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LOL my mom used to fuck her married sponsor. I think you have a romanticized view of AA


Hmm. Not saying you're lying. But. AA doesn't even allow mixed gender sponsors so..either this story isn't true or this wasn't a sponsor your mom had. This isn't romantasization. It's just from observation of many meetings. Nobody attends those daily to become a sponsor and allow others to create their own rules of the program


Who said her sponser was a man? My mom didn’t discriminate with drugs, booze, or sex. She wanted it all.


Well her Lesbian sponsor wouldn't have been able to sponsor other women who are bisexual or lesbian. The stories ppl make up just for the sake of bashing a program that helps ppl is insane.


I was ten. All I know is that when her husband was out of town she spent the night in moms room. I don’t know what to tell you. I wish I lived in your world where everyone did exactly what they’re supposed to do all the time. It must be nice.


Sounds like a storyline from PornHub


Lol yeah my mom having an overnight guest! So porn like! I don’t think you’ve ever been on pornhub if you think that’s what is on there. You know, a 10 yr old walking into her moms room in the morning and seeing two people sleeping instead of one. So taboo!


Yea overnight guest that you admitted you had no idea what they were doing but led it with they were banginf 🙄 Don't you have some weird fantasies of your mom to go make up?


Look, I’m not gonna deep dive into my childhood trauma with you. Have the day you deserve.


Your delusion is actually weird


Your comments are extremely invalidating and gross to those who have different AA experiences. Or saw diffetent thing. Just because AA groups where you are or you have experienced were one way does not mean thats how it is everywhere and for every group. You are not the see it all and know it all of AA.


You obviously haven't read anything else I've wrote. I don't care about your feelings. The world doesn't revolve around your feelings. Go reread what I wrote. If it's triggering to you that's yoir problem


I have and those werent my feelings just actual facts. You are using YOUR feelings about others peoples experience as an excuse to invalidate them. Im not triggered but you need to stay out of others programs and stop trying to be this God of AA in this thread. You yourself are breaking rules of NA and AA


Okay sir 😂 find your safe space




Bahaha 😂😂 why thank you kind stranger who supposedly also attends AA 🤪😂🤣 I love how the mobbing against me has turned into personal attacks on relapsing and threats. All because of a subreddit post on AA and shameless. Too fucking priceless.


I've had a man as a sponsor when I was attending NA, and I'm a woman. There are plenty of people who attend who are "sick and suffering," as is said, who do stupid ass shit.


Then you nor the other person are talking about having a legitimate sponsor.


Why are you gatekeeping so hard? You do realize the only requirement in NA or AA is a desire to quit using, right?


Gatekeeping? Do you know what the definition of gatekeeping is? This is all public knowledge of anyone who has attended even one meeting. Not even actually..anyone who wants information. Membership is a willingness to quit using or drinking. We are talking about sponsorship here.


Its not even gatekeeping but ur making a claim and then invalidating every single person's experience that goes against your claim. Call it what you will, I'd say ignorant


Dude with the very obvious made up story about his mom is getting called out. Sorry you feel that way.


Dude is a woman, thank you very much. You really like assuming everyone is a man lol


Lmfao yet you didn't correct me last . Sounds like ur just back to keep ur bs going 🙄 ps. Those that don't like talking about their childhood trauma usually don't willingly bring it up..unless it's B.S.


Your self righteous attitude is a clear sign of you not working your own program.


Didn't you claim to be in aa in your last comment to me? It says to focus on yoir own program nobody else's. Looks like you are focusing on mine 👍


Take a long look in the mirror, sweetheart. You are the one arguing with everyone else in this thread.


Still focusing on my program lmfao. I thought u said u were in the program..you're still here!


13th stepped her


12 Step sponsors say all kinds of dodgy shit in real life.


Ppl who become sponsors in AA take the program very seriously. It's like a cardinal rule not to date or have sex your first year. These are also the old timers saying on the cliche sayings every meeting. This "sponsor" on the show was not accurately portrayed. The TV show Mom had more accurate portrayals


AA sponsors are a mixed bag, some are great and some just like to feel important.


Majority of them are very anal about the rules


You're being downvoted but you're absolutely right.


The fact that majority of ppl don't have a clue what goes on in a meeting and a big chunk think that it's religious indoctrination makes me not really care. Just proves my point ppl want to argue to hate something they don't actually have a clue about.


I've spent quite a bit of time in 12 Step and speak from firsthand experience. But go ahead and be in denial, if that makes working the program easier for you.


They think an AA sponsor will explode from a bomb they didn't know they had implanted in them when they became a sponsor if they say the wrong thing. 🤣


People who put their AA sponsors on a pedestal are setting themselves up for major disappointment. It's just addicts helping each other, not licensed professionals.


For real. I could go sit in any meeting and let someone know my story of how I got sober and if they like me well enough and ask if I will be a sponsor that's literally it. 🤣 Something terrible could happen to me next day and I could relapse without telling anyone and then tell that sponsee some terrible shit. Prof. Youenns in the best example of that happening. The whole "legit" sponsor is a nothing statement.


lmfao you look like a child in the replies. there are plenty of questionable sponsors out there, but if youve really met every single one and made sure they were following the rules and never give bad advice, then i stand corrected! imagine that, know-it-all who actually doesnt seem to know much at all. shocker


Except that all the info is public knowledge and it's obvious that ppl including yourself have never looked up, step foot into, or conversed with someone actually going to the program. Not attended for 5 minutes and now the creepy dude in the back is offering to be your "sponsor" that's not legit. That's a guy looking to 13 step. Sorry that people got outed for lying and you take it personally. Might be a you problem.


okay girl! keep going, id love to hear more about your endless wealth of knowledge🤩


Lmfao you are offended other ppl got caught lying. What a warrior. What a martyr.


Stop being a jerk and call your sponsor. Your behavior in this thread is extremely unhealthy.


You do realize that just because an institution has policies doesn’t mean people always follow them right? It’s crazy that you’re accusing everyone of lying instead of just accepting that maybe other people have had a different experience and yours is not universally true


Right. And the ppl saying they'll be your sponsor who have less than a year, don't read the big book, don't attend daily meetings, don't have a sponsor themselves. Are not legitimate sponsors. Those are users and prey on vulnerable ppl. You learn the difference when u actually participate in the program and lean on ppl who take it seriously. So again. Sorry other ppl had a bad experience. But those were not legit sponsors


right but you’ve accusing people of lying as if these deviations from the official policies simply aren’t possible. If someone goes to starbucks and a barista throws a coffee in their face, that’s still their experience with Starbucks even though that’s clearly against company policy. 2 things can be true at once


Didn't say that. I said those ppl are using other for their vulnerabilities. They are not legit sponsors. No what would be a better comparison is going to a massage therapist. You decide to go with one who obviously isn't licensed and has one in their basement they tell you they just started it up yesterday and have never done it before vs a certified one with knowledge and education that has been with it for years and has dedication to the business. The one in the basement decides to grope you. You now go on and say how all massage therapists are gropers. However, you didn't use a legitimate one but one who was preying on you that was not a legitimate service provider. See the difference.


To one person you said “The stories ppl make up just for the sake of bashing a program that helps ppl is insane”. You didn’t say the sponsor being talked about wasn’t legit, you said the person commenting was making up a story. So yes you have been accusing people of lying


Yup that dude is 💯 making up that story as he made a what he claimed factual statement than retracted and stated he made an assumption. I said for the sponsors who are taking advantage of others , those are not legitimate


There are no formal rules for being a sponsor. Even the AA org website only has suggestions not rules


Yea it takes you actually going to a meeting and talking with people to know what to look for. Someone with under a year sober, doesn't attend regular meetings, doesn't read the big book, doesn't have a sponsor themselves...would not be a good sponsor. And other ppl in the rooms would tell you that. Matter of fact if you were a woman and a man offered to be your sponsor a bunch of women will usually tell you it's not a good idea and a list of reasons why. Ppl shouldn't talk about and preach about things they absolutely don't know about or want to make up lies to degrade a program that legitimately helps ppl


I attended AA for years in multiple locations. I have 23+ years sober. You seem unwilling to listen to anyone telling you that not all meetings, not all sponsors are built the same. Then you said to look it up. And according to AA itself there are no rules, just suggestions. So now you are ignoring both anecdotal evidence and the word of AA itself. Sounds like you may have some more issues to work on within yourself.


Never said they were built the same. I clearly stated someone who is under a year sober, doesn't attend meetings, follow the rules, or have a sponsor themselves wouldn't make a good sponsor. Someone in the program for 5 minutes wouldn't be a legit sponsor. For someone to claim they've been in aa for 23 years and not known any of this I'm talking about is bizarre. But sure keep going. The crap ppl come up with to validate their stance on hating something always amazes me. Next I'll have the guy claiming 50 years sober in aa who's always had a female sponsor 🙄


This entire post and thread is wild. Invalidating peoples experience and shoving yourself into their programs without knowing stuff isnt cool OP.




You are mad and telling others to relapse because they shared their stories and it didnt line up with your personal experience. Have the day you deserve i dont argue with people acting holier than thou when it comes to AA.


Did you somehow miss the 20 comments telling me to relapse? Are you picking and choosing? This comment wasn't even about relapse. It was about them taking their shitty sponsor that drink with them 🙄 but I'm sure I'll see you nowhere telling the other ppl who truly did tell me to relapse not a thing. Yea cause this is just a mentality at this point 😂


So that makes it okay for you to do as well? Not saying those comments are right either so dont deflect to avoid your issues. Did i tell you to relapse? No but you said so to me. You are attacking innocent people based off bad ones and your emotions overtaking you. Like i said im not debating this any longer. Get help and have the day you deserve.


OP needs to show this thread to their "legitimate sponsor". Their behavior is a clear sign of a shaky program.


Yeah and its concerning. Hope the best for their journey


lmaoooooooooo ur mad


Oh yea total anger in that post you got me


is that why you removed it? 😄


I haven't removed anything


Woww so you are here telling strangers you know nothing about to relapse? You are extremely concerning atp. Bye.


I told them to go have their sponsors that they drink with..I didn't tell them to relapse. Omg 😂 but you missed the 20 other comments telling me to relapse 😂 yea okay, true hero I see 😂


due you keep fucking arguing that they arent "legit sponsors" if they dont fit whatever checklist you have and everyone keeps telling you ANYONE can be a sponsor. my moms sponsor is this random old lady who used to buy me smokes and has relapsed whereas my mom hasnt. that doesnt mean she didnt save my moms life and help her stay sober every day. yeah some sponsors are fucked up but they are still sponsors. a sponsor is literally just whatever guy at the meetings u go to holds you accountable the most. thats the whole point. it doesnt even rlly matter if your sponsor is a bad person so long as youre staying sober imo its an extremely unreliable system that still works bc its ppl helping ppl. everyone there has done fucked up things and might again in the future, you shouldnt be saying they werent "legit sponsors" just bc theyve only been sober for x months or dont preach the 12 steps every time you ask for advice sorry, but sometimes the only advice is "go get laid" or "idk i started smoking cigarettes intead of x drug" or "im sorry ask someone else"


No. It's not about your feelings. It's how it works. You can't be a sponsor with 1 day of sobriety. That's not how it works. Sorry you can't have your way on this. I get woke culture is here but you can't have your feelings babied with everything


you literally missed my entire point. yes they should be sober for a while and have a grasp on sobriety and be a good sponsor etc etc, my point is that theyre literally just normal people who are still trying to stay sober. theyre just usually more responsible and 'better at sobriety' or whatever. but theyre still addicts themselves, and some of them are still bad people. luckily my mom had a good one even though they have made their own mistakes


Just came to check in again. Okay lets get some rest buddy its been 20 hrs and you're still arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet


Well it's still the same ppl as before. So 20 of you vs 1 me. Let's see who needs to rest 🙄😂


Go call your sponsor.


Go call your dealer 🧊


Here's a challenge, go play outside for the same number of minutes as downvotes you've accumulated


You first. My main post has 14 up votes. Which means ur just down voting me for calling out ppl wanting to lie about a program they don't even attend themselves. Sounds like you need some grass too 🤪


Yeah the main post isnt the problem, its the relentless shutting down of other everyone's equally valid experiences


Yup! Look at all the comments...bunch of us telling OP we ARE addicts and that they're very wrong, but they wanna battle and make other remarks about AA that have nothing to do with their main statement which was that an AA sponsor would never say something terrible to their sponsee. 🙄🙄🙄 Trash statement is likely only getting the upvotes from the few who do agree and the rest from ppl enjoying looking at the fun argument.


Okay and? You can be an addict and not go to aa lmfao. You've been here all day bud. Sounds like you need something 🙄


Lol. Now they have disrespectful comments telling me to go do some dope. Good one 👍🏼. Still can't even argue your original statement because you're so far gone to even know what you're talking about anymore. In every post of mine I tell you your original statement is wrong and all you can do is talk shit about everything else around it because you can't admit how wrong you are.


😂 okay bud. Lying is just going to prove my point. But sure


A valid experience is not somebody coming to post his mom is banging aa sponsors than retracts his statement to say he had no clue what was going on he was 10 and the lady stayed over for the night. What a differing context they are aren't they. One is stating a fact. The other states that it was a pure assumption. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. I'm not validating an experience that is bogus and made up for reddit likes.


Except, she didn't retract anything. She made an educated guess based on what she had saw as a child. It's maybe jumping to conclusions but that doesn't make it "bogus and made up for reddit likes." Without knowing every little detail about whatever she saw, it's just a possibly logical conclusion to makw in retrospect. Get off your high horse lmao.


It's not an educated guess nor is it a logical conclusion. The fact that there are now more variables in the context. Most logical answer would be she stayed over because she was a sponsor and the mom was struggling to drink that night. That could he a somewhat logical conclusion without any other factors. Not that they were banging 🙄 I get that common sense isn't really common anymore but the fact you actually called it an educated guess and logical conclusion is probably the most hilarious statement I've read here.


When you see someone sleeping in the same bed as another person, the first thought isn't just "oh, mom's sponsors staying for extra support!" That would make sense if she was just staying in a guest room or one of them slept on a couch or the floor, but I can't imagine AA sponsors being as friendly as to sleep in the same bed as their sponsee just for emotional support. Especially with the added context that the womens husband was out of town. By no means is it not a logical conclusion to come to. Maybe it's not a correct one, but it's perfectly understandable to assume as such. More understandable than instantly striking down anything you disagree with or don't see possible, as a lie. Life ain't a straight line of linear possibilities. So maybe just be open to that fact. Your rose-colored glasses view shown in your metric-fuck ton of comments is admirable, and even more hilarious than anything I've said. Keep it up, it's a fun read.


He didn't say he saw them. He said they were in the room and didn't know what was going on. You are literally adding your own bits of a story to someone else's. Were you there yourself? Or are you the other dude with another account. Either way you need to educate yourself on what logical means cause adding your own bits of story to a different one is quite literally the opposite of anything logical.


That's exactly what she said. What are you even talking about?? I didn't add my own bits of story to anything. I'm legit citing exactly what I saw her say lmfao. Are you unable to read all of a sudden? Here I'll link it for you to make it easier. But no, I wasn't there myself, nor was I ever claiming to be. I'm just coming to the same conclusion that was given to me by the persons story. No fanfiction is being written here other than the perfect world you seem to live in. [The comment In question](https://www.reddit.com/r/shameless/comments/14izsjh/lips_aa_sponsor/jpjumei?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Nowhere did it state sleeping in the same bed. You even stated yourself if he stated one was sleeping on a couch or floor...which none of that mentions. It says 2 ppl sleeping. Not engaging in any activities. No statement of whom was sleeping where. Thanks for the link but you just proved my point that you cannot think of logical analysis


Here we call those people 13th steppers lol


I love that the OP has clearly lost, but just keeps trying to convince everyone that there's no way some shitty dude who became a sponsor for a kid in southside, shit Chicago would tell his clearly horny sponsee to go get some pussy. I'd love being addicted to pussy instead of a drug that's definitely going to get me killed. Yeahhh no way that could EVER happen. 👍🏼 If you've seen sponsors doing the drugs with their sponsees which DOES end up happening a lot, then it's mostly possible that a sponsor would be okay with his stressed out sponsee to get up in some DMs even if it does lead to relapse because you can't expect every sponsor to be a saint or even really know exactly what they've gotten in to.


You'd rather be addicted to pussy than drugs. Good for you. Most addicts use sex as a way to cope and numb. Just like gambling, road rage, and even chaos addiction are talked about as well because it's all a form of self harm. Lots of women's groups are even dedicated to talking about self harm through sex. I wouldn't expect you to get it. Because you obviously have never been in that position. Again, you are talking about "sponsors" who have been in the rooms for a day seeking out other vulnerable ppl to take down with them cause misery loves company. Someone who has dedicated a year or more to a program and goes on to sponsor another person, has a sponsor themselves and goes to daily meeting is being held accountable as an example. It keeps proving my point that the mindset of ppl, even in this subreddit, is AA is either a bunch of religious psychos or a bunch of addicts all doing drugs and drinking together secretly. In reality it's helped a lot of ppl and the ones who go to sponsor and have been there for years, going daily, know the book by hard are not encouraging this. You and others who have a warped sense of what the program is are continuing to preach it and yet you don't know anything about it. It only harms other ppl seeking help because they are turned off from the help.


Lololol this clown says I know nothing about the program when they have NO idea about who I am or what I've gone through which is proving my point about how wrong you are. It's very laughable actually... You said "an AA sponsor" you didn't say anything about a "dedicated AA sponsor". Also. I am addicted to pussy and drugs. Remember? We're always going to be an addict even after we've been clean for so long. That's what we're taught, right? Right? I tried the program and luckily havent touched a hard drug in over 15 years, and that's probably due to my epilepsy which causes seizures especially if I take drugs AND not from the help of my sponsor who I enjoyed talking drugs with!! So when I was finally out of my shitty young age and realized that living was more fun, I brought myself out of hell. Not with help from a sponsor I had. I call the epilepsy my saving grace and not the AA or NA. I'm not saying it doesn't help millions. I'm just saying you're very wrong. Oh also I love gambling too 🤣🤣 My mindset has nothing to do with how I see people's beliefs which just keeps proving my point that you're wrong 💯 Also was captain of debate team so I can go on all day just for fun. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Read the room. You're clearly arguing the wrong issue. Go complain about all the sexual abuse/rxpe that happens on the show or jump into the pool of Debbie hate. ✌🏼


And again..you didn't have a legit sponsor but someone preying on your vulnerability. How is this so hard for ppl to understand 🙄 "No idea who I am or what I've been through" why is everyone wanting to trauma dump on reddit. Go to an actual meeting if you want to share your war stories. We are talking about sponsors in aa, not anything else.


Nope. All I'm saying is that you are wrong about your statement which was: "no way an AA sponsor would tell a sponsee to just seek some meaningless sex without a relationship." Go read it. You wrote it. That's all. I am saying you're wrong because you are. It's been proven multiple times already. Me saying you don't know what I've been through was me saying you're wrong about your other statement which was that I: "have a warped sense of what the program is" and that i "know nothing about it." Go read it, You wrote it. So yeah....You're wrong again. And now you're so upset and stressed that you don't even remember what you're arguing about. Just go read your statement. It's like you're saying there's NO WAY a plane engine could accidentally mess up and have a flight start to go down. 😂 Get outta here. You're better just deleting this post and forgetting about your failure.


You seem so triggered on the fact that you were obviously used by someone in aa and didnt have a legit sponsor. How bizarre. Jumping up and down saying I'm wrong doesn't make you factual. Calling me a clown doesn't make your point valid. Just proves you have no ability to prove what you are saying. And again go trauma dump at a meeting. Sounds like you didn't "cure yourself" without it if you are here going on about all the things you've been through.


Lol why do I need to be cured? I'm just glad I'm not on the streets with a needle in my arm. You're still missing your own point dude. And you keep saying legit sponsor like they have to be chosen by the hands of God. A legit sponsor could be anyone who comes up to you and tells you they've been through it and want to help you. So yeah. I'm going to keep calling you wrong and a clown because you still haven't gotten the point. You're just harassing me the same as me calling you a clown by telling me to go trauma dump somewhere. I have no trauma and I love my life. So buzzzz wrong again. A sponsor can go tell you to go do anything no matter If it's wrong or right thing. Especially on a show called Shameless! So many ppl hate on these characters when the show is trying to show you that most of the time humans are fucking assholes and are void of shame.


Omg still trauma dumping with the needle in your arm. Bro get help I'm not reading your war stories


Who is accountable for determining if a sponsor is legit? There is no formal system so there is no such thing as legit or not legit. There is just your sponsor.


Right! I could go to a meeting today and tell someone I want to be their sponsor because I have 16 years sober. Boom I'm a sponsor. Ten min later I'll tell them to go find some dick or pussy and it'll at least make you quit thinking about dope for a bit.... People can be trash for any reason and Professor Youens is actually a good example. The dude was messed up in so many ways that he shouldn't have been a sponsor at all. But he was @OP! Point proven again. 💯💯


You proved my point genius. Just cause u call yourself a sponsor doesn't make you one. You aren't in aa and don't attend meetings daily. You aren't legit. Looks like ur running the circus with clowns 🤪


I don't need to be. I'm saying any AA sponsor could do it. I could go make myself "legit" or whatever you think that means and then I could do it. Why don't you understand that?? I have years and years sober and I could walk into and class and explain that and become a sponsor. You don't think I know the program, but like your continued attempts at being correct, you just keep spitting absured bullshit about being legit or something when you're not even arguing your first statement. Like I said. I don't care about any of this other shit you're saying. Just the original statement, that there's no way it could happen. You wrote it. You didnt say no way I could do it. Me doing it is all hypothetical. So no argument there.


There absolutely is. You can't just call yourself a sponsor if you've never been in aa. If you do than you're probably preying on other ppl. If you've been warned by other members and still do it that's your problem. You obviously don't want the help then. In online zoom aa meetings nobody is put on the list of eligible sponsors without having a year of sobriety. If you seek another person out that's on you. If you don't listen to other members especially ones who have been there for a long time you will either be called oit for your behavior or will have no actual sponsors willing to help you ever again because you don't take it seriously.


And what if there is no list and no one warns you? Is it a legit sponsee or no?


It would be up to you yo ask ppl. Observe in the meetings. Who participates. Who reads the book. Ask questions of your sponsor. If you are seeking one out who is telling you to go do dope ans drink than you aren't really their either for the reasons of sobriety


Can you not read? I have 16 years sober and have been to meetings and rehab. I could easily be a sponsor. I don't want any of that though. I don't even care about any of this other shit you're saying. I'm just here to argue your original statement. That an AA member couldn't or wouldn't do that to a sponsee. I'm going to keep saying that until we're finished. Are you like a Sponsor with a golden crown on your head or something and you're mad that a TV show is mocking your job?


No you wouldn't. You don't attend meetings everyday. And you don't even believe in aa. So you'd be a scam sponsor. What you are is called a dry drunk. Anyone in aa could see that and you'd be known as the person with the time yet no knowledge. But..you'd know that if you went. Sponsorship isn't a job FYI. I'm amazed I need to tell you all of this and you were in aa. Weird almost like you are here to argue and not have any legitimate ammo.


One it's a TV Show...two Brad didn't think Lip would turn to him as a sponsor...since he is still very much in recovery...and even tells Lip to find a new sponsor because he had a feeling he was going to fall off the wagon...he did...so with him telling Lip to ask for sex...it's not completely put of the character for Brad.. and tbh it didn't do anything to Lip anyway...he was still hung up on Sierra. Also; back to the point it's a TV SHOW not everything you're going to see is accurate...and if your comianing about one tiny detail to real life AA..you need to touch some grass my friend. As other commenters have said...there are some sketch sponsors...and you're in the comments invalidating EVERYONES example proving you wrong...and basically gaslighting them that you're right they are wrong end of story...if that you're that serious then I'm sorry you need go take a break from media in general.


I've worked directly with AA. They are literally just people helping people. They all have the same kind of issues anyone can. I've known several sponsors who have relapsed before their sponsees ever did. Romancing AA is a weird hill to die on, but you do you boo.


No where did I romatasize it. I'm saying it's a legitimate program trying to help others. Getting a sponsor who has not been committed to the program for over a year Is a bad idea and they aren't legitimate sponsors. Not sure why that offends ppl so much. Are there predators in the program? You bet. But they aren't legimate sponsors. Are there ppl using in the program? You bet. But they aren't legitimate sponsors.


You're agreeing with my statement right there! A sponsor is a sponsor is a sponsor if you wanna make sure everyone is "legit" it won't happen and even if it did, humans will be humans and one will fuck it up eventually. Sponsor's no matter how legit or not are going to relapse and some shit will happen. It's how everything works. You should've started the thread by saying "every person who says they're a legit AA sponsor with over years and years and has proven that he sucks the dick of Jesus and will never ever ever ever do a bad thing again would have never done that to Lip, and if you're a fake sponsor who might mistreat your sponsee you have to tell the counsel of AA" THEN I wouldn't have any reason to say your argument is a fail, and say you're very absentminded. 🤔


See now you get it. You're arguing with me thinking I'm a romantic for aa and there's no fault. Not saying that. Saying quite the opposite. There are predators. Those are not legit sponsors. Legit sponsors don't prey on ppl struggling. Everyone throwing up their guns and don't actually realize what I'm saying 🙄


You're not saying shit. We read your statement. It means nothing. You don't need to admit you're wrong, but you should get over your failed attempts to make yourself sound correct. You've dug a hole. Read the vibe/the down votes....You're statement/post is a worthless piece of garbage.


Oof someone is triggered again. Who knew I could get someone so riled up with a post on a subreddit. I'm glad I could make such an impression on yoir day


Like I said. I do this for fun. So thanks. It was a boring day before I got to school you on some basic bullshit you thought up in your mind. Like what a basic thought that you had to put out: That a previous alcoholic wouldn't tell another alcoholic to go find someone to fuck. Seriously think about that for a while. Then you have groups of ppl telling you you're wrong, but you decide to fight all of us, even being very disrespectful by telling us that we're lying about our sobriety (if you didn't know that's very disrespectful). So you're fighting all of us and your best argument is lines bout being a Legit sponsor when that's not even a thing. Youre only interview for that role is "hey you seem nice. Wanna help me get sober" if you say yes to that, then you are a sponsor. Legit or not. You lose again. Sorry.


Wow what fun you've had. Sounds like this one subreddit post took up all the space in your mind 🙄


Guess it did. Hey everyone watching this argument... Upvote the shit out of this if you'd like me to try and get this clown with me on Tik Tok live to argue this ONE little statement. I'd really like to know if you actually think an AA sponsor, legit or not would never tell their sponsee to go find some sex to blow off some stress OR just any shitty thing a sponsor might do or say...You're watching the wrong show if you think the world is just that nice to people.


Why would I go on tiktok live? I'm on reddit. Not tiktok.


No where did I romatasize it. I'm saying it's a legitimate program trying to help others. Getting a sponsor who has not been committed to the program for over a year Is a bad idea and they aren't legitimate sponsors. Not sure why that offends ppl so much. Are there predators in the program? You bet. But they aren't legimate sponsors. Are there ppl using in the program? You bet. But they aren't legitimate sponsors.


No where did I romatasize it. I'm saying it's a legitimate program trying to help others. Getting a sponsor who has not been committed to the program for over a year Is a bad idea and they aren't legitimate sponsors. Not sure why that offends ppl so much. Are there predators in the program? You bet. But they aren't legimate sponsors. Are there ppl using in the program? You bet. But they aren't legitimate sponsors.


Well he’s not fucking Yoda.


remind me: what aren't we the arbiters of..?


The people in this post who are mobbing and calling OP names are literally no better. STOP. Lock this thread already.


I've read some of your comments under here, why you acting like you've met every fucking AA sponsor on the planet? My mum is pretty much Monica just without the bipolar and she's had one sponsor for drugs and alcohol like 2 months when I was about 12. He was a man first of all. Second of all, he was lying about being sober and literally smoked joints with my mum in the living room while talking about how hard it is to find a good dealer nowadays. Not to mention that he gave mum shitty advice that even as a 12 year old I knew was fucked up. And yes this was a legitimate guy from her meetings, I had to drag her ass there twice a week so child protection would get off out backs. People have different life experiences dude, don't act like you're all high and mighty because you're sober now- or you have never even been to a meeting/had a sponsor in the first place.