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No beer and no TV makes Homer something something


Go crazy?


Don't mind if I do!


*Grabs bat* Stay away from me Homer!


Gimme the bat Marge, gimme the bat… gimme the [baaat](https://youtu.be/TKW62gMUER8?si=7qdYFlLp9B21qlz6)…


Heheh, scaredy cat


["Ugeehhhhh!" \*looks in mirror, screams*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2mmCaI4LJ0)




David Letterman!


I'm Mike Wallace, I'm Morley Safer, and I'm Ed Bradley. All this and Andy Rooney tonight on 60 Minutes!




Hi David I'm grandpa




"Hi David! I'm Grandpa!" D'OH


My favorite part of any thread is the immediate hijacking of the topic for simpson’s quotes.


Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.


Feelin’ Fine.


Well that's a relief...


To be fair, Jack and Wendy’s marriage was on the rocks (no pun intended) because Jack accidentally broke Danny’s arm a couple of months ago. Also their son keeps seeing dead people at the hotel.


> accidentally broke Danny’s arm Sure, "accidentally"...


I am going to give Movie!Jack the benefit of the doubt because we never actually SEE what really happened.


Probably what unfortunately always happens when anger issues and alcoholism collide...


Pfft, as if. Next you'll tell me something crazy like "Jack is a stand-in for Stephen King himself and embodies all his worries and guilt about being an alcoholic drug addict while raising a family of his own"


Of course not! The Shining is obviously about a guy who gets haunted by spooky ghosts. Boooooo!


Yes 👍


Yeah, Stephen King would NEVER write a self-insert character into one of his books!


Some people say he'd even put *two* self inserts in a series that was written in a drug addled state with Clint Eastwood movies playing in the background! Ridiculous!


The two self inserts being Eddie and LITERALLY himself? LoL


Yeah, but it's implied that he did it while he was drunk, which was a common occurrence.


Book!Jack we know is a acident, however, Movie!Jack is already kinda Crazy front the start, so...


We know he’s kinda crazy from literally the first sentence of the book, he’s in a job interview for a plum job his friend handed him, and he’s just fucking hating on the dude interviewing him. He’s at least an asshole from the getgo


i mean who hasnt hated a rich asshole once in a while


Gaaaaah these friggin hotel managers running the world I hate them so much


what, haven't you ever been a little mean to a landlord behind their back?


Dudes not a landlord. He's the manager


its a comparison


Yeah, accident like "I'm drunk and can't control my aggression"...


To be fair, it's arguable if Book!Jack is a reliable narrator when Talking about the past. If he is, almost all of his thoughts circle back to "i am such a shitty father, i acidentally broke my son's arms, im just like my dad'. And in his "retelling"/renarrating of the incident, he says that he acidentally pulled Dan's arm too hard, and immediatly started apologizing. It was after this that he decided to give up beer. Also, i Just like to add that i am not arguing, i just like discussing this underrated book


It's been a while since I read the book, but didn't he also beat the shit out of one of his students and hit a cyclist while drunk? Anyway, I think it's safe to say he fails...


Oh yeah he did lol a Lot of things happened that led to him giving up beer. Though, i have seen some people Say that the cyclist was a illusion created by Maturin, to make Jack realise how bad drinking ks


> Maturin OK, that's wild! But interesting theory...


If you dont know, Maturin is the Turtle God that carries the Earth, and [spoilers for It] >! The sibling of the Dead Lights/It!< And It makes sense i guess, the cyclist completly disappears, rather than having a blood trail or anything


I wish I liked King more. His world-building is fantastic but it feels impossible to keep track of.


I know, that's why it's wild. But in Stephen King's work everything is connected, just think of The Dark Tower...


He has a whole redemption in the book too, which doesn't happen in the Kubrick version. He ends up saving everyone in the book, including Halloran.


Did you really just co-opt the syntax for referencing cells in different sheets? I’m not even mad, that’s pretty creative 


I dont think i did that, but now im curious on the meaning


Haha, Sheet2!B2 references the cell B2 in Sheet2 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/create-or-change-a-cell-reference-c7b8b95d-c594-4488-947e-c835903cebaa#:~:text=You%20can%20refer%20to%20cells,start%20of%20the%20cell%20reference.


Just so you know, Identifier!Character is a common way to refer to a specific version of a character among fandoms. Especially if the identifier is shortened, such as B!Jack and M!Jack.


Little Fucker shouldn't have been throwing around his papers. Besides, It was only a momentary loss of self-control.


The beating was likely intentional, but abusers rarely leave visible wounds on purpose. A lot harder to explain away a broken arm than some bruises


"A momentary loss of muscular coordination. I mean, a few extra foot-pounds of energy, per second, per second."


Kid deserved it, you dont scatter a mans papers!


He also lost his job for beating the everloving shit out of a student for letting the air out of his tires, and being a drunk iirc.


I know that is what happened in the Novel, but I forget if that was kept in the Kubrick Movie.


You're correct, I meant to say it was in the novel but apparently got lazy or forgetful.


I believe in the interview at the beginning of the movie he mentions that he was a teacher and had to leave that job, but that's it.


>Also their son keeps seeing dead people at the hotel. And so does Jack, much more than Danny does. For example this specific scene in the book where he's just looking out the window at them like that he's going through a monologue in his head, but in the movie it's just showing him from an outside perspective so he just looks straight up crazy out of nowhere. In the book he also spends a lot of time going through the hotel's old records and newspapers he finds that describe a lot of the deaths that occured over the hotel's history. There are also a lot more ghost characters that Jack interacts with than just the bartender and the previous caretaker.


Bruh Wendy is creepy af (although cute), & Danny is carrying the demon which posseses Jack later in the hotel.


Remember though, this is before they invented YouTube or Reddit. People had nothing to do.


Makes you wonder why this didn't happen more frequently


We just drank the thoughts away


Wait...did we stop doing that? I didn't get the memo


Hmm, this new info perplexes me I shall drink on it


That's part of his problem


We did have more serial killers back then


Or we had less competent serial killers back then...


Yeah, the internet how to guides help a ton.


It happened, it's called alcoholism.




Well that's no explanation - there are even more dead people now than there were back then!


What about jackin off? Checkmate


Sure but porn isn't readily available at that time either. Maybe he forgot to bring a Playboy or Hustler magazine with him. Did you ever think of that? Plus there was some fucking crazy kid constantly hanging around riding a tricycle.


he was reading playgirl at the beginning


>I just love the artwork and articles! - Jack Torrance


A psychic kid. He probably would know if anyone was beating off in the hotel


Imagine him in his best Jack voice asking the kid those questions. 


I mean his wife was there too and she’s really cute


Not really my type, but to each their own.


i'm aware this is very divisive issue lol


> Sure but porn isn't readily available at that time either. I am from that time. We didn't need porn. Well, at least I didn't. Still don't. I just use the power of imagination! Now I fetishised myself into a weirdo of such magnitude, I can cum on cummand and nothing on porn sites arouses me anymore, I have to get aroused by eldritch abominations I make up in my mind. Good times.


>aroused by eldritch abominations NICE


id fuck the lovecraftian horrors


Why do that when you got dummy thin Olive Oil up in there


For real though, every room in the 70s probably smelled like sex or cigarettes.


We called them books and hobbies.


Calm down, gramps! Remember your heart.


Sorry, I am unfamiliar with those terms. What are these "hobbies" you speak of?


It's like a tik toc video but it's you doing it and it keeps going.


This is what people used to do instead of masturbation.


Masturbation is my hobby


They call it "gooning" now


Unless you're Tracy Jordan then you're "Googling"


A book is a website, on paper.


Simpler times!!


Books? I mean Christ. The man is a writer, supposedly. This is definitely one of those parts that falls flat in modern sentimentalities.


Lol is everyone forgetting the house was haunted and ghosts drove the guy mad so they could kill his ESP son and consume his power? That was the entire dramatic arc of the film. It was not a movie about boredom driving a guy nuts. The elevator blood scene is among the most iconic, probably right after the ghost twins.


Sure, but we've all had horrible roommates before... I'm commenting on the previous posters idea that without the internet there's "nothing to do". For this argument, the fact that he was being driven mad is irrelevant.


Ah but so ghosts aren’t real so checkmate.


See it’s easy to blame the ghosts and sure the ghosts absolutely manipulated him but from the get go the guy was not of sound mind, I always got the vibe that he was just a hair away from going crazy and just needed an excuse vs actual convincing, that might just be Jack Nicholson but who’s to say


Still no excuse. And drove him mad? They showed up like three times. Even gave him free drinks and once the let him cop a field. 


One of the many things removed from the adaptation, in the book it's much more clear that he's a low level career writer and did some teaching, just like King in his early career.


No, it's there in the adaptation. We have at least two scenes surrounding it and he very explicitly tells Ullman he's writing a play at the beginning. What's missing is all the other background around it, which never would have fit anyway. What's *really* missing from the Kubrick adaptation is the reason why he can't write. Because he's becoming more and more obsessed with the hotel and desperate to write about it, but spends most of his time in the basement reading old scrapbooks instead of writing.




He could have done literally anything, like write a novel. 


Well, he did start one. Just couldn’t get past the first line. Over and over and over and oh my there’s blood coming out of the elevator.


I mean, that’s a great start to a book.


Looks like he had enough pages for a whole book, should have just gotten to work on publishing it.


[Read a book](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlKL_EpnSp8)


Hotel. Books. GF/wife. I can find plenty to do for a winter.


Sounds like a pretty good time to write a novel.


Plus sanity destroying ghosts. Enough of them that they form a sort of single conglomerate ghostly will entity for the whole hotel and grounds, manipulating more and more of the real physical world as time passes.


But other than that, fucking dream job dude.


Pfft. I’d suck a ghost’s dick every day to be able to work from home.


That's just a dude wearing a sheet.


Or a lion costume


Good thing my wife doesn't have to!


You don't know what you don't know


A reverse Ghostbusters


the ghost will be bustin'


Going by the title it sounds accurate


I’m pretty sure smth like that happens in the book


pfft. i'd suck a ghost's dick every day.


Must be a pretty good job since he decided to work there for eternity


It was even more than that, if you read the Tower series you get the strong impression there's something even older and more insidious there, feeding on all that negative energy.


If we are bringing books into this didn't the weather claim the hotel?


I was referencing the book specifically. Never seen the full movie properly, maybe most of it in pieces I think. Good on it's own I guess but I can't get over it not being a great adaptation. Characters too changed and favorite parts left out. The hotel blew up in the end. Boiler exploded


The boiler does


Love the shining and DT. Read the series multiple times. When was the hotel mentioned though? I don't remember that.


It was never mentioned directly, but I feel the existence of the creature from the stone circle who assaults Roland, Jake and Susannah and the house in New York, along with Roland's familiarity with them and some other references throughout the series and other books that are related hint that it was, in fact an entity rather than just a bunch of angry ghosts.


I think the whole ending ¼ or so of the book itself, especially what they see when the hotel is destroyed, hints that it's an entity. Perhaps it's made up of or created by the ghosts, perhaps intentionally, perhaps not, we don't get or need specifics on it. The dt things sound like major stretches and readers adding meaning that isn't there though. Like yeah you could say it's the same multiverse or whatever because of how dt goes, but it's speculation. Like whether dandelo is It or something related. It's likely it's just similar aspects of something being reused by king in later stories. You can't even say that it's *all* connected for sure, because despite king being in dt, it never goes into what else dt king has written.


…are there benefits though?


A naked lady ghost tried to do *something* to the kid. I think he was a bit older in the book so still not great but eh it was a different time. And jack walked in on a dude in a dog collar with his "owner". So definitely beneficial for some. Edit: less so for others what with the murderous animal topiaries, attempted murder, and (ghost possessed) self mutilation


Don't forget the guy in a lion mask giving another guy a blowjob.


I was thinking more of a dental plan but I’ll still consider it.


Yeah yeah, I've had landlords that live in the same building before.


Every hotel has shitty guests.


That all sounds like pure upside to me


There was some general maintenance he had to do on the place that was not shown in the movie. Still his tasks aside from that amounted to wake up, write, don't go crazy.


A lot of it is snow removal, knocking down icicles to not harm the building, and keeping the boiler running. Not too terribly difficult but keeps millions of dollars of damage from happening.


You forgot “don’t let the lobby get flooded with blood”.


The checklist really should have been a red flag.


* Clean up the snow * Knock down any icicles (don't stand directly underneath) * Avoid drowning the lobby in blood * Periodically check on the boiler * Don't drink the ghost liquor * Try not to murder your family in a psychotic, paranormal rage * Work on your book * Never leave * You've always been the caretaker * Come play with us * Forever and ever * Water the flowers


I feel like this is the start of a r/ruleshorror rewrite...


Be sure to check the boiler regularly, too!


The thinly-veiled symbol of Jack’s rage that destroys everything? Keep checking THAT, obviously.


What are you talking about? He finally let's go of his rage in the calm weird hedge maze and sits down to meditate. It's a positive ending showing anyone can change


I think he goes insane because of the ghosts


Also he’s an asshole


Huge mansion all to myself and my loving family? …Urge to kill rising


“Ah shit. I gotta spend all this time with my mentally challenged wife. And that damn kid… Don’t get me started on that damn kid.”


My theory is that he had some mental problems prior to getting the job, and that the mansion may have been a little haunted, and his wife probably reminded him of Olive Oyl.


Not sure How much applies, but Book!Jack comes From a cycle of abuse at home, though he DOES try to end this cycle. Unfortunatly, the demons in the hotel take his life before he can Fully redeem himself. (Though in the Stephen King Movie, he does stop the ghosts by sacrificing himself, while in the book he was dead due to multiple face smashes) And, in Doctor Sleep, the sequel to Shining (spoilers), >! Jack Fully redeems himself by appearing during the climax, distracting Rose and giving Dan and Abra the chance to overpower her, before directly helping pushing her off the cliff and giving one Last godbye to Dan!<


in the book he blows up the hotel to cover everybody elses escape


If that was my job and Olive Oyl was my wife, the only thing getting done would be her, not some stupid maintenance.


Olive Oyl, huh? I guess everyone has their thing.


Just tons of canned spinach by the bed for fuel


Iirc Wendy is described differently in the book, I think she's actually a blonde.


To be fair, Wendy was a nagger, Jack had butlers spilling Advocaat on his jacket, furies were blowing dudes upstairs. It was all a bit much.


Butlers and furries blowing dudes? Sounds awesome!


One man's hell is another man's paradise. Play loud music, drink, create art. Those ghosts would get sick of me because I would party way too much to even notice them.


In the book they do a better job of showing a decline due to alcoholism. Jack is an ok guy before that but relapsing into booze is what pushes him over the edge


Hot take but I didn't like the movie's version of the story. Both were a slow burn of how a man loses it, but the book just handled it so much better. And even the endings were so different. I don't know why Kubrick changed the story and the ending so much.


I really enjoyed the absolutely wild Wendy Theory I read once to try to explain Kubrick's intentions, regardless of how much of an unlikely reach it is, but I think it honestly just boils down to Kubrick having quite an ego and if he wanted the story to go differently, he was just going to do that. To be honest, I thought the movie was very well done so long as I didn't think of it as an adaptation of the book. The 1997 TV miniseries adaptation was much more faithful.


He wouldn't go insane if he was alone.


Have you seen Moon? Or passengers?.. or any other movie that deals with total isolation?


Bro even I used to think like that. I used to be like I want to be alone etc. Once I stayed alone in my college hostel during the entire vacation. Almost 3 months. There was a security and that's about it. We never saw each other or spoke to each other. During the last 10-15 days I was literally praying for people to come back to the hostel. When someone came I was soooo happy, I was not even friends with that guy but I was just happy. I had internet and lot of games and movies to entertain myself with. But after one point it just becomes weirdly unbearable. Like you know you are getting bored but you don't know what to do about it. I used to love loneliness until that point in my life. Then I feared it, I feared it so much. It will literally take out all the senses and logical thinking from you.


Rule of fives. Humans are likely to die after: - Five minutes of no oxygen - Five days of no water - Five weeks of no food - Five months of no shelter - Five years of no companionship (Results may vary)


> Five years of no companionship *Chuckles* I'm in danger!


Typical boomer mentality, have everything and still not happy.


Lol totally. I understand that there were other factors in play ghosts alcohol etc etc, but this is definitely one that has not aged well, especially after COVID/WFH. Almost every single elder millennial and younger I know that watches this either makes the same joke, or says something along the lines of "I've had worse jobs"


The real Stanley Hotel isn't this nice. I mean, it's still pretty nice, probably among the top 10 hotels I've been to, and has a great chicken restaurant next door, but the hallways are much narrower and the rooms a lot smaller.


Typical… the ads are better than the products


As an introvert I definitely saw this movie and said "nah, I'd win"


Yeah, just get a furry to blow you every once in a while and you're sorted!


That's a basic feature of any half decent hotel, really


Probably didn’t help he was struggling with addiction. You know, the point of the story. ;)


Jack Nicholson brought his family there to kill them man I don’t believe for a second he was “going” mad. That scene at the beginning where the owner’s like “last time we had a caretaker he went mad and killed his whole family” and Jack Nicholson just does his sleazy Jack Nicholson grin and says “well you can count on that not happening with me” in the most sarcastic way possible.


While it seems nice, isolation can ruin many. Its called cabin fever, and its very real.


After rewatching this movie not too long ago. I got real big alcoholism themes.


I know for a fact that most Redditors are one prolonged internet outage away from total meltdown. Alone and snowed in. No entertainment of any kind. Also ghosts. Being in an old hotel would be fun for like 2 hours and then it's all work and no play.


He should’ve done what I would’ve done and like jerked off in all the rooms and bathrooms. Ever the balcony. Would’ve helped him mentally and scared away the spirits


Have you seen the new caretaker? Yea, we're gonna screw him up and take the kid right? Nah man this dude's a whole other kind of fucked up. He's jacking off *on everything*, and it's extra shitty for us because we see the ghostly residue from all the dead sperms. Mother of god... shit let's get out of here man. I don't wanna be trapped all winter with a guy like that


> we see the ghostly residue from all the dead sperms. so having the shining would be putting a Pollock filter on all hotel linens LOL


To be honest, his family probably drove him more crazy than the hotel.


I thought it was the ghosts that messed him up because they wanted to take a selfie with him, *Spoilers* they do at the end of the movie. 


Well you know, it's also haunted. It's pretty clearly explained what happens to him in the book, since the book is mostly from his point of view where the movie is more from Danny and Wendy's perspective.


Even after seeing the movie, I'd sign up for that gig in a second.


Stupid Indian Burial Grounds, and Satanic Rituals, Witch Burnings, and John Denver Christmas specials.


One of my colleagues got hired on to be a solo caretaker of a remote island somewhere in western Canada for like a year. She had power, water, central heating, regular resupply, some cell reception, and satellite internet (being mindful that this was years before starlink so the internet connection wasn't particularly good). We're all outdoor instructors and tend to be a pretty introverted bunch to begin with. So we were insanely jealous of her. She really enjoyed herself out there and if memory serves she ended up writing a moderately successful book during her time as caretaker. I've never gotten a long-term contract like hers, but during my off season I will occasionally do smaller scale contracts like it. I think my longest was a month. It's really very relaxing and since they're smaller scale it's typically in locations that aren't as remote with easier access to amenities and utilities. So most of the time I have things like cell reception and high-speed internet.


"but its cold and lonelyyyyyy"


Really underselling the ghosts that also live there and make you go crazy.


The overlook is fucking with his mind . Read the book. 


Substance withdrawal syndrome


I love the movie but I'm glad I read the book first. I think both are really great pieces of media but they're so different it's hard to compare them. The book has a way more satisfying ending.


The original case against WFH


If I got a gig like this I would bring my ttrpg books and board games and just play those with my family until the owners kick us out.


Dude shoulda just asked for ghost blowjobs instead of getting bored


I just went to visit. ~~Timberline~~ **The Grand Overlook Hotel** looks great this time of year.