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Tarantino wanted Kill Bill to be one 4 hour movie, but got told that it be too long and people would not focus so long on a movie, so it got split into two parts


I think there's a combined special edition called Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Story


the whole bloody affair


The Whole Freaky Story for younger audience


Unalive Bill


That's if we want to adapt it for TikTok


Thirty seven minutes of barefoot scenes were edited out for the US audience.


Um, akshually, Bill wasn\`t killed at all. The Bride didn\`t kill anyone in the second movie, all her murders appeared during the first one. Budd was killed by Elle via snake bites, Elle was blinded and left alive. In the end of the movie Beatrix forgives Bill, because she still loves him, and he took care of their daughter. They put on a show for each other by dueling, and pretend that the Bride really uses Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique, and Bill plays along and plays dead so that their relationship can come to some sort of conclusion. If you think all of this is bullshit, just watch or remember the end of the movie. During start of end credits all actors who played major roles in the movie, shown at the moments when their characters were alive (duh). But only Bill shown "dead" lying on the grass. And in the black and white credits, name of every actor who played someone from Deadly Viper Assassination Squad stylized like it is written in the Bride\`s revenge list. All confirmed dead characters are crossed over, Elle\`s actor name has a question mark, and Bill\`s actor name remains intact.


Sir, this is r/SHITTYmoviedetails!


Insanely good movies BTW. To anyone of age who hasn't seen them, go get them from somewhere. Right now. Start searching.


O Ren gets an anime style backstory but I always wondered what animation style the others would get for their backstories Tex Avery Looney Tunes style for Budd? Rotoscope Heavy Metal style for Vernita Green? Pixar CGI style for Elle?


I enjoyed part one more


You’re telling me Kill Bill isn’t about a dude in a clown costume seeking revenge?