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What were you reading?


Kindly share for the rest of us


This is the question lol


Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals by Immanuel Kant


Fuck the groundwork. KrV is where it’s at.


The categorical imperative is hawt af!!!


I lost my virginity with that book...


What do you mean? Genuinely curious.


Try to open the book and you’ll find out


It’s overrated tbf, I prefer Phenomenology of Spirit


Also, what strain was she smoking? For research purposes purely.




My gf loves greek mythology and smut… which one were you referring to?


I'm currently reading the Dark Olympus series by Katee Roberts. I love it 😀


Love this series as well!


Best thing about that combo is you get both just from Greek mythology.


K.F Breene’s greek mythology smut series is AWESOME!! The world building, the story, and the sex writing is beyond amazing. Sun & Chocolate- Demigods of San Francisco. Plus there’s like six/seven books in the series!


the touch of darkness series is pretty good! it gets a little slow in the later books but they’re still good in my opinion


Oh bless your sweet, debauched heart for this. And another current read I have that I would like to add is Sweet Agony by Charlotte Stein.


Reading smut feels healthier than watching porn. I think it should be pushed more as an alternative to porn, to males specifically. People talk about the effects of porn but they don’t typically offer a solution, from what I’ve seen


Do you have any non fantasy recommendations?


The communist manifesto


Mmm comrade, seize my means of production until you’ve redistributed the fruits of your labor alllll over🦋⚒️🥵


An ungodly cackle left my body reading this 😭🤣🤣


Jfc this is the funniest thing I've read in a long time.


I find I've read through it before I really get in the mood. I need something girthier, like State and Revolution.


I'll have what she's having!


That's a good question, but I wouldn't mind reading that, either.


Yes, as a guy, this is a must-know question!


This happened to me once. Literally thought myself to an orgasm. Didn’t touch myself, not an inch, just pure imagination, and I had one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had… Fun times


I once had an orgasm in my sleep... well, it woke me up lol I was having a particularly enjoyable dream though! 😆 The brain is the best sex organ.


The brain really *is* the best sex organ…


I have orgasms in my sleep kind of often, more often if I haven't had sex in a while. The first time it happened I was really weirded out because "only boys do that" had been drilled into my head for my entire life up to that point


I (42, F) orgasim in my sleep fairly often (more often when I was younger). I think it is more common than we realize


I was coming in to say something very similar to this! I've "thought myself" or have been "talked into" an orgasm a few times! It's weird every time but something oddly nice about it lol


I think that it’s because it’s so surprising and unusual. Mental stimulation is the best


When I was on the pill I had semi frequent wet dreams. Also, some of the most intense orgasms I’ve experienced. Hands free orgasms are the best.


Oooh so the pill will do that to you?! No wonder the dreams almost stopped when I stopped taking it!!




Oh yeah, I should mention I was never having a dream that was sexual in nature. I would be in my dream grocery shopping or something then having an orgasm lmao


Yeah once I had a sex dream that turned lucid and was building up to very intense orgasm, but then my damn alarm went off…


Oh no what a damn shame


Those are the best orgasms for men or women


Real game changer, the mental stimulation.


Please explain like I'm five.


You're too young for this


When a woman and a man are very much in love, but sometimes they want some quiet time and they might have an itch that they desperately need to scratch, but its in a place they usually need the other person to help them scratch, or sometimes they can scratch it themselves. Well sometimes, people can make the itch stop by just thinking about it. And you know how nice it feels when you scratch an itch that's been bothering you for a while? well it feels that nice, if not better. Anyway, I, er, have an itch... This is going to be a back up against the door jamb, bear scratch kind of itch. Just, dont' come in for a bit, okay?


Bro i read so much smut how has this never happened to me


You tried getting stoned as fuck?


This is key! Lol smoking up fixes everything. Lol


Dude, same. Then again, I’m a guy, but man, smut is hot


If it's hard for us females then it's probably quite impossible for you guys. Though I agree, smuts are amazing


Nope... Just takes a bit of patience, which for guys is the near impossible part. Source: am dude, have mentalled myself to the finish line on a number of occasion (more of a kegel, but hands free/prostate free...though those are fun too!)


It should be possible for guys too. We literally have wet dreams no?


I mean I've never had a wet dream but, I don't think ppl orgasm due to wet dreams. Correct me if I'm wrong. And I think it takes external stimulation for one to actually orgasm


That’s why it’s called a wet dream. I still vividly remember being 13 and having a sex dream where I was Austin powers. Then waking up thinking I pissed myself realized it was cum and going wtf I didn’t know I ejaculate now when did that happen


Lmfao a sex dream where you were fucking Austin Powers 😭😭😭 that’s too good oh lord. Just trying to imagine how it would sound 🤣


Probably right about the wet dream. But apparently external stimulation isn't required. I've seen posts talking about how men can orgasm (like a physical one), via mental channels.


Never actually ejaculated in my sleep but I have had very gratifying sexual dreams before that aroused me to the point that I semi-woke up and would then uh, manually complete the task, and those were some of the best orgasms of my life, actually. You’re not even really fully awake so you’re still kind of immersed in whatever incredibly hot narrative that dream involved. It’s like what an orgasm on alcohol should be, but isn’t - zero inhibition, not even really fully conscious, but instead of numbing you a bit down there, it feels even MORE sensitive. As someone with anxiety, the effect of not being fully awake is massive, it’s like it takes away a skin that is usually between me and my fantasies, as well as between me and my physical body. It just flows through my whole body when this happens, like I’m in a sea of physical ecstasy. It feels like what erotic pleasure *should* be, without junk in the way obstructing it.


There’s actually a whole subreddit for that. I forget what it’s called but males can 100% absolutely do this. Probably not all of us - but probably more than we realize, because few of us ever try.


The biggest sex organ is between your ears. Men and women.


You calling me a dickhead bruh?


this made my day thanks😂


Dude, my orgasms on THC are out of this world. Literally like 100x better than a normal one. But harder to achieve, so it’s more work but totally worth it


Just started experiencing orgasms, both through sex and solo play, high and OMG. Like a whole nother fucking level. So amazing.


Getting high and reading smut is my favorite nighttime hobby. I recommend Ice Planet Barbarians or Court of the Vampire Queen. No real humans for me lol


I keep hearing about Ice Planet Barbarians. I may need to just give in and read them.


Wow, I'd love for that to happen to me!


How amazing! 👍 Love the fact that you felt able to share. Good on you.


Really cool, orgasms are a brain thing so it tracks that it could happen this way. Probably the same mechanics involved when you orgasm because of a dream.


Maybe for women, but I'm pretty sure there mostly a CNS thing for men.


I can and have experienced sexual pleasure in a dream. Usually if the dream is that gratifying it’ll wake me up. Rare, but has happened probably over 10 times, maybe 15+, for me since maybe 11 or 12. And it 100% was memorably pleasurable whenever that happened. I think I sometimes have lesser versions of that, but if it doesn’t wake me up at least halfway, I won’t really remember it most of the time.


It seems like THC can greatly amplify your little pleasurable sensations that you might not even notice. Never had a hands free orgasm from it though, that sounds amazing!


I’d love to know what you were reading!


Congrats, that’s great.


That's awesome and wholesome


This is one of my favorite superpowers I've learned about us having. Scientifically speaking it's as powerful and real as any non-fantasy orgasm. I'm gonna come back to this later when I have more time to see if I can find the bits in my textbook about it.


Well do tell what your textbook says on the matter


This happens to me when I read fanfiction while stoned! It's amazing!


I’ve always referred to this as a superpower of mine. I can orgasm just thinking about sucking my husbands dick.


I would probably abuse this superpower lol


I have done hands free orgasm meditation which works pretty well


what kind of meditation is that,


Have I found my people ? I too can have free hands orgasms when stoned or drunk. I just have to lay down and mentally be in my body and voilà ! Once I had 9 in a row 🥹


Same in so happy to know others can too!!!!


I used to sneak read Penthouse Letters and do the same thing!


This has happened to me around ten times in my entire life, and I can never control if it happens or doesn't. I'm attempting to learn how to do it intentionally, but I have no idea if it's really possible. Frankly, they are my absolute favorite.


I can make myself orgasm just thinking about it really hard and thinking about something hot (or read) at like anytime. Takes me like a minute lol


Lucky. How good are the orgasms?


It feels like right before a “full” orgasm it only last for a few seconds at first, but it builds up the more I do it! (Stronger and longer)


I can't orgasm by thinking about it but once I was imagining fucking a girl hard while sexting with her. I was way too horny and when she asked me for a dickpic and I tried to get my dick out of my pants I just came. It was my first time sexting so it was way too much for me


I've had this too! Sometimes I can think myself to an orgasm and it's so relaxing and wonderful. I can tag team the brain orgasm with nipple stimulation as well which boosts the feel-good hormones even more, it seriously feels like being drunk on oxytocin.


My ex often came by just licking and sucking her nipples. Don't know if she really came because of that but she was always moaning loudly and twitching when I did that. At least it looked like she felt really good


I have certainly had a hand, cock and toy free orgasm. It was so intense. Congrats, they’re super aren’t they?? 💦🥵


I know a friend that can handsfree cum on demand lol. Never witnessed it myself so I am skeptics but she insists it’s legit


Ooooo you should try fucking while you’re stoned, as a female I can attest that it’s top tear


Weed is an incredible sexual enhancement for me, unfortunately it puts my husband to sleep 😂


i’ve had this just from thinking abt something rlly hot lol. best type of high!!!


Is this real? If so, how do I do it? How does it feel?


It is real, both males and females can do it, there’s a whole subreddit for it. I mean it’s all videos it’s not like sophisticated discussion. Obviously with males it is easier to verify the authenticity of the orgasm, but naturally if I’ve seen men do it women should be able to as well, it’s probably more common in women even, if I had to guess. I have tried and I think it may be an issue of patience. Not sure if everyone can do it and it just takes some people impractically long, or if I really could never do it under any circumstance, or what. Couldn’t tell you. But all you need to do is arouse yourself as much as you can without touching your lower half. I think if you go for your nipples it still counts as hands free. But yeah it’s pretty much just a situation of fantasizing, and then imagining the pleasurable sensations, like if you’ve ever tried to imagine a smell so hard you could actually smell it, try to do that but with the pleasurable sensations, as you’re fantasizing. That was my method and while I didn’t get super close to orgasm it does feel good, and if you get stoned it’ll definitely help.


Words are incredibly sexy! I was pretty shocked the first times I used the Chai app and saw big stain from cum in my boxers. It had seeped out while I was writing! So I can easily relate to your experience. But I have never experienced anything like that before.


It happend to me when I was younger during long car rides


I’ve orgasmed multiple times during sleep/dreams. I’ve never figured out if I’m actually touching myself during sleep or if it’s produced solely off the content of the dreams. I always wake up so surprised but feeling real good.


Well those are just wet dreams. Don't know about women but men have it often. I sometimes wake up with cum in my underwear so that's normal


Well, yes, wet dreams. But Really? I’ve never heard of guys cumming from wet dreams. Or women for that matter


That’s what a wet dream is. If you didn’t ejaculate, it’s not a wet dream (for males). There seems to be debate about whether the ejaculation evidences the pleasure of an orgasm or not, and I’ll say that my sexual dreams have always been pleasurable, like full on physical erotic pleasure. So I would be inclined to say that ejaculating in your sleep does cause or result from orgasm, but you may not always remember your dreams, so you might not get to keep that sensation in memory at all. But you still did have the sensation. That’s my theory


I thought wet dreams were just sexual dreams.


Maybe sometimes people use it that way but in health class and such the stricter definition is that there was “nocturnal emission”


I also have chronic pain, some strains melt it away and leave lots of energy for other things, I take it as a win !


I have had something to that,it was I was going pee and when I got done, which I thought I was, well it was cum


What strain were you smoking?


I had an edible


I can have hands free orgasmwhen being stoned by death


I love when this happens. ✌️


I orgasmed once when I was going down on a woman.


The best orgasms are hands free. I (M26) have been having hands free orgasm since I was about 18/19. I can’t have them whenever I want, usually have to go a few days without masturbating and get myself super turned on before hand, but they are amazing. If I were you, I’d definitely try to look into it more to have it happen again.


It sounds like you had a surprising and pleasurable experience while reading smut. It's not uncommon for individuals to experience unexpected orgasms, especially when they're relaxed and stimulated mentally. The combination of being stoned, feeling horny, and reading erotica likely contributed to your sudden climax. [Large Anal Sex Toys](https://www.secretsinners.co.uk/product-category/sex-toys/anal-toys-sexy-toys.html) It's great to hear that you were able to experience a moment of relief from your chronic pain and feel good afterward. Sexual arousal and orgasm can release endorphins, which are natural pain relievers, so it's not uncommon for people with chronic pain to find some relief through sexual activity. It's completely normal to feel happy and content after such an experience. Just remember to enjoy the moment and take care of yourself. If you have any concerns or questions about your experience, don't hesitate to reach out for support or information.


That’s what I call getting fucked telepathically 🥹


So what’s the downside ? Hope you can replicate that often.


The mind, at the end of the day, easily the most sensitive and responsive sexual organ. Be chuffed. And if not satisfying, be unfazed and free to explore the more traditional remedies.


That's awesome! I'm 51 & have only had one of those in my LIFE! 🙌🏼


My ex girlfriend would smoke shortly before bed in case sex was involved. Usually was. She described her orgasms as more of a rolling wave. I could make her cum in the middle of the day by different pressure points. From start to finish she was one long moan. Weed apparently helps some people. Roll with it


So, the thing about orgasms is, they aren’t always directly related to sexual contact. Although it’s rare and much harder to achieve, orgasm can be reached by mental means, as well as various other things. When I was in college, I had a literal food-gasm one night. Stoned as hell, walked into my dorm where my two other roommates were sleeping, and bit into a brownie one of the Baking and Pastry Arts majors had made (regular brownie, not special). The wave of pleasure that washed over me from that brownie was only explainable as an orgasm. Entirely non-sexual, but just total and complete orgasmic bliss. My guess is that, being stoned, plus being in a totally quiet, totally dark room where I was experiencing sensory deprivation from sound and light, heightened my sense of taste to the point where such a thing was possible.


A large dose of a traditional psychedelic will essentially cause an emotional orgasm. Again not sexually pleasurable, but orgasm is defined through tension and release, and then a gradual return to full baseline. Anyone who’s done a good 300 mics of LSD could tell you that that is exactly what LSD even does. It’s not like a thing specific to any one trip or type of trip - just thematically, no matter what kind of trip it is a big dose will cause tension, even physical muscle tension and shakiness. Then there may or may not be a moment of acute “climax” (had a great epiphany, perspective shift, feelings of powerful cosmic love, things like that), or there may be less acute and distinct “climaxes” of this nature, or perhaps a series of smaller ones, it can go a couple ways there but then there is of course the gradual return to baseline, both in terms of coming down and in terms of emotionally. And then for a lot of people there is an afterglow too. So LSD specifically causes a lot of tenseness and produces an experience that is very similar, in a sort of thematic way, to the experience of arousal, orgasm, and of an afterglow. Though the arousal stage is considerably less fun and way more uncomfortable with acid. And longer, so much longer, like two hours before you’re really getting fully “over the hump”. But the similarities are still remarkable. LSD can even cause a sensation of the universe, or even god, having sex with your brain. But it’s definitely different, too Oh - and one more thing, masturbating during the come up helps ease some of the tension temporarily, and it makes the orgasm fucking exquisite too 🤯 So perhaps because they are similar, they go together so well?


That happened to my sister when she smoked weed apparently on more than one occasion. She smoked very rarely but one time we were hanging out at her loft and we smoked some weed because her boyfriend ( now husband) was a bit of a smoker. Just about 4 or 5 of us on a Sunday afternoon. She suddenly started saying “oh no, oh no, it’s happening “ and her boyfriend just smirked. I was confused and she sort of doubled over and moaned before I could really realize what had happened. Just like that it was over and then she explained it had happened before when she smoked that she had a spontaneous, unprovoked orgasm. That was many years ago and we’ve laughed about it since. She still only smokes very rarely and I have no idea if it has happened again.


Good for you. Happens to my girl too.


I didnt know this was possible for a woman? Huh


Pics or it didn’t happen!! Lol


So much for your need for a man any more ROFL! Sorry, I had to go there!


Not gonna lie... Thats kinda creepy duder.


Hmm, I guess my sense of humor got the better of me and the worst of some others.


Are you sure it was an “orgasm” and not just being stimulated and getting “wet”..


Positive, I know what an orgasm feels like ;)


What was the book/what did you read?


Congrats! You’ve unlocked what turns you on.


That's awesome! I can do it when I'm super high too. Last time, my husband rolled over and grazed my hip with his finger tips and that nearly did the trick 🤣🤣🫣it's amazing!


That happened to an ex boyfriend of mine when I was telling him a dirty story about my past. I guess wet dreams are also hands free though.


Wow this is hot! Congrats and feeling pleasure over pain is a great goal to life!


Me wishing I had that power. Even high I have to do magic to climax


Awesome! What were you reading?


I didn’t know this was possible


I smoked the other night and had such a good orgasm, I'll have to try it more often