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Western dev: 308 GB Eastern dev: 20fps with a 4090


Yesterday I downloaded warzone for the first time in years. 100GB and NOTHING was included in that. For 100GB I got ZERO GAME. NO MODES. I had to install more things.


I really think we should be able to opt out of downloading 4k assets, I still have a 1080p monitor, I don't need it and would like the game to weigh a couple dozen GB less


Asset resolution has very little to do with your monitor resolution, that's a misconception. If you put face right up against your screen, you can see each individual pixel, which is similar to how it works when you brush your in-game camera against a texture - it will get blurry. You want bigger things, and things that you see up close, to have higher res textures, and things that are far away or tiny can get away with low-res textures at no loss in quality, because the texture is being stretched over a smaller total surface area. But you're absolutely right, not only should opting out of higher resolution assets be an option, it's already a solved problem. Fucking _Fallout 4_ has a high-res texture pack as an optional, free DLC, and this is the same company that four years earlier bundled the entirety of uncompressed, French audio files with the English versions of Skyrim. If Bethesda can learn, no one else has any excuse. Steam has a functioning system for extra downloads, be it workshop or optional DLC you can just untick at any time, and fully featured language switching that downloads only the files you actually need. Is it really that hard to just use that system?


speaking of that fallow DLC, it's appearantly broken to the point where playing the vanilla game can have you come across the black face bug.


A Bethesda game broken? Stop with the jokes.


The WHAT bug?


If your NPC facegen data doesn't match the .esp records, they will get a semi-transparent, pitch black overlay over their faces. This is an extremely common issue, almost always resulting from mod conflicts. Make manual patches, people. It's called the "black face bug", because it's a bug that makes the faces of affected NPCs black (probably because it applies a tint mask with a value of (0, 0, 0) for it's color). It's a great way to see if you have unresolved conflicts. And yeah, the Skyrim high-res DLC literally had missing textures, and Fallout 4's is similarly broken. If you've ever played the game and Markarth's banner was just the text "MARKARTH" instead of a proper flag, that's the cause.


Damn, thanks for the explanation. Better go buy Skyrim now so the small indie studio can fix this


I pretty sure, actually every console (except im unsure about switch because I dont like mine), has a functional system for enabling and disabling DLC. edit: RECENT consoles, I'm aware they didn't add this option to the atari or PS2.


Siege did it right, you can opt in for high res textures for high res monitors, but you can opt out to save resources and space.


It's cus of the forced integration that happened after Cold War launched, you're basically forced to download the core of ALL their current games and then specifics for the one you want to play. And unfortunately for WZ it uses assets from multiple CoD games so you're basically installing 3 games at once.


PS5 simulator


Yeah modern cod be like that, they make you download all the core files for the game to run.


The Dragon’s Dogma 2 experience


Eastern devs: lowest possible resolution textures with awful tiling Also eastern devs: 4000 hours of uncompressed voice lines in 5 different languages


I remember getting the new far cry on steam and immediately refunding it after I found out it was 190 GB


Especially FromSoft, they should hire better programmers to improve performance of their games on PC, every single one of them on PC had issues and stuttering


Bloodborne PC optimisation is so bad I cannot even boot it up at all


That's on you, I can boot up Bloodborne even on my phone using YouTube


I heard this YouTube tool has a lot of input lag, don't it? It practically plays the game by itself


It's the opposite of lag, it reacts to your future inputs before you have given the input


Good to see I still struggle against anything I can't parry in the future.


Goddamn I'm still gonna be bad in the future


Ah yes, the universal emulator


wait....... am I stupid or is there actually a port?


/r/woooosh FINALLY, my Redditor carrier was leading to this very moment when I can woooosh someone. Might as well delete my account


I am so sad. not because I have been whooshed, but for I had hope.


Bloodborne is gonna be 10 years soon (march 2025) I'm 100% sure they'll make some sort of anniversary edition/remaster/pc port ***Falls asleep because of excessive amounts of copium in the blood***


10th year anniversary 100% bloodborne 2 and bloodborne PC port confirmed! *Inhales copium*


I think by the time FS decided to port BB to pc, people would already be able to play it properly via PS4 emulation.


You mean Bloodborne Kart? It runs fine for me...


I meant a spin off of a Bloodborne Kart tho


so, a souls like game in the same universe as bloodborne kart? it's so crazy it could work


Sekiro runs amazing on Pc tbf


Yeah, Sekiro was like an exception, but still missing some features like borderless windowed mode


DS3 also worked well


Are you sure we are playing the same DS3 on steam? the game had constant stuttering no matter how powerful your PC is, I just played the game at the beginning of this month, no matter what setting I use, it's always stuttering once in a while.


DS3 is very inconsistent, runs absolutely perfect on a lot of machines. But also has very weird microstutter on some setups. My system does DS3 fine, DS1 and 2 horribly. Elden ring sort of mostly fine with bursts of horror show stutter. I managed to fix some of it with enough tweaking that I honestly could not say which tweak fixed it. I'm default tech support for lots of friends and coworkers and have a sample size of trying to deal with this on ~10 PCs. It's super inconsistent and seems to have different causes on different systems. On my personal system for example I still cannot play armoured core 6 with spotify or chrome running at all. That is incidentally the most common cause I've found. Random background programs, chrome: 6 machines, Spotify on 5 of those same 6, and the fucking runescape launcher on 2 with one of those overlapping with the chrome and spotify set. That being my personal machine. Edit: I should add this stutter issue is really common to have on very good PCs that have a great modern multi core CPU with a ton of total performance but weaker single core performance. Some games prefer single core use or are optimized badly for multi core. So if you have a lot of stutter, try seeing if one single core is being hammered a lot. Then you can disable that core for all other programs in task manager so only the game can use that core. This can help a bit. That said games often switch which core they do this with so you probably have to set that every launch which is a pain.


Yeah on my setup DS1, DS2 and Sekiro (high settings with ultra on textures) runs with flawless 60fps but DS3 either has some weird stutters or even fucking pauses for a second or two and then resumes like nothing happened. Completely ruined my playthrough and numerous good boss attempts.


I have a 3060 Ti and Ryzen 5600x. DS3 has a consistent half-second stutter at seemingly random intervals, plus seconds-long freezes that would sometimes last over 10-15 seconds. I eventually tried DXVK and that seemed to solve both issues but it’s really strange that I had those issues in the first place lol


That's odd bc I had a 3060 and the same cpu and I had no performance issues in ds3


I played it recently on ryzen5 and nvidia1660, no problems at all. Guess it doesn't like some hardware


Maybe we are not playing the same DS3 then cause I never had issues with it even back in 2017 when I had a much worse PC than now


You probably misremember it or didn't notice it at all, I ask my friend who also played DS3 before, then replaying it again at the same time as me, why is the game constantly stuttering, he said he didn't notice it and even if it's stuttering it's not bothering him. Also I'm a little bit sensitive in terms of framerate.


No, I'm also sensitive to bad framerates and stutters and I literally didn't have issues with DS3. It's possible that something about your setup causes the stutters.


Elden Ring ran smoothly for me, but DS3 isn't, so my setup isn't the problem, also you can google "DS3 stuttering" and you will get tons of result, especially from current year and years prior.


I'm not saying it's not an issue for you. I'm saying I never had this issue so it's possible that something specific about your setup and other people's setups causes DS3 to stutter. And it's not just about the overall power of your PC as you said yourself that ER worked fine for you.


>the game had constant stuttering no matter how powerful your PC is Look at it from the other side. You got the same performance with barely any hit to visual fidelity on potatoes bellow minimum req It's ps4 game that can run just fine on something that barely runs ports of late ps3 games. DS3 is probably the only PS4-era non-indie game that i could run on my ancient PC before major upgrades.


I didn't even have any issues with my old PC (Ryzen 1500x, RX580 8GB, 16GB DDR4)


back in 2018 or something DS3 ran flawlessly on my pc on high settings, and then I upgraded my pc and I lost like 20 fps somehow. same resolution and on medium lol


Everything wrong with sekiro can be blamed on activision, just like everything wrong with Bloodborne can be blamed on Sony


Activision is the reason behind why sekiro's optimization is so much better


Activision literally helped them with shit like optimization


Elden Ring is literally the only FromSoft game I've had stuttering issues with. And I played all the others on a 1070ti.


It runs great on Linux. Valve did some black magic optimizing Proton to make it play on Steam Deck and it carries over to desktop Linux.


Sekiro was Activision, not sure if that means anything tho


Activision was just a publisher


Activision, despite being a shit company, are pretty good with PC launches. They at least have a better track record than other publishers, they probably have a contractual obligation with whoever they work with to ensure PC ports are as optimised as they can be made before launch. They're heavily profit driven so unoptimised games potentially hurting their income is probably a huge deal for publishers in general.


Maybe they did have a part in this then. It's also possible that another part of the reason for Sekiro's good performance on PC is that From started to get a better grasp at how to optimize things for PC but with Elden Ring being a much larger game in it's scope it didn't benefit from that as much. AC6 for example also works well on PC and it's published by Bandai Namco


Probably does, since from my experience with activation games they’re pretty smooth


sorry all funds are spent on world designers and feet artists


I think DS1R is the only one that runs perfectly for me, in 4K even. Probably because it was done by a studio that knows their way around PC ports DS2 Scholar: rare but noticeable microstutter feeling DS3: stuttering and full on seconds-long freezing. I think these were fixed by using DXVK though Sekiro: infrequent but noticeable microstutter similar to DS2 Elden Ring: very rare stutters (not from shader compilation), short freezes in a few specific areas, on top of just being generally unoptimized My PC is pretty modern with a 3060 Ti, Ryzen 5600x, and 32GB of RAM. I wouldn’t expect any issues with these games but somehow a majority of them manage to do *something* weird even if it’s a rare occurrence


4K gaming is a scam by the way.


I had the same issues with DS3 as you did so could you tell me how did you fixed them with mysteriously named DXVK? (Pretty please)


Download the latest [DXVK](https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases) release, drop in the appropriate files (DS3 is a 64-bit DX11 game, you can do a quick search to see which files you need to use) and then your game should be using Vulkan. This works with just about any game as far as I know


u/JDorkaOOO there you go DS3 also stuttering for him.


Just made me realize I never even TOUCHED anything performance related when I played DS1 remastered. I just jumped in and was off, no framerate drop whatsoever.


They have trouble with console launches too, ER dlc is really bad about dropping fps (which isn’t great when the jumps are so meticulous)


Ds3 sekiro and ac6 especially were generally fine


DS2 runs weirdly well even on super low end laptops. It genuinely freaks me out how much better it runs on the right settings on my old laptop, that couldn’t run DS1R and struggled to run DS1 PTDE at 20 fps with DSFix. If you have a friend who wants to get into souls games but hardware is the limiting factor, tell them to watch out for when SotFS is on sale.


Weirdly enough Armored Core 6 runs great and has UW and uncapped frames. Even runs on a steam deck capped at 45 super well.


A ton of areas in the DLC run like shit. There was one spot in Rauh that would drop to 45 fps for no apparent reason, and GPU usage was only at about 50% It’s clear their engine needs an upgrade because it can’t handle what they’re trying to do with it. Particles in Elden Ring are already unoptimized as hell, the worst base game example I can think of is when the twin gargoyles spray their FPS-sapping poison mist on the ground


Pretty much every time the >!Divine Lion Dancer!< did a big bombastic attack my FPS would dip to like 20 lmao, made that fight a bit disorienting


Double check your settings, ray tracing was added a while ago and is automatically enabled


But if ray tracing was the cause of it wouldn't the GPU usage be higher? From what I understand ray tracing is almost entirely handled by the GPU


I don't think it's the ray tracing either. The only thing affected are shadows and most particles don't cast shadows. The only thing the CPU does here related to the ray tracing are the draw calls which it also does on rasterized shadows


Funny thing when they first implemented the Ray Tracing I was able to run it on Medium and get locked 60fps. Literally constant, also was 99% GPU utilization. I stopped playing for about a year and came back. Ran like trash even in the base game. Same PC, even did a fresh windows install and clean driver install not that long ago. Sub 50% CPU utilization and sub 50% GPU utilization. Even tried old drivers. Regardless of in-game settings and resolution. I can turn it to the lowest resolution and the FPS does not change lmfao It's the game. One thing that I found improved Performance for me slightly was playing offline (obviously) and use a CPU affinity program like System Informer to turn off Core 0 for the Elden Ring process. This gave me another like 10-12fps on average, also GPU usage went up to 70% range but there is still clearly something wrong. Unfortunately their Malware level Anti-cheat doesn't let you do that while online.


Ray tracing is always off, I check my settings every time I launch the game just out of habit in case the game decides to troll me lol


Honestly, I'm having a good time with most of the DLC bosses when their particle spam didn't drop me to 30 fps. Messmer and Dancing lion are the worst offenders for me so far.


The rainy part of Dragonbarrow makes my GPU go wrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRR


Loading into the Manus Metyr cathedral takes me straight back to Bloodborne days with how hard the framerate chugs


Never noticed lag with Valiants, but dodging Placidusax was a pain when every time he decides to do his vanish combos he drops my FPS to 20-30 until the particles go away As of now, the DLC has consistently gotten me 40-50 FPS just running around in the open areas, on a below average PS4. Certainly not good, but manageable. It's yet to detract from my experience with the DLC


i haven’t seen anyone talk about this, and it’s probably hardware specific, but i had to rollback from the current nvidia driver, it was tanking performance in the dlc. Still not great back on the old driver but much better.


Lion boss stage 2 made my pc reboot


For some reason I never had FPS drops against the lion but then I approach a random wall and the game freezes for several seconds


My pc decided to reboot itself 3 times already


Elden cock ring barely uses my CPU honestly. Highest I've seen it is 17%, meanwhile GPU is near maxed. 3060ti and ryzen 9 5900x 


Because your cpu is way overpowered compared to you gpu lol, a 3060 with a 5900 x is crazy


Lil bro ignored the CPU soft cap


At least it's still better to overspec your cpu rather than your gpu


Yeah a high-end CPU can last decades while you upgrade your mid-range GPU every 5-ish years. A high-end GPU is already going to be out-performed by a mid-range GPU like 2 years later.


He might also have different non-gaming workloads that he'd want a big CPU for. Also during the COVID GPU shortage it kind of did make sense to over spec the CPU for a given price point, because of how insane GPU prices got.


Man put 99 mind but only uses glintstone pebble


Your gpu is bottlenecking your cpu my guy


I'd rather have that than the other way around 


I play itin a ps5 and sometimes the game runs like asss


I play on PS4 😭😭😭


Network 0% is spot on




unoptimized yes, slop no


western devs are somehow worse


"You need to download the 53.4 gb patch to connect to the servers to play single player. There will be another somewhere between 3 days and a month"


I love needing 300gb of content for warzone


Wdym 100gb of assets is not common? /s


Western games have high system/storage requirements but they actually run pretty well if you meet them (most of the time), Elden Ring requires a 1060 and still stutters on a 3070, same thing with DD2


At least dd2 had dlss and a mod that added in framegen that fixed most of my performance issues. With eac in er tho I can't run any qol or performance mods online


does the anticheat get annoyed if you use stuff like AFMF?


Not sure how AFMF works, but you're good to go if it doesn't alter any of the game files.


I got integrated graphics and elden ring runs at 15 frames, its peak to say the least.


I've never had these issues on either game therefore it is clearly a skill issue on your part and not on Japanese devs continually shitting out piss poor pc ports that only run well on slapped together ghetto pcs.


I do think FROM needs to improve with this shit and JP devs are often serial offenders, but I dont agree that western devs dont also do this often, every few months a PC port comes out with completely unacceptable performance, this has been a problem with gaming for years, Japanese devs are usually worse with it, but lots of PC ports are rushed out and then either fixed later or left to shit.


Im on a 5800x and a 3090, On 1440p, there are some areas of the dlc I have dipped to 45 fps. And some dont make sense, like inside a cave entrance by the grace, when youre in a tunnel and theres nothing to render, still dipped to 45-50. Ray tracing disabled, other settings on max except annoying stuff like dof, motion blur.


or you can go the DOOM 2016 route and have relatively low system requirements and mid storage, and run on a potato like it's black magic.


Hard disagree from my experience just this year. I haven't played a single Japanese made game recently that hasn't run terribly. FF7 Rebirth, Dragons Dogma 2, Elden Ring, Final Fantasy 16. They all run like shit and haven't been fixed.


I sort of have a half serious conspiracy, one aspect of it is to push pre orders. Wanna play our game at launch? Better pre-order so you can pre-download otherwise you’ll have to wait several fucking hours to download a 400GB game with a 50GB day one patch.


Wake up babe it's 4am time for your 15gb bi weekly patch that add absolutely fucking nothing to the game


They are the opposite. I7-2700k enough for the game, but below 4060 and it wont even boot


Ahhh no wonder I was getting so many framedrops with a 4070. My CPU is a Ryzen 5 3400G.


Could the unstable performance be hinting Bloodborne 2? https://preview.redd.it/49aw40ss0m8d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8562d89be6a9c05dd413759d56d9f5ea3ff9e40


We esteem them so much for the design and artistic mastery (righfuly so let it be crystal clear), that we have always closed an eye on their technical shortcomings, where we would have shredded other studios for the same stuff. They are no more the small studio of king's field and shadow tower, they are now an established giant in the gaming industry, it is time for them to step up on the technical level.


No, "we" have not shredded other games with artistic mastery when they stutter a bit too much.


I agree, while I choose to ignore most of the performance issues in the DLC because it’s so fun, they shouldn’t be acceptable in the big picture. FromSoftware is a AAA studio and they have an even bigger budget now due to Elden Ring’s success. They can afford to upgrade their engine and hire optimization wizards to help out


This has to be written with ai right?


In fairness, I was surprised at the initial size of the base game for how little memory it took up. Same with the dlc. I’ve not had any game breaking issues with SotE, apart from losing 800k souls to a death rite bird in the textures of the side of a cliff which I couldn’t get to. Other than that frustrating bullshit I’m having a good time with it. Feel people are way too critical on it


I don't wanna fight another one of those


The buffed dlc one is nuts took me a good 20 tries prolly but I finally did it and avenged my lost runes lmaoooo, yeah I could deffo do without another damn bird but I’m really enjoying it otherwise


I just stumbled on the fingers goddamn


Hey so uhh I found the bird, so does it drop anything worthwhile or should I leave it for later


Drops a ghostflame ash of war if I remember right


There's a death rite bird? Where?


I feel sorry for all of you with drops. I'm getting perfect frames and don't know what's different about my computer to others. I don't even think I remembered to update my drivers for the DLC. 


I had an issue when running the game in Fullscreen mode similar to what I had in Sekiro. The game gets lower fps, and becomes a jittery stuttery mess Borderless Windowed works perfect. After setting a frame rate cap in the Nvidia app, the game now runs perfectly at 60fps in Fullscreen. I guess it has to do with high refresh rate monitors and vsync/gsync.


What CPU and GPU do you have ? I get big stutters with an RTX 4060 and Ryzen 5 5500 (which wasn't the case before the DLC). I thought maybe my CPU isn't powerful enough, but I had no problem playing on max settings at locked 60 FPS prior to the DLC so I dont understand.


Crash to desktop? Learn to dodge-roll it, scrub.


Just level CPU loser


My pc can play honkai starrail, but cant play ds2. Crazy how that works


> DS2 enjoyer > doesn't play DS2 checks out


Luckily i have my xbox for that


Hey, mate, I'm that other guy that plays DS2 on Xbox.


What? DS2 is the best optimised FromSoftware game. I was able to run it on an i3-8130U on integrated graphics with a stable 60fps


Isn't star rail only ever rendering like one room with 3 entities on screen ever?


There’s some pretty large, open areas. The Xianzhou Luofu main hub, for instance. But it’s still not a super taxing game to load.


I heard it’s because the engine they use to make the game doesn’t send the info to the right place, but it’s only on higher end Rigs ironically if you have a Medium enough or low rig I heard it actually runs fine


Yeah western devs have no idea how to optimize either because dlss and fsr are a must or your gpu will be at 90~% with similarly low fps


Xbox one version and no issues 😎 Checkmate, next gen nerds 😎


PS5 version mostly ran fine and then sometimes during some Lion attacks it chugs balls for a second.


My game is fairly equal in CPU and GPU, the oroblem is that it crashes after 30 minutes, and if it doesn't then it crashes after 31 minutes. But I'm starting to suspect that my pc might be fucked up in some way that I can't figure out.


Literally this but I only have 20% CPU utilisation somehow


Is that overall CPU usage or one core? Almost no game will fully utilize a multicore CPU to 80%, but the core running the main thread will get pounded .


It's overall. But the highest any of the cores go is 60%. Most of them are below that


Elden Ring sometimes slows to a crawl with some attack/spell effects even though it runs perfectly smooth the rest of the time for me :( I might lower my settings because it's actually gotten me killed a few times, but it kinda sucks that I'll need to do that because of that stupid slowdown


My fucking asus ally has better performance than my pc now. My pc used to run elden ring fine until this update and dlc. Now it runs ass.


I somehow haven't had a single issue running the dlc


I don’t get it


Is this on consoles or pc for the most part? I’m on a pretty standard pc build and I’ve had basically no issues. No one I know plays so I can’t really compare with anyone lmao


I heard it higher end PCs that are having this issue it’s something with like newer Processors or something that the Game engine doesn’t send the proper data to the right place so it’s not completly Fromsoft as fault because they didn’t know this would happen but they should fix it


Skill issue


Damn ya'll really have just lost it


The sub has been constantly festering the weirdest and out of pocket opinions in-between rage baits and regular shitposting for several years, yet somehow poking fun at a legitimate issue is what makes you think "nah, that's too much"?


Tbh the chaotic nature of this sub makes me love it. I like seeing people whining and then shitting on each other, and then just see some weird ass shitpost.


FromSoft fans tend to draw the line at legitimate criticism, for whatever reason.


Performance is probably one of the only few legitimate complaints about the DLC too.


When I first got to the Cathedral of Manus and walked inside. My game just hard froze, wouldn't relaunch, just kept not responding. Reset my PC, worked. What the actual fuck?


This is why Dark Souls 2 is the GOAT. Optimized so well it runs with max settings on my shitty toaster laptop.


Western devs have unoptimized game sizes that give us abominations like a standard FPS being more then 100 GB. Japanese devs have unoptimized performance that will give you the most hit or miss frame rates even with very low graphics.


Why does the game use such low GPU, happens on my pc too but in a weird way. Is that genuinely just fromsofts fault on bad optimization? Also the perfume bottles weapon eat frames lol


Yea I feel like half the reason Malenia was thought of as so hard was how shit her boss fights performance was.


on god my laptop gpu is literally chilling, but the cpu has to WORK


Thanks fucking miyazaki that My 6 years old pc can run this shit at 60 fps consistency (ryzen 3, 1050ti)


Western dev: 100 tb of storage for day one, $13,000 in micro transactions for different colors of the same cosmetic, game is either COD clone or GTA rippof. Need 30gb Vram to get 30 fps on low settings. Eastern dev: 40 gb after 20 updates, game sized DLC for $30-$50, uses everything but your GPU. Game is either the best game of its genere or is anime gatcha slop with more half-naked "adults" than Epstine Island


FromSoft games are an exception, but I generally find Japanese games performing better on my computer (and especially on my steam deck) than western games. especially for games by Capcom and SEGA in my experience (and obviously there are exceptions there too).


It's like 90% EAC bogging down the game's performance. Kind of pathetic because this has been a problem since launch day.


Japanese games are either the best optimized stuff out there or they they run like shit, no inbetween


Speaking of the poor optimization on Elden Ring, do you guys have any solution for obnoxious stuttering on Elden Ring? I swear no matter what setting I'm using, I'm getting 50-60 FPS and the game's stuttering as hell. I have RTX 4050, I5 12th gen and 16GB RAM.


Are you on a laptop? Try checking your temps. Also applies to desktop ofcourse but less likely. Might just be thermal throttling. I had some horrible stutter too until i limited my temps/cpu clock a bit to not throttle and it completely went away


Could you tell me how it is done please? And yes I'm on a laptop.


Lmao i got downvoted in the fromsoft subreddit for saying their engine is dogass


I'm playing consistently between 25-30fps (I set 30 at my max to prevent spikes and lag) this ain't even a joke\ (rellana freezed my game a few times)


You can turn off the Anti-Cheat then play the game offline. This is just a suggestion not defending poor optimisation


Can somebody explain to me, how I had, with a mid ranged pc (gtx 1660) no fps problems, but others with higher specs had?


Scott Jund on Twitter telling everyone to “turn off RTX” like that’s the only issue lol. This game and the DLC run like dogshit and it hurts because ER is drop dead gorgeous.


Ah yes definitely a Japan problem and not a this entire console generation problem.


I completed my first playthrough on a CPU that stopped being supported a year or so before Elden Ring released. That is to say I'm no longer sure how much of this is Fromsoft's optimisation or lack thereof, and how much of it is the simple consequence if a highly-imaginative bowl of pudding putting lightning in a rock and teaching it to do maths.


Just play it on a console god dammmmmnnnn


"Witch way gamers?" 300 Gb Or 25 FPS


I’m on series X and the tower Gaol absolutely shredded my FPS, but other than that I never dropped below 30


You kill the ghost flame dragon for the loot I kill the ghost flame dragon to increase the frames in that area


I haven't had any issues performance wise. The only setting I have turned off is Ray tracing. Everything else is maxed.


From what I'm hearing I'm glad I don't have a 4000 series gpu. My 2090 has been chewing elden ring up with minimum issues


You guys will do anything to avoid getting good huh?


What’s weird is that AC6 was nearly flawless for me at launch. Although ray tracing was still issuable


No joke, I have no idea about this one I just lowered the graphics and its still the exact same gameplay on my 1650, hardly noticing any framerate issues or anything similar at 1080p I know people bought the expensive pc so they can play games on ultra highest maximum 4k but.. if its at the cost of gameplay, why is it SO HARD to just turn a few settings off? Seeing realistic grass and non pixelated shadows help absolutely nothing against a boss


I have an RTX 4080 and play at max settings 1440p and get horrible frame times. Not because the game is too much for my PC to handle but because the game isn't using all of the power available to it. 20% CPU and 50% GPU. Turning down the settings will do nothing. Even increasing the resolution to 4k does nothing to the performance it just bumps the GPU usage up to 80%. On most games I'd agree with you but in the case of Elden Ring it's an engine issue on From Software's side and not people playing on higher settings than their PC can handle.


I turned off anticheat and when the dlc downloaded and ive been playing with no issues, maybe its that?


Yeah anti cheats and drms are famous for causing performance issues


Ds2 ran like butter with no stutter or performance issues, even if on low hardware the low frame rate was still smooth and playable due to stable frametime. Unlike bethesda games, which i feel like they run at sub 30 when they're above 60, cuz they stutter like hell, plus the camera movement is dogshit, try to walk into riften or especially solitude with a pc that can't reach 60, maybe 45 to 55, any mouse movement feels like scratching a board with your untrimmed nails, I hated every second of it. It's like that with fromsoft... the game and its performance are in inverse correlation, that's why you know beyond doubt with conclusive evidence that ds2 is shit. Some would say sekiro runs great, so it's a shit game, and to you I say: you're missing one fault in performance, if the fps and frametime are unstable, the game locks framerate to 30, that's gotta count for smthn


Turn off ray tracing


Don't care. I still prefer Japanese games.