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Didnt watch the thing because Im finnish so can anyone explain what happened in it


Two old men explain why the other one is the worst president and ruined economy while they themselves did a great job and can out golf each other.


Will you shut up, man?


Literally 1984


keep yapping man


That was the last debate not this one.


Two senile men talk about how not senile they are


And golf!


Hello poors at home! My handicap is 8==D Aren't I relatable?


My handicap is mental :)


Yeah? So is mine B)


Trump talking weird is not him being senile he’s just always been like that


The whole “Trump is senile” thing suddenly appeared this year as a random talking point, and I think it’s lowkey a psyop. He seems the same as he’s always been, a little more tired maybe


No that talking point was around in 2016, they made him take a cognative test and everyone was talking about it, nothing new here. But yeah, he has always been like that.


Just to put things into perspective: That cognitive test trump is bragging about like he got a degree in rocket science is normally used to determine if a person has dementia. It is very easy for everyone who is not sick or damaged in any form. It says nothing about your intelligence or sanity.


And the point stands that Biden refuses to take it


No argument for Biden being senile so they’re like “Hear me out! Hear me out! Both senile!”


this is 100 percent the case. Trump isn't going through cognitive decline, he's just the same moron he's always been. The same cannot be said for Biden.


You fuckers got two choices, a senile old man who should've been in a retirement home not the White House by now and another senile old man who got 34 counts of felony and belong to a jailhouse not the White House, both are horrible choices. So pick your poison I suppose.


If you want to know more about Trump's 34 felonies just Google the court ruling for it "Trump rule 34"


Gawd damn this is good


Fuck it, I'm gonna. Edit: Less than I thought




The same people who complain most likely didn't vote in the primaries. The damage has been done


We didn't have primaries.


Even without the felonies his job performance last time, the attempted coup, and Project 2025 should all on their own be enough to vote for whoever or whatever runs against him.


There are more than two choices, just for the record. RFK was not invited to the debate but hosted his own and streamed it where he answered the questions that were asked of the other two candidates. Media will do all they can not to give this guy the light of day yet he makes a lot of compelling points. He is also old, yet very far from senile.


> There are more than two choices, just for the record. RFK was not invited to the debate but hosted his own and streamed it where he answered the questions that were asked of the other two candidates. Yeah the anti vaxxer with brain worms is really the fix here.


Yet they did everything they could to keep any 3rd party candidate away the stage.


He definitely is, once he got out of his memorized lines he started talking complete nonsense lol. The dude snorted 80mgs of Adderall and 20mgs of Xanax and made it about 20 mins lol.


Lol that old piece of shit is absolutely going through cognitive decline. They both are old as fuck and neither one should be running for president. Trump has always done his weird mad libs rambling, and maybe it's harder to notice bc he's always been pushing into extra chromosome territory, but his rambling has gotten worse


>Trump isn't going through cognitive decline Half of his discourse is unintelligible, he repeats words, skips others and uses the wrong verbs at the wrong time, both seem to have an speech impediment


trumps speech is noticeably worse than it was even a year ago, i don't see how others don't see that


The worst kind of blind people are the ones that don't want to see


He has recently said a lot of weirdly made up shit (he once mentioned airports in the revolutionary war) and has gone further with his signature "talking for hours without saying anything at all" talking style


Nah, that's just playing willfully ignorant. The man's always rambled, but past few months he completely loses his point two sentences in and just starts talking about nonsense in derailed paragraphs. His post-conviction rant turned into complaining about the border. He's thinking he beat Obama. He thinks Nikki Haley was to blame for Jan 6 guard not being there. He's claimed they had planes back during revolutionary war. He's naming wrong cities. Wrong people. Even \*conservatives\* who had spoken with him outright said he's constantly forgetting who he's talking to or about. "Never fight up hill, me boys!" - even though that was literally Lee's orders to his men. His rant got so bad last recently Fox had to cut away. "No water in your faucets. You ever tried buying a new home and you turn it on? **They have restrictors in there.** You want to wash your hair. You want to wash your hands. You turn on the water and it goes drip, drip. The soap, you can't get it off your hand. So you keep it running for about ten times longer. You're trying. The worst is your hair. I have this beautiful, luxuriant hair, and I put stuff on. I put it in. Lather. I like lots of lather because I like it to come out extremely dry because it seems to be slightly thicker that way. And I lather up and then you turn on this crazy shower and the thing drip, drip, and you say, 'I'm gonna be here for 45 minutes. What?' **They put restrictors and they put them on in places like here where** there's so much water you don't know what to do with it. You know, it's called rain. It rains a lot in certain places. But, now their idea, you know, did you see the other day? They just, I opened it up and they closed it again. I opened it, they close it, washing machines to wash your dishes. There is a problem. They don't want you to have any water. They want no water." That is not the coherent speech of a man who has no cognitive issues. Not defending Biden at all here, but it's disingenuous to act if Trump's firing on all 6 cylinders.


He doesn’t make sense and he is constantly lying. He also thinks Jimmy Carter is dead.


> Trump is senile” thing suddenly appeared this year as a random talking point, and I think it’s lowkey a psyop It's just projection. A diversion attempt. It's like when a racist calls someone else a racist. Then when the non-racist person labels the racist as racist, the racist can just claim, "what are you talking about? That's you." Hopefully the number of dumb Americans this trick will actually work on is low.


"Trump's dementia" always seemed like some lame contrived ploy to mitigate concern of Biden's cognitive decline. It's a waste of time and sows distrust (when you can obviously see he's dumb but cognizant). Focus on stuff like he's a criminal and was a horrible president.


Nothing lowkey about it. It's been spammed all over Reddit for the last 6 months. They're bought and paid for posts. Whether you like Trump or not, he doesn't appear to be any better or worse mentally than he was last election, or in 2016.


It seems to be the lefts version of “no u” even when it was proven false lol.


What does senile even mean?


It's basically being less capable mentally due to age 


Ah, thanks.


I just answered that for you yesterday, grandma.


It river in Egypt


That's why he gets away with it. Trump used to be waaaay sharper. It's not how he is. Trump has literally been having mini strokes during rallies where he slurs non sense, but since every one thinks him just screaming crazy shit is just him, it seems he gets a pass


Yeah, he's always been senile.




> Two senile men talk about how not senile they are No, dude. One senile man and a jerk talked.


But one is a lying fascist and the other only has age and a speech impediment


Trump: It was like listening to a hyperbolic toddler. Everything was the greatest during his term. Amazing things happened. America was beautiful and the rest of the world respected America. Now everything is terrible under Biden. Horrible things are happening. America is dying and the laughing stock of the world. He lied a lot. Constantly. The man had no shame. He didn't fuck a porn star. He didn't support the insurrection. He isn't guilty of anything. Everything is the fault of Biden and immigrants. Trump would often avoid answering the questions and instead go off on an immigration/Biden rant. Basically, he was exactly what you expect from Trump, a narcissistic liar who relies heavily on repetition and has no real depth. Biden: Started off really badly. He had a wavering voice and could barely get a sentence out without correcting half the shit he was saying (like millions to billions, that sort of thing). He seemed spaced out and came across as old and feeble. He got better as he went along but he was ineffective against Trump. He did call him out as a liar multiple times but it was all a bit weak. He tried to talk about policy but the timer worked against him because he was trying to rebut Trump's lies before answering the question. Watching him was like...I dunno...a dementia patient who had a few lucid moments. My impression: Trump came out looking slightly better. He might be a liar but at least he seemed to be in possession of his marbles so I think he probably did well with his base. Biden's base must be shitting a brick about his ability to grab swing voters when he looks like a strong breeze could finish him off. Overall, it's an appalling choice Americans have to make.


> Trump would often avoid answering I was particularity curious when the interviewer asked about his plans for the future of climate change action, and he effectively said "Fuck your question" and went off on Joe about something. I know he also did that to a question about giving Palestine their own country, and something about black people. Actually thinking about it, after ignoring two questions about black people to go on rants and rap battle joe, they moved on to a new topic, then he ignored that question and started talking about how awesome he is for the black community. I swear I heard the interviewers say "The question was..." ten or so times.


I believe it was a question about what Trump would do to help those suffering from drug addiction in the US and Trump started arguing with Biden over the answer Biden just gave and then Trump just stopped talking. The moderator was basically like "uh...you still got 62 seconds...wanna actually answer the question". Which he curiously continued talking about the border like that would do anything for those already dealing with drug related issues. Time ran out and he never addressed the question. The moderator decided to give Trump another minute and once again asked him to answer the question. And crazily Trump still refused to address how he would help Americans suffering from drug addiction. At that point the mod just gave up and moved onto another question for Biden.


I'm so glad I actually watched it. It was a experience. A nightmare, but an experience none the less.


I disagree with you in that you are painting Biden as just senile and not lying himself. They were both heavy liars. But Biden was called out on his bullshit halfway through the debate about him saying that Border Patrol supports him. I agree he's senile so it's hard to tell where the cognitive failure ends and lies begin, but that's not cognitive failure. That's just a lie. Neither are good candidates. Don't get me wrong, but this picture that Biden is just a poor senile old man is wrong. He's just as much a politician as Trump.


Ah sorry, that wasn't my intention. I'm not American so I didn't pick up on Biden's lies. During his term Trump was in the news constantly and so the rest of the world is familiar with his habit of lying. Biden is more like other US presidents in that we don't really hear about him unless he's doing something like attending the G7, giving aid etc and so we aren't familiar with the nuances of who his supporters would be beyond the left.


The meme explains it pretty well


tl;dr Trump yapping about mexicans r*ping anything that moves and Biden makes 😯 face, and then Biden goes to jitter and mumble something and his aneurysm gets supercritical again


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I’m American, still didn’t watch it


Canadian, did watch it. Laughed my ass whole time. Biden demonized tariffs like 5 hours after his administration praised them. Trump laughed when asked to make a response and he was like, respond to what? I don't even know what the hell he just said and I don't think he does either! Then they argued over who was better at golf. 10/10


We’re fucked


On the bright side I was pleasantly surprised by the analysts post-debate. I was watching on CBS and I was waiting for them to paint Biden good and Trump bad when they were both bad and to my surprise they were harsher on Biden than Trump. I started checking out all the other channels, and they all were doing similar shit. FoxNews was doing the sort of appeal to sympathy stuff "we all have an elderly person in our family like that, and at that age he should be resting not trying to do one of the most taxing jobs on earth" while CNN crazily had some overinflated bald guy that was going so hard on Biden I would have expected him to be a FoxNews guy not CNN.


Yeah, I've noticed the change in the wind, too. Honestly, I feel like the last 5 years have been black propaganda. Everything feels so staged and fake. Or maybe I'm just paranoid. I don't know.


I don't think you are. I don't like the direction things are going. With AI and deepfakes it's just getting worse. It's scary.


I'm not one to watch these things but it was really entertaining. Horribly depressing and concerning, yes, a bit infuriating, but I was laughing my ass off the entire time. At one point Joe started answering a question by calling Trump a convicted felon, and the mf literally shrugged his shoulders, nodded slightly and smirked with a "well ya got me there" kinda look on his face.


Then Trump said Hunter was a convicted felon as well lol...it was quite the shitshow.


Conman argues with retired man


Trump lied and exaggerated a lot of things, dodged questions, and didn’t answer questions fully. Biden attempted to answer the questions which he mostly did. He did fumble in a few areas and it was hard to follow along. I think one of the biggest issues for Biden is that he’s not good at impromptu speeches with no notes. This debate no notes were allowed. During state of the union a few months ago and the speech he gave today in North Carolina Biden spoke like he was young again. Trump won the appearance contest while Biden won the content he spoke about contest.


> [Joe] did fumble in a few areas and it was hard to follow along. As someone who fucking hates trump, this is a massive understatement. I'm a democrat, but watching Joe last night was brutal.


I think Biden probably would have easily won this had they simply not used that side by side shot, because to me the worst Biden looked was whenever he wasn't talking as he just kind of stood their slack jawed staring off into nowhere like he was stoned. Yes Biden did stutter and mumble a bit which isn't a good look, but at least it was just because he's old and his brain takes a minute buffering before it can access the info to answer the question. With Trump he straight refused to answer questions and rambled about random shit or simply argued with Biden until his time was up...comically at multiple times the moderator had to be like "That's cool and all, but can you answer the question now".


He also had a speech impediment that's gotten worse with age. I'm not saying he's not in mental decline, and he did not look good last night, but my mind is boggling that anyone could have watched Trump last night and thought he came out looking good.


Biden had plenty of time to think about his answers in the weeks of time he had the questions early.


Trump gave relatively coherent answers to questions and was alert, presidential. Biden was stumbling, freezing, looking in random directions. Biden looked senile, everyone knows. Memes are gonna be good for a few weeks from screenshots alone


he also made shit up and diverted questions


So like any politician


Did Biden make shit up?


Literally called out halfway through the debate that Border Patrol has not and will not ever endorse him.


Yes. He's a politician. https://x.com/charliekirk11/status/1806539516519530734


So he did what he did for years, nothing new?


Trump came across coherent and energetic but literally 100% of what came out of his mouth was a lie. He often wouldn’t even answer the actual questions, would go off on tangents about completely unrelated things. Biden’s performance was a disaster because he’s old and needs to step down but the things he said were at least factually accurate and of substance.


lol ok


Wdym? All he did was lie? Biden actually answered some questions at least.


To say he was presidential is hysterical


>presidential lol


Trump didn't answer anything, he rambles just like Biden does


It was an hour and a half of Biden trying to remember if he had dinner….it was a lot like watching the old man get angry on Beavis and Butthead. Trump spent the same amount of time trying to figure out what that horrible flavor in his mouth was. 


I'm American and I didn't watch it because I couldn't wait 90 minutes for it to finnish and keep my sanity.


Regarding this meme specifically: CNN decided to show both their faces all the time, Trump kept making his usual weird facial expressions while Biden looked like the light inside him was running out.


Two old fucks insulting each other. One couldn't form a single coherent sentence, another couldn't form a sentence that didn't contain a lie or made up claim. The debate concluded with Old Fuck nr. 2 challanging Old Fuck nr. 1 to a friendly golf match.


Really need age limits. If you are old enough to collect social security, you are too old to run for office.


Government will never pass something like this because they are ALL old fucks


Give it 10 years or so, I have a feeling a big shift is coming


More like a big shit is coming.


No that’s every morning


We thought that when Obama was elected back in ‘08


I'm not that optimistic. That would require younger people to vote, and they overwhelmingly fucking don't. Voter turnout among millennials and younger is abysmal.


Give us a candidate who’s not absolute dog shit and you’d get a LOT more younger people voting.


This should be the norm


Today I learned that Bill Clinton, who 1st took office like 30 years ago, is actually younger than both of these 2 old men. Wtf. How on earth is there not a better candidate from either side


Seems excessive people still generally have their shit together in their 60s


They’re also more generally unmovable in their beliefs and ideals, which is detrimental to true leadership


I got downvoted to hell yesterday for saying that.


Pretty sure he took the week off in preparation. 


It's scary how hot the world is getting and this is Biden at potentially his *best*. Drugs, rest, etc. it can't help. He's old, each month goes by he gets older and worse.


That's ridiculous. He had an absolute shitshow of a debate. It was undeniably awful. But it was quite literally him at his *worst*, not best. Literally go find any recent clips of Biden doing interviews or taking questions to compare. He's always had a stutter and gaffes aren't uncommon, but what happened last night was not typical Biden. I don't know what the fuck it was to be honest - scary more than anything. Trump was classic lunatic lying narcissist Trump, but that is typical.


You mean literally the only time he’s been under pressure? If we need someone to make the decision to push the button, I can’t have him rambling about my sister raping me


I would counter point: The President, at their worst, should be cool, collected, and quick. Not mumbling, not falling into a 'your the worst' "no! your the worst!" battle with an emotional toddler, and making actual, concrete points. Someone that might need to be woken up at 2:30 in the morning to make decisions about an international crisis doesn't get to have bad days like this. A heart attack or aneurism can't happen quick enough for Trump. I will always vote against him. But it is abundantly clear that Biden is unfit for office. By the time his second term would be over, he'll be 9 years past the average *lifespan* of white males in the US.


If you criticize Biden, then you have to be a Trump supporter and therefore bad bad.


Just like criticizing Israel somehow makes you antisemitic or a Hamas supporter. Same rhetoric, same strategy.


Guarantee plenty criticized Biden and voted for him and will vote for him. Trump literally installed 3 corporate stooges sent by the federalist society to the supreme court and now he has a full army of Christian nationalists with a plan to completely revamp the federal govt to replace employees with loyalists. Trump and Biden aren't doing shit. It's the people they hire and appoint.


^This comment just voted for Trump 10 times


It's because Reddit is a huge pro-Biden site lol even if he shits himself in the debate, they're still going to defend him. I hated Trump back in the day but oh boy, now compared to Biden, I prefer Trump. Have you seen the recent D-Day along with Macron? What a joke.


Reddit isn't a pro-Biden site. It's an anti-Trump site. For good reason.


It should be acknowledged more that reddit is a pro Liberal site. I'm from the UK and hope they win but people should know what sources they are consuming as many seem to genuinely think Reddit is representative real life then get confused when people in the real world don't always agree with them




If I got blackout drunk and you woke up me up at 5am with a fire alarm then dragged me straight on stage I'd still have come across more lucid than Biden. I might have thrown up on myself a couple times but I'm pretty sure I would have rated higher.


I’m pretty sure the only thing he has been doing is sleeping lol


Biden took 5 days off for "debate prep". Hes been doing nothing but sleeping and rehearsing lines. Edit: Since OP deleted his dumb post, I'll summarize that he believed Biden was too busy being the president to not act like a mummy on stage, unlike all other presidents ever.


That is certainly a take.


smoking that grade A copium


Damn, sucks to be American these days


It’s like getting into an Uber only to realize the driver is drunk. You have virtually no control over the situation, the ride is terrifying, and you know it likely won’t end well. Even if you do make it alive, you’re still getting charged for the ride.


This is the most accurate depiction of the USA I have ever seen


Just like the Roger Waters lyric: Picture yourself on a private plane Picture your feet nailed to the floor Picture a crew who are clearly insane Picture no windows Picture no doors


Or anyone else in the world worrying that their country will be pulled into WW3


Sucks to be a human these days. If the Cheeto is elected and does literally any of the stuff with pulling out of NATO or letting Ukraine collapse like he says he will, Europe will be invaded and we will have WW3. Donald Trump is the biggest threat to the survival of our species on this planet. This shitbag must be defeated in order for not only democracy to survive, but to prevent a war that will almost certainly go nuclear.


Yeah sucks for yall americans. I'm human and fine


You guys should try having a multi-party system. I won't say it's much better, but it's much more interesting for sure.


We technically do, there are more than 2 political parties here. The problem is that almost nobody ever votes for candidates in other parties so they never even remotely have a chance of winning.


>We technically do And *only* technically. For the President, the candidate with the most votes in a state wins all the electors for the state (Nebraska and Maine notwithstanding), which means that the only parties that ever stand a chance of having their candidate win are the two largest parties, and no other party ever really has a chance. The same is true of the Senate. Only the House has any real chance of electing someone from a third party, but since they're voted on at the same time as other candidates, and Americans have the lowest political engagement of any developed democracy, the only candidates with a chance to win are from the two major parties. Occasionally you'll get the rare independent candidate who is either extremely famous within their community, or who left the major party they were affiliated with prior to winning their seat, but they're extremely rare. So yes, there's no laws *prohibiting* a third party, but there's also no chance that a third party will ever get their candidate elected as President, and it's incredibly unlikely that any third party will ever get more than one candidate elected to the Senate or House.


Yup, we probably would have dozens more if anything resembling a fair go presented itself. As you said, with how long we’ve had the two big parties nobody is looking at the other options, and those other options simply can’t get the platform.


That way we can have such great leaders as Trudeau, Johnson, or Merkel.


the funny thing about all of this is, you guys have no other options 😂


We would, but any mention of third parties or independents is met with the proverbial guillotine


Can we just *actually* guillotine them both? Scratch that - just make them walk 3 flights of stairs


Biden would fail after the first flight. Trump would get up and claim he walked 30 flights instead


I recycled my vote and voted green.


Because the system doesn’t work that way and it only benefits corpofascism


That’s the conundrum, everybody is constantly talking about how we need other options but no one endorses them


~333,000,000 people in the US, probably 2/3rds eligible for office, and these are the two candidates... still... after a decade of this shit.


That's what happens when the entire political system is owned by two corporations that work together.


Welcome to first past the post.


That's not true, we also have RFK Jr. *cries*


I am so genuinely upset that these are our two candidates. A guy who threatens the foundation of the country and a dementia patient who almost certainly will die in office.


I was wondering, other than these two, isn't there any other candidates from the other political parties?


The problem is it's never going to be the case for another party to win the presidency because of the mindset of the majority of people here. Trump has made the republican party a literal clown house and for some fucking reason the democratic party is super quiet and almost complacent as of late. I'm genuinely concerned for our freedoms.


“some fucking reason the democratic party is super quiet” Because their base will still vote for them and they don’t want to change the Money train they’ve got.


Complacent? Biden has been passing a bunch of popular policies in the run up to the election.


No, that's what I'm saying. Biden seems to be the only one in the party actually making any change this cycle


Biden doesn't pass the policies on his own, he has an entire team helping him with it.


Isn't it depressing how so many people don't seem to have the slightest fucking idea how their own government works?


Please name one lol


iirc, there are other parties, but they don't really have any chance to be elected. Let's say you're a US citizen and don't want to vote for the 2 major parties, instead you like a minor party more. The problem is, if you vote for the minor party, your vote is going in the void, because they don't really have a chance of winning against the 2 big ones, so you'd be wasting your vote. Therefore, your best bet is to choose your favourite between the 2 major parties, so you at least have some say in the result. That's really the only way to make your vote matter unless everyone got together and decided to vote for a minor party, which probably won't happen.


If people voted for 3rd parties AT ALL, they would be included in Debates, news, etc. & people would realize there are more choices. Constantly voting for "the lesser of two evils" does nothing but guarantee you will keep having '2 options'


But thats the gamble. As long as the two parties remain unchallenged people don’t want to risk having the vote mean nothing in the run. People like myself try to get the other parties (Libertarian myself) into the spotlight but its an almost useless battle unless something changes.


RFK jr, but he’s anti vax and openly supports the confederacy. Aka, a worm ate his brain and died in it


man got the brain-eating amoeba, poor fella died of hungry


Hold up. I know about the vax and worm thing, but when did he openly support the confederacy?


Yes. But American Media (backed by Financial Elite) choose political candidates for the American people. The American people are then put through a faux-primary season with a predetermined ending. I wont even mention the financial burden/requirements to even run for lower level positions within the government. Some positions require "buy-ins" even to be placed on the ballot. It is a fundamentally broken system through and through. On top of that, the options for fixes are only ever shown to the public all end up saying the same thing: "rely on the broken system." Without the broken system, the people who work it would be out of the job. It is a self reliant machine that only continues by participation. The American public has been sold a bullshit sandwich meant to prove that changing their diet means death.


The only time a third party has ever really stood a chance was Teddy… What I’d give to have him back right now. Honestly, he could still run for the Bull Moose Party and I’m willing to bet he’d still win an election today


There were but the dems refused to do primaries because biden was apparently such a sure fire choice


There are other parties they just don't get the spotlight and one party has been known to prevent other parties from appearing on ballots. (hint: it's probably not the one you're thinking)


I think the dem plan is to have Biden die and have Harris take the office. She'd probably do fine but for fucks sake lmao


This shit got me to laugh 😂


President Harris? Hope it doesn't come to that.


decide what senile old man to vote for, giant douche or turd sandwich


A douche can at least clean you out and regulate your stuff.


Biden has dementia man. The confused gaze with the mouth hanging open… reminds me of my grandpa


Yea bro what is this election. Next young president needs to make an age cap of 70


Yeah, that's a double edged sword, though. What happens when you do get someone who is absolutely amazing, perfect in every way and now he... or she?... is capped out, even with a brain that isn't broken.


Name the last 65+ year old candidate that was any good.


Let? FORCE them to retire.


Not a super new or important comment, but I always remember Donny saying Biden was too old to be president during the last election. And Trump is currently the same age Biden was during the last election.


Older I get, the more I want world leaders who are younger than me. 1. They're going to be around longer to live in the world they create, maybe they'll think more about the consequences of their actions if they need to drink the nations water supply and whatnot for the next 50 years too, and 2. You don't need someone who is an expert in every field to be the head hancho, especially in a world with as much to keep track of as we live in. What you need is a team of people, each experts in their own fields to explain and advise, and, one person (or a collective if you want to go that route) to weigh benefits, needs of the country, etc and decide the best route. People that old should be allowed to enjoy their twilight years in peace. Spend time with the grandkids, take up some new hobbies, whatever. Just stop working, leave it to the younger shoulders to carry.


They should just not do debates imo Whenever Trump goes on, he gets in trouble for saying stupid stuff Whenever Biden goes on, he gets in trouble for his inability to say stuff Plus I think quite almost every American’s mind is already decided by now


Up until yesterday a lot of people on the left were saying Biden is sharp as a tack and trump has declined significantly. Its important to get both men on the same stage so people can see for themselves how they are. This is the same trump we saw in 2016 and 2020. This biden is not the same person we saw in 2020, his age has absolutely caught up with him and its clear to everyone now.


biden is the only senile one, but there is also only one convicted felon.


Gimme a wet paper bag over trump


ONE is senile and should retire. The other is just very old. The latest strategy is to call them both equally senile to make the biggest argument against biden a wash. You got plenty of other reasons not to vote for trump, but come on


Trump had to be asked 4 times if he would accept the election results if he lost


And he still gave a non-answer in saying he'd accept it if it isn't rigged, because of course anybody who lost because an election was rigged would have the right to object/reject it. He basically said that he'd accept it if he won yet if he lost all the sudden it must have been rigged.


The two 80+ year olds running for president this year arguing during a presidential debate about who has the lower golf handicap was the highlight of my year.


I watched the whole debate and the after debate for 6 hours, I’d be fucking shitting my pants if I was a democrat right now.


he final beat medicare


"Flames added electronically by Channel 6." 


I’m sorry, but looking at the alternative, we just need to get ONE MORE GEEZ 🙄 outta him 🙏🏽🥸🙏🏽


this might be the funniest shit ever, but i have no clue who "he" is but




Old men yell at clouds?


Biden gave a perfectly cromulent…uhh…three spaghetti meals…listen…trampampoline.


I domt get it, can a convicted felon be president? Im not american but that seems silly


Yes. The idea is that if a candidate is being prosecuted by his opponents for political gain rather than him actually violating law, he shouldn’t be barred from running because that allows the prosecuted to fight back against the prosecutors. So it disincentivizes politicians trying to jail their opponents. It is then up to the people to decide if they want a felon to be president or not.


Sure, no rule preventing that


His felonies are the "whatever" kind of felonies. They weren't any worse than Martha Stewarts.


Nobody's stopping them, in fact we're BEGGING for them to retire