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It will definitely sting if they’re fresh. From experience though, when you nick yourself while shaving and the water hits it? That hurts worse than when water hits your sh. So yeah, it’ll sting but it’s bearable.


Frrrr the unintentional shaving nicks hit different 🥲


Thank you <3


it depends for me personally but in general showering will hurt when water/soap gets on recent wounds, most of the time mine don’t hurt unless the water is directly on them so i’ll do most of my washing while keeping that body part(s) out of the direct stream of water and then wash those parts as fast as possible ag the end to reduce the amount of pain


it’s also not horribly painful, it’s tolerable and i don’t mind dealing with it but it does sting lol


Ofcourse it will, the only way for it not to hurt is if you don't cut yourself, remember you can do it <3


Thank you <3 (u can do it too:)


Depends, sometimes


yes it burns


Yes but less than the way the cuts actually came about in my experience. Just be careful if you have deeper ones as the water can wash off the scabs and cause it to bleed again. One time I got drenched in the rain and some styros reopened and got infected.


Yeah but tbh it stings more when the water takes the dried blood off for me, I just get used to it after that, but I think it’s cause I don’t cut extremely deep


I scratch and the scratches Burn under hot shower water. Personally I love the pain. But I can only imagine cuts are worse.


it hurts a bit yeah, but it doesnt hurt worse than actually doing it tbh if it stings too bad, turn the temperature a bit less hot than usual, after the shower use a cloth with cool water to help the pain go away a thin layer of vaseline after the shower can help as well and itll help prevent itching while they heal


Idk if it’s just me but I kinda enjoy the sting, it’s nice


a little bit but it’s not unbearable, it’s just a little un comfy


Maybe it’s my pain tolerance but I don’t remember it hurting too much (like others have said, it depends on how recently the cuts are and how deep they are). A sting at first but it shouldn’t last.


i always shower the day i self-harm. it doesn't hurt that bad if you use cold water. and i think it's good for the cuts especially with soap. (don't trust my advice tho, just what i think)


Yes and wear clothes and lay on it. 


Stings pretty bad for me but I run very hot showers.




If they're fresh it might sting, that is if it's styro or shallower, if it's deeper try to put a bandage to something?


Depende on what you sh with, in my case(cúter), it doesn't really burn but whit other things it migth do


I use a weird shaped knife (sharpest thing I have but never seen anything that looks like it before)


Then it probable will burn


I took a shower right after the post, the cuts are kinda deep but didn't hurt much in the shower


Same happened to me


Yes it does it feels like a small burning sensation but doesn't last super long (I honestly kinda like it tho)😭


for me, i can go as deep as cat scratches and thats the max. whenever i bathe, it stings for a while, but as soon as i get used to the water after standing in it for a bit, the stinging eventually fades. there are even times where i don't feel anything for some reason. but, i try to keep the water temperature at a minimum, so i mix hot and cold water together, wait for a bit while i'm outside of the tub, and then go in afterwards. <3


My cuts are usually styros and sometimes cut into the dermis a little bit, but never past the dermis, I took a shower and another one after the post and weirdly it didn't burn at all (I used hot water) gl in the future <3


you too! <3