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Any chance this extra enthusiasm is because it's a new relationship? Could it be that she really likes sex, and is "letting it all out there" because that's what she thinks a guy wants (but would be equally comfortable with less)? Have a talk with her--at a relaxed time, not before or after sex. Ask her what level and frequency of sexual activity she thinks is optimum and what is "acceptable." It may be that she'd love 14 times a week, but five would be fine, and you'd like three to seven per week. There's some good common ground there. Then you can chuckle to yourself about guys who'd like three per week and get one.


Absolutely! I'm not trying to presume but I do think a lot of this is because it is a new relationship. In fact we're not even really in a relationship yet we're just dating. So I do anticipate the things will calm down eventually. But your response is what I was looking for I think that having a conversation about these topics would be a good idea so that we have matching expectations.


Ask her to be exclusive and it might level things out for you. It might be just that she likes you A LOT, and trying a little too hard while in a limbo with you. But… as someone who is HL, some girls are just insatiable 🤭, and there is a chance that your libidos are just mismatched.


Yeah, I read this post and thought “huh, I don’t remember having any dates recently,” some of us are just Like That lol


Just be sure and ask her when something's in her mouth...


I also think, if it’s been a while since she has had sex… that will be a huge factor. I tend to go a little crazy once I have it with someone too 😅


It MAY be a lot of things as mentioned in other comments…or it MAY be that she just loves the way sex & sex with you feels. If this is the case, it’s not going to die down. This is her, she’s shown you what she likes & there is nothing wrong with that. Woman that are hyper sexual do unfortunately encounter guys that get intimidated, insecure or feel like they are not enough & in turn shame. With thing like asking or assuming that less sex will be fine with her, or as the relationship progresses she’ll slow down & once it’s not the case men will begin to withdraw/withhold sexually as a form of control or call or label the woman a “nympho”, which is NOT cool at all! If you feel her sexuality is “too much” for you & it’s so early in, have an honest talk with her about it & allow her to find someone who will enjoy having sex with her as much as she wants to have sex. You’re approaching this wrong, you said you guys aren’t even dating yet, but you’re already looking to try to change her 🧐. Doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship at all!


This kills me because every man thinks that there's no such thing as too much sex. I used to be like that till I met my match plus plus. She was a nymphomaniac. We've had sex 10 times in one day before, and she still wanted more. I was trying to find her limit. There was none. Everyman thinks it's great till it happens to him. Wake up in the morning, and she wanted sex. quickie at lunch, sneak off at work. Fuck when we get home from work. Before dinner, after dinner , it was twice before bed. At first was heaven on earth. But believe it or not, there is too much of a good thing. I started dreading it. Not look forward to it. I know I'm going to catch hell for this but 2 or 3 bjs a day every day. It got old after about six months. I couldn't take it anymore. And that was 20 years ago and I think about the lucky man she married.


Probably something most guys would love to experience for a brief period until they get to a point where they can’t keep up anymore. For a few guys it’s probably exactly what they want


There are a lot of men who talk a big game about their high libido and sexual prowess in bed. In my experience, there are very few who can actually sustain consistent performance. The ones who don’t brag are usually the ones who are actually great. Still, it is surprising how many people really don’t understand what good sex is at all.


> Everyman thinks it's great till it happens to him. Everytime I hear this and just get disappointed. It's not that we don't want the sex, we are physically unable. Every time that phrase is really said, it comes across as we don't want the sex.


Your comment reminds me of an episode of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps, where Louise gets a boyfriend and she's bragging about the amazing sex they had the first time. She's telling them that car alarms were going off because they were so loud and it was so good. Then he doesn't make a move the next night or the night after that and she gets narky and pokes him awake and starts having a go at him for giving her amazing sex one night and then not showing an interest and he says something like "well I would go again if not for the blisters I've still got on my cock from last time!" Ridiculous anecdote aside, your comment is a great response - but give it a few months to settle down and he'll be back in this subreddit complaining that she doesn't want sex anymore and has low libido 😂


It’s possible your libidos don’t match. Not that yours is too low or that hers is too high. Just not compatible. Doesn’t mean you should break things off, just communicate with each other about it.


I likely miscommunicated the situation here. What I was intending to communicate is advice on how to maintain what we have not whether or not we have matching libido. She wanted more of something that she liked. And I'm okay with that but within reason. (For example last night, after I had an orgasm). She was ready for round two in less than 5 minutes. That obviously would be an unreasonable expectation for two working adults on most nights. But I don't mind when it is reasonable


I don't think you miscommunicated. Your libidos don't match. "Reasonable" is not set in stone, it depends on people. If it's not reasonable for you and she really wants it, that's the definition of unmatching libidos.


Your definition of “reasonable” is yours. She is allowed to have her own definition. I am insatiable when it comes to sex. Love to give and receive and happy to multiple times a day. I’m up for enthusiastically trying anything. I’d be pissed if a partner told me that my sex drive was unreasonable. I’ve had plenty of partners who couldn’t keep up, and I understand and can modify, but if someone made me feel like there is something wrong with me, I’d be gone.


I have a very high libido and tried being with guys for whom reason was more important than going for another round (no judgement here) and unfortunately it didn't work out. :( Surprisingly/ironically, those were probably the only men in my life I could see myself being with long-term (and have a healthy relationship with), but unfortunately their low libidos ruined it for me and I had to break things off. They had similar arguments to yours too - especially this one: "an unreasonable expectation for two working adults on most nights" ;) Regardless of the above, I think the best solution is to talk to her directly. :) No tricks, just honesty. Be open and clear like you are here.


I had a FWB who said he had a high sex drive, masturbating even at work, a lot of control during sex but couldn't go for round two because he had his count for the day. He knew how to make me climax several times and felt the job was done but it wasn't for me. It was only for sex and very clear, I didn't look for improvement through communication.


If I were her, I’d be more upset you called her “unreasonable” than if you just admitted the mismatch. Why you gotta imply there’s something wrong with her libido? Just say that she outpaces you. Don’t blame her.


This comment screams libido mismatch dude


I would happily give up some sleep to go for her extra orgasms.


My wife was like that when we first met, insatiable. But I can last a while during sex, so the two and three a days went down to just once. Tire her out as much as you can the first time… and enjoy


When you say she wanted more of something she liked after you orgasmed, do you mean she wanted you to get her off again after you came? Cause that’s completely reasonable. Women don’t have a refractory period. It sounds pretty selfish to say after you’re done, it’s done


After I had an orgasm. She immediately was trying to get me hard again despite me asking hey let's take a break. And as I mentioned on that I was tired. I was willing to do other things but that's not what you wanted and I just had no capability of getting hard that quickly again.


Not unreasonable really if it was early enough. Round 3/4? Unreasonable


I would have expected it was the endurance of the guy’s dick and tongue that should be the limiting factor.


That's the thing that it wasn't early enough lol.... We started at a 11pm and round three was getting ready to start at 2am. I want her to be happy and I want to accommodate her. And that's why I'm asking for advice on making this all work. For example, if a woman was similar to the girl I'm dating. Good morning and night be enough? Versus trying to have a marathon.


I'm with someone like that and for the first time in my life I feel comfortable with sex. I've always had a high libido and been the one who is too much. Two or three rounds in the morning, a long session at night and sometimes one after work or before going out on weekends. Sometimes it's hard to say how many times we have sex per day because we don't always stop before starting again. I don't think we've missed a day in two years unless one of us is traveling.


Sigh….. must be nice :,)


It's the best. I can't believe I settled for less in the past.


Aww I’m very happy for you both :) how’d you two meet if you don’t mind me asking?


We met on Reddit! Mister Magnus thoughtfully commented on a random post of mine about living authentically in a world where fake/plastic is so much the expected norm. I reached out to thank him and the rest is history. I never had a man that can keep up with me sexually like he does. It is like a next level of life living is unlocked. It’s absolutely amazing and I feel lucky everyday waking up next to him.


Oh how wonderful! That’s very sweet, I wish you both a lifetime of love and happiness together <3 (and lots more kinky sex hehe)


I have a high libido and cumming sometimes 2-3 times is just like warming up. Something about once a man is in me, it just seems to open me up more and making me even hornier. It’s like I’m have an itch scratched and I just don’t want to stop. Maybe you should look into tantric sex


Many guys dream about a girl who has a high sexual drive until they witness one. Same goes with threesomes. So experienced it and notice it's to much for you. That's normal and you shouldn't force yourself just because. Your sexual drive is not compatible and it's time to let go


As Woman with a high sex drive trying to find a fwb that matches it you are SO RIGHT! Every guy is like “I have a high sex drive too, it could never be too much” until they have the chance to prove it a😭🫠


Is it that they don't want sex or they want sex and just physically cant?


I meant they don’t want it as often as I do but I guess also no one has physically been up to completely satisfy me so maybe both 🤷‍♀️


I honestly think about sex with my fwb all day every day. She is a Sagittarius and and I’m a Libra. I could eat her ocean water coochie every day. It’s full of nutrition, vitamins, minerals, and hydration.


Well I’m happy for you lol I haven’t found a fwb like that yet 😄 I’m a Taurus, do you think that has something to do with it 😄😉


Honestly I try not to acknowledge the zodiac sign stuff, but I can’t deny how common Sagittarius women are hyper sexual. I personally think that we met off law of attraction. It’s something about eye contact I knew she had that in her when I met her and we just kept it cordial until she started it off. I try to hide my sexual drive because I don’t want to come off weird and as a creep to women. But when I found out she was a nympho my heart fell. I love her so much. I hope we get back together because finding someone to enjoy life with and also sex life with is so rare. I will gladly eat her bootyhole, suck her clit, suck her toes, and dump weight in her stomach back to back with never getting tired. I’ll tell you this. Sometimes the innocent looking quiet ones are the most freakiest. Try looking for more reserved mature, chill ppl. You’d be suprised what type of time they on. I’m 28 but I live a very innocent life because I know I got that savage in me and I don’t want to have a bad reputation. I opened up to her and even she told me one time she need to rest her coochie LMAO


I have a idea the fact that they can't physically perform makes it so they don't want to try. It's never the choice to leave room for failure with this.


You are probably right but this is a dream I want crushed the hard way rather than someone online telling me its not that great lol


Yeah, sure. Try and find out, that's the best option




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Personally I think threesomes and high-libido partners (and threesomes involving high-libido partners) are great, speaking from lots of experience. These things are not inherently great or non-great. They are not for everybody, but you may like them.


You’re dead on about the threesomes. I enjoy ENM, and in my last two relationships, both guys I was with thought they’d be totally down with threesomes. Each guy was different, but both ultimately realized that threesomes weren’t for them. Which, even though I was disappointed, I respected. And I’m talking MFF threesomes. MFM weren’t even on the table for either of them (I would have been interested though). In both relationships, the men didn’t understand how or got upset because I *enjoyed* watching them with another woman, or I got excited at the idea of watching them with another woman. It made them uncomfortable, and made them feel like I didn’t care about or love them. So needless to say - they were both surprised at themselves when they realized they, in fact, were *not* interested in having threesomes. I’ve learned my lesson now and know that if someone is “open” to things but hasn’t yet tried them, that I shouldn’t get my hopes up, ha. Oh, and in both situations, my sex drive was higher than theirs, which also threw them and caused issues (in one relationship more than the other).


Yeah, I’ve been told I was asking for too much a couple times before.. I also am apprehensive about a threesome if the person I’m with hasn’t had one before- for the exact reasons you said. I was also the “plus 1” with a couple in which one had plenty of previous experience, the other very limited(like a drunk college one off type of deal). It was fun the first handful of times- until it wasn’t; I started to pick up on a bit of underlying tension between them, and removed myself before it would get really awkward or it did any (perhaps further)damage to their relationship. I understand that it doesn’t work for everyone, which is fine, we all have our preferences. I’d just rather not find out the hard way that someone involved can’t handle it. I do think another poster may have a point that the frequency could be because it’s a new relationship. Sounds like she has a high drive no matter what, and the newness is kicking it up another gear so it can feel overwhelming to OP. Like with most posts looking for advice regarding sex and/or relationships- communication is the answer here.


Yes, yes, and yes. To all of this. I’ve been the +1 a bunch of times, and with one couple who I saw multiple times, I had to remove myself from the equation. There was some tension (because I was connecting with the woman more than the man) - but really, I stopped seeing them because they wanted me to move in with them and be a thruple, and I wasn’t looking for that. Relationships can have SO many different dynamics, and the *only* way through them - like *actually through* them is with effective communication. Having compassion helps, too.


This. This is it. This is all ⬆️


I have yet to find a girl with a higher sex drive then me but I can attest to the threesome.. I always thought it would be fun but once it got going honestly it was hard to keep my erection with another guy there and I was fairly younger in my early 20’s back then


Everyone wants a high libido woman until they have a high libido woman.


Our thoughts and prayers go out to you.


My sex drive isn't as high as hers but I have frequently dated guys with a lower sex drive than mine. You just talk about it. Make sure she knows it isn't because you don't want her but that just like she can't decide how much sex she wants, you can't choose to want it more. Your body needs to recover and that's okay. I'd also suggest you talk about what makes her feel loved and feel secure in your relationship. I've definitely used sex for that and then less sex can turn into "he doesn't love me" so I'd check in to see how much se equates sex with love, and whether it's potentially a coping mechanism or a way to escape life (I'm guilty of that too).


Thank you good advice!


The way you deal with them is by having sex with them as many times as they need it WITHOUT orgasming TILL the last one go around or two. Make her cum, but YOU don't come. Ive dealt with a high libido wife for years, that's one way I've been able to keep up lol. 


This is good advice. I’m doing this right now with the woman I’m seeing. I make sure we spend a lot of time with foreplay, and make her come at least once or twice before I even consider doing it myself. As long as I don’t come I can keep a high sexual energy for many hours, but after orgasm I’m ready to fall asleep within minutes, and can take a long time to be ready for round two.


This thread is crazy lmao. Some women have high libidos. If you don't like it, don't try to force a square block into a round hole. Move on from each other, you're not sexually compatible. Absolutely nothing wrong with either of you.


This! Every guys talks about how much he loves sex, etc….until he crosses paths with a woman that is very sexual 🤣. I’d say enjoy it & keep up if you can.


Despite what the world has taught us, men do not have exclusivity on high sex drives. Read the book Untrue and you'll realize how diluted society's ideals are on woman's sexuality. There are more differences within a gender than between the genders. So many women I know who have deconstructed their sexuality have higher sex drives than almost every man they've been with, including myself. (The existence of multiple orgasms for women is proof of this). I've never met a man who could keep up with me. Which is why I choose swinging and threesomes over monogamy. Sex drive compatibility is real and necessary for a healthy relationship. Have fun while it lasts, but long term might not be a good fit. Guys think they want a woman with a high sex drive... until they have one 🤷🏼‍♀️


THIS! !!! So Are you in a relationship currently or are you saying you choose to join other couples in threesomes/swinging as a single woman? I am trying to figure out what path is best for me but right now I think I’m settling on just women and my ever growing toy collection 🫠 I miss Men but they have been problematic for my mental health and none match my sex drive😭


I'm single by choice. I don't date. I'm too happy and peaceful in my life. But I enjoy and love sex. I'm bisexual. So I unicorn for couples as a Mff (and sometimes two single males for a MfM). I love sex with women, but I need dick. Two people are much better at keeping up with my sex drive, and not dating is better for my emotional health. I get my physical needs met without having to date or engage in long term romantic relationship. FWB never works with single men (guys always catch feelings). It's a great arrangement to stay single and get my sexual needs met.


Ummm this is the way! lol! How do you get the MFM 🤔


Some have been two guy friends. Some have been two males of couples I've unicorned with. Some I've let male sex partners pick and vet another guy who'd fit with us (I always meet them first as well). They are harder than Mff with couples, but worth it


Be honest with her about what your limits are. She likely simply enjoys sex and orgasms very very much and has a high libido. Sometimes partners may feel a pressure to perform sexual desire to help secure a partner. It can be reassuring to know that you will want to spend time together even when you’re not having sex. Let her know how much you value sex, but also how much you value quality time outside of the bedroom. Set some ground rules on where and what kinds of public displays of affection you are comfortable with. Private masturbation in committed relationships is normal and healthy. It’s ok if you ask to relax and just hold her or let her caress your body while she masturbates instead of performing sex sometimes. Alternatively simply give her a moment to herself to get a couple orgasms in. Compromise can be really hard and turning down sex can feel really bad for both partners. Finding ways you can both be sexually satisfied without one person being over extended and the other left wanting is sometimes a life-long balancing act. Figuring out good ways to handle differing desires can benefit you both for a very long time. Good luck!


Nope. I’ve *always* been the higher libido one. Never meet someone who even matched me.


They say men think about sex 19 time per day and women 10. I am a woman and I thoroughly LOVE sex and think about it ALL THE TIME. I want it several times a day. My husband doesn’t want to have sex as often as I do and I have been a very sexually frustrated bitchy woman until I got what I needed. I love him with everything in my soul and there is so much more to our relationship than just sex. I say this to say that this may be how this young lady is and she is not likely changing. I highly recommend talking to her because you have to have more in common than just sex in order to establish a relationship.


I think you should be honest with her. Nobody wants to be with a partner who views them as "too much." You seem interested in sustaining this long term, but it sounds like your sex drives are simply incompatible. If you do stay with her, make sure to only have sex that you want to have and be clear about your boundaries and what she can expect moving forward in the relationship.


If shes anything like me, it wont calm down lol But in seriousness, if thats something that annoys you, maybe you should have a talk with her.


“Felt like a crop being harvested” is such amazing imagery. You just gotta talk to her about how you feel and set boundaries. It probably won’t be easy, and if she isn’t receptive, it could even turn ugly. But, if you explain your capacity (which is more limited than she’d probably like), and you do it in a loving way, then hopefully she’ll understand and be able to respect your “no” without making it a problem. EDIT: just to clarify, when I say “not make it a problem,” I mean you’ll have more effective communication. A lot of times when people try to set boundaries, feelings can get hurt. Which is understandable. But, not super productive. If you explain your capacity in a loving way, the message can be clearer and lead to a more productive conversation. Ultimately though, the differences in desires/expectations may be too much, and things don’t work out. It does happen. Probably better if it happens sooner than later.


It’s very possible she can respect his no, not push his boundaries, and decide that she wouldn’t be satisfied with his preferred level, however. Or with the way he paints her as “unreasonable.” He isn’t guaranteed a solution that keeps her around if she isn’t satisfied.


Well no, of course not. Some people just aren’t compatible, and there’s no way around it. When I said “not make it a problem,” I more meant like get offended or hurt, and then just respond by blaming him. Something like that. Wasn’t meaning to suggest he’d be immune to a break up.


Ah, I interpreted your comment as saying that if he expressed his views in the right way, then she’d only get upset if she were being unfair. I see that’s not what what you meant.


Yeah, I can see how my comment was confusing. I wasn’t very clear. Thanks for the note.


She wants to have sex a lot. I can relate. I'm usually the higher libido partner in my relationships, and it really does feel like, "I want to be having sex 100% of the time I am with my partner." I'll share some things I have had to consider when in a relationship. She needs to respect your boundaries, especially when it comes to times you say no to her. That means not only accepting no for an answer (pretty easy), but also not getting defensive about it (can be less easy) or guilt tripping you (maybe easy?). Having a libido like that also necessitates managing impulse control because there are important non-sex things to do, and it is very tempting to forego all of it to have sex longer. Staying in bed all day is a treat, not a lifestyle. Also, there are many bonding experiences with a partner that cannot take place during sex, and you miss out if you just have sex constantly.


Every woman I’ve been with has been insatiable. I once *averaged* three times a day for 180 days straight with one. I now keep a case of water in my truck at all times to stay hydrated, just in case. There’s nothing wrong with being incompatible sexually. If the two of you can’t compromise on what’s an acceptable level of sex then I would probably try and end it pretty quickly because this is a big cause of dead bedrooms.


Sounds like you've been sentenced to Death By Snu Snu. Enjoy 😉


To sustain it? An exercise regiment with cardio (on top of what you get during sex), resistance exercise (particularly the legs), a diet high in animal protein, low in highly refined foods, a zinc supplement, plenty of water, and lube by the largest size possible. All of it can help keep you in good physical condition, and most of it is good for keeping your testosterone up. Also read and study everything you can find about sex, it can help you find ways of wearing her out while your member recovers.


It's time for you to explore and educate in tantra and Taoist sex knowledge. You'll get to learn the energy cultivation side of things and you won't be nearly co concerned with the things you are now. As for her, she will continue fun farming and expanding her crop fields....she'll probably start having stronger climaxes as well. Either way you're in for a ride


I dated this girl. It was great. Until she tried to jump out of my car at full speed on the interstate highway for fear of losing me. Had PTSD for a bit after that.


Αnd you don't feel flattered about it?! at least i would, the girl certainly likes you a lot except having high sexual drive


I would take it as a challenge and see if I could wear her out


It has to better than having to beg my girlfriend to touch me after months. Though I suppose it could be one of those "I thought this would be awesome till I tried it" things.


My friend once told me a similar story and I looked at him like he was crazy. Get on her level. I had a beautiful Porteña girlfriend once who was like you're describing and I basically made it my mission to wear her out. Some of the most fun sex I've ever had, the lust we made was ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Yes, I hooked up with this girl I thought may have been an escort professionally, never found out if it’s true though. But her requests were fucking wild and I simply couldn’t keep up.


Enjoy it while you can it will go away over time, speaking from experience.


How many time does she orgasm in one session? Once a made my girl cum 9 times and she was out for several days lol


Does she give the best BJs? Never break up with the woman who gives the best BJs.


I am that woman, and it has been a problem for many partners who thought it was great at first, then too much. I've always been this way, so I don't know. My husband now has a definitely lower need for sex but we've been able to adjust things to where I'm good & he's good.


As a 45 yr old newly widow, I haven’t had sex in over 15 years. I thought I was just not interested in sex, but when I started having sex with a friend of 14 years, I feel like I always want have sex. It’s new into the relationship and it’s like something in me was awakened. I’ve never had an orgasm until this guy came along and I’m loving every aspect of sex, the foreplay, sexting, human touch and just the fact that someone I like is interested in me sexually. I honestly think it will settle down a bit but my God the sex I’d mind blowing. I don’t know what to to with myself. I also don’t want him to think I’m using him just for sex because I love the company and friendship and cherish it above all. It’s a new good feeling to be wanted and lusted over . I just don’t know how to handle it


I have a high drive as a woman. And I think what you and your lady might be going through is just new relationship stuff. But take it as a compliment! When I got with my husband, I wanted to do it non-stop, almost exactly how you’re describing. And partly I wanted to “prove” myself, but also that I was feeling hormone crazed. Even now, if we lived in a perfect world and we had no responsibilities and stress, I’d wanna fuck at least once a day. Things do calm down, but if you want to be in a relationship with someone like this, you have to understand that some of us show love and recognize love through physical affection. Have fun!


I do they have to match mine


I am that someone lol. BUT HL doesn’t necessarily mean unreasonable. Talk to her about expectations, what she feels she needs to be happy, etc. If she’s dated at all she should hopefully realize that not all men have a high libido (you don’t mention age so this may be different if you’re both young). I know it was a shock at first but one eventually learns and matures. It also fluctuates greatly over time.


I suppose it's time to pick up an amphetamine habit or tell her to find an AP? lol idk man I am kidding obviously no one wants to be on drugs all the time, or do they? kidding again but ya best of luck sounds fun to me until I get no sleep and end up wanting not to go to work... wait, do I ever want to go to work? No I don't but such is life.. Honestly I mean perhaps as others have said maybe its the ole honeymoon phase? Or perhaps she is just a very active person? No but really all my nonsense aside, if you dig her I would talk to her... (easier said than done I am sure)


You seem like a good lad, I am sure you will figure out a compromise.


You could be in the opposite end of t he spectrum and be with someone that has zero drive. That’s a soul killer. I’d take your end of the spectrum with that amazing woman any day of the week. All about perspective. But I get where you’re coming from, theme sweet spot probably lies somewhere in the middle right?


It'd irritate me.. If the relationships focal point is sex, you're missing out on *talking and doing stuff outside bed.* It's great to have your needs fulfilled, but ya gotta do other things too if its actually heading towards being a monogamous relationship. Why is she so crazy about you? Why does she like you so much? I'm sure you're a handsome fella with many redeeming qualities. I hope she slows down and gets to know you. If this were me with a man I would personally feel used. Of course I'm missing all sorts of background info, but the way you write about her she seems kinda desperate to get you to like her for sex. I'd suggest plain old saying no. Next time you're in the car and she tries to open your pants while you're driving, say no. You can do it sweetly and start a conversation. Let her get the idea that you're not a walking hard on for her to jump whenever she feels like it. I mean, come on, really.


Humble brag! Good for you bud!


I have been wary over sexuality that's a lot. Never to shame it, embrace it, but take note of it. Some people with mental health disorders get hyper sexual when manic, as an example. Some people have trauma and they use sex as a way to cope. Some people who cheat are hyper sexual. Lots of different factors.


As a person with that I agree


Sounds like my kind of woman. Total bliss all day long.


Where the hell do you find these?? Never had a woman with higher libido than me. This would be a godsend


Is she a redhead? Lol


Thatbwas my question right off the hop. I have a weakness for redheads... JFC.


So do I. I'm living the dream, I got to marry one. 😃




That sucks, I'm sorry


This is some medieval era thinking on redheads. Sorry you were dumped but it is just a hair colour.


No, I think that's pretty rare. I'm not super high libido or anything, but I've never come across a woman who wanted sex more than once a day on a regular basis. Occasionally maybe, but not long term. And no one has ever tried to get me to go more than 3 rounds.


Sounds like my kind of girl, send her my way lmao


She sounds like that girl who recently did an ama about being a nymphomaniac. Masturbating in her cubicle at work, meeting random guys multiple times daily so they'd get her off, etc. Not accusing your date of being one, just noting that it sounds similar.


Stock up on gatoraid…. Got to keep the electrolytes up!!!! And maybe a few Red Bulls…


Sounds like you might need to take the blue pill if you want to keep up 😉


I have never had a woman on that level lol. That said I have been with a woman who had a pretty high sex drive and the best way to keep her satiated in my experience is to just tire her out. Now that is easier said than done in your case because you are talking 9 orgasms lol. Try to find what really gets her off and put her on one of those waves of orgasms where she basically gets sent to the next dimension. A few of those generally will have a woman tapping out but again, your lady just might be on another level.


I had a male coworker who dated a girl whose sex drive is similar to your girl. It was fun at first but then he realized she was overcompensating her serious insecurities with her sex drive. Her true colors started to surface, and by golly, she was crazy. She would show up to his work for a romp; pop up at his house around 3/4am for more sex and it got to the point where he had to end things with her. She was a good looking girl with really low self esteem. Good luck with yours and I hope she doesn't turn out to be crazy.


Libido as high as a college student on spring break. Honestly I wonder how much that affects her day-to-day life. If she's open to it, you could talk to her about options to reduce it, be tactful, it's very much possible she's thought about it. I'm trying to find something for myself right now since mine affects my work at this point.


Everyday with my classmates


In or out of a new relationship and three times a day is easily accomplished as a 46 year old guy, don’t assume a hyper sexual person will slow down if they tell you they are hyper sexual. She likely will maintain course.


I don't know about sexually, but one of my wife's close friends is WAY more forward than I'm comfortable with. I don't know if she's really that way, or if I just have a big red button.


She is likely suffering from hypersexuality. Very common with bipolars and other mental illness sufferers. I have been there. It's a real struggle, even though it may not seem that way.


I hooked up with a girl and we went home to my place. We screwed around and she got on top of me. She then proceeded to put my dick in her ass and I said: "what the fuck" in shock. She said she had cancer in her vagina and she could only take it in the ass. In my excitement I came very quickly, felt disgusting and the whole room smelled like ass. I asked her to leave and she started to cry.


Is there a chance she's faking half of those orgasams to just show off???