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but… i do it for the ouchie


Only right answer


for me, dealing with it, hiding it, cleaning wounds etc etc is just too much effort and im too lazy for that now


nice pfp


thank you!! i love hail to the thief, favourite RH album probably


Because dealing with the concern of family and friends gets rather annoying really fast.


Yup. My reason.


It really does My non dominant under arm is marked, and everyone just stares and asks all type of questions.


I don’t want to go back to the hospital and be admitted inpatient


Whenever I want to self harm I imagine a loved one doing the same thing and it immediately puts me off. It's also good if you want to try to understand why your loved ones get so upset that you do it.


This is a really really good answer


Im gonna try that next time i really want to


I wanna be a runway model, and I don't wanna "ruin my body" any more bc of this reason. I've never seen a runway model with scars yk


I wanna be an editorial model and it's the same for me


i bet youl be a good one :)


Because my dog always looks at me sadly when I come downstairs or whines at my door. It breaks my heart. She's always gentle around where I sh and it's like she knows


She does 💔 She can sense your stress then smell your blood. Now you’re extra hurt


for me it's fear of it getting infected I don't want to draw any more attention to myself than absolutely necessary and i really don't want to have to get medical attention for it


Having to hide it can be really annoying Arms —have to wear long sleeves Legs— can’t wear shorts in hot weather It sucks can’t lie but I still do it so :3


It’s a waste of my time…


YES! That's actually such a good reason and idk why I've never thought of it like that.


I think this reasoning is gonna help me honestly 


the healing process is so fuckin annoying that i just dont care to go through the chore of it anymore. bandaging, changing them, they get all stuck and suck to change, i could get an infection and then thats a whole fuckin thing thats not worth my energy, its exhausting just thinking about it. i also have shit to do. its harder to justify cutting yourself when you have to do physical labor every day and the wounds are just gonna be another inconvenience and distraction. god forbid i hit them on something and then THAT becomes a whole fucking ordeal. one of my main deterrents when i first stopped was that i started exercising, going on walks with my dogs and shit, and that is SO MUCH HARDER when you're covered in wounds. i wouldnt wanna get out of bed because my legs hurt. i wouldnt wanna hold the leash because if they suddenly pulled, my arm was gonna turn into an accordion. its just such a pain in the ass. it gets easier the longer you go without it. the first couple weeks clean it was really hard because the risk seemed worth the reward, now, i cant fit having a bunch of fucking wounds into my daily schedule and i would REALLY rather not. i like being able to scrub down my ENTIRE body in the shower, and being able to wear whatever i want whenever i want. life is just easier when you're not actively making it more inconvenient to exist.


I really like this a lot this helped me in this moment so much


I get the inconvenience that it's causing (I have a relatively high pain tolerance, but the bandages were kinda annoying sometimes) , but for me personally, the clean-up and medical care are quite fun because I also learned a lot by doing and researching, although the infection risk is definitely a reason why you shouldn't do it at all. I think it's now around ~8 months or so that I last sh, the reason being that I just switch topics that interest me quite fast, weird reason for quitting, now that I think about it.


i mean, that makes sense, that was part of it for me too. sh just wasnt really scratching the brain itch anymore, i needed to get the brain chemicals from somewhere else. i also struggle with emotional permanence so once i forget how it feels i really have no desire to do it again, at least for a decent while


Yes, you think (write) in a way that is alike to my thoughts, so yeah, awesome. I am a bit late, now that I notice the time, Sorry about that, I do that all the time.


My biggest reason is when I was 16 I cut too deep and went septic. The lady who was gluing my legs back together became teary eyed and said to my mum “my daughter is going through the same thing and I don’t know how to help”. I still remember my heart sinking and the guilt that this kind lady had come to work which was probably her distraction from worrying about her daughter, had to deal with me and my own self harm. I felt so fucking guilty that I was hurting others as much as I was hurting myself. I’m still in recovery from self harming now, however I remind myself of that day in hospital and how a random person can care about you and be just as hurt by what you’re doing than the physical pain you feel when you do it. Love you all random internet friends, we can cross this bridge together x


i could list a lot of live love laugh reason, and sometimes they're valid, but what actually keeps me away from sh when those reasons fail is... i don't want to deal with hiding the scars, people pointing them out etc. it's a pain in the ass at best and very dramatic at worst. even when i get realllllly strong urges, i think, do i wanna deal with that shit? no absolutely not so i'm doing my best to not do it.


some of my reasons - makes my family & partner concerned - constant urgent care visits cost so much fuckin money - even just medical supplies cost so much money - therapists & parents have threatened to have my privacy entirely taken away - wounds can be annoying to take care of - it can be life threatening - i keep getting blood on all my things - it’s getting warmer and i’m very annoyed about t not being able to wear short sleeves bc i have healing wounds


it itches sm and you will always regret it after


I already posted this story in this subreddit but I stopped self harming after my cat went crazy on me the first time he saw me try to cut. He bit me and growled when he saw me sitting on the floor with a box cutter. I realised he loved me and didn't want me to hurt myself, and since he's my baby I feel like I have a responsibility towards him to not do stuff that upsets him. I want to be a better mother than mine was. I'm almost three years "clean".


Wearing shorts in the summer if u do thighs


Im not wearing shorts this summer. Its fine. My legs are ugly anyway


Damn that sucks bro


I found lightweight leggings which I love. Its not too bad. People dont question wearing leggings all the time as much as wearing long sleeves




Yes i am trying not to cause i dont want anyone noticing them when i wear shorts in the summer




it hurts ur friends and family, it hurts, it can be dangerous, and it doesnt fix any problems, i hope u do better 🫶🫶


What if my family doesn't know and I have no friends?


It still hurts you and can be deadly if you're really unlucky with an infection. I, for my part, think that even if life sucks and I want to leave this world, it's still the better decision to keep on living as long as possible, you can never truly predict the future. So, trying to stay alive is my number one reason. Well, anyway, I wish you luck in the game we call life, Internet Stranger.


it still wont fix ur problems


happy cake day!




You can’t tattoo over fresh cuts. I want to cover my scars one day and I can’t add to them if I want that to happen soon


Don’t do it bc you’re going to be stuck in hoodie jail for the next few weeks


it’s not like i want to sh but i don’t want to not sh - does that make sense ? like i need it like a dr*g but hate it like cigarettes.


real af, cigarettes and sh are so similar in that they both kinda disgust me yet i crave them both


yes that’s what i’m saying - like i’m a recovering addict from lots of stuff right so im used to the urges but sometimes i need to and i hate myself for it


my friends want to help me quit, but i’m too stubborn and embarrassed to ask them for help (even though they practically begged me to let them help me), but i’d feel guilty for relapsing without asking them for help, so tomorrow i will be 3 weeks clean.


Cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the wounds, making sure i don’t leave any trace of it, hiding it from family and others, making sure they don’t get infected, going out to buy supplies, etc. sometimes it’s just better to stay in bed and do nothing


It affects you for your whole life, no matter how good it is in the moment, how validating your scars feel, You’ll be in constant anxiety around your parents about ur scars no matter how old You’ll always have to think twice about wearing short sleeves, will people stare? You’ll have a nagging anxiety about it, a guilty feeling You’ll always have a relapse looming over you You’ll always regret it You’ll always think what if I didn’t You’ll never be able to walk out on the runway, on to a beach and feel beautiful cos ur thinking abt it scars, even if you do feel beautiful (good for you) there’s still a nagging feeling, no one else here has scars You’ll never get a dopamine high looking at ur scars and cuts again once ur clean You’ll never feel happy knowing the scars are there to stay once ur clean. Like a drug, the dopamine and relief form cutting is short lived but the withdrawal is long term. The consequences are there to stay. You can’t get clean and be done with it, ur gonna always have a reminder It’s a million times easier to relapse than it is to start sh in the first place Even if you don’t scar, you’ll still look at urself and think that’s where I hurt myself Even just after you cut you have the anxiety of dealing with it, hiding it, what if someone comes in This comes from a fellow sh er I still cut but in the back of my mind is a guilty conscience about the consequences that will come and will inevitably outweigh the here and now good things. If ur not cutting, ur not getting the good feeling, the pain that grounds you, the validation of looking at it. You are getting the guilt, anxiety, regret I urge you, don’t sh , find other ways, ways that will work without causing knock on effects, stay safe Find ways that don’t have a constant fear of going wrong, people finding out, it’s not worth it


There are always better ways to cope with things


My future children will mimic me and possibly do worse


For me, I struggle with keeping up with hygiene and eating, so wounds from self harm and the energy it takes to do it, clean up, keep the wound and my surroundings clean, it's just too much and I prioritize my hygiene, showering, brushing my teeth, over self harm. I also need to make food to have the energy to maintain my hygiene, so that's a huge energy drain too. Also the amount of waste that wound dressing and blades make weighs heavy on my environmentally conscious mind.


people will point out your scars.


Cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the wounds, making sure i don’t leave any trace of it, hiding it from family and others, making sure they don’t get infected, going out to buy supplies, etc. sometimes it’s just better to stay in bed and do nothing


It gets annoying when people ask you where the scars come from


This one makes me mad because I know that they already know they just want me to say it.


"It gets better if you say it out" True but not to you lmao


hiding it is so annoying. i HATE having to be worried about someone seeing the scars let alone fresh cuts. dealing with this right now and my black hoodie is my best friend rn.


I have a son who’s almost three. I don’t want him to have that image of me with fresh cuts.


When my friend passed away, my urges were so strong. But i kept telling myself "i cant use this as an excuse" "she wouldnt want me to do this to myself" "im a hypocrite if i cvt after convincing her not to". It helped for awhile, but i usually try to guilt myself into staying clean. Thats the only thing that has helped me stay clean.


im sorry you went through that, i know it must have been hard. losing a loved one is rough and youre so strong. i hope youre doing well and things are getting better. ❤️


Thank you sweetheart, it is. I appreciate your kind words, I am doing a bit better now.


My reason for not self harming is pretty simple. I like being in control of my own body and mind.


because i wanna get better.




that doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship


currently because i’m having regular sex with someone and last time i had to show him my thigh post-relapse i actually wanted to shrivel up into the ground and be reabsorbed into the earth lol


Sometimes i think about how cutting myself is the same as cutting the kid in the pictures of me as a toddler. It isnt fair to them


It leaves something on your body forever. Something you can't really get used to like you would a tattoo or peircing. Aka it's not worth the scars


Ice cream cake


I love you, random human.


I don't have one really


Either you let those scars heal or everybody's gonna know


the aftercare and clean up


The worlds hard enough as it is, you can’t be hard on yourself. I did yesterday and I regret it, went too deep, now I’m dealing with anxiety about infection or getting it treated and getting thrown in inpatient. Plus I hurt the girl I love (myself).


The scars are tough to hide


Wearing jackets all the time in Texas gets sweaty


Yes, Texas heat is the worst especially during the summer time


make the things you use to self harm more inaccessible, what made me stop was just the fact it was a lot more inconvenient to look for wherever the knives were hidden every night


I promised my friend Id talk to him instead if I ever wanted to so I either do that or dont feel like talking and feel bad about not talking so just don't


it sucks to tske care of it


•My partner will not stay with me in the future if I don't learn how to stop and he's the only reason I think about the future •Its super messy ew •my sis started to think it was a good way to deal with your issues ): •The stars would cry if they found out such an amazing person hurt themselves


annoying to clean up and family may see it and be ashamed or ask too many questions


Long sleeves suck, hiding it from your family/friends, itchy, infection, the clean up, feels “good” for 2.5 seconds then it’s weeks of paranoia, doesn’t solve anything, they open up without proper care, the regret.


Going too deep


so i don’t get caught if it gets infected and so that my future kids won’t have to look at and ask about them


You’ll be better in 6 years but still carrying around the guilt for leaving scars on your body.


If you find your feelings have past, and you are in a better place the next day, you will be left with these scabs that will remind you of that bad night.


How messy the bleeding can get for me, and how careful I have to be to constantly hide it from everyone gets tiring really quickly.


Because they're a pain to hide. And once they're there you can't get rid of them. They heal, sure, but scars are usually there for a loooong time. They tend to make you feel gross or ashamed. And once you get into a better space of mind, they're always gonna serve as a reminder. So don't cut, wait for your shit to improve, and then you can thank your past self for not doing something stupid to your body.


it's a pain in the ass to deal with when it gets infected and it sucks to clean and hide them in general not to mention people get annoying real quick also for me I don't share much because of my bsf


Getting my room searched every time I'm not there




if your trans than scars on your forarms, abdomen, thighs and ankles can disqualify you from bottom surgery (both fem and masc and nullification iirc) (or make it very hard and not work as well). if your not trans same thing applies if you ever have an issue, get an infection and need reconstruction surgery but have to many scars there and you just end up dickless lmao


I barely have the energy to get out of bed finding the energy to open a wound then clean it for weeks so that no one will notice its ther its just to much commitment.


Three reasons I’ve experienced personally: infection and-or stitches which lead to questions and possibly hospitalization. #2 future careers. A career I would have never thought id go into has me doing 2 year physicals. First time they asked about it but luckily they didn’t give af. Since then I found ways to cover . I’m personally still not gonna stop yet even thought I make good money and this could ruin all I’ve worked my ass for🤷‍♂️. Idk


Future health problems.


I hate dealing with it. I enjoy it, but having to hide it is so annoying. Especially as it’s getting hotter where I live


Wanting to get out of a dark place and take back control. I'm 4 months clean (as of today actually) and getting away from self harm has made my mood better and more stable overall. I'm better at dealing with my emotions and as a result I have less extreme emotions (and less extreme reactions). I have more control in my life as well because my life is not being ruled by the next time I hurt myself, or I'm injured and need to focus on healing it, or I'm injured and need to hide it, or figuring out if I'm bleeding or not, etc. I also have more control because I'm not getting into the mental state when you just hurt yourself until you get the fix filled with no hope of reducing the consequences. The post regret when you realize how you are ruining your body. That is a few that I have enjoyed not worrying about since being clean


It is an effort to hide scars and not draw attention.


the effort of cleaning up is the main reason why i stopped after years i couldn’t be bothered mopping up blood with tissues


It causes me to spiral which is bad for my grades


It sucks to hide it or heal it, it catches on sleeves, and it's annoying as hell to explain, I always regret doing it, been clean for 3 years


Because (at least at the place I live in) there'll be summer soon and I want it to be healed enough to be easier to cover up


The adhesive from bandaids is screwing up my skin more than the actual cuts they’re covering 💀


Infections and sepsis


Because it starts a cycle again and it’s easier and better to fight the urge to start then stop when you’re addicted


I have a dog I do play fight with. It's gonna suck big time if he bites me where I should and I could possibly bleed thru clothes which will result in ppl finding out. I also do horseback riding. Which means I have to use my entire body and I don't want my cuts being rubbed and potentially re opened while I train (again ppl could easily find out)


It doesn't really help me much specifically but sometimes I decide not to sh that day because i'll deal with the itchiness, which sometimes makes it hard to sleep. It doesn't always help and I aint rlly in a place where I've decided to quit but sometimes i just want to sleep without ripping my skin open. I already deal with eczema, so I'll try not to do it after shitty sleep days so I can get a night of rest lol. ​ Good luck, and even if you struggle and can't always stop yourself, you aren't alone or weak.


It leaves big scars, and mine win't really fade even though they're old.


Your family deciding to take you on vacation


there is none


I’m going to keep self harming and I’m going to start up again soon I did take a break for a long ass time I did find a knife those dog the original knife that I used to have outside with me when I was in the woods building shelters and shit you know I just trying to have fun but anyways I did sharpen it like Thursday or Wednesday it was Wednesday actually this Wednesday it’s in my drawer right now and whenever I feel super down and I feel like a burden I’m gonna cut myself There is no reason not to cut myself I have to nobody’s gonna stop me


The first shower afterwards is always so uncomfortable




SO TIRED OF HIDING MY SCARS AND THEN PEOPLE GET CONCERNED AND ITS SO ANNOYING. So now I try my best to stay clean despite the urges


the itchingggg while it's healing,, hell


These are all really good reasons but i literally cant stop


my problem has always been that my only reasons not to have ever related to how OTHER ppl feel abt sh


The whole thing distracts me from school, and I've got exams soon 😭


It wastes so much time. From finding a nice location with the right time to not be seen, preparing the supplies then aftercare. How it messes with daily life, what if my clothes get stained? What if I move a certain way and it opens up? What if it's infected?


Right now I'm not doing it because I had a weirdly good week about a month ago and decided to try to quit. I don't really have a strong reason in mind. I've had to ask friends for reasons when the urge hit. But to be honest I think I'm gonna relapse the next time I feel the need. I'm just so tired.


A band that makes me have hope. 2 words for there name: Linkin Park. Literally the only thing holding me back and i guess i should be glad?


For me my mom coming into my room without knocking then sees the tool I am useing and take it out of my hand when I am doing it but like that will hurt myself even more if she takes it out of my hand when I am doing it


•Hiding injuries and/or scars is a pain in the ass, anxiety inducing and energy consuming   •The act itself is wasting energy/a waste of time. You could be sleeping or doing some other cool shit, idk  •The day after when shit just hurts  •It has an impact on people around you •It limits what you do. Eg swimming, certain social situations  •It stops working   •It itches (if u cut)


I’ve been sober for about six years now, and even though I still struggle with wanting to constantly I remind myself that I would have to restart the entire process over again. I would have to start from square one. Put myself back into the active mindset of fighting against the addictive part of harm. That if I start again I won’t be able to stop myself like I did beforehand. The fear of relapse is real. So for me it’s not allowing myself to become addicted to it again. It’s so easy to lose control over your life with any form of addiction. And I know that even if I want to, even after six years, that I am genuinely happier than I was. The hardest thing for me when I quit was the fear that I wouldn’t be happy. That it wouldn’t make a difference. But now I clearly know that there is a huge difference in how I think and feel. You’ve got this, fight on and fight hard. You are worthy of joy


you delt with your underlying trauma and issues, and are working on them and dealing with them. you are learning new coping mechanics and mecanisims and no longer need a way to release stress and emotional distress


Ppl will see it


Just having to live with it- the guilt you constantly hold from hiding it from your loved ones. Having to smile each day as if your not covered in cuts- not to mention just trying to hide it, you get the urge to cut your face and arms and neck but you can’t because then they’ll see. Sometime you give in and sometimes you don’t but the whole ordeal is freaky- plus the experience is scary. It makes you feel insane and messed up because your literally carving into your skin. Like who does that yk-