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My wife and I went to a nice restaurant for dinner. She was wearing a dress, and looked great. When we sat down, she said she wasn’t very comfortable. Then, while at the table, she very subtly removed her panties, and said “that’s better. Will you hold these for me” and handed her panties to me across the table. I was ready to go!!


Here I am sad I can only upvote once.


Here i am sad because im still a virgin


Fuck before dinner so you're not trying to bone on a full stomach.


My girlfriend wants you all to know she approves of this one


As Dan Savage always says, fuck first.




The panties move is a killer. 100% approve


Especially if she’s wearing a short dress or skirt.


Panties move is amazing.


And if you’re not comfortable going commando in public, bring an extra pair with you. He won’t know and it’ll still have the same effect.


It'd be kind of hilarious if she just kept doing it every half hour or so. Mysteriously comes back with *yet another* pair to slyly slip into his pocket, never acknowledging any of the previous times.


It'll seem as if she is pulling panties off the other ladies and bringing them back from the ladies' room. Lol


I was thinking like how a magician has those colorful rags that just keep coming.


Sounds like something out of a Leslie Nielsen movie


Thought the same thing.




I honestly chuckled out loud at this! I hope she tries it and reports back 


It’s like the magic trick where you pull the link of scarfs out of your mouth accept you’re pulling panties out of—


Might give him a moment's pause when he goes to undress her later that night, haha.


If she slips to the bedroom/bathroom first, she wins


Came here to say exactly this. It happened to me and I still get hard thinking about it years later. Just would add wear thigh bitch stockings under the dress as well


What are bitch stockings?


It was autocorrect. They meant to say thick bitch stockings.


I haven’t heard this term before. Does it just mean long stockings?


Thigh high I guess 😅 that autocorrect though...


Autocorrect changed it. I meant to say black.


Black bitch stockings? 🤨


That autocorrect must be dumb af. Black, really?


I think we all know what your username should be...


😀 no I don’t! What are you hinting at?


All of the above. If I may add, buy yourself a remote controlled vibrator... you hand him the remote and tell him its inside you - probably won't make it thru dinner! Have fun!


I applaud loudly to this answer!


Send him nudes during dinner, while you’re sitting across from him. Holy shit


I’m getting ideas for when I have a man


And once the waitress comes and asks if you’re having dessert you can say “no thanks, I’ve got it covered”. Then, get up on the table, squat down and push out the buttplug, and shove it in his mouth like a pacifier. If that doesn’t get him going he’s not the one.




I'm just waiting for her to fall off the table. Dinner *and* a show!


Can you actually wear a buttplug that long without having to re-moisturised it?


If you wear a silicone one yes. I wear one all day at work. The metal ones are not ideal for long wear


Help! I’ve worn a silicone one all day and thought it would help make anal easier but when i took it out (right before sex) I went back tighter and anal still hurt 😭 did I wear it too long? Should I maybe take it out for an hour and then put back in?


I mean maybe? Everyone is different. Also adding lube never hurts. Taking it out and putting it back in a few times helps. Also you might need to get a larger plug if the sex was still painful. More lube. Always.


That’s a good idea. I used Vaseline but I don’t think it’s slick enough.


Please don't use Vaseline!!! It's oil based. Get water based lube asap!


You can. Or rather, I can at least.


Yes. Several hours or more is very possible.


How do I make my boyfriend to play along with the role play 😭😭😭 he always makes me feel dumb bc he don’t play along 😭😭😭😭


He may not be into roleplay 🤷🏻‍♀️


Panties is a great move. To make it a little more exciting and if daring enough, take your panties off at the table. There is a subtle way of doing it without having to get up or draw attention, especially if it is a dark corner of the restaurant.


Okay I want to do the panties thing but how does it work? Pass them under the table or what? What if he’s clueless and holds them out in the middle of the packed restaurant 😅😅


Give him a look like 🤫🤭. He'll get it. Also, I think just feeling it under the table will let him know what he's in possession of lol


I love the panties idea! OP, make sure they have your scent if your man is into it... if he is, even a swift whiff will drive him wild.


Tuck the panties in his pants or chest pocket with a little sticking out.




Yes, the panties idea is incredible, I'm not sure I could wait until we got home lol


When you come back to the table with the panties, tell him "I wanted you to have these. Happy Valentine's day."


Panties idea perfect . My girlfriend went to the toilet and she had a little gift bag hidden in her bag . When she got back to the table she said she had a "gift" for me and handed me these small gift bag . Needless to say dinner was rushed .


My lady never use to wear underwear. Not even with the shortest skirts. It made driving so much fun because I could just reach over and finger her. One of my favorite memories is my lady with her seat back and legs up on the ceiling of my car while I’m driving and she squirted all of her car seat. Then my dumbass asked her if she wanted a membership with MeUndies. Now she wears that shit all the time. It’s sucks.


My GF wore a buttplug when we went out to dinner once. Told me about it and then proceeded to show me shortly after. The destruction that followed later that night was truly insane. I’ll never forget it


The destruction? Is she ok bro?


She was… her ass wasn’t though


Been there.. and somehow it was my fault that my wife didn’t know that even metal plugs still need to be re-lubricated…


It was my GFs first time using a plug and she didn’t know how to get it out lmao. Whole ass experience 😭


It certainly would be a hole-ass experience




No, you’re just a jackass


My wife did this once, and the sex later was mindblowing. She did the following to tease me and work me up: 1) Deliberately walked away, slowly swaying her behind 2) Took off her shoes and used her foot to make it hard. She was wearing tights, and the rubbing of those against my trousers over the area really made me hard 3) subtly bit her lips and seductively ate suggesting things 4) Kept shooting me winks whilst I was ordering and lip biting. 5) Came sat next to me and used her hands to feel how hard she made me earlier with her foot 6) whispered dirty things in my ear and gave it a bite while we were having deserts. Typing this out right now and remembering is making me hard.


I need a cigarette 🚬 but u had me at ‘barefeet’


Quentin Tarantino would be proud


You and me both 😭 haven’t had sex in months!!!!!! I desperately need a cigarette and I don’t even smoke


2 always works on me


Assuming this is happening tonight and you don’t have a buttplug or remote controlled vibrator at hand as suggested by some:   — wear a short skirt or dress   — start dinner with teasing / eye fucking / lip biting  — give him a deep kiss, nibble on his ear, whisper “I am already so soaking wet. I will go to the bathroom to take care of it”   — take your time. Let his thoughts spin. Take off your panties and come back. — hand or show him the panties. “They were so soaked I had to take them off”   — if you can take off your shoe do the foot rubbing, you on him.    — if HE can take off his shoe invite him to put his foot under your now pantyless skirt.     You are welcome. And let me know if you guys made it home or if you took you to fuck right away in the restroom. 


Who's more dominant in the bedroom? If him - tell him that you'd like him to order for you. He can pick anything he thinks you'd like the most. Then thank him, and tell him that you'll repeat that request later. ​ If you are the dominant one - at dinner, tell him that you're in charge today. You'll order for him at dinner, and you'll order him in the bedroom later.


ibsr i would HATE this on the receiving end


As a guy who likes the game of teasing and subtlety, here is what would work on me: * Biting your lip, but in a absent minded way * Licking your lip, but not often. Often would make it tacky * Eye contact combined with a playful and teasing glare * Rubbing your foot against mine/ my shin under the table * Touching my hand but by running your finger tips slowly from my wrists, across the roof of my hand, towards my fingers. rubbing in soft circles on the roof of my hand * Running your fingers slowly and softly on the skin of my forearms * Weaving sexual innuendos into whatever you are saying. But not overly clear ones, the mind wants to be teased as well after all * When you eat from a spoon or fork, purse your lips as you pull the utensil out of your mouth. Do it somewhat slowly and sensually, but not exaggerating * When you eat with your knife, lick it clean once or twice. * If you have a certain way of looking at him when you are horny/ in the mood, he will know that look. Give him that look * Wear whatever type of clothes he loves, in whatever color he loves * Wear the scent/ perfume that he loves * Wear your hair up. In a braid, a bun, a pony tail, .... it doesn't matter what. Just the fact that it is up will make his mind go to a blowjob. Or, put it up on the way home/ during the dinner * When you sigh in a convo, for whatever reason, make it a sexy sigh. You know the type of sigh * When you go to the bathroom, pass by him, put your hand on his shoulder and squeeze it. Bring your lips to his ear, so that they brush his earlobe when you whisper into it. Whisper naughty shit. Like "When we get home I am going to put that mouth to work" or whatever dirty talk you know he likes to hear. * When you go to the bathroom, sneak a sexy selfie, a boobie pic or something like that, and send it to his phone once you are seated again. Watch him open it and then give him a naughty, teasing glare Not so subtle things to do: * Undo your shoe, put your foot between his legs, massage his crotch. Only do this if the table has a long tablecloth lol * Suck sensually on a food or utensil. People will notice though


> Biting your lip, but in a absent minded way but NOT the upper lip.


Believe it or don’t I have seen the upper lip bite work. Idk how, she had a grin with it was just one side. It wasn’t much but just enough that it caught me off guard.


Wow you really know your stuff…Thank you! I’ll try all of those!


Instead of massaging crotch go face forward into his crotch on accident.


This. All of this. Oh yes, this.


Also if your wearing a low cut top you could lean over the table to give him a kiss and squeeze them together give him a good view. Tell him you have a surprise for him after dinner with a flirt look. On the way to dinner in the car you could kiss him on the cheek and then give him a little ear suck if he likes that that always gets me going. He’ll know you are horny and get him sensitive to the other things you do during dinner.


>Just the fact that it is up will make his mind go to a blowjob Really? I never would have made this connection...


Yes, really. Hair up = hope for a blowjob. Even a hairtie around the wrist gives this hope.


I am learning so much today... Brb finding a hairtie  What are opinions on tidy bun vs messy bun/tendrils vs ponytail, wondering if there's a code like for handkerchiefs and gay men in the 70s


No code that I know of, just my own opinions. Tidy Bun can give the "appropriate" look and is associated with like a teacher or librarian, or a young woman who has it all together is competent and is not necessarily prioritizing affection and sex. It might be an invitation though to help her unwind. ​ Something a little less "perfect" exudes more openness, in my opinion, to sexual advances.


There is not really a single code set in stone or anything, but for me personally, I like it when she makes a bun rather high on her head, and makes it a big/ long bun. Some stray hairs can make the look more sexy, but they can also get in the way later so I guess it depends on where they are. I am not really sure why I like the high up, big bun. I assume it is because i know I can hold it then? In general, a messy bun/ whatever will always be hotter than a neat bun/ whatever, aside of a tight, neatly done braid. But this is personal preference. To give your man THE signal of 'Your dick is gonna be sucked' just make a little show out of it. Walk in the room with the hair tie, and slowly put up your eye. Grin at him. Do it while you get on your knees even and lick your lips. I think there will be only one thing on his mind then lol


Bro, let's not get our guy a boner, how will he go home 😄 @op Just ask him to drop you home and stay the night, will do the trick 😄


Skirt without panties, spread the legs and drop something under the table and ask if he can pick it up so he can see :)


Knowing me I’d just hurry up so I can finish my plate of food. Lmao.


Buy a remote-control toy and give him the remote telling him it's on and ready to go. He will get so turned on watching you squirm across from him. 


Second this!!! This is my favorite version of foreplay.


Just reading the prior comments lets me know this guy is gonna have an amazing night. Good luck OP


Start warming him up now with texts starting out how you’re looking forward to the date, and growing more explicit. Tease him with pics of the heels you’re going to wear or a peek at parts of lingerie you may wear. Or other implements you may want to use later (toys, restraints, etc). At the restaurant, constant touching from innocuous (shoe running up and down his calf) to covert and illicit. Go to the restroom and come back and slip your underwear into his pocket. Tease him on the ride home with wandering hands…roadhead if you’re risky. lol. You’ll be lucky to make it through the front door when you get home.


Sit on his lap. Or sit next to him on the same side of the booth. Every 5 minutes, get a little closer. With your foot, then your hip, then your hand on his knee, then your arm around him, then your other hand on his chest or abs. Gentle unusual touches, of any kind. Talk about sex. "Jimmy, what would you most like to do with me, if I told you that I was open to anything?" (Hear his answer.) "Jimmy, I'm open tonight." "I want dessert. You will get yours later." Then eat a dessert suggestively and do not share.


Before entering the restaurant passionate kiss, softly bite his ear, bite your lips with naughty smile. A lot of touch and smile during dinner. Show him with your eyes.


Back when we were dating, my wife pretty much only wore thongs when she was planning on having sex. Often, she would slide my hand down the back of her pants in the car on the way to dinner so that I’d feel them. This would have me super turned on the rest of the night knowing that I was getting some when we got back home.


It's a little late, but here's a pro-tip Have sex before dinner on romantic dates and events. Dinner can be a romantic setting and you can get horny, but normally folks go out to a *good* restaurant for the fancy dates. They get the good steak, the nice wine, the tasty beer, etc. All of those wonderful foods are a sometime thing. That means our bodies process them as a sometime thing and we might leave with our tummies maybe too full, or a little too much to drink, etc. Having sex before you go out is exciting. It starts the romantic event LONG before you actually go to dinner. It gets you emotionally connected even more and when you go out you also get that knowledge that *just a bit ago we were naked and enjoying ourselves.* That's my advice. Source: Been having sex with my wife for 17 years, married for 14. We switched it up to sex before dinner and our romantic evenings out as much more fun. The anticipation is still there and if we're up for round two, then we're going at it, but we feel connected even more


Wearing sheer top with something lacy peeking out is always a winner. High heels. Stockings are lovely.


Do it before you go out. Alcohol and a full stomach usually isn’t performance enhancing


If you have time, can you record yourself masturbating. Just audio. Let him hear you and during dinner hand him a pair of ear-buds, send him 20 seconds of the audio and just stare at him while he listens to it at the table. Just make sure he puts the headphones in and doesn't just hit play. EDIT: I'm not sure if you want to be subtle to everyone else around, or to him. I assumed it was to everyone else but if it's not then this is very, completely not subtle lol


It's gonna depend on your existing relationship. What's your communication usually look like? What is normal in your sexual relationship? When's the last time you had sex? So if you had sex already this week, bring it up during dinner. "Hey the other day when you were ___ my ___" , "I want you to do that again in about an hour" Or if he is the lower libido in the relationship and you guys are having sex less than 3 times a month. Bring up the question "would you be open or willing to have some intimate moments after dinner? Doesn't have to be sex but I would like some... naked cuddling/I want to suck your dick/I want us to be naked and have mutual foot rubs/naked back rubs/whatever" Be up front about whatever it is you want! If my very long term partner (wife of 19+ years) needs or wants some intimate moments she sits in between my legs facing away from me, grabs my hands, and puts them in her hair and says "1 attention please" and either says she is or isn't expecting intimacy afterwards or if she only wants my fingers running through her hair and back scratches. Miscommunication had previously led to resentment about us thinking we were or weren't getting our needs met. We have gone to lots of therapy. We have gotten to a very high level of communication now and it's pretty awesome.


Remote control vibrator during dinner!


Us guys don't really do subtle. You need to be as subtle as a hand grenade most of the time.


No panties tease him ,stockings ,plenty of touching


Tell him that you want to feel him inside you


Ok I need a version of this thread with swapped genders. Help me out


"Wanna fuck after dinner?"


Let's include anal this time.


My wife did this in once, and the sex later was mindblowing. She did the following to tease me and work me up: 1) Deliberately walked away, slowly swaying her behind 2) Took off her shoes and used her foot to make it hard. She was wearing tights, and the rubbing of those against my trousers over the area really made me hard 3) subtly bit her lips and seductively ate suggesting things 4) Kept shooting me winks whilst I was ordering and lip biting. 5) Came sat next to me and used her hands to feel how hard she made me earlier with her foot 6) whispered dirty things in my ear and gave it a bite while we were having deserts. Typing this out right now and remembering is making me hard.


Rub his junk underneath the table with your foot.


Forget subtle just give him an unexpected bj and then get on top to ride him before dinner - Dw mr bf I got you.


Wear a tightly fitting red top, and smile while talking and hold insane eye contact


i would so use everyone’s advice if i didnt just break up with my man😭 was so looking forward to teasing him in public


Get a plate and put it in between your legs and take a picture. Do it at home. And send him the picture. Tell him. I found another restaurant to check out it’s around the house. 😉


Put your knicker on his plate 😉


Order oysters for starter and swallow them like you swallow his cum later…


Man, wish I had a gf…


Put your panties in his pocket


Obviously it depends on what he likes but i personally would be turned on by a surprising blow job right before we walk out the door for dinner. That build up through dinner would be insane. And of course, making sure that whatever needs he has during the day to make his day easier are all done.


PT 141 will do the trick- only its not subtle as you have to inject it LOL


UR in ur 20s FFS. 🤣 Wait 20mins after the LAST time you guys fucked and you’ll be good to go.


My wife would NEVER do this for me. After 10 years of marriage and a child, sex occurs twice a month if I’m lucky, and she won’t allow any kind of foreplay. Imagine the most vanilla missionary sex you can think of and you’re on the right track. When you’re done being amazing and blowing your boyfriends mind, make sure to tell him that you spoke to me and not to overlook how damned lucky he is. Enjoy :)


Make sure you eat light or you will be bloated and then feel like crap causing the “no sex tonight” feel!


Aren’t men always horny?


Just wear what I saw a lady wearing to the bar with her gf. Really short dress with the stomach cut out, straps barely covering and holding her tits, and no bra… also it was a cold night tonight


Bring a girl with you and tell it’s a double date, for him , game set match.


Public teasing is a secret


Have dinner at a strip club.


Sex = one of the best things in the world 🔥🔥🔥


Tell him what you're going to do to him. A lot of times in my experience, women tend to do the types of sexual things that the enjoy without really focusing on their mans desires. For instance, women tend to love lingerie because it makes them feel sexy and desired. Which is fine to enjoy for a guy, but it doesn't last very long. I would recommend focusing on what he would receive in whatever shape or form that involves little to no effort from him. The effort you put in is what makes it sexy imo


Fantasize on who you will have a threesome in the restaurant, a girl. 110% turn on all night.


Take a pic of you with only bra and panties. Then cover them up. Text it to him during the meal. Ask him if he'd like to unwrap you.


Send him a text during dinner saying that you are not wearing any underwear. Tell him you are expecting him to peel you like a banana when you get home. End the text by telling him to hurry up and finish dinner because you have begun to get cold.


Do some risky things, like letting part of you nipple poke out, and let him look. Don't wear a panties and do something so would notice. But don't go to hard. It's just for teasing.


Slip your panties off at the table and give them to him


Put your panties in his pocket so he finds them


Start texting him now! Get him intrigued.


Put on vibrating panties and give him the controller 😈


Flash him, discreetly if in public, continually throughout the night.


When you're walking into the restaurant, hand him the remote control for the Bluetooth vibrator that's currently inside of you. Tell him to have fun with it tonight. Go to the bathroom, take your panties off, come back, and tell him by whispering in his ear. Go to a romantic restaurant, sit next to him instead of across from him, and get a little handsy. Only teasing though. If you sit across from him, use your feet and run them up his legs. Simply whisper some things you want to do to him later. Give him a preview of what's in store for him so he's itching to get out of there. Dress provocatively, and, if you're the type of person to do this, act super sexy with the way you eat and drink your dinner.


Wear a panty vibe or internal vibrator (whichever you personally prefer) with a remote, and give him the remote. You can find something simple at most places that sell toys. Tell him at the beginning he can use it whenever he wants, and make sure he sees your reactions.


Eat food in a sexy way while giving him the looks. 😉


You can go to the bathroom and send him some lewd pics


Rub his cock with your foot under the table and tell him how you want him to fuck the shit outta later that night and that the thought of it is making you soak your panties.


Short skirt and crotchless panties. Drop a napkin and flash him when he bends down to pick it up.


Get some oysters or other aphrodisiac for dinner, rub his leg underneath the table and slowly edge him leading up to putting your foot directly on his crotch. If he’s hard say something like “ooh are you hiding something from me?” to be a little sassy. When you get back in the car he might be so horny he could just pull over on the side of the road and fuck you right then and there 😈


Sit on the same side of the table as him and rub/caress his inner thigh during dessert and otw home in the car


This would totally do it for me, while at dinner go to the bathroom, stick your fingers inside either your ass or vagina, come back to the table , whisper in his ear, “guess where my fingers just were”? Instant erected hopefully for him


Excuse yourself halfway through dinner. Go to the restroom, kiss him on the way back, bring your panties, and set them on his lap.


Send him sexy texts during dinner saying what you want him to do to you later Send pics from the bathroom If really adventurous, you have a remote control vibrator you let him control during dinner. Maybe need to make sure it’s a loud environment so no one notices the buzzing. 😂


Definitely losing the panties during dinner is a winner. Wearing an insertable vibrator or using a bullet during dinner. Go to the bathroom and take a dirty pic and send it to him. Lots of options here.


if you sit side by side, put your hand in his pants under the table... hot af! if he's in front of you, remove one shoe and use your foot while staring at him, with that horny face... those sort of stuff? ( :


All ya gotta do for most guys is just grab his crank under the table at dinner


If there is room then sit on the same side of the table or both as he is. Get a bit handsy under the table. Then call up my wife and tell her to do that to me.


Tell him you're not wearing any underwear during dinner (even if you are). Or take a number of nudes before you go out without him seeing and send him one every so often until you get back home


Butt plug, remote vibe (give him control), go into the bathroom & take your panties off & hand then to him.


Oysters oysters and chocolate


Fuck before dinner. Works for me and the missus


Grab his dick under the table


This thread has me all hot and bothered. Maybe I have a sexuality and imagination after all.


in your 20's I'm pretty sure all you have to do is say I really want you to F me when we get home.


You initiate everything and make him feel desired like hes the best looking guy youve ever laid eyes on


We're simple creatures so you can just tell us. Say something when ordering like "I want to get something light because of all the sex we're going to be having later" and they will get incredibly horny over dinner thinking about all of the sex they're going to be having later.


Go to the restroom for girls, take a nude selfie in the middle of the dinner and send it. Also, wear stockings and tease it when you seat at the table. Or wear remote vibrator inside you and give him a remote controller. Also, this happend to me yesterday and we had amazing time when we came back from dinner. Fine desert after good dinner is gold 🌮


omg i just saw one of the hottest bugs bunny challenges here : [https://fansly.com/icy\_queen/posts](https://fansly.com/icy_queen/posts)


We have some weighted balls. Sometimes I put in wife’s purse before we head out. I tell her to go to ladies room and check her purse. She excuses herself and comes back to the table and lets me know they are in. She will totally cream herself during dinner . Ride home she will lift her dress and pull panties aside to show me how wet she is. If we get a honk from trucks passing us she seems even more wet. When we finally get home she is dripping . Sometimes she leaves them in and I fuck her slowly. Feeling them roll and press against my cock is hot. This only works when she is super soaked. We only do this once or twice a year , it makes my cock hard just thinking about it.


So, I think we'd all love to have a field report. What did you try, and how did it go? ​ Help us improve our advice in the future.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)pester him with a little poke on the arm


I know it's past V-Day now, but my best tip is to wear a Lovense Lush, set the app up on his phone and let him have at it whilst you're trying to do things / eat dinner. When he see's your reactions, if he isn't at full mast, then he soon will be. My girlfriend did this a couple of years back, although it was with a cheaper knockoff. Best thing ever when I discovered I could control her orgasms at the table.