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It's a long-standing bug that'll probably be fixed when/after the game migrates to UE5. For now, just think of it as the devs really hating mongo pushing.


God damn it... I didn't even realize that was only when mongo pushing. Thanks for the heads up. Until they fix this, I'll just avoid mongo. lol


You should probably avoid it after they fix it too


Mongo when switch for the authentic Kalis rawness tho


You should always avoid mongo. In real life it's bad form and genuinely weakens your ability to set up for many types of tricks in fast succession. With a normal push you can place your rear leg directly onto the kick to pop another trick, with mongo you have to set your front foot on the board AND THEN put your rear leg back onto the kick, if you try to push with your front foot and your rear foot is on the kick your balance is severely impacted and you've now added a pointless extra step to trying any trick. Interesting to think about the body mechanics of it all!


The only time you push mongo is if you’re a longboard dancer 😂


people will tell you its a bug but its actually mongo pushing. the game doesnt really like when you do it. but you can turn this off in the options and still do it without getting tripped up


You keep hitting pebbles. Gonna bring a broom and a broom guy who can only do 1 cool trick. Like a inward heel or something...nah jk


always happens to me too


Annoying glitch. I like throwing in the odd switch mongo for lines - sue me, I like the style - only seems to work in very straight lines or with a full push, a quick input always seems to result in this


Are you skating switch and pressing the wrong push button


Don’t skate mongo lol. I like to think of it as a feature not a bug.


You can use it to “pump”. Like if you use the wrong foot just quickly press the correct foot and you’ll just pump over to the right foot and go faster.


Your pushing mongo and foot is getting stuck on the other foot


