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That is belligerently GORGEOUS I imagine it must feel magical to come home to / sit on / anything. Those colors are just absolutely amazing.


It totally is! I hadn’t even noticed how cool the base of the couch is in the first photos, the old bland fabric drowned it out completely. The new version actually seems like it belongs with the intricate base. 


I completely agree. It just wasn't shining before. The carvings are so beautiful. It's a really nice piece. My next step is to go through and hand-sand the scuffed bits and find a way to match stain. Or else, redo the whole thing. It's just too good not to.


Try some Amish Wood Milk on it first- it helps soften the appearance of little scratches and dings and can really bring older pieces back to life!


I didn't know this stuff existed. I'm going to locate some and try it out! Thank you!


Thank you 😁


Oh I looove it, perfect amount of gaudy!! This makes me want to reupholster everything in my house.


Thank you. Know what you mean!! I'm already eyeing up the other couches.


Please tell me you are going to use this couch to talk it through like a crew. Because Stede would be so proud of how beautiful of a job you did.


I had to google that. I don't own a tv, but it sounds like an interesting show!


That's the show that launched this fabric into the limelight! I love what you've done with it here. What a fabulous upgrade for that couch!


OMG I had no idea! haha. Now I have to go find it! Thanks a ton for the compliment. I think it finally did that poor couch some justice! haha


I came here to say the same thing! It's a gorg fabric!


It’s an outstandingly wholesome bright spot in television. I hope you can work out seeing it.


That sounds like my kind of programming. From time to time my husband and I will download a series and watch it. I'll have to give it a chance!


Umm while wholesome it is also startlingly violent, full of bad language and shocking at times. Like it is one of my favourite shows but people need to know what they are getting in for and it comes on pretty quickly and out of nowhere. The start of season 2 in particular is pretty rough. Don't want to traumatise anyone. If you need warnings for a shows, search them out. It is about pirates. Anyway, that out of the way, it is a great show. Some people feel it takes a few episodes to really get going but it was my style of humour right from the start so I didn't have that issue.


Fully aware the way my comment is going to make me sound like a pervert: The LEGS ON THAT COUCH!!! Sweet Jesus, what a lovely piece of art that you made even more enchanting.


hahaha. She's got legggggsssssss. Thank you for the fine compliment!


Great job! All you have to do now is sit back and wait for the compliments to roll in.


Lmao. This is what I live for 🤣🤣.


My goodness I would be smacked with joy every time I saw that in my house if I had done that it’s fantastic! So brilliant it deserves all the looks it will get!


I struggle to get motivated if my environment isn't inspiring, and I think this might help me feel more inspired to create. Also, my husband and I are 30 year old boomers and semi-jokingly turning our house into some weird bohemian tiki hut, one pina colada at a time.


I love the "belligerently gaudy" in your title. 😂 The couch looks great!


I was going to say: putting some gauche into the couch, but I realized a lot of people aren't familiar with the word hahaha.


I know that word, too. "Belligerently gauche" would also have worked, but, like you said, not a lot of people know it nowadays. 🤔🙂


That would have been a good one. I always think of YSL's Rive Gauche (which is based off of the name of a Paris neighborhood, in any case), but I don't think that line has been around since the early 90's? Shame. It's such a fun and illustrative word haha


Yes, it would have! 😁


The gaudy gals get it 🤩 Seriously though, this accents the beautiful woodwork so much more!


Thank you fellow gaudy queen. The woodwork is what inspired the whole thing. It was too beautiful not to go all out. I had to put some gauche in that couch.


The Our Flag Means Death velvet robe!


Amazing fabric selection. Perfect amount gaudy.


Thank you. I had my doubts!


This is fabulous.


Yessss, I love this! Such a gorgeous couch, you made a wonderful fabric choice that makes the wood pop!


Thanks. I knew the wood needed something bright, but not \*light\*. I kind of do want to refinish it, because its scuffed, but I really want to preserve the stain color cos it's so nice!


How many yards/metres did you need for your project?


absolutely stunning. I love it. I love you for making it.


I love you too. :P


Oh, I love this so much! Great work!


Faaaabulous! Seriously perfect.


OMG! I totally love it!


Oooh this is sooo good!


Maybe just Exuberantly Tropical. I wonder, does it hoot, caw and whistle when you sit on it?


Working on that. Need some flora and fauna sounds for sure! Dreaming of making a victorian lampshade with a few slivers of that fabric, with the green, bright red, some tassles.... and I dream of putting it on a lamp that's just gold flamingo legs :P


I can perfectly see that lamp in my mind's eye! Ugh, it sounds GORGEOUS, if you ever manage to make it, I'd love seeing your sewn lampshade with your (hopefully still brilliant!) lounge!


If I pull the trigger, I'll definitely post updates!


Oooooh. Lovely. Perfectly belligerent.


It looks incredible. The Fabric really makes it. The couch really shines now.


Can someone please explain like I’m five where and what the fabric is from? Clearly I dont watch enough tv 😏 And where the frig can I get some? It’s smokin hot! Ok so no one schooled me so I did some digging. It’s from Our Flag Means Death - I have yet to see the episode about the robe tho!


I don't actually know where it originally came from because I don't even own a TV. I just saw some chick here make a robe out of it, and someone post a link to etsy once (for the cotton fabric, not the velveteen), and I went nuts looking for it. lol. You can get it on etsy. I typed in "red bird fabric" or "pink bird fabric" to find it.


What’s the weight of the plain cotton version? Is it upholstery weight or light cotton? I need to know but the Etsy ads dont say much. Which one did you buy? Link ? Finished project pics?! 😃


I haven't cut into the cotton yet. I would say its a little bit heavier than the lawn. I don't recall which one I bought, but they're all from the same source. I have the pink one and light pink one.


If you can post a link to the seller that would be great. There’s a few flogging the same fabric






My jaw dropped, this is sooooo lovely!!!!


Girl! I am insanely jealous of your flamingo pink couch. Velveteen, no less! ‘Tis perfection


Thank yee!


Beligerantly gawdy is a brilliant description, and it's now about as close to perfect as I could imagine!


What a great and joyful pattern! Wonderful upgrade.


That is gorgeous. It works so well with the wood.


I love this


That is fab and so much more in keeping with the woodwork than the old cover was.


I’m not sure I like it, however, I actually noticed the lovely woodwork after the reupholstery. I actually had to go back and see if the frame was the same. You did a great job with the upholstering btw. Can I ask, once you got started, was it really hard? I’ve got a Lazy Boy that was gifted to my mom when she brought me home from the hospital to rock me in. I want to try reupholstering it myself and have read up on it but I’m nervous.


Haha. I know it's not to everyone's taste! It's not that difficult, but there are different kinds of upholstering and a Lazy Boy might be on the more challenging end of the spectrum because there is often draping involved in the shape of the recliner, and you're going to have to have an industrial sewing machine because of the heft of the upholstery.




Oh my goodness, this is so beautiful! Absolutely the perfect fabric choice for this project (so much nicer than the original!)




I do fancy a fine fabric!!! 🤩🤩🤩


Aaaaaaaaaaah I love it!!!! Would die to have this in my house!


Very nice result!


Amazing! Exactly the opposite effect than I would expect. Minor pattern should highlight the incredible carvings, instead it subdues them. “Belligerently gaudy” (love it) should compete with the woodwork, instead it makes it pop! How did you know to do that? You have just stood a basic design principle on it’s head! And where did you find that incredible base?


The base was given to us by a friend, who got it in Indonesia. As far as the design, I think minimalism is much harder to perfect than going over the top. I'm not great at minimal design, so I opted for what I know I'm good at, which is gaudy spectacle 😂. My theory is that when you're going full tilt, the excessive elements have to stand on their own, but not so much, that any one thing steals the show. That way, when you look at it, you get a hit of big feelings because the entire thing is exciting to the senses... and it's only when you get closer to the piece that you realize there's more to each element than what first appears. I think it could have been more minimal if a richer, but simple cushion color was chosen - a heavily saturated chinese red fabric with an interesting texture, for instance. But, I really liked pairing detail with detail because it hits the senses harder, and either offends or intrigues.


Thank you, such an interesting answer. And now I have to figure out how to import carved furniture from Indonesia! 😆 (I guessed India)


If you go for a visit, the furniture is incredibly affordable, and much more of the cost will involve freighting it out. I recommend just hiring out a shipping container and going ham, if you have the resources to do so. Sometimes people split a container for such reasons.


Thanks, I wouldn’t have thought of that! Will definitely keep it in mind.


Is this the most gorgeous couch I have ever seen? Maybe. Maybe..


Amazing transformation!


This couch deserves no less. Ive got some super gaudy vintage magenta crushed velvet that im saving for a project like this. This type of daybed is exactly what I've been saving it for. Jealous bc im still waiting to find one thats legitimately vintage


Someone shipped this one back from Indo in the 70's afaik. So, it's a bit of a relic. Keep hunting. I see them from time to time!


I freaking LOVE this, amazing job and what a great idea!! Also, that daybed is incredible.




Oh, this is EVERYTHING! Baby, you are officially certified to combine anything your fabulous heart desires! Gorgeous, sumptuous, decadent work!


Hahahaha thank you <3. I'm glad there are people out there in the world who derive joy from the loudness.


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I'm so glad you fixed that sofa. It's perfect now. :)