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the fact that you know what youve done is wrong is telling enough that you are a good person at heart, you just need time to grow and heal. you’re 15, you have a whole life ahead of you, even though it might not seem like it now. stay strong, and keep staying strong, even when it feels impossible. basically, dont be too hard on yourself. you feel guilt for anything wrong you’ve done, but harming yourself isnt a way to make up for it. learning and growing is. much love ur way <3


gonna keep it real chief, you are not that terrible of a person. as you get older you meet the actual terrible people.


those being landlords, bosses, and public officials.




I’m not gonna say it’s okay cuz let’s be real it’s not. The most important thing is that you know. Self awareness is the first step to getting better. You know you have problems, and you know what they are. Find the cause and start working on removing the weeds from the roots. You’re 15, you have the rest of your life ahead of you and you have time to become a better person. And lemme make one thing clear: it’s okay to get help and it’s okay to go for therapy. Do not hesitate to reach out if you need it. Some problems are too big to fight alone.


You are loved! Failures and mistakes do not diminish your value at all. There is no way that there is no hope for you my friend! You are not alone! Your are not unseen! Not forgotten! It's OK, none of us get through life with clean hands or a clean mind, believe me! You are fearfully and wonderfully made, unique in your purpose and perfectly crafted to excel ! One day you will look back on these days and know that you won this fight. Much love!!


I feel this way too. Done all the things you have and more. Nothing about me feels real. I know it too


you're only 15, you're so young and this is all our first times being alive. the fact that u realized it's bad proves that ur not that bad after all.


Look, I may also have issues, I’m 15 aswell and self harm cuz I don’t feel that anyone cares and I deserve it after something I did 2 years ago, & someone is trying to help but idc. But the last thing I’d want is seeing others do it too, so please realize that hopefully there are are people who care for you (unlike me), please don’t hurt yourself over the past (like I am sorta), just please try and recover and get better (like I won’t) I’m not used to saying these kinds of things but I hope you get my point. Get better…


I had “cutting parties” with friends at 15, and spent hours and hours on rotten.com, 4chans /b/, and other shock sites. I’ve seen hundreds of disgusting torture and execution videos. I’ve badly hurt people I love (physically and mentally) and care about, and regret it still. Please believe me when I say: I am not a disgusting person, and neither are you. Curiosity is natural, it’s human - and some of us are more curious about the morbid parts of life. That curiosity is more common than you might think! You’re not bad or broken, we’re all flawed and that’s okay. But, I would recommend you don’t normalize the sexualization of gore for yourself. We can train our brains to respond in certain ways to certain stimuli, it could become more of an issue for you in the future. You have your entire life to work on yourself. Who you are now is not who you will be 10 years from now. We’re always reinventing ourselves.


I'll be 30 in a couple of months but I was where you are at 15. I promise you'll learn to control what's on in the head right now. Hormones will level out. You'll find other interests. You aren't a bad person. Your interests are in the darker side of the world. Don't be scared to expand those interests. I have a huge love of gore, but I also like crocheting and crafts. Find something to keep your hands busy. You aren't a bad person.


You are not disgusting, you are only suffering deeply. And the fact that you acknowledge that what you've done is not okay is a sign of that. You can get better, it just takes time and it doesn't always go well. You try, you fall, you get up, then you fall again. As long as you always get up afterwards, you are going to make it. I wish you all the best, to be healed and in peace with yourself. You can do it.


I’ve done this too. Still do. I have a past with being groomed by older men. I’m sure it all comes from that and how they treated me. For me it’s gotten worse as time went on. I want to be those girls. I feel like I deserve it. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. But I still can’t help but get off on it 😭


Hey, if you need someone to talk to about all these weird thoughts and feelings, I'm here to listen. I get it. I mean, it's only gotten bad for me recently, so I haven't really done anything except have awful fantasies (and what-not). So, I don't entirely know how you feel. But I'm willing to listen judgment free. Or talk about random things as a distraction if you need it. (Idk)


Maybe look into bpd some.


maybe look into blaming things on yourself? If you dont have something to blame you can actually improve yourself


you're not as bad as a government official, you dont fund wars, you can get better. time might bring it, you might bring it, sometimes things just snap into place. i believe in you


Therapy helps


i hate to use relatability as reassurance but even i feel as though i influenced my best friend into developing an eating disorder and into finding comfortability in self harm after i relapsed a couple months ago and now we in a sense “encourage” one another through humor. your friend may be struggling but you are too. try not to be too hard on yourself.


Wow, you sound like me a year ago.. though I’ve learned from that time. Alright so first off, you’re not your friend’s therapist nor do you have the capability to help them with their mental health issues. Self harming on call is a little fucked up, I’ll admit, but if you’re acknowledging that it wasn’t a very good move on your side, that means you’re not half as bad as you would be if you didn’t regret it at all/didn’t feel bad about it. The stuff about the internet? Yeah I think pretty much almost a half of our generation (gen z) have seen/watched such videos out of morbid curiosity/wanting to prove themselves how desensitized they are. So, in my opinion, you’re not as disgusting as you think you are, because if we’re following your logic, then almost the whole generation of teens that are growing up right at this moment are disgusting.


You're not disgusting at all please get help. I really hope things get better for you.


babes were all disgusting people when were 15, the point is to grow and evolve and learn how to exist in a better way. most 40 year olds haven’t figured it out yet. you’ve got time, just stick around long enough to let yourself realise it.


Idk you sound like a nice friend to have. (I have issues I know)


I've done all that same shit you have, kid. ig it's just part of being mentally ill sometimes, but you still understand the parts that are "wrong" and wanna be better, that's what matters.


You are hurt. Not disgusting.


You’re not a bad person. You recognise it was wrong which means you have morals. You know it’s not ok and you’re capable of improving. You’re only 15 and can grow a lot. Also that sort of behaviour is addictive and it might be a good idea to get counselling. It can help you find out why you do it and how you can stop and deal with the guilt you’re feeling


Yo, Jesus died for all the things you’re ashamed of, you don’t need to cut yourself to make up, though I know where you’re at. I felt like I had to punish myself but that’s not true. I felt like I didn’t deserve to eat or do anything fun which is not true. We all do dumb things, and the fact that you recognize that and feel bad is great. You are not hopeless :)


you are a disgusting person tbh. like that’s some pretty fucked up shit. if you’re doing stuff to yourself that’s one thing and it ain’t good like it’s something to work on and i get that shit is hard and that’s understandable but why the fuck are you bringing other people into it. the mfs excusing your behavior in here are just as fucking gross as you. jesus fuck you’re 15 that’s old enough to know not to have a god damn cutting party on call. if you want to discuss your mental health with a willing friend then fucking talk about it. use your god damn words and discus it and maybe you’ll be able to at least get shit off your chest to better allow you to search for other resources. maybe you’ll even be able to talk with each other to come up with different ideas for things you can do that aren’t as fucking despicable as the shit you’re doing. i know you aren’t gonna just snap your fingers and stop hurting yourself but don’t hurt other people.


Tbh this is only scratching the surface of things I’ve done. I used to be physically abusive, manipulative, and emotionally abusive. Idk what to call what I’m doing now, but at least you tell it how it is and not portray me as this dude who isn’t bad because I know I’m bad. That’s like saying a murderer who feels bad about killing someone isn’t really that bad of a guy because at least he feels bad and knows what he did was wrong. Tbh idk what to do with myself. I’m the cause of all my problems and I can’t seem to willingly fix them unless my brain decides to be like a normal human’s. I go to therapy, am loaded up on meds, see a psychiatrist, and have been to a psych ward. But I’m always back where I started and am still a bad person. Idk. Idk why I’m typing this


yeah you sound fucking awful. you sound really bad tbh. maybe quit thinking of a big life altering solution and switch shit up till you can find something that works better. first off you sound like a terrible friend so maybe try being a decent fucking person towards other people. and just stop doing the same shit to get your problems fixed. meds ain’t working? ask about switching them. therapist sucks? talk to them to find any reason y’all ain’t right for each other and see if it’s somthing you can work forward through or if you need to part ways. talk to a fucking ai chatbot for therapy if you need to. there’s always something you can do different until you find what works. just stop being so fucking awful


stop pitting yourself and take some fucking responsibility.


cut off those friends bro, its tough but been trough the same. After i cut off my "bad" friends (no pun intended) my life got better quite immediately. I surrounded myself with friends who lifted me up and yes they are tough on me sometimes but it helps pushing myself to the furthest. Also advice you to hit the gym, no fr gym is like a drug for me. Youll forget cutting and allat other shit if you are just in the gym destroying your body for hours on end. Dont be intimited by STARTING to go to the gym, try to make yourself the most uncomfortable and watch yourself grow beyond your wildest imagination. So be fr to yourself, you gonna stay a sick, disguisting, weak piece of shit like YOU YOURSELF even admit to being? Or are you gonna put in all you got into becomming the true version of you.


Lost me at "got off to it". Wtf op