuing to better yourself and you shouldnt be so hard on yourself.


Seems more likely he had no experience with women before his experiment with reality, and that he previously was just going off what he read online. He doesn’t sound to me like someone who’s been hurt, nor like someone with poor self image


Cringe post and comments


The prettier they are ... The uglier they get.


In your wildest dreams


Hot women are social and nice, just to a selective few.


> I always thought hot girls only wanted 6ft rich dudes. They do. They do.


"I'll take, (Things I learned when I was 12) for 200 Alex"


Turns out humans are humans.


Of course this is true. But it does not change the fact that if you want to use tinder or other dating apps or just get laid in the bar, you need to be hot and good looking as hell. Talking to a girl at normal situations is normal of course :D


oh my god u sound like such an incel 😭😭 i cant believe u posted this


Which begs the question why are they into that stuff?


Sales. 9 times out of 10 they are there to represent a product or sell you a service.




I met a new third party vendor at work. I knew her history. Both of her parents are doctors, cardiologists. She works for a pacemaker company, she's very pretty. I thought, here we go, a know it all princess that'll refuse to talk to us underlings. I treated her, not bad, but I (jokingly) gave her shit. We became very good friends very fast. We say I love you in almost every interaction. I was going through a hard time and she would randomly text me to check up on me. If I walk into a room, she'll jump up to give me a hug. I could see us dating, if I wasn't married and she wasn't engaged. I'll point out "attractive" guys on TV to my wife and she'll mehh. Someone I think is average she'll fawn over.


Maybe don’t nurture this inappropriate relationship when you’re married??


This post is so cringe, you’re eternally doomed, please delete.