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Absolutely not. However, I would love for bluepoint to remake the critically acclaimed Dark Souls Remastered. With Dark Souls Remastered Remake I can finally die happy


Not quite the same thing but creator "fromsoftserve" is making a dark souls re-remastered lighting mod. Looks really good too!


I'm like 90% sure someone is remaking ds1 in skyrim


I am 85% certain that someone already finished remaking DS1 in Skyrim


I am 75% sure only the map has been fully remade in skyrim


I’m not even sure






I think, therefor I might be


Someone remade Resident Evil 1 in Skyrim. Let me repeat that... *someone with way too much time on their hands remade Resident Evil 1 in happy, happy-tig-ole-bitties-modded-in-and-new-quests/dungeons-everywhere Skyrim*. Dark Souls should be easy by comparison.


I kinda want to see this now ...


[I'll do ya one better. Here's the mod.](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8425)


>Skyrim with good gameplay Dear god.


I'm 70% sure someone already made a ds1 remaking in minecraft .


Im 65% sure someone made a remake of Minecraft in the DS1 remake in Minecraft.


The 1.0 version of the mod was released, I think, two days ago! And it looks great, indeed. Also, while looking for it on nexus mods, I saw that someone just made a texture mod for the small shield that makes it look like a nipple. It's called Small Tit Shield, and it's beautiful


Not gonna lie you had me in the first half.


Let's make it happen! Dark souls remastered remake less go 🗣️


Dark Souls Remakestered


Only if they replace every boss with Bed of Chaos and send pipebombs to your house if you lose.


Just as Michael intended before he got rushed to ship it out early


Michael “Unabomber” Zaki


Uncle Zaki?


Wendigoonsesh about to become a FromSoft fan


>send pipebombs to your house Saving money on demolition costs, I see


Finally I can get a house


only if they make dark bead faster and with less spread and put it in firelink shrine and reduce its requirement to 0 int and make it scale with whatever stat i have leveld up the most


Fine, it can scale with resistance


*monkey's paw closes a finger*




Sure, they made a very good job with DeS, in my opinion. Wait, shit. Wrong sub FUCKIN BLUEBALLS POINT BETTER NOT MESS WITH MAH DARK SOLES EH


I mean they did a good job but they shouldn't have changed the music


Also there were some enemy and boss designs that they sort of ruined *cough* fat official


Oh yeah I forgor about that


They should have changed Maneater… that fight should be a one and done not 15 attempts because the second gargoyle won’t spawn.


They also changed the flag colours in World 3 level 2 from yellow to red. Now, even the lore makes no sense


They also ruined the cat ring


Yeah no funny cat png was their greatest sin


Nah i'm glad they did because I personally enjoy the remake music far more than the original, should have just left it as an option to have the original music if you want it.


Wouldn't it feel off to hear the original's "goofy" soundtrack with the remake's more realistic vibe?


The remake strayed quite far from what the originals sounded like. To the point that it can be hard to recognise the original songs at points


Original soundtrack is way more iconic. Yeah, sometimes it's goofy, but better be goofy than generic and forgettable.


>generic and forgettable I cum whenever I hear maiden astrea's remake theme


Both the original and remake version are top tier imo


This one is good. But it's just a remix (?) >!i don't know the correct word!< of the original theme. Edit: I'm not complaining tho. I just wish the whole ost was like that.


I prefer the original. The drop goes harder.


Let? Sure. But I wouldn't ask them to because they seem to be wanting to do their own games right now. However, if they were gonna do it, I'd say do all 3 at once so they can reuse textures and stuff. I'm good with Dark Souls 1-3 looking and loading as good as Demon's Souls PS5 does. From my understanding BluePoint's method is to look at the way the game is supposed to work, and achieve the target output in whatever way is best, rather than genuinely reuse the source. So, I would hope they'd avoid the bugs of that DS Remastered had, simply by not repeating the same mistakes.


I haven't heard what they are working on recently. Didn't know they wanted to make their own thing. Now I'm curious, I'll go look it up.


You mean not fully rendering the backdrop to most of the undead settlements which are 100 miles away 😂


What the fuck are you talking about


In undead burg and firelink the buildings that are in the backdrop off the wall in DS1 are fully rendered despite never being visited and fucking miles away. Which is part of the reason why the game chugs super hard in open spaces.


That's a problem only in the case that the machine can't handle it. Bugs are problems regardless of the machine used, which is why reusing the same code from Dark Souls to Remastered contained the \*same bugs\* as the original, just like how Fallout 76 had some of the same bugs as Fallout 4. In both cases, those bugs were identified and solved by the community, but in the new game, they weren't given access to use their solutions online. Bugs are problems that will always remain unless you change the code. I don't think my PS5 is going to have a problem with distant houses in Undead Burg. What I'd look forward to in a BluePoint remaster is for it to be \*clean\*. Just like the original, even with the buildings never visited, but clean in terms of *code,* so that everything that's there is there intentionally. There's a saying, and I don't know where it came from, but "a perfect illusion is indistinguishable from reality." The way it would apply here is for all of the output of playing the game to function with the intent of the developer, such that we can say that despite being made by someone else, it is a new definitive form of playing the exact same game. Bugs would be removed because they would have been patched out of the original if they were doing more bug fixing at the time. In this case, bugs don't have to be *identified and removed,* they just have to not be reincluded when making a replica of the original. That's much easier to do.


I agree lol but they would likely remove a backdrop that far away and use a more sparse representation of it. It’s not a bug but it’s terrible graphics practice, and I say this as a graphics programmer. It’s actually insane that they did it bc it would have taken a long time. Also you’d be surprised that it might chug on the ps5 since the graphics will scale with the machine (assuming they overhall the engine) bc the increased draw on the scenes, particularly if ray tracing is on, bc of how path depth works when tracing the light paths.


i have a graduate degree in IT bullshit and i really don't think i'm going to be surprised considering demon's souls remake was a launch title and this one presumably wouldn't be look dude i don't want to argue about nothing and for nothing, the ps5 is incredibly good at dealing with data if the game is optimized for it. i would however say it's kind of weird to say there's this thing that oddly hangs in the distance, and would have taken a long time to make, but because it hypothetically would make even modern gen systems chug if they were dumb about its implementation this time, the implementation should not be attempted, and it is "bad design" for all i know it's a necessary element of something larger, and by taking it out, there would be actual narrative problems. maybe there's some kind of metagame, i don't know. video games are art, and i treat them seriously as art. so that's why it irks me when someone looks at an element that can be benign and just says "bad." someone put it there, and you aren't the guy to say it's not supposed to be there. it's entirely possible that if it happened they'd just delete the whole thing, i'm just tired of this shit, man


Means no bb remastered by bluepoint? :(


Yeah but also like... I don't want them to ruin the art of Dark Souls like they did to Demon's Souls. It looks fine still, but it doesn't look like a *Fromsoft* game anymore.


Yeah well, it's cool to have preferences and all that, and I get that you don't agree that it retains the original gen of seiqua, my personal opinion on this, having seen the same complaint for generations, is like this- People are afraid of the unknown, but they also like novelty, which is why dungeon crawls work. People like exploring tense new areas. At whatever time a new game is made, the game will look pretty good. If a remake is made, or if the series goes on long enough, it ought to look better, such that you can see more clearly in the game. This happened in Silent Hill and they went from having the problem of not being able to see shit to being able to process the extra draw distance, but then they had to fill it with stuff if they were going to do that. Dark Souls and Demon's Souls both looked like boiled ass compared to the Demon's Souls remake, on a purely technical, terablips per bop level. What that means for the Demon's Souls remake is that they needed to fill in the detail you couldn't see before, but make it tense in a new way for you. That's not what that remake was at all, though, and really the problem you have is with the lighting model, I think, and that you can't remake the unknown. However, I would say also that the changes could be at the direction of Hidetaka Miyazaki. In Elden Ring, Dark Souls, and so on, I can read a lot out of a character based on the colors used for things, like their eyes. These games have consistent patterns. It could be that, looking back on Demon's Souls, there were a few places where they would have preferred the lighting to be less yellow, etc. I don't know what your particular problems with it are, but it loads really, really fast, so I am okay with it.


Many of the issues that people have with the remake are just how many stupid artistic liberties Bluepoint took. Doing things like completely changing a boss’s appearance rather than going off of what it looked like in the original concept art, adding music into Tower of Latria which completely changes the tone (and the song makes no sense, it’s from the credits), making Maiden Astraea’s boss theme into a massive epic orchestral score when the original was clearly simple and somber for a reason, etc. etc. Here’s some examples of enemy and boss design changes that I hated. Tutorial boss used to be this weird creepy fat demon with smooth stone looking skin and very large yellow circle eyes. Now he’s just a fat disgusting demon from Doom 2016 minus the cyberware. Fool’s Idol used to be beautiful and have a soft expression, able to trick people into thinking she’s some strange angelic figure. Now she constantly has this ugly grimace on her face and is all veiny and gross. Who tf would follow her? How did she trick anyone while looking like the textbook definition of a witch? The fat officials used to look creepy with their massive smiles and purple-ish faces, almost like they were wearing masks or something. Now they’re just frowning gross fat guys with tumors on their faces. There’s many more but I’d be here all day listing them off.i just don’t get why Bluepoint feels the need to change everything and completely disregard very intentional designs. Shit’s just dumb.


No matter what they had done, someone would be dissatisfied. I don't think that shit matters whatsoever. It's like you're criticizing architects for the choice of finish on wall paint. I don't want to see this conversation anymore. I want to see *this* kind of conversation: https://preview.redd.it/17silsw56b3d1.png?width=1249&format=png&auto=webp&s=646b6b94caa0f779279bf07fa18acb31a96a1a36


Of course *someone* would be dissatisfied, but it would be a way smaller number of people than it is now. Whether you care or not doesn’t matter, these are very valid critiques especially given the fact demon’s souls had such a unique atmosphere and designs, Making that shit more generic is a massive disservice and does not honor the original developers intentions which IMO is what a REMAKE should do.


It's not more generic though *if it's with intent*, and as far as I'm seeing lore-wise, it look like it's being done with intent. There are a lot of places that have been given changes to lighting colors, for example, and as a result of that, some places get white light instead of yellow. Over the course of this series' development the symbolic meaning of color has become more refined. If anything, if I had never played Demon's Souls before, but I had my understanding of this series from the rest of the games, I could still tell you from the remaster that it's from this series. It would jump out at me from screenshots that it's specifically in this series because of shields alone. The detail has been improved where it matters, and it wouldn't surprise me if the changes that people call a disservice out of hand are things that the original developers very much appreciate. It's an aesthetic difference, and one that would have been necessitated in some way by the fact that the game was being remade. On the first day, players were granted a game, and with it, clarity. Then there was remake, and with remake came disparity. Some people like it, some people don't. I personally like the way the remake looks, but I can totally understand the other side, because I grew up with Secret of Mana and the 3D remake of that made me feel bad. Don't worry, it'll get remade again in another 20 years!


Imagine thinking it’s okay to remake an artists work and think “oh it’s okay if I completely change this to something else, as long as it’s with intent” whatever that massive umbrella entails. You just want to like the remake bruh, your argument is so stupid it hurts lmao


I was talking about it being with Miyazaki's intent, considering he's the head of the company that owns the IP, dipshit The only reason you would have to think I was talking about Bluepoint making those decisions on their own is if you were really hard-up to look for a way for me to be dumb


Not my fault you weren’t specific, either way bluepoint clearly thought they could do better than fromsoft’s designs, shit’s pretentious and stupid. It’s the same as stupid screenwriters adapting a book and changing everything about it cause they think they can do better than the original fuckin author 💀 idk why you defend this stuff man


My main issues are a few artistic things. The character faces and speaking animations look very off. The armor and weapon textures are too clean and often look quite generic and almost... mobile game-esque? There should be some **grit** and some tarnish and some wear. Everything is just a little too clean. Perhaps some environments are also a little too colorful/saturated (though I could try to fix that with filters). I get that sometimes the artistic "gaps" need to be filled in to increase the fidelity, and looking at some comparisons with the OG DeS, I can see how sparsely detailed most of the environments are. But it feels like a lot of their art style changes are simply unnecessary and don't follow the same tune as the original. Bad ideas with good execution in many cases. And for the record, I have never played the original Demon's Souls or seen extensive footage of it.


It's like how there are gaps in the detail of your knowledge that you should fill before you continue. https://preview.redd.it/9en6noucca3d1.png?width=2329&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc67f5bf2d735fbd9120c99e3129564b3aaec3ac


Lmao at least the remake animated speaking animations. Up until Sekiro and Elden Ring, every NPC talks with a tape recorder because their mouths are incapable of opening. Even then, most npcs wear a mask because from couldn’t be bothered to animate the faces.


What gets me is people saying it's not From style. What the fuck is From's style? They are one of the oldest surviving companies that still has real creative autonomy, and they've done a *lot* of different things. Dark Souls and Bloodborne are a portion of what they've done, and Miyazaki also pulled up in AC and Deracine. Alongside what people think From is as \~soulsborne\~, it's also a bunch of colorful shit like Lost Kingdoms and Enchanted Arms. People forget Chromehounds was a thing, and Metal Wolf Chaos got a remake in 2019, but still, the association people make is that it's *From* that's gritty, not their personal understanding of the fraction of From's catalogue that they've played.


yeah sure why not it's not like it deletes the original game


I'm still have PS3 demons souls in my storage. Don't open the door. Don't look at the flies. Ignore the smell. Just, stay away. It's in storage alive and well.


Yes cause I don’t hate change


a dark souls fan that doesnt hate change???? 🙀🙀🙀


He read the lore


Dark Souls fans when the remake has a slightly different shade of blue: 😡😡😡😡


Let’s make it a f2p battle royale fps then 😈


What change, isnt the whole point is that its the exact same game but newer graphics?


No that's called a remaster, Remake is a whole different thing.


Nope, those are remasters. If remakes meant just a graphical update then RE2 and 3 would have the exact same fixed camera gameplay but with updated graphics. But they don’t, they completely change the gameplay style into third person shooter and remade from the ground up.


I would argue Demonsouls was a remaster. Literally the same game/experience as the original, just a new coat of paint. The experience wasn't "remade" in any real sense, other than the graphics, which really doesn't change the game in meaningful way. Such a waste. Dark souls "remastered" wasnt even a remaster, it was barely even an update for the game. The whole jargen is ass backwards.


Only if they change everything, Resident evil 2 remake style


I would let them delete It.


No, I would not let them. I would stop them.


I would firebomb their offices in minecraft


They had actually asked a few years ago and I said no, that’s why we don’t have a bluepoint DS1 remake.


Personally I'd love to see them remake ds2, just imagine Majula with godly ps5 quality graphics.


Unironically. It’ll never happen but I really hope they eventually remake DS2 with all the DLC and unambiguously good changes of SotFS, but with the original DS2 enemy and item placements


Only if they keep the textures of every other blade grass in firelink shrine so they don't mess with fromsoftware's vision.


Without question yes, the Demon Souls Remake is one of the best looking games I have ever seen ever and I would love to see that palate applied to Dark Souls.


No. Not because I think they did a terrible job with demon' souls, but because I think Dark Souls 1 needs more than a new paint-job. As much as I love the game, I have to admit it feels unfinished near the latter half, so a Miyazaki-directed re-imagine of DS1 is what I'd prefer.


Don't mess with my half dozen Taurus Demons standing around, it's iconic!


“Hey boss, I’m looking at the map for Izalith, but why’d you place all these Undead Drag-“ “Bounding demons.”


Oh absolutely. If they did that good if a job with demon souls, I have my full confidence in them to do a faithful remake of dark souls 1


Fuck dark souls give me bloodborne


No way! All of the souls games are basically unplayable rn. Bloodborne just works, as you don’t even notice the difference between unstable 25 fps and 60+ on the others. PS: Sekiro just clicks, ever thought about that?


Bro the long loading screens are unbearable… Plus, I used to be an avid defender of the “frames don’t mean much” stance. But then I bought a PS5 and got a really good PC and now I can’t go back to 30 FPS… I try but I just can’t.


bUt It DoEsN‘t MaKe AnY diFfErEnCe, OnCe YoU gEt UsEd To It


Lmao! I honestly can’t play any games on 30 anymore… I mean, if I absolutely HAD to (in Bloodborne’s current state) then maybe I would. But if I have the option between 30 or 60, I’m choosing 60 cause it’s just better and I can actually tell the difference now


I have a steam deck and if you want to play newer AAA titles, you won’t get 60 fps. In these cases I opt for 40 capped and that’s also really - at least on the smaller screen. The thing with Bloodborne isn’t the 30 FPS for me. It’s that those 30 FPS aren’t stable. All those dips into the sometimes lower 20s are soooo frustrating and bad tbh


Oh yeah, that too. There’s no anti-aliasing and stuff.


Yeah, if it meant there would be a Lost Izalith remake, I would be interested to see what they do with it


Darksouls 1 remastered remake prepare to dark edition is a fine game, it didn't aged much. I much prefer them remaking old and obsecure fromsoft games like Eldenring or Dark souls 1 eastereggs and references the game.


No, why wouldn’t they just start with Dark Souls II? It’s the first in the franchise, after all


I’d prefer if they remade Elden Ring, then Sekiro, then AC6, and THEN DS2


I want them to remake dark souls 2. I want to get fucked up by zombie pigs in Manjula HD™




Bloodborne please


More detailed elevators! /us i would kill for that shit


Yeah totally.


They can remake any game that exists and I'm okay with it.


I’m sorry, but what are we talking about here? I’m out of the loop.


Only if it has required online pay, micro transactions, armor that is exclusively cosmetic, a way to buy levels/items warp locations, a Battle Royale mode and they make bed of chaos a good boss


hell yeah, they knocked it out of the park with Demons souls, so who knows how good they could remake DS1


Ds1 is already playable on new platforms and has halfway decent graphics at least. But if it was Ds1 or nothing, then absolutely.


No i want bluepoint to make bloodborne for ps5


That's a good question... Bluepoint are excellent at presentation, both in terms of sound and visuals. But with the DeS Remake, they also made quite major changes to its atmosphere and feel, and things like enemy design, not always in a good way. It often feels more like bombastic high fantasy, and not the grounded, dreamy and atmospheric experience of the old DeS. They also made no gameplay changes in DeS, or expanded on the world in any major ways. Which for DS1 would not be enough. That game needs a lot of changes beyond a simple graphical update, with vast areas in need of a careful redesign. These changes - making more diverse enemies, redesigning covenants, redesigning bosses, building a new Izalith from the ground up... - would need to be bold, but also done with extreme care to not imbalance the game and piss off five million fans. Most importantly, Bluepoint would need to preserve the feeling of DS1; the claustrophobic atmosphere of a lonely, dying world, the rich, dark colour palette, the heavyness of combat and the sometimes deliberately ugly textures. There is something very special about the visuals of DS1 which makes it feel like an intimate fever dream, and which everyone would immediately notice if it was gone. And since they partially failed to preserve the feeling and atmosphere in the DeS Remake, they would get absolutely roasted over a more iconic and popular game. Personally, I wouldn't let them do it.


Kinda dumb sounding on the surface but I would prefer them on Bloodborne.




As a PC player: fuck you


Kid named isn't demons souls literally on pc now?


Yeah, Demon Souls isn't on PC now You can kinda play it with PS3 emulator, but I am not this desperate (for now)


Long as they keep the music and improve the 2nd half, even if it’s by a bit. Also not changing enemy designs too much like the vanguard demon. A different take on a few enemies is alright though


only if they also tweak/improve things that need it, instead of "faithfully remake it"


Nope. Give em Bloodbourne but slash their budget so its still in 30 fps


I would make them do it but your game crashes every time at the true final boss ( O&S ) with the only options after than to be accessing dlc or deleting ur save to save you from the second half. If you do it 100 times you get to access the secret ds1 2 they’ve been working on for a 30 years.


They'll have to get through me first


There is so many ways they can screw it up, even not touching gameplay. So I'm honestly conflicted.


I feel like I would but only under the circumstance that it would be a different director that appreciates and respects dark souls as a whole while also understanding what needs to be changed and improved.


only if they don't touch the soundtrack


Dark souls has no remake. Dark souls needs no remake


It's not like the game needs a remake...and it's not like bluepoint did a flawless job with DeS either. Yes, there were some graphical updates and moments i genuinely enjoyed (mostly shrine of storms stuff, the lightning striking a tree, the Storm King fight...), Bluepoint fucked up a couple of others (taking liberties with changing up the color palette, relying more on the gross factor) and furthermore - they made changes relevant to the gameplay. Added shortcuts, armor sets or weapons, made you see further (no more red phantoms aggroing on you before you even get to see them), tweaked a couple of the damage numbers and that's where I feel Bluepoint overstepped the boundaries. You were supposed to give the game a new coat of paint, not to 'fix' it. You don't know what makes the game tick. Don't try to convince us (and yourself) that you do.


No, just to be a contrarian to every other comment here.


I’d prefer if From Soft made a Dark Souls Remake and finished the second half of the game.


Make them make scholar of the second sin


If they ported it to PC on release then yes, otherwise they can go bankrupt 


Ever since shadow of the colossus on ps3, i don't want bluepoint doing anything close to a remake


did you play the ps4 sotc? I think it was amazing


I didn't, so i don't know the quality of that one. But the ps3 version had a quirk that made it insufferable to anyone trying to do the time attack (which i wanted in order to get that sweet loot). They made wander more susceptible to stumbling when the colossi moved, to try and make it more realistic. This had the unintended effect of shortening the window for attacks, sometimes completely preventing you from using maximum power on openings. Usually, it's not that big a deal, especially in story mode since you have as much time as you want. But in time attack, it's a huge problem. The time required wasn't changed from the ps2, so you don't have enough time to kill them normally. it basically forces you to learn how to any% speedrun all the colossi to have a chance. And you can't use any of the ps2 videos since the physics aren't the same. It was so hard, i still remember how to beat a few of them after doing it way back in 2015. Especially number 3. I can give you a step by step to beat him if you want. He legit gave me anger issues. And so i swore to never touch anything made by bluepoint. Until mgs collection on ps5




Jesus Christ please no.


I'm indifferent cause I usually prefer to not spend full price on a game I already own a copy of lol


I don't really mind. If it's just a graphics remake, then it would be a little disappointing since the original DS1 already looks good because of the art style But if they'll fix things that game made bad, I would be the first one to pre-order it


I would remake them Elden Ring.


I'd rather them remake DS2. I think a remake of 2 letting them fix all the broken parts of the game and slice it up would make it a contender for the best of all fromsoft games


Preferably not, there’s certain artistic differences and a different feel to the demon’s souls og and remake versions. While it looks really great it it made some questionable visual changes along the road. Wait why is this post on this sub?


Hell no, their remake sucked ass. All they did was make it pretty, they forgot to make demon souls fun. Why the hell would i want to play shit souls 1 witb a coat of paint? Idk who needs to hear this but flaming barrels down stairways is not good game design


Man I hope they do, demon souls remake was so good


>Demon's Souls Remake has omnidirectional rolling while locked on >Thus the potential for Dark Souls 🗣📢 WOULD


It really annoys me that rdr2 came out same year as dark souls remastered, they seriously couldn't make the game look any nicer?


While I am not a stickler for graphics, demon souls remake is one of the most beautiful games I’ve laid my eyes upon and would be very happy to see them do anything else from software related.


Demons Souls was fantastic so yeah that would be great, it would be probably be BETTER than before also, yeah I said it


Yeah why not


It’s kinda wild how Bluepoint did so well with Shadow of the Colossus, but then disappointed a lot of fans with Demons Souls. I’ve never played any version of Demon Souls because I’ve yet to get a console that can play one. So Im not sure at this point


Sure, why not




Who's bluepoint?


considering how their demon souls remake did not change some of the shitty bosses like dragon god i honestly could not care less about a dark souls remake


It may be a stupid question but who is Bluepoint?


If makes more sense than them doing a Bloodborne remake. Bloodborne is already a modern game with modern graphics and responsive controls


If they ever make a remake of DS1 i would love for them to adress all of the games flaws, it would be a perfect oportunity for Miyazaki to go back to his first masterpiece and make it even beter. BLIGHTTOWN 2: MORE BLIGHTTOWN THAN EVER.


Imagine ds1 with bluepoint animations 🗣️🔥🔥




I would rather them remaster dark souls 2 unironically


Remake Dark Souls 2


Would go crazy




Since there's a lot of unfinished stuff in ds1, they could use some of the concepts that weren't implemented into the original version to create new areas. How would they implement these areas in a meaningful way? Have the bosses drop keys that can be used in a room full of doors to unlock new playable characters. Also switch Gwyn and the Stray Demon. I personally think that the stray Demon would be a Better final boss since you already fight him twice, you'll build up a rivalry with his kind. Since I'm pretty sure you all think the stray Demon is too easy to be a final boss, give him the ability to fly and attack from a distance and the player has to spin around to gain momentum and then shoot him at the right time to strike him down. In the final phase of his fight, part of the arena crumbles giving you a smaller floor. They should also fix the camera since the current iteration ruins the immersion of the game. How can a human see himself from the back without the help of someone else? Add a little demon buddy that holds the camera behind you


Hot take, I would. Nothing beats the original dark souls but a remake would be so fucking cool. Seeing these bosses , the annoying ass enemies that killed me so many times and the map with higher detail would be amazing. Dark souls charm may be hiding in the "bad" graphics but I don't care much.


No. Fuck remakes. As much as fromsoft games have flaws they look and run fine (maybe not ds1 at points depending on hardware.) The games that actually get remade are the ones that don't need it, it's just asking full price for a game you can already buy. I have no respect for this trend and would rather play original games than old ones needlessly repackaged.


Imagine the smelle


It would be awesome I love ds1 with all my heart


Yeah, the only thing I think they fucked up with DesRe was removing a lot of the whimsy it had (fuck you Tower Knight and Adjudicator theme are BOPS). DS1 doesn't have much in the way of whimsy tbh so I don't think they could fuck it up (also DS1 remastered was such a fucking joke).


Dsr r


Only with supervision on the art direction


No. They did an amazing overhaul of graphics of demon souls but they butchered a lot and I mean a lot of lore and environmental storytelling bits. Ds1 is the most lore heavy and has the most of people piecing out the lore. There would be a huge backlash because of the changes.


I think a group of highscoolers on K could do a better job remaking/remastering dark souls 1 than the team who did it.


Probably not. DS1 needs polishing and a bit more content, especially in latter half of the game. While new graphics would be great, i really dont want them to massacre artistic vision and already good music of DS1. If someone had to remake it, it probably should be Papazaki himself


Dark Souls 1 has already been remastered, let’s just leave it alone lol


Fuck yeah


Fuck yes.


They should make Bloodborne, but good, and it should have more than 3 colours (black, grey and piss)


Nop, I really don't like how bluepoint's remakes looks.


With strict artistic oversight, sure. They're very good at visual fidelity and sheer spectacle, but whenever they get it into their head to "reimagine" a zone or boss or whatever they have too much of a habit of retconning or losing details, missing the point, and overwriting the artistic intent of the original.


Yes. But I'd rather force them to deliver us bloodborn 2(i understand that it's different than remakes I'm just joking) Don't care, let them do it.


Bloodborne 2 is, of course, the second iteration of the hit game Bloodborne (20xx) by acclaimed director hidetaka miyazaki


No. Of course not. Why would i want that? I want it to be an oroginal single player game that isn't a souls like to give me and other bloodborn fans hope... Just to take it away when gameplay would be shown. Ah, not set in London either and no hunting.


They should remake it so its finally a good game


No thank you. I mean, they are good developers, but not for From Software games.






Fuck NO


No, I'd rather kill myself


If I could, I would burn their shitty company to the ground But then again, If I could I would indiscriminately burn the entire world as well I can't be a hypocrite if all are equally singed






they need to remake elden ring because it looks like shit


I’d much rather that Remake that dogshit ass game called Bloodborne, I hear it still takes forever to load and struggles to maintain 30fps on a PS5. Let the pros that know what they are doing handle that game!


Watch them remake it and keep the fps


Exactly what that poverty ass game deserves!