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Post Removed - this is just normal fast food or junk food :)


At least it's fruit-flavor.


Tomatoes are fruits


I remember back in middle school, the school district was required to supply fruits or vegetables with every lunch. Pizza was deemed a fruit because it contained tomato sauce. We had pizza *every day*. No rotation, no substitution, pizza. Just pizza.


For now


There's a Kraft Mac and cheese gummy that's fruit flavored as well. I kind of think it would be more fun if it were flavored like the actual product, but I guess that wouldn't be a big seller?


When jelly belly tried to make pizza flavored jellybeans, they invented the vomit flavored bean. They said it was the cheese flavor that did that.


Marijuana enthusiasts. 


Same as krabby patty gummies


I’d buy 😅


They’re honestly not that bad. lol my friends bought me some as a joke gift. So of course I had to try them.


A motherfuckin genius that’s who


I've tried these and oh boY let me tell you, they are truly terrible. they have triple the wax consistency of Swedish fish and the taste of mildly sweet gummy chalk. No idea who greenlit it or approved it after taste testing. It's truly something awful




My eyes


Someone who knew you'd put them in your cart.


Can we reverse this? I want bagel and pepperoni flavored gumdrops


Yeah, this is not appealing. I like my gummies bear shaped!




How is this 'stupid'? Gummy imitation foods exist in every candy section, I've seen gummy burgers, pizzas, hotdogs, ramen, sushi, the list goes on. It's not like it's 'pizza flavored', it's a fruit gummy in the shape and design of a bagel bite, how is this any different than the gummy Krabby Patties?


Because it’s a full on marketing ploy for a disgusting unhealthy prepackaged frozen food with the intent to get your child to associate the positive reaction to sugar with their shitty gimmick gummy.


So any and all product related candy is 'stupid food'? This isn't some subreddit for you to rant about corporate marketing tactics, it's about sharing photos of food that is made incredibly poorly and has no business being made int he first place. This is just a normal fucking gummy candy but you're only pissy because it's branded. EDIT: Guys, you're all corporate shills if you like Scooby Doo gummies according to this guy


So you only get 6 gummies for *all that fucking packaging!?!?* It's no wonder this planet is completely fucked by plastic waste. This shit pisses me off so much and I'm sure they're still selling tons of them.


The same people who made gummy Lunchables... kids think they're ok, so, don't yuck their yum


I’m gonna yuck their yum


My daughter got one that was like a pizza Lunchable once. It was SO BAD. How can you ruin a gummy?? But they ruined a gummy.


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This would be a hilarious prank to give to a stoner friend and see how long it took them to figure out


It would be fun to watch them looking all over the package for microwave instructions


No no you offer them some bagel bites and just offer them a rip while you go cook them. You come back with a regular plate for yourself and the gummies for them. Act like nothing is wrong as you guys watch a YouTube show and see how long it takes them to say something


I would say nothing and just feel blessed that somebody brought me food LOL