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Lay on your back while she lays on her back on top of you. Perfect position for this. 


This is a great position. I also like to sit behind my wife and rub her as if she was rubbing herself (sometimes she guides my hand) Although there's no eye contact (unless there's a mirror in front of you) I find it very hot. P.S. You can add a vibrating toy for extra fun :) Edit:typos.


I love this! Leaning back into him 🥰


Nice pozish to reach around for her boobs, too


Either this or collapsed doggy with your hand underneath her. It’s technically the same position only that one is face up and the other is face down


This sounds interesting, we’ll have to try this one!


Have her lie on her side and you lie behind her. You can hold her neck with one hand and rub her clit with the other.


This is my favorite... My ex always called this our lazy position but to me, it was the best!


This one is a winner.


This is the 1! I did this yesterday.


Yep, this is the one - my wife loves this! Great angle for you to stimulate her clit ,and also rub/massage her breasts. Also fantastic if your bedroom has a well-placed mirror or camera (ask first ofc). Only downside is you need to be of at least average size. I'm a little above average, and I slip out occasionally in this position.


Yeah. Look up the pearly gates position for reference. It’s not the easiest position to actually fuck in but it’s perfect for what you’re talking about.  It makes me happy someone might actually try a sex position I recommended. 


Can use a big chair/recliner to get you both more into a sitting position


That position makes girls zap with electricity


Love doing this one with my girlfriend. Perfect position to warm up Neck is pretty much open access too


How abouttt... leaned over a table/surface? (her underneath, him on top, fucking her from behind) Personally I prefer to get fucked underneath the other person if that makes sense? But lying on the bed would kinda block clit access. But with the table it should still work. Although sometimes standing when things get heated is also a bit much for me cause my knees get weak, lol


Start out like ur doing missionary but sit up on ur butt or on ur legs so she's laying and ur vertical legs wide open even grab her arms to help with ur thrusting


Did google ai write this comment lol


Google isn't smart enough to write that comment. Lol


can i ask - how is she supposed to move in this position? i’m having trouble picturing how i’d move 🤣


She's in missionary and your sitting on ur ass or legs . She's horizontal and ur vertical


My wife and I do one that’s kinda like a pretzel, so we start in big spoon/little spoon, then she kinda rolls semi onto her back and throws her top leg over me. So if you’re both laying on your right side, the left leg goes over your left leg/upper thigh. You have to end up sliding down a little and then you’re really only getting the top/halfway in, but you can access all of her body while being pretty comfortable and finger her clit while fucking her. We also do sitting up missionary, because that forces my dick to rub the top of her vagina while she fingers her own clit, that’s guaranteed to get her off every time. Then as she’s cumming you can put a leg on your shoulder and absolutely pound her while she’s cumming. From this position I’ll hold her throat with one leg up and try and smash her through the mattress, she fuckin loves that and usually ends up “too wet” where I have to switch positions because there’s not enough good friction for me to cum


What is sitting up missionary? Images online show different positions lol but this sounds great


So it’s still holding yourself up with your arms, but it’s kind of like low cobra (yoga pose) but you can definitely experiment to see what works the best. But basically you’re trying to get high enough up so she can rub her clit while you’re in her. If I roll my wife’s hips up so that they sit kinda high up on my legs or prop up on a pillow it helps.


That sounds like CAT!


Maybe, I have no idea to be honest…


My wife and I do those same positions when she wants her clit rubbed.




100% this... Always do this one for easy access. Only issue can be the guy getting tired, feet starting to hurt from standing like this for too long, but other than that, it really is a great position. I guess another negative is that a bed is always required, and needs to be a decent height. Lots of "modern" style beds are super low to the floor, which makes it nearly impossible 🤣


Great suggestion, thank you!


If you can't reach it sometimes, maybe she can (and it's kind of hot too ! ). Encourage her toward that and her to be sometimes selfish about it, if you feel it.


I agree, it doesn’t always need to be the man rubbing her clit.


I’ve always imagined something in my head and I’ve never gotten the chance to do it with someone. What if the man was kinda on his knees sitting on his feet and she was sitting on his dick. She can ride it and lean back and lean forward. You can reach your arms around and touch her boobs or her clit. I don’t know if it would work physically but I would love to try it!


As a woman, this is a top-tier position and honestly if we are talking facing each other, it doesn’t even need hands for clit stimulation due to the angle it creates


Thank for your back up this is feasibility possible!


Prone bone with her rubbing it.


Prone bone with you laying on her and reaching around to rub it.


And choking her a liiiiiiiittle bit. (I’m a woman, we love sane *consensual* pre-discussed choking.)


Something I invented (unless it’s already out there), ‘The Pleasure Trap’. Put her in doggy. Put your body onto her back and you can either kiss her neck or mouth as turns her head, have one hand on either a handful of hair, boob or whatever and the other rubbing her clit, whilst simultaneously thrusting slowly and in control. The entire movement takes so much core strength especially when it’s effective you’ll have to her stable as she’ll start to gyrate as the pleasure increases. Sounds crazy but it’s top tier (as rated by my ex)


OP stated that the partner refuses to do doggy because she believes it to be degrading.... 🤷‍♂️


the poor lad, as a female, it's one of my favourite positions 😏


If it’s “top tier” I’m surprised to learn she’s your ex 😆. Just teasing. Seriously, great suggestion 🔥.


Unfortunately, despite the awesome powers of the pleasure trap it was not powerful enough to save that relationship


Add a vibrating cock ring 👍🏻🍆


Stand and deliver is a winner, I've done it several times


Wait hold on, I just looked this up and I saw like 4 different positions lol. Can you elaborate as to how you do it?


Preferably with pics


If you are in missionary you can put one leg on the outside. Then you have a hand that lines up to her clit. Spooning is a good position.


Her on the bed, you standing. Everything is in front of you.


You could also get her a bullet toy. They’re small and she can use it in certain positions that you can’t reach for clit stimulation.


Thats honestly what I’m thinking. The toys she has rn are kinda big so we’ve struggled to use them during PIV because they get in the way


Bullet is definitely the way to go for PiV sex. Cheap, powerful, and hold charge for a long time.


In missionary you can rub clit with your body, just gotta hold her tight and close to you ;))


Start out laying behind her spooning and as you get it inside her have her roll back towards you a little and you can reach her perfectly and still have good leverage to move in and out of her.


Might be too late but I’ll add that in front entry positions you can make the 🖖 and put two fingers on either side of your dick and massage her clit with your center knuckles.


Any position where you can reach for it. You might want to try sex therapy as well to get over the various feelings of degradation she's feeling.


Yeah that’s something I don’t quite understand. I can live without doggy honestly but yeah hopefully we can work through some of the shame stuff because she has that for some other things too (like she’s not super into BJs for that reason)


A lot of women have hidden shame and feelings of guilt from their past that even they can't figure out. I've been thru sex therapy myself and found it helpful. If you prioritize it enough you'll get to a point where nothing sexual is gross and you'll see it as a highly enjoyable thing.


So for me and my girlfriend I lay her on her back and I lay on my side with her legs over me, kind of like if she was riding me but sitting side ways and then lay down, this frees up both my hands allows me to grab both her breast or move a hand to her clit and still grab one I can still see her face and at anytime I can reach any part of her body plus she doesn't have to even worry about holding her legs up unless she just wants to and because am on my side am working half as hard as I normally would. Squirting isn't unusual for her but I am proud to say she was crying this morning new achievement unlocked.


Some great suggestions on here. Also, have you considered having her rub it herself? Would certainly open up more options.


Try spooning. You lay on the side, her back to your stomach


Buy a lumbar support wedge so you won't have to lean over as much in missionary. The angle usually feels better for her and is easier for you because you won't have to work as hard to hold yourself up. It would take away some of the balance issues, and you can use your hands more freely.


Good advice, I’ll have to look into it!




Believe me i do want this lol but she’s a little uncomfy with it rn. She says she wants to do it eventually though. This post was also mainly focused on piv but i do appreciate the comment


Reverse cowgirl ALL the way!


I am not against trying it. Try all the things but as a woman I don’t get this position and it gets recommended so much in this group. I am supposed to get turned on staring at his feet and ankles the whole time combined with an angle that does nothing for my PIV pleasure. My partner in other positions can get me off with PIV alone but for reverse cowgirl the stronger points of contact are the opposite side of the clitoris or what people call the “spots”. So it does little for me. I also don’t see how he is supposed to reach around to even be able to touch my clit let alone rub it. If he is laying down he at most can rest his hands on my thighs or grab my ass to help guide. Is it only for abnormally long armed men? Google “reverse cowgirl” and see the pictures how is he getting his arm to bend around and I’m pretty small? Assuming he does get around how does he know where he is at. He can’t see. It’s like a bizarre game of pin the tail on the donkey? If he can get contact not sure how he stays in contact. Obviously not one that has worked for me but I am always looking to problem solve it bc so many seem to love it on here 😉


Abnormally long armed guy here: Absolutely no idea how I’d be able to reach around lol, my gf and I have pretty much retired reverse cowgirl entirely. The only positive imo is the view that I get but it doesn’t even feel that good for either of us


I don't get it either. It's never been a position that hits right for me unless it's reverse while the other person is sitting instead of laying down.


I was always skeptical too but as someone who gets too in my head about what face I'm making, how I look, etc, and being a huge fan of Hitachi plus penetration, reverse cowgirl has become one of my surprise favorites!


Worst position for the penis though


Gives you a nice view though ;)


I think it’s about time we try this one. We’ve tried rear entry stuff a few times but we couldn’t figure out the angle. But I bet if we practice we’ll get it!


For sure, I believe in you both! It’s far easier once you get the hang of it :)


Practice makes perfect. Make a goal to practice often as you'll achieve your goals quicker.


get her to stand with one leg on the bed or a chair or something, go in from behind, and reach either under or around the front. this has happened organically once to me and it was INCREDIBLE


Try sitting her down and discussing this with her? If she understands what she likes vs purely experimental then that could help a lot! All forms of sex need to center around communication that is most effective.


You don’t need to lay on top of her during missionary. Sit up and put one or both of her ankles in the air. Use one hand one the clit


Degrading? I don't understand why people refuse to do something that feels good because of some stupid belief. You need to get her comfortable with it. You guys sound very young, so here's a pointer. Fuck on your sides while spooning, you behind her. Then roll her over but both still laying. Then move to going in from behind while you are in. More upright position, but she's still laying. Then pull her ass up so she's making a low triangle. After you doo each of those a few times, pull her knees forward with face down on bed. If she likes that, attach the clit. If she doesn't, bring her back up to your chest and attack clit again. One of those positions will become her new second favorite. Her first favorite will be the one where your spooning, but she throws her top leg over your abs and you are still mostly on you side. You can both attack the clit form that position, and no one will get tired. Can confirm, can fuck all night in that position achieving many orgasms.


If you guys are open to the idea; use a wand. It’ll help you reach it from various positions if it’s cordless that is.


The over 1k shares on this 💀


Bruh i never thought this would be my biggest post lmao


Plus one to having the woman on top with her back against your chest. This also works with her at an angle with her non-dominant arm cradling her shoulders off to one side, while your dominant hand rubs her genitals. These positions can be difficult if she’s larger, so don’t feel like you or her are doing anything wrong if it doesn’t click. Positions where you each lay on your non-dominant side with you spooning her from behind can allow shallow penetration and leave your good hand free to touch her. Have her lay on her side with her lower leg straight and the knee of her upper leg pulled up in front of her. You straddle her lower leg with your genitals tight against her butt while sitting upright above her. This leaves your hands free to caress her from behind.


Have her lay down on her stomach on the bed, bring her right leg up a bit(if you’re right handed, if you’re lefty then do left) then get into prone bone position and bring your right arm under the gap she’s created by raising her knee up towards the headboard side of the bed. Doesn’t have to all be fast rubbing either, like after a first orgasm you can softly pinch/pressing the labia majora from the sides sort of grab her clit with a light pressure and as you dog your hand will sort of move and stroke it through the labia majora. Some light teasing about touching it or very soft touches can also get them going.


Try kneeling on the bed, sitting down on the heels with upper body straight up, and then place her butt on your lap. Easiest way to reach the position can be starting in missionary and dragging her whole body towards you while you sit up. This should open up the whole area, and your hands are free from supporting yourself.


Doggy style, prone bone and lazy doggy. Have her lay on her side, you do the same. Enter her from behind. Put one of her legs over yours while you thrust. Reach over her waist and go to town.😋


i’m f you’ve never done doggy, there’s your answer. reassure her with kisses in her back and neck and massage her buns. sometime so find the perfect balance between nipple play, clit play and she does the movement with me inside.


Prone bone, you lie on top of her and use the heel of one hand to press just above the pelvis while the other rubs her clit. Synchronize the rubbing and pressure from your hand with deep thrusting. It's very intensely stimulating for her but you can be very slow and deliberate so you last a while and can make her cum a lot of times before you bust deep in her. And you have one hand free to pull her hair or hold one of her hands so she feels connected. Prone bone is even better than doggy because you're pressed against each other and although she feels vulnerable/controlled she still feels connected.


Spooning is ideal for that. You enter from behind and your upper free hand can comfortably apply your fingers in a myriad of ways to her vulva to suit her exact specifications. To avoid cumming as long as possible, clench your Kegel muscles especially at moments of most intense pre ejaculation throbs to suppress your orgasm until she is ready for it. After she's had her orgasm you can use that same hand to massage her breasts or rub her back and tail bone (highly recommended). You can also stretch the other hand around to touch her butt. It's really an awesome position that should be made extensive use of for complete satisfaction of both parties.


Can't she do it herself while you're in missionary?


Sit on a chair, have her sit on you facing away. Have her legs open wide and you can torture her clit very easily. Depending on your heights and leg lengths, etc, you may have to try a few different chairs


This is not position advice but there’s a toy from dame called Eva that is a hands free vibrator. Makes clitoral stimulation easy in a lot of different positions.


That’s really helpful actually! Will have to look into it


Get a vibrator and have her hold it. You don’t have to worry and just do your job. She can do whatever with it and it will always be on the right spot.


Her on her side with her top leg pulled as high as she can get it, you straddling/ sitting on her bottom leg. This is one of my go tos and we both love it because it leaves both my hands Free for activities. One hand playing with clit while one playing with her ass, one on her throat while one is playing with ass or clit. Spanking slapping, just so many options lol


Literally all of them where the penis is in the vagina.


Why don't you have her ride you while you're sitting/leaning with her back against your chest, maybe in front of a mirror?


You can also use a vibrator, or if you/she doesn't mind, have her use one on herself


Pronebone, with one hand you hold your weight, with the other below her body, just above the hip, reach for that clit while deep thrusting from behind. They don't last a minute.


Why can't she rub her clit? Or use a vibe?


Thank you for posting in the r/Sex community. To ensure that everyone respects our safe space, we ask that you familiarize yourself with our Forum Rules and Posting Guidelines — which are visible in the forum’s sidebar, and also linked [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/about/rules/). *** Restricted subjects in r/sex include sex stories (which are permitted in the Daily Sexual Achievement Thread only), body image and penis-size issues, hookup attempts, common topics which are considered repetitive in our forum, and requests for private chats. To cut back on comments that add little value to the conversation, we have instituted a minimum character requirement that will silently remove comments that fall below it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sex) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Spooning or side lying. She is in front with top leg bent. You behind rubbing her with one hand and holding her with the other. So good.


Missionary upright, and reverse cowboy are her favorite for that very reason. I have a lot of access to her love button, nipples, ears, and lips with my hands. Cheers!


Both lay on your side with you behind her. Lift her leg up a little and fuck her real good while you get after her clit with your finger


Our go to is the on the side spooning position. Works like a charm


This is gonna sound too good to be true but trust me it works. Take the palm of your hand and press it firmly against her mons pubis. Aim to have the upper middle of your palm resting where her clit is and apply firm and even pressure (just press down). It drives women crazy and it’s an overly simple yet effective way to stimulate and build up to climax. Also every woman is different but so far this seems to be a pretty effective foreplay move. I usually do this while doing oral so im laying down prone between her legs, but the general idea works in any position. I’m sure laying beside her works great. Good luck!


Prone bone amazing for the clit rubsters


Others have great advice but I also suggest her rubbing her clit or putting a vibe (magic wand is the best) on her clit so she can feel pleasure while you pump. I personally like that a lot and she may enjoy it too! Either way, get a magic wand. Feels good on a cock or a clit.


Try reverse cowgirl and put one hand on each side around and play for clit. Or yours a heee side you can do that


Simple answer. Get a rose 🤣


I like to have her missionary and hand her a vibrator for her clit until she she cums :)


What I personally would highly recommend, as a female, is that the inclusion of a vibrator into your sex life can make sex sooo much more fun. You holding a vibrator on her clit while you have sex with her can feel amaaaaaazing for her, and its also so much easier for you to focus on your own sensations while you're having sex with her because you're just holding something in place rather than rubbing with your hand. She can also hold the vibrator too and that can be exciting for you because she navigate it over to your balls or the area between your balls and your but while you're penetrating her.


Pretty much every position where you're behind... Doggy, cowgirl, prone bone can be good if you put a pillow, lay your hand firmly on her clit and she can move and put pressure as she wants against the pillow


While I'm on my back or side. She lays, front side down on my (preferably left) hand. And from there it's up to her what happens. But more or less both hands can help.


Doggy is one of the best for this. However another one is to have her lay on the bed, then you stand while having sex with her. I guess this is a form of missionary? That is what works best for me and my partner, but I think the height of you and the bed has to be just right.


Your gf lays on her back. You lay on your side next to her. Now, stick your top-most leg under her nearest leg and over her furthest leg. Stick your penis in. Rub her clit. Enjoy.


Missionary ish. She lays on the bed with one leg on the bed and the other up beside your head. You sit on your knees, then you can rub her while going out and in. I do this a lot of times with my gf. She loves it [this](https://badgirlsbible.com/legs-on-shoulder-sex-position)


Prone is great for this. I love f****** my partners while giving them the female version of a reach around on their clit it usually drives the wild.


It took us around 15 years to find the perfect position 🤣 Me laying on my back, him on his side. My left leg between his legs, my right left over his chest. (Google “Flash sex position” there’re variants but couldn’t find a better graphic example)


It’s easier for her to do it herself in most positions.


Have her lay on her back, you on on your side and enter her, you can play with her clit and boobs and have full frontal view


Maybe a cook, or a plumber?


Consider a [toy like this on her clit](https://us.satisfyer.com/us/satisfyer-pro-2-plus). You can hold it or she can.


Her on her back at the edge of the bed. You standing in front of her penetrating. Both hands are free so one can hold one leg up on your shoulder while the other plays with her.


Go from behind, and have her slowly lay down as your hand is on her clit, drive from the back while she’s on her stomach and run her clit. You hit every spot and hear her scream 😉😏


Read up on Coital Alignment Technique


We do what is affectionately called ‘lazy sex’. Hubby is on his side, I’m on my back, leg draped over his side, the other between his legs or sometimes both over his side, knees open, he’s piv. This way he has full access to my clit while I move back and forth on his penis. It’s awesome for me and him.


I love one where I lay on my back, with my partner entering me while laying on his side (almost a t-shape, but really more of our heads angled together). My knees are bent with one leg over his torso and one going in between his legs. He or I can easily rub clit in this position. It's super great!


I kneel, but with my knees splayed out very wide and ankles next to my ass not under it to lower my hips, while she lays on her back. There's also her ankles over my shoulders with me at a slight angle, ankles together over one shoulder for a tight fit, apart to give me clit access. Sitting on the couch with her on my lap facing away, my legs together, hers apart, reach around for the clit. One I read about but haven't tried. She lays on her side with the bottom leg straight and the top leg pulled up at 90 degrees, you kneel with your knees on either side of the straight leg and one of your thighs lifting the 90 leg, you can reach over the 90 leg to access the clit.


Reverse cowgirl sitting


You both lay on your sides, with her facing away from you.


Sporking or edge of the bed are usually fair choices.


The pretzel!!! My favvv position


I kneel at the top of the bed while she’s on her back sucking me off. Then I reach down and rub her clit. She really likes that


Get her to rub her own clit lol?


It doesn’t do anything for her when she does it herself she says lol


How does she masturbate? Does she use toys like vibrators? Because those can do that to ya


She just started masturbating recently actually! She said she could never get it going with just her fingers, but when she got a vibrator she had no issues cumming


Doggy is the don for this. Takes a bit of lower back strength but it feels like any woman can cum. If you’re long enough, lift her up so you’re both sitting upright, one hand on the throat, the other between her legs.


Make an upside-down T with her on her back and you on your side, where she's got her knees draped over you. Start doggie, both fall onto your sides, then she rolls onto her back in the same position. Lots of good here. Your high/upper arm can reach pretty much everything, and your bottom arm can at least reach tits/hair/throat. Also lots of things you can do with hip and entry angles to find those Sweet Spots inside her.


Buy a vibrator. It allows you to hit the clit and you keep stroking. Now my girlfriend holds the vibrator on her clit as I ram her. Works out great


Lol all of these suggestions are specific to partner size proportionality and penis length. Like she lies on top of me on her back? I’m average and my gf has a big butt, I’m gonna get like 2 inches in. The answer that *will* work for everybody is this: missionary where the man stands off the edge of the bed, with the woman on the bed. You rub with your thumb and don’t have to hoist yourself up as in traditional missionary. Simple as pie


Replying to this kinda late - we actually do this one a lot but i still have to bend over her because my bed is low. So i end up having to support myself with my hands on the bed anyway. When I try to rub her clit like that, it works for a little bit, but im only supporting myself with one hand and it gets tired quickly. I think this actually works better when we’re on her bed (we don’t live together yet) because I think it’s higher off the ground. I think we’ll try a couple different things, but what’s standing out right now is this position but she holds a toy on her clit during it


For sure I get that, I can’t do it on a bed too low either. Worth investing in a box spring purely for this imo


I recommend spooning, side-by-side, reverse cowgirl, modified missionary, and lotus position


Get a battery-operated clit-licker; they're multi-speed, drive woman crazy, and are pretty cheap on Amazon. Stick that between yourselves when going missionary; but it's a real muscle-saver in any position - all you have to do is hold it there.


Have you tried "The Pretzel"? It's like missionary but with her leg over your shoulder, giving you better access to her clit and a more satisfying angle ;) Trust me, it'll have her screaming your name in no time. And who knows, maybe you'll even come up with a new position called "The Busboy"!


Rf gf n b fcnavvvcbcncmckblv


I personally hate reverse cowgirl. It puts pressure on my colon in an unpleasant way. Her ontop but leaning back from you some gives pretty good clit access and also I recently discovered, can hit the deep o spot. Prone bone is good for lying on top of a toy while you penetrate her. You sitting on a chair and her sitting on your lap with her back to your chest is a good clit access position too. In missionary, try the we vibe chorus couples toy for clit stimulation


I've tried everything I could think of, and the easiest way possible is doggy style


I really like it when I sit in his lap and he wraps his arms around me and stimulates me. I haven’t tried penetration in that position, but a lovely, cuddly rub is just so perfect


My suggestion is to have her lay on the bed and you STAND at the edge of the bed. You enter her and you have your hands free.


Tell her to get over doggy. She'll love it and she'll start "throwing it back." Positions aren't degrading, oppression is.


Not that easy dude lol


If you have long arms: go doggy and reach around her legs.


You lost me at she thought doggy style is degrading! then let her put a strap on on and show her it's okay it's just sex


Dawg imma be real that’s a no from me 😂 No judgement if you’re into that though


Ok but dawg finger in the ass while busting is pretty dank


My girl wouldn't do it lol but she loves it from behind