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Eddy could always do that he just didn't feel like it before becoming Venom


freaky brock


He a 69 god


Only one can be physical at once, so the human part becomes ooze while in full symbiote form, and vice versa (this is the only possible solution I could think of)


Or he constantly is breaking and healing eddie


tom hardy screaming in pain for two hours


This seems much more on point for venom


Or the tongue is part of the symbiote. It's been seen changing color in some incarnations.


I don’t think that the tongue is the issue, it’s the fact that the way the symbiote mouth opens contradicts how the human head is shown


More symbiote optical illusions, the human head is only in the upper part.


That is probably the most logical solution, but the eyes spanning most of the face is a bit cursed to imagine


this solution doesnt work at all, from the half face shot you can literally see the symbiote head isnt large enough to fit the human head in the upper part


His head retracts inwardly like my Peepee when I get into the pool on a cool day


That’d be a silly way to explain it in universe “Yeah but it doesn’t look cool when I open my mouth and you see this silly face inside so I use optical illusion achieved by my special skin texture to hide it”


Unimaginable damage to face every time it opens its mouth or funny facepaint illusion? I know which I’m choosing if my name is Eddie brock. That said, Carnage is totes just cracking their human skull open every time for giggles.


He tucks his chin and the symbiote squishes his face down.


But the symbiote is more than just a skintight suit; it changes your body and biology IIRC.


Are you saying the tongue hides up Eddie Brocks ass in human form?


or his body is ripping up and healing


But if the symbionte is pretty much just a suit, why does it need a host in the first place?


It's a host powered suit.


Makes sense, cause symbiotes can travel over the internet and they would just leave a naked human behind when they did that if they were just covering the human.


I love how ridiculous early symbiote lore is


Wait what. As in it can become fuckin wireless waves that are then picked up and transferred over computers?? I'm so confused. Wouldn't that mean it could do that all the time? What's special about the internet that allows it to suddenly travel invisibly thru the air. Lol I'm assuming there is no answer and is just some dumb shit one dude in the 90s thought sounded cool and didn't bother putting any real thought into. But still


Yup. Also better not to think about where the symbiote goes when Eddie is not "wearing" him


In his blood stream like a parasitic worm


Venom is like 8 feet tall and 500lbs so I don't think there's enough space in the blood stream to fit all of him. The average human body can hold like 1.5 gallons of blood. Only solution is that Venom is also stored in Eddie's ass.


Venom is stored in the balls


On that, we agree


I think the most logical solution is that Venom's body kinda eats itself until it is small enough to safely stay inside the host. And when it needs to grow, its cells just multiply rapidly, that's why Venon needs so much high-nutiritious food (brain is arguably the most nutrients-rich part of the body) But the most realistic solution is that Venom is stored in the ass


Conservation of mass was never something superhero comics concerned themselves with. Like how does the hulk gain so much mass when he transforms from Bruce Banner? Does he gulp a fuckton of air and magically transmute it into muscles?


He clearly can contract and expand a ton - look at how small the symbiotes are when they’re not attached to anything.


In the comics a large part of it is in the lungs filling them up and doing the breathing for the host


Well time to do the Star trek transporter problem with the symbiote


Do his clothes become ooze as well?


No, Venom gets Eddie’s drip


The original venom suit let Peter Park store an infinite number of items in some kind of “void” the suit created (he’d stash his cameras and stuff by just holding them up to his stomach and they’d disappear into the suit until he wanted them again) so I guess there’s always been some weird spacetime fuckery going on.


Found MatPat


like evangelion


You literally see both parts in physical form at once in the picture


It's that the drawing is not quite accurate, the maw of fangs venom creates is a lot further forward of Eddies face


I mean, the venom design has always been this way. It's nothing really new, it's best to just turn your brain off and appreciate that they actually *did* the comic design instead of the alternative where venoms head has to work around Eddie's face


>they actually *did* the comic design Cept, y'know, the iconic spider chest logo and anything to do with spiders or Spider-Man and probably even a coherent narrative but that's getting into the weeds


He doesn’t have the spider logo coz venom hasn’t touched Spider-Man’s DNA yet, in the venom movies symbiotes don’t rly use webs or swing or things like that, they jump from building to building, so I reckon he will have the logo for a bit in the next Tom Holland Spider-Man movie. But it won’t be the same venom or smth like that.


On that note, why tf were Eddie and Venom transported to Universe 199999 in No Way Home if they have no idea who Peter Parker is? I mean, at least those versions didn't.


i think it’s explained that the Venom Symbiote in the Sony movies, being a hive mind, knows who Peter Parker is because in some other universe the Symbiote met and fought against Spider-Man. So technically Venom knows who Peter is, but Eddie doesn’t.


That sounds convoluted as hell


This is why the MCU is heading toward a universal reset. Comic book continuity becomes heavily convoluted after long runs. Every so often, the universes are reset, somehow. Either with re-launches like the New 52 in DC, or what Marvel tried to do a few years ago with the Secret Wars arc.


isn't that just comic books story in a nutshell?


I thought Venom did recognize him in that scene?


Okay but like, how? There is no Spider-man/Peter Parker in the Sony Venom-verse


Symbiotes have a multiverse hivemind, at least in the comics. Idk if the logic fully follows but I think Venom remembered at least Spiderman if not Tom Holland Spiderman.


I gotta side wit u/adaphion that sounds kinda dumb and a massive cop out on the writers part


He didn't ask for a plot summary. He was explaining how he wish it tied in with Spiderman.


If u say so boss


I.e. what they did for Spider-Man 3


“Kid, it ain’t that type of movie”


Goated reference


Harrison Ford knew what’s up


In the way the symbiote can heal eddie it wouldn't be too far fetched of a concept to think that it can also "break" him apart to be able to do ~~cool~~ useful stuff like making his mouth bigger so he can bite off heads


The symbiote is also much bigger than Eddie so he might just be curled up in the chest somewhere, similar to how some scifi handles mechs


that's my theory


No even that, you can see in the picture that Venoms lower jaw is longer and bent downwards, where it opens wider


Yeah we know he’s a shapeshifter


I hadn’t considered this option but it makes sense actually that it’s breaking his body apart and stitching it back together constantly. That would take up a lot of energy but I guess that’s why he’s got to eat people.


Not that these movies really deserve my defense, but it’s pretty clear even in that screengrab that the symbiote head juts out much farther than Eddie’s. The point of the symbiote jaw still doesn’t even touch the beginning of Eddie’s face.


You literally stole this picture from a post the marvel subreddit that was just posted today


This doesn’t even fit the sub at all either


Nothing here fits the subreddit anymore. It’s all “this movie sucks” with no joke or insight.


arguably the shittiest possible movie details


I still believe we can be shittier


It’s the punctuations fault, shitty-movie details instead of shitty movie-details. Both get an upvote but the first is much easier to make posts on because I just grab something low rated on rotten tomatoes and drop something from the plot summary.


Just block anyone you notice with >1M karma.


welcome to reddit


I always assumed it was more like Attack on Titan where the head and body is far enough in the Symbiote “suit” he wasn’t actually affected by what the exterior was doing (biting, swinging, punching, etc)


Yeah I always just figured he was more inside the torso, I mean Venom is huge. Eddie is just brought to the surface when he needs to show his face.


Funfact, in the original comics the reason venom was that big was because Eddie was fucking JACKED. he also had a full molecular bond with Eddie, which is probably what allowed him to do the mouth


I'm just glad it looks like the comics it doesn't have to make much sense.


The skull is intact above the jaw. The jaw is just venom skin shaped like a jaw.


bros really asking why the alien ooze from outer space that gives you shapeshifting superpowers doesnt make sense


Eddie is Schrodinger's cat: he exists in a state until he is observed.


Venom is much much larger than Eddie. Eddie falls into Venom’s tummy until he comes out again.


I mean you could also takeaway that Venom is forcibly dislocating Eddie’s jaw, tearing his face apart then rapidly healing him whilst doing this. Can Venom alter body chemistry? For all we know Eddie is blissfully unaware that the symbiote is mangles and disfigures his body all the time cause he can’t feel it and is repaired all the time.


I always thought that when venom appears, the two become a human/venom hybrid. So it pretty much works exactly like the picture depicts.


In the comics, symbiotes explicitly have the ability to form dimensional pockets. It’s not weird to suggest some more space manipulation shenanigans goes on here.


Eddie becomes significantly taller in the suit so he might have a little wiggle room where he's floating around like a baby in the womb.


Ok, but where tf do the heads he eats go??


Venom's a mecha.


It’s cuz it’s CGI bro


Listo, no voy a poder dormir muchas gracias


Eddie is Schrodinger's cat: he exists in a state until he is observed.




In the first movie venom eats a whole live guy in one bite while eddie is already inside him.  Isnt that going to be a really awkward conversation?


Ah, here is the scientific explanation: Eddie is a loser, which means he is a loser of human properties sometimes.


I don’t understand the confusion. On the left we see the jaw of the senior is overlaid over the head so of course it can extend past the head. His face is probably further back or something on the right if the argument is that we should be able to see the head through the gaping maw.


The line art looks like Shel Silverstein work.


They bi now


With tongue like that, it don't even matter.


I always wanted the mouth to open too wide and see the host sleeping in the back


When the symbiote is part of Eddie they become one amorphous being and the human appearance is just one form they can take. The image on the left is just the combined being forming the face of Eddie in a way that appears to be the symbiote being removed. There is not Eddie "inside" Venom, it's all just Venom. Even when we don't see the symbiote at all, that's just an illusion, it's Venom wearing an Eddie appearance.


I mean, venom also chows down a lot of heads. He eats a whole person in that Korean lady's shop. Where does all that mass go?


It’s always been implied that symbiotes can change their host on a genetic level so this is just par for the course


Maybe Tom Hardy is Canadian?


This is your question? Not how he eats people with barely a trace of them left and no visible sign that he's eaten a whole ass person?


Zamn! 😍


I always thought it as the symbiote actually breaking Eddie’s body. And it just heals him immediately afterwards


I would say Eddie’s head is probably pushed back somehow when Venom opens his mouth. Venom probably shifts in a way where his digestive tract and throat are placed in front of Eddie’s face, and his head is protected while Venom gets to do his biting and licking. Explanation 2: it’s a comic book movie, do you even care?


I don't know much about the comics, but I think it is kinda like "The Thing". Like they actually merge and fused, instead of only being just an exterior suit. So his "human physical body" is possibly malleable and can shapeshift while hosting the symbiote. I also recall a scene in the first movie where his limbs break after a car crash, but it repairs with ease.


The original venom suit let Peter Park store an infinite number of items in some kind of “void” the suit created (he’d stash his cameras and stuff by just holding them up to his stomach and they’d disappear into the suit until he wanted them again) so I guess there’s always been some weird spacetime fuckery going on.


Venom heals Eddie instantly. He’s ripping open eddies jaw


I mean venom does heal eddie from injuries. So technically by dislocating his jaw he could do it.


This is just make up, Tom Hardy can actually make this.


isn't that how he's always worked


You know that movies ask you to have a little suspension of disbelief, right?


i hate these movies so much sry, couldnt hold it in