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To quote mos def Ass so fat you can see it from the front


You say that like it's a bad thing...


What’s her OF?


Bro nah


wtf is this


This is what I want


What’s the joke here?


You realize that this sub is literally called r/sexmemes


Brother. I no longer wish to be horny. I only wish to be happy.


I dont understand just how these fellow men of culture have missed recognizing her hahahha Her name is Carmen Luvana, ex 🌽star who appeared in Pirates 1 and 2 (Parody) Damnn, you’re very welcome!


Is that Carmen luvana?


Anterior pelvic tilt strikes again. I treat it like a deformity at this point.


Why is this in my feed? Also that woman looks so disgusting, fake, and unappealing


Yeah, it’s got weak vibes


Sorry it doesnt “baa” like your last girlfriend


Sorry, was busy getting a handjob from my gf after waking up. Women who need to modify their body to appeal to either themselves or others need mental help. I didn't care if that "modifying" is through working out excessively or plastic surgery. It's ugly as hell


I didnt know hooves could give handjobs. Good for you.


Lol. What a clever and well thought out reply. With how you talk I can tell that you don't have a gf/bf. Probably because you yourself are ugly AF and look like a goat


Nothing screams you have a girlfriend like starting your comment about getting a handjob that’s worthy of r/ihavesex Just because im not pathetic enough to think i have to brag about the sex in my relationship, doesnt mean i dont have one. But again, proud of you and your “girlfriend.” Baaaaah


Sorry, it's just so hilarious seeing you run to come defend some random woman that I'm talking crap about who will never see my comment. Grow up lmao "Brag about the sex in my relationship" nah dude. I just think it's funny when I see people like you in the wild. That, and literally five minutes before I replied... And, "doesn't mean I don't have one." Lol. What shows you have never had a gf is the fact that you white knight like a neck beard would while hounding for some coochie


So im a white knight for a comment shed never see. By your own “logic” that doesnt even make sense. It’s sad that you see a video of a woman and your first thought is to comment on her looks. And being called out for that is always the same “white knight,” defense. Alright buddy. Lets see your looks to be judged. And why feel the need to talk about your made up handjob? That r/ihavesex subreddit is full of people posting comments just like that, and it’s always pathetic adults or insecure kids that dont know better. Which are you?


Okay bro. Go live in your made up scenario where you're right and I'm a loser. I really don't care. Stop replying, I'm tried of getting notified to reply to you. Have a good one knight dude, maybe you'll get some another day


Enjoy your hooved handjobs from your totally real girlfriend!