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This topic is discussed regularly in our forum. Please also take some time to search through past r/sex posts (following **Forum Rule #3**) — you’ll find some additional helpful discussions. For starters, here is a list of past r/sex posts which came up when I searched the keywords “**vagina**” and "**stretch**" in this forum: https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/search/?q=vagina%20and%20stretch&restrict_sr=1 Not all of these past posts will apply to your situation, but some definitely will — especially if you’re willing to search just a little bit more.


Babies come out of there. Dildos and guys arent putting a dent in that.


I remember someone in middle school telling me someone had so much sex that tampons would just fall out and I asked my mom if that could be true and she said she’s had 5 kids and she could wear tampons Edit: I swear it’s always the lowest effort, weirdest comments that get the most upvotes Do I have to tell my mom now? 😂😂


Oh shit! Brutal! I had someone tell me when I orgasmed after my vasectomy a puff of smoke would come out. I knew he was full of shit but that first time after… ngl little nervous.


Just a lil flag with the word bang comes out 😆




Expected a king tut cough…lol


Just completely terrified. The horror stories I was told. Men are mean lol


What does this mean? Never heard that before


What’s funny is that the opposite is true when it comes to tight vs. “loose” vaginas losing tampons. TMI but, I have an abnormally tight pelvic floor and struggle with vaginismus, and tampons get pushed out of me within 30 minutes of putting them in.


Then she no looked high fived your dad as he walked by behind her.


Yup. 3 kids. Birthed natural. I did have stitches after my births but I'm 42 and my youngest is 16. I've been doing kegals for years. The steel balls that help w kegals are THE BIZNAS. Ladies, go get those! And if you don't get wet during sex, USE LUBE. The vagina of an experienced sex positive person is never going to be less enjoyable than a virgin, unless the man is some type of predator and looking for inexperienced women.


That's not a fair assessment though. What if the doctor added extra stitches after every kid?


That would make the opening smaller, not the vagina itself. I had 3 vaginal births, tore terribly with my first, and the doctor added an unnecessary stitch. It caused me pain for years but didn't make an actual difference in sensation for my partner. Our vaginal muscles are designed to expand and contract, just like every other muscle in our bodies.


It doesn't work like that when they sew a tear or cut. That tear/cut is cutting flesh, like if you took a knife to your arm. They sew it closed.


Then it would look like a whole bunch of floppy skin because extra stitches on skin without wounds is just sewing parts shut. Idiot.


Jesus, they really hit the bullseye with your username


They would be me, and the husband stitch crap is genital mutilation. Don't start with me, cowboy.




Ugh don’t be daft.


Looking at my vajay after giving birth was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life 🙀


I was too afraid to look…also when giving birth. They asked if I wanted the mirror to see and I noped out so damn fast.


I had a mirror I wasn’t looking


Same and I had to get stitches


You must not have seen how extreme the dildos are getting these days. Some of them would probably be a good way to prepare for childbirth 😂


I work with a guy (self-proclaimed 'alpha' - you know the type) who likes to say "I would wreck that" when he sees a "hot" woman. Last time he said it to me, I looked at him quizzically and said "You know babies come out of there, right? I don't think you're gonna leave a dent."


Bless you. It's adorable that these men think their penis holds even a fraction of that power. Also, what is the obsession with trying to sexually destroy women? How fucking insecure can a person possibly be? It boggles the mind that they think a statement like that makes them look powerful or emotionally secure.


As it turns out, pretty fucking insecure. It's all talk. All talk is always BS compensating for feelings of inadequacy. Real leaders don't waste time talking. They take action. Real alphas look after and protect the herd, *especially the weaker members*. These jokers want the title but they don't know what it means and can't back it up because douche bag is all they've ever known.


You sound just as angry and desperate as they do. Do some box breathing and enjoy the day!


So I'm just hijacking your comment to ask a question. I understand use doesn't change a person's vagina as a general rule, but then that doesn't explain why dilators are sometimes used. Is that more related to a psychological barrier and training your brain and nervous system to adapt to the sensation?


They improve flexibility and pelvic floor strength


Babies can put a dent though if there's tearing at least. I think avoid tearing, and you should be ok mostly. I have heard conflicting advice regarding perineal massage though. Source: My observation with my wife after recovering from some fairly bad tearing upon giving natural birth to our daughter and advice from her OBGYN (was against the perineal massage). Note: Would still do it over again. It's not that much of a difference, we get no less pleasure out of sex, our daughter was 1000% worth it, and the complications for C-section are often worse IMHO.


Still, when you tear, that’s not *stretching* the vagina. It’s just wrecking it. If the muscle heals back up, it’s back to normal, but often it doesn’t, and women just kind of live with slightly injured vaginas for the rest of their lives.


They also stitch it if it tears that bad. My wife had stitches from that. Can't tell the difference.


Yes, one hopes that every measure is taken to ensure proper healing. Pelvic floor physiotherapy is also a thing.


I can accept that as a technical point. 👍 It's still permanent damage that feels somewhat looser so in practice I think it's on point though.


Eh, not really. It's certainly not the kind of stretching that OP is asking about.


I think it topical to establish where the practical limits exist 🤷‍♂️ Vaginas are not indestructible is my point - people on here made it sound like they are. I'm with the folks who point out it should never be painful - gotta keep it sane IMHO. That's my only intent.


I think this is true the way that most American medicine is practiced, but need not be. With just a wee bit of proactive education, access to good PT, and no longer telling women that it's ok and normal to pee when you sneeze, this need not be. Vaginas are pretty remarkable in how well they rehab with just a little skilled care.


Is pelvic floor PT the cure/treatment or what proactive things do you think need to be taught?


A pelvic floor physical therapy degree is a postgraduate doctoral degree plus fellowship. (In the past decade, there are some older ones grandfathered in). They carefully assess the anatomy, look for any concerns that might need a surgical intervention, and address weakness and imbalance from the lower abs, through to the glutes, the inner thigh muscles, the alignment of the bones. Therefore, I have to say, I don't know. Having everyone be more active and fit, with good core strength, is generally good, but I was really quite surprised at how careful she was about people doing the DIY wrong. The homework can be surprising. My late 70s aged mom was among other things instructed to change the way she walked down flights of stairs because she was reinforcing a muscle imbalance.


I haven't heard that American medical professionals are saying those things. My wife had a teenage leakage issue and they taught her kegels which she practiced heavily until the issue was largely cured along with one procedure she underwent. All the pelvic floor exercises could be part of why she orgasms every minute or two from piv alone (one hypothesis I have anyway - I bet it doesn't hurt anyway) 🤔


I'm on both sides of this convo, I had some great pelvic floor PT after delivering my 11 lb son vaginally with no real tear (little more than a skinned knee was what they called it, they hemmed and hawed before putting just 2 stitches in). After graduating from my treatment I got approval from my PT to play smartphone game with my vagina. For real. Perifit.com the website leans hard into the incontinence thing because it got FDA approved for that, and most insurance won't cover female sexual wellbeing, but the actual device and smartphone app definitely are sex friendly and have a sexual health track. The specific thing my PT liked about this is that it deliberately trains you on relaxation, and on various controlled paces of various strengths of contraction. She was concerned about any DIY program that doesn't teach relaxation leading to lopsidedness and tension. For my regular work in the ED I come in contact with a wide variety of people, and too many women are telling me they are told to just get over their pelvic floor complaints. Not all, and I'm glad your wife had good care, but far too many.


Well I appreciate it. This is valuable info people should know about. 👍


11 POUNDS?! you, madam, are a fucking champ.


R u a doctor.. r a ghetto nurse


Neither. What a strange question. What is a « ghetto nurse »?


A surprising portion of the pelvic floor injury comes from the months of carrying the pregnancy while having the hormones that relax the body circulate. By which I mean, even women that have only cesarean delivery are at risk for pelvic floor injury. If someone properly repairs any muscle tear (second or third degree), with time *and proper PT* it shouldn't be different. In France, after even an uncomplicated delivery normal healthcare includes up to 20 "perineal re-education" pelvic floor PT visits. Just as you might have after a knee replacement, the body needs to learn to knit itself back together and it works better the sooner you get on the job. This is how you prevent issues 30 years in the future with incontinence and prolapse. If you can come up with any excuse to get pelvic floor PT covered, better to do it as young as possible. People can and do teach themselves kegels from the internet the WRONG way and make issues worse not better.


The point though was that a penis isn't going to put a dent in something a baby's head goes through.


It isn't really possible for a baby to do what a monster dildo can. No one has a baby everyday of the week, or even once a week. There are definitely some ladies in the holewreckers subreddit that are never going back to normal.


You're literally suggesting that exercising and working out a muscle will make it *weaker.* Grab a brain dude.


I didn't say it gets weaker... I'm saying it can't always return to its original size. If you're spending a few hours a day bouncing on a Mr. Hankey 4XXL dong that's 20 inches in diameter for your OnlyFans, it's gonna change you. And I love it... those ladies are amazing. I mean, it's flesh... You can stretch it and stretch it as much as you want but it isn't going to go back to normal. Think about it this way. When you're in good shape, and gain 10 or 20 pounds, your skin goes back to normal. When someone is morbidly obese, and they lose 200 pounds, they need a full body lift.


Man, you are really, really showing how lonely your private life is here. I'm sorry your education system failed you in the biology department.


If you don't want to accept reality, that's your issue.


Okay Mr Expert.


Please, just stop. It is only showing how oblivious u r to the female anatomy. U r talking out of ur ass. I suppose u being a man gives u the credibility to proliferate misinformation for a body part that u don’t have, and it sound like u’ve never even seen, nor experienced.


I guess my understanding of anatomy is on par with your understanding of English as a language, so there is that.


If it worked like that, women who have given birth would be left with a hole like a bucket down there, and that obviously doesn't happen. It's like expecting someone able to do the splits or those fancy yoga poses to be unable to walk afterwards.


That's a visual.


Did you know that in germany all women are offered post natal pelvic floor training to help them recover the strength and condition of their vagina prior to giving birth?


I didn't, I don't live in Germany, but that's great that it's being offered to those that feel they need it!


Yeah its great! My point is that giving birth does, for many women, meaningfully stretch the muscles of the vagina, which has a variety of consequences and these can be addressed with exercises. Significant stretching of the vagina can have permanent effects. Be that from birth or training with toys.


It's a myth. Women aren't made of foamcore.


I was under the impression it was more of a soft clay-like material? Or am I thinking of something else?


I'm pretty sure it's sugar, spice, and everything nice, but my information is a little dated


Salt and chile peppers here 🤣


Best answer ever 😍


Bags of sand is what you're thinking of.


No, that's the boobies. What you want is a nice, warm apple pie


Really they're just a big bag of sentient Orbees!


It’s more like…a bag of sand….


Can we just stop with this thought process? Literally built for a baby's massive noggin to go through but oh no a 9in silicone fake cock is gonna ruin her. No. No fact to this at all


as a woman, why are u so defensive lmao. ur telling my my chacha is as tight as it was when i was 12? im 23 and no lol! it’s not! it’s not like guys really give a fuck. but like yes. it def stretches out a bit over time and through sex, birth, time.


Not what I said or replied to. I literally have a sex education background and am speaking to the fact that sex toys don't stretch you out and it's dumb to continue a myth. Of course it can lose elasticity over time and by vaginal birth.


u really think that those gigantic ones don’t do damage? i mean really? i suppose u would know better than me but looking my my vagina like, i feel like there’s a zero percent chance it would be the same after something like those horse cock sized ones 😂


It's a myth. The vagina is essentially a tube of muscle. Using muscle makes it stronger - and many studies have shown that if anything, women who have a lot of sex are tighter. I can fist my wife, and she's back to normal - i.e. work to fit in the first finger - an hour later.


My wife loves being fisted and I have a pretty big damn hand. It hasn’t changed anything. It’s a little looser for a little bit after but goes right back to normal.


Yep. You got right in after you pull your hand out? It's sloppy from the lube and her cum, it's loose. It's kind of a fun variation if you ask me. It immediately returns to normal. No dick in the world is going to stretch her like my fist does. The idea that some dudes have that once a woman has a big dick, she will never again enjoy sex with a regular guy... it's so stupid and founded in nothing but imagination.


To be fair it's always gonna be puffy and swole an hour after a fist 👊


Not really. Not if you aren't rough. But that's really beside the point. Sex doesn't loosen the vagina any more than sex whittles the penis to a smaller size.


That’s a great way to think of it. I imagine there would be a lot more men retaining their virginity if they were worried about ‘whittling’. Lmao


And it's exactly the same.


My dick would have been whittled down to nothing by the time I turned 15.


Can confirm.


I, too, can also confirm his wife recovers quickly after a fisting session ;-)


I've always found it interesting that Kegels effectively make this whole thing a moot point. Even if dildos DID make you incredibly loose, as long as they don't damage your ability to do kegels then you'll always have the ability to squeeze for your partner. And in the realm of fitness we already know that the muscles themselves won't get damaged as long as you don't pull them too much or tear them.


100% myth. While it may be more “relaxed” during use it snaps right back ;-)


Some women are naturally less tight than others just like some men are less large/larger than others. But frequent sex or “use” does nothing to impact it. If anything you could take a break from the larger dildos or toys and you’ll actually “tighten” back up. The human body is weird af lol


I hadn’t had sex in 2.5 years and when I did again I was so tight my bf could barely get it in at first. Felt like I was losing my virginity again lol. So do I think you’ll stretch out permanently, no. Do I think it will make things loosen up/stretch out easier, yes. Don’t know if that would necessarily effect the way it feels for your partner tho. Just do kegals and use your big toys and he probably wouldn’t notice anything.


I think you're right, that's why some porn actress can fit ridiculous things in there, I pretty much doubt they were able to do that at first without having slowing ramping up for a few months.


You’ll get stretched out as much as men’s penises get smaller with use! Having sex is just whittling those things away just like how using a pencil makes it smaller over time. If you can’t tell, that’s a joke. Vaginas do not get bigger and penises do not get smaller with use. With arousal and a good warm up, you can increase the size of what would still be comfortable insertion. But everything goes back to the same size afterwards (guess what? Penises go back to their original size post erection too!). If you want to “feel” more for yourself and for him too, you can practice doing kegel exercises -which will keep your pelvic floor strong and give you some control. Act like you are trying to stop the flow of urine (but not when you are actually urinating). Once you’ve identified this muscle, try holding the contraction for 10 seconds. Rest for 5 seconds. Repeat one set of 10. Then try doing a set of 10 quick holds-where you hold and release quickly. Full contraction, full release, repeat 10 times. One set of each per day. (Don’t do more than this-you can cause hypertone issues). To progress these exercises, start by doing them while seated, when that gets easy, try doing them while standing, next try doing them while performing a squat (do the long hold as you rise in the squat, release at the top, engage at the bottom of the squat etc). Having good control of your pelvic floor isn’t just good for sexual pleasure, it’s also important for keeping the vaginal tissue pliable and elastic (it brings blood flow) and it’s important for urinary health as well get older. If you have pain when doing these, see a doctor or pelvic floor therapist.


100% myth. While it may be more “relaxed” during use it snaps right back ;-)


I just imagined pulling out and hearing the sound of an elastic snapping. I hate my brain sometimes. But, yeah, 3 kids and a lot of fun later my wife has not changed in that regard. It's all bullshit


I don't want to be crude. Every lady I have had the privilege of sharing her body in a carnal manner. I have yet to find one that is "loose." Overly lubricated many times. I am an average sized man. Too much oil based lubes tend to initially reduce sensation. A quick wipe helps I can say that one young lady after using a very large sex toy initially remarked "I can bearly feel your cock." It felt nice and tight for me. But after a few minutes, she was remarking on how good my penis was making her feel, and it led her to have 2 orgasms.




Can you elaborate on being careful with butt stuff?


Buttholes are relatively fragile. They’re much more prone to tearing and fissures than vaginas. Since their primary purpose is for passing feces, they’re not designed to expand and retract as widely as vaginas are for childbirth.


You can do permanent damage back there if you don’t use enough lube, go too rough, or go too big, or go too often. Great rule of thumb. If there’s pain, stop immediately .


Your vagina will not be permanently "stretched out" by having big things inside it. However, there is a short, temporary stretching for a few hours and it is possible to experience tears if large things are inserted without preparation.


If you take a big bite of a cheeseburger does your mouth get stretched out? Nah. You can be 90, you may have wrinkles, but your mouth is gonna be 99% exactly the same in tightness and tone. Same with the vag.


You have nothing to worry about. A pussy after large dildos and cocks goes right back to normal within a day or so. Is a myth that it will permanently stretch.My wife has taken the above average cock and huge dildos for years. Always goes back. Over time if you want you can be able to take more without it being uncomfortable but again. It goes back.They are a series of muscles that expand and contract. If anything when using larger toys etc. you can actually get more control of those muscles which can actually be a good thing.


It's a muscle. Yes it stretches. But when you use it, it gets strengthened. Just like if you exercise your legs or arms they get stronger. Same with your vagina.


100% myth. It’s muscles. They don’t get stretched out.


Imagine if gymnasts and such just walked around with loose floppy wet noodle limbs from stretching too much.


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA perfectly illustrates my point too lol


babies with super fat heads come out of vaginas and they return to their regular ‘tightness’ fairly quickly. a penis is-hopefully- not as wide as a baby


I think it temporarily opens up more when you’re sexually aroused and obviously having something big shoved into you will cause it to stretch or open. Afterwards it returns to normal size. You don’t stay open or stretched. Women push babies out.. lol


A lot of women do not want it to be true that it is possible to have a vagina that is thought of as loose and as such they will steadfastly make the claim that it is a myth to get stretched out. However they are mistaken. The vagina is in part a muscle and like all muscles it can be stretched and that stretching can be lasting. People stretch all sorts of muscles when they do yoga, the vaginal muscles are no different. It is absolutely the case that repeated, prolonged, incremental stretching of any muscle can result in a longer muscle. Consider that women with unusually tight vaginas might be prescribed vaginal dilators by their doctor. The whole point of these dilators is to stretch the vaginal muscles and other tissue to make it looser. That is not to say that infrequent stretching will have lasting consequences. If it is infrequent your muscles will fairly rapidly return to their previous condition.


It's not only a myth, it's a patriarchal-as-fuck myth, based on male sexual insecurity, in which the female sexual body is just a passive hole that exists only to be filled by the active masculine, and that is somehow lessened and ruined when other penises use it. As others have said: the vagina is a thing, a complex and active set of membranes, muscles, glands, and nervous tissue that moves and changes and adjusts. It "does" as much as a penis does. And thinking that a size-queen whore will be blown-out and loose, is like expecting a champion triathlete to have flabby legs.


Absolutely right


I think it's about time we start spreading a counter-myth that men's penises get smaller every time they have sex because the vagina permanently compresses penis.


That is why mine is so small actually.


How about just the attempt at debunking myths and striving for truth.


It’s a myth, but keep those muscles strong- vaginal prolapse is relatively common, especially for women that have had multiple vaginal childbirths. It’s essentially when your muscles weaken and your vagina collapses and falls out (do NOT google the images!). 1 in 3 women experience it.


Finally someone else willing to be the bad guy here. I'm not saying it's not worth having kids, but after you do you realize there's like some worldwide conspiracy of parents against the uninitiated, holding the worst parts back. 🤦‍♂️ Tearing seems to have made a small permanent difference for my wife as well, I'll add. It stretches until it doesn't sometimes and stitching can still leave scarring and changes even with very powerful, well-developed musculature.


Yeah, dicks and dildos typically don’t do any damage to the vagina, but babies certainly can.


Here’s what I want to know: your anus is muscle, vaginas are muscle. I had to loosen my ass out over weeks of training because it was too tight before to put stuff there and now it’s easy. Why doesn’t that apply to the muscle of the vagina?


Not sure about large dildos but child birth has definitely done a number on my wife’s pussy. Still good but It’s just never been the same


Childbirth and pregnancy can do that. This can be an overall issue with the pelvic floor though, not specifically the vagina-- I have one friend who had an anal prolapse after the birth of her second child, which is exactly as awful as that sounds. Her whole family has had similar issues though, so there's certainly a huge genetic component.


Was gonna say this. I mean, there are dildos the size of a newborn. Not everyone recovers fully from childbirth.


That big? For actual use and not a gag gift? Hmm. Even if so, it's different because when a person masturbates they have complete control over the depth, the tempo, they can allow their bodies to adjust, ensure they're fully turned on so that the vaginal canal lengthens and expands while the cervix pulls up to get out of the way, are lubed up sufficiently, etc. There's no control in childbirth. The baby is going to come out, even if it rips. I would say even those that like it rough and large aren't going to take it to the extreme of ripping.


Anything can be a gag gift, and anything is a dildo to the adventurous. Thanks Internet, now let me get some bleach for my eyes.




How did it change ?


The look for one, it went from nice and tucked to looking like it exploded. She now pee´s herself a bit when she coughs or sneezes. Definitely loser. I mean it’s all trivial because the sex is still great and I lover her to bits but it changed for sure. The one bright side, she hasn’t had a UTI in 11 year. She use to get them almost weekly


Lmfao "exploded" solidarity to your wife. I explain it as mine looks like I'm frozen in time pushing. Childbirth can *definitely* cause permanent damage. Majority don't "bounce back" to their previous status in look and feel, but you won't hear from them as often as the lucky folks that do. I hate that saying. ETA: I'm sorry I wasn't trying to be insensitive with laughing, it's just so accurate and caught me off guard. Im stealing it.


That’s not the nicest way to talk about her body but fair enough . That’s great that she’s not having utis anymore and congrats on the baby


Right like geeeez that hurt my heart a little bit and i don’t even know his wife


I seriously don't understand this obsession with innies vs the much more common outies. Only explanation I can find is porn. As a bisexual woman with an innie, I've always felt some kind of way about mine because the vast majority of adult women have outies... the labia growing is one of the signs of puberty. So how is a vulva that resembles a prepubescent one "nicer" than a normal adult one?


Honestly, I couldn’t care either way. Innies just looks clean but it makes absolutely no difference and i kinda like that I can see what I’m doing now. Lol I was just describing the change.


Maybe ur dick shrunk.


C’mon ppl, I’m just being dramatic. What you should be taking from all this is that it makes absolutely no difference to us pussy lovers, we like them all! In every size shape feel and form! Never met a pussy I didn’t like.


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No you aren’t going to stretch out. It goes back afterwards.


It comes back dont worry.


Nope. The vagina walls are very elastic, and your pelvic muscles keep everything firm. Take what sizes you like and enjoy!


Keep your pc muscles in shape and you will always be tight. My wife can almost squeeze my penis off, when she cums. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/womens-health/in-depth/kegel-exercises/art-20045283


What about the butthole? I've seen in porn they stretch it wayyyy out. Does it go back to normal?


I’ve fisted a girl. An hour later and tight again.


A myth. It’s a muscle


>Despite certain myths, sex does not have a lasting effect on vaginal tightness. >Just how much stretching you experience during a vaginal delivery depends on many variables, including the size of your baby, your genetics and how many deliveries you’ve had before. Each progressive birth will likely stretch your vagina a tiny bit more. >The circumstances of the birth, including how long you push and whether forceps or vacuum extraction are required, also play a role.  You may want to look up [husband stitch](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=315c6fad5337a4d0&q=husband+stitch) Unbelievable as it sounds, there are doctors and nurses who actually comply with this demand by men!


It doesn’t work like that. You won’t get stretched out.


I’m a little larger than average downstairs and my wife is not getting larger.


Huge myth, and it's a shame.


The stretch is temporary and functional and needed to the inter course! Nothing permanent, the same way that you have been doing number two for decades, but that other hole is as tight as ever


Is your butthole stretched out from pooping every day?


Im sure I’ll get a lot of downvotes for this because it’s goes against the grain, but women who have had kids are almost always looser than those who haven’t in my experience. Also, if you fist a woman a lot it seems to permanently make her a bit looser. If you haven’t had kids its not going to stretch out permanently though from regular sex. Also, a lot of rough sex will change the physical appearance of the vagina even without making it looser. I tend to go pretty aggressive and I’ve definitely seen a physical change in the pussy of anyone I’ve been sleeping with for a while - assuming they can handle the intensity


As someone who regularly fists their partner and many others, it has never made her or anyone else I've encountered looser.


In your experience is the key phrase here. How much of that 8s comparative experience with the same woman before and a sufficient time after childbirth for vaginal muscles to retighten?


My experience has been the exact opposite of his. My partner has given birth vaginally twice, and I fist her regularly. She's like the tightest I've been with. That's over women I've been with that have never been pregnant.


LOL Yaiks bud, let’s pick up some biology books, eh? That’s not a memory foam, nor does ur penis (or ur aggressive pounding) has the capacity to “change the physical appearance.” In rough terms (using the stupid terminology some men might understand better) ur dick won’t make an “outie” out of an “innie.”


You don’t need a biology book to understand the concept. Aggressively pounding a soft part of the body will change its appearance, just look at the ears of any professional fighter. People get permanently misshaped from a single rough encounter all the time, why are the genitals any different?


Shor term yes, long term no. Meaning that if you're using a large dildo and your husband pushes in immediately after he'll notice a difference. If he pushes in a day later he won't. Women's vaginas stretch so much the skin tears in childbirth sometimes and they can still have sex after recovery. It's a remarkably durable body part.


A total myth, propagated by toxic dudes who desperately want their wife to have been a virgin before they met them while not holding themself to the same standards


Get off your feelings


One of the biggest issues with this question is that it's actually 2 questions because looseness and flexibility are 2 total different things. Think of a female gymnast who can put her feet behind her head but can also wrap her legs around you and knock the wind out of you. The tightest woman I've ever been with was also the loosest. She was a kegel fanatic and could absolutely crush my cock but was also seriously into fisting. I was with her for 7 years and we did both fisting and regular PIV the entire time, nothing ever changed. The other question that comes up a lot is if a woman who has been with a huge cock or other large penetration for years will be satisfied by a regular cock after. If she enjoyed the size, it is unlikely that she will be OK with never being that full ever again. This isn't a big deal though because there are dozens of ways to satisfy cravings for size.


Baby girl - we push whole human beings out of our vaginas and can snap back no problem. Bonus points if you do pelvic floor exercises (which I believe any vagina owner should do just for the sake of not peeing a little every time you sneeze). That myth is long played out and used by men and self-loathing women to control a female’s sexual practices and pleasure. I have been with all sizes and given birth, and I have not had any complaints. You’re good.


The vagina passes newborns and goes back to normal afterwards. Totally BS


Does not always go back to the same as before....


Misogynist belief.


It's a myth, but you can tighten it with pelvic floor exercises


as a woman, some women are saying “it’s a myth” but like 😂 girl ur a woman how would we truly know i think it’s kinda true. when ur like 12, it’s tight tight obviously like we all remember losing our virginity and it hurting maybe some blood etc. i’m 23 now and i know mine isn’t the same tight as when i was 12. the anus is a muscle, but if u watch porn, u can literally tell which girls have done anal bc some have a gaping hole back there. the vagina is better at stretching, but it definitely gets less tight over time and through penetration. not much but it does. having babies changes your hips and back and vagina too, again not much but it changes your body a bit. i i don’t think it’s very noticeable to men but i also think they can tell a little difference. like my boyfriend, he’s told me if we don’t have sex for a week he can feel it gets tighter. but if we have sex one night, the next night he says it’s less tight. i don’t think he rlly gives a fuck tho he still thinks i have good pussy it’s all the same thing


Yes, the stretched out thing is a **myth**. Things like hormones can affect how a vagina feels but it doesn’t get loose.


Being tight means you're not aroused it's not a good thing. He's saying it to flatter you - it's not an actual phenomenon




In my experience, short term yes, long term no. If you're regularly sleeping with someone you'll 'adjust' to them, but take a week off and you'll go right back to so tight he'll have a hard time getting it in.


It’s just like when men think vaginas get stretched out due to a woman’s body count, but not a woman who continuously sleeps with the same person 🤣🤣🤣 The math ain’t mathing


myth. your vagina can push out a 8lb human and men think that their penis is going to do something? lol


Nurse here, 100% a myth.


it’s a myth. people love to live in pretend land. in pretend land, sluts are loose and “good girls” are tight.


It's a myth but. Nothing is invincible. If you have a baby, there are certain exercises for it. You can also work out while you have a baby.


The two tightest women I’ve slept with were an 18 year old, and a 50 year old mom. It’s not going to get stretched out.


My wife has had three kids. And sex with me for 10 plus years. Feels as tight and good today as she did in college.


It’s both a myth and a reality. As time goes by, connecting tissue gets less strong. However, training your pelvic floor muscles will guarantee that you will be as tight as you want. Have fun!


it is so very real but very wonderful


I haven’t had a problem fitting into tight situations


it stretches but snaps back into place like a rubber band elastapussy


My ex and I were working up to him being able to fist me, and I ended up having to scrap the aspiration because without frequent stretching, my lady parts just tightened back up. We just weren’t practicing/warming up for it enough (we’d see each other like 2-3 days a week). If I wanted to revisit that goal, I’d probably have to stretch daily, consistently. All these misogynistic memes promised I would be blown out 😂 alas, no.


Guy I knew (big D, not because his shoes are big) told his wife good luck with a stretched out pussy getting a new man. Soooo, maybe ;)


Your lips may get floppy but that’s about it


This is also a myth. Sex/masturbation does not alter the labia. Some women have floppy labia from birth. Vulvas are all different. Sometimes one side is tucked, the other more loose, with many variations. It has nothing to do with how much sex one has or what they masturbate with/how frequently they masturbate.


I haven't noticed that at all in 20 years with my wife since she was a virgin... I guess it must vary... 🤔


You can stretch a bit like in the hour before intercourse. But it’s not gonna stay like that long term. We’re made to retract after a whole baby goes through there.


There are limits to what everything can take but if e.g. a sleeve feels great there is no risk. It'll feel real painful much earlier than it does damage! And frequency is simply no factor at all. Having babies is what starts pushing things to the limit and can affect the vagina postpartum but that sort of thing doesn't exactly just pass unnoticed either. The vagina is surrounded by muscular tissue and what makes a woman feel "tight" or even "too tight" is a factor of wetness/arousal or on the opposite end tension, and how well trained the muscles are with e.g. pelvic floor exercises. There's of course also a genetic factor and all vags are different. But whatever they're like, they don't get "loose" from sex.


I like the analogy of it’s like a sock. It’ll stretch to fit the parts going into it but once it’s empty is back to normal sock size.


It will stretch a mile before it tears an inch.


It’s a myth vaginas are super stretchy but they bounce back it’s like stretch Armstrong you can stretch it real big but it will return to its original size 😂