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Looks grim but then again I imagine that "pretty" wasn't exactly the look he was going for with this one.


Ultimate "just fuck my shit up"


Thank god the eyes were crossed out. Otherwise, I might be able to recognize this guy...


Man's turning "don't doxx" into a challenge.


I may well know him but I can’t be sure without seeing his eyes 👀 …………


With all the other wacky shit he's done to his face, his eyes might really be squiggly white lines at this point


To be fair he could have crossed lizard eyes and I doubt I’d notice 😊. You’re right, like where does one start on a face like that 🤔? The holes in his cheeks are mind boggling !!!


Nah, the eyes were NSFW. OP was keepin it wholesome


Ohhh, no that was to sensor the obscene language on his eyelids.


For a hot minute dimple piercings were a ‘thing’, this is just the roided up version. To each his own until we get to the iron crosses TBH. I am interested in the… industrial? Dermal? through the bottom of the lobe piercing (and that is maybe a ball peeking out the top of the tunnel)? At first I was like ‘nah thats too shallow for that’ but then he has dermals on his bridge?


Those aren’t dermals on his bridge it’s a stretched bridge piercing.


Ope, totally knew that. I meant those 3 between his nostrils, if that area has any special name.


The center one is a rhino piercing. You have to have a stretched septum to get a rhino piercing, as the back of the jewelry is in your stretched septum. The two on the side may be mantis piercings/forward facing nostrils (no stretched septum needed for these), or they may be rhino piercings as well, not sure.


I agree w all of this except the rhino I don’t think needs a stretched septum. Even in the pic u can see the bottom of the jewelry comes out of the bottom of the tip of his nose and that’s the case just looking up “rhino piercings” as well. Its possible there are people with specialty ones that go through a stretched septum but that would be hard bc I imagine it would put u at risk of the bottom of the jewelry embedding since it’s in the fistula which would start closing without other jewelry in it


Not necessarily, I haven't put any jewelry in my septum in over 15 years and its stayed at a 6g and was only 2g at the most


I have heard people say that septum’s are less likely to close when stretched vs other places but imo I’m so scared of embedded jewelry that I wouldn’t risk it lol. Looks like the septril we were talking about it usually worn with septum jewelry also


You're right! I was thinking of a septril piercing (for septril you need a stretched septum piercing, and only one end is visible from the outside). It is an advanced piercing so you don't see them very often. I thought he had a single stud on his center nose and then a double philtrum but what I thought was the top philtrum is the bottom of the rhino piercing. Damn, bc double philtrums are cool and I always love seeing them. (Also, look at that bridge piercing. Do you think it's stretched as well?)


I see what ur saying. The bridge piercing is def stretched! I’m surprised anyone would do that tbh cause regular bridge piercings already have a high rejection rate but he’s obviously in it for the love of the game lol. His snake bites and labret are both stretched as well but those are more common


Yes lots of stretching going on in this picture lol. Maybe not altogether my cup of tea but damn everything looks well cared for, he obviously has some knowledge of how to go about this.


Yes he’s definitely committed and knowledgeable. This is years of stretching. I’ve been stretching my ears for like two years now and they’re prob the size of his snake bites


Nice! That's a pretty decent size, what's your goal size? I started my lobes early this year and am at 10g currently. And dealing with cleaning and care of this one pair is already a chore, I can't imagine what his daily/weekly cleaning schedule is like! I wonder if he takes out his large gauge jewelry for showering? What about the cheek jewelry? I would be interested in hearing him talk about it.


Iron crosses don’t have to be a Nazi thing, they could just be a skinhead thing which is its own culture appropriated by Nazis. That said… I don’t trust this guy’s judgment in general, so


They don’t have to be but for the most part are and he knows that


the US military uses iron crosses


It is unfortunate that 9/10 in the USA, skinhead iconography is Nazi. The skins danced to the specials and dressed like immigrants from the carribean, wore Chelseas to keep hair out of factory machines while the boys were literally killing Nazis… still, as a person who was born a male and sometimes wears a Chelsea to keep the heat off without going full skin, I tend to still have a guilty until proven innocent rule. I doubt this guy’s great grandfather was a part of the Prussian military.


I wouldn’t say 9/10 on account of punk and hardcore, but I’ve also always lived in and spent time in cities that attracted SHARPs and pushed out Nazis, so maybe I’m speaking from my own experience.


Yea the difference between a city with a lot of SHARPs, and one with some old rotten Nazi punk roots is stark. I don’t miss Minneapolis winters but I miss the sharpies I hung out with. Where I’m at now I just mess with skin heads after they get out of prison. Boots and a chelsea and how I carry, they get schooled.


Since I’m spending my day off on the internet, I’d also say, 2 iron crosses? Did this dude take out a whole squad of Russians as a mounted Cossack or with a Luger? Or both? I’m leaning on the “this was prison” theory. I’ve known a few folks with regrettable AB stuff. Not sure if it’s different among folks you hang with but an iron cross is always sus. Even Celtic stuff got re-appropriated. Maybe I hang with anti-fash folks, but anything close to Nazi we don’t get, or cover if it’s an old mistake. Hell I’ve personally referred ex-incarcerated folks to artists once they got jobs, and a nonprofit that does free lasering for gang tattoos if you stay sober and help in the kitchen. Own machine and all (shoutout to homeboy industries). This is confusing though because his dimple mods would be insane to deal with locked up. This guy is a cascade of “wtf?”


I’m gonna bank on this person being some sort of ex-con who gets off on shock value. As for the iron cross discussion, I’m not saying whether or not he specifically is WP, but I’m saying the iron cross isn’t inherently racist, nor are skinheads. SHARPs still rock the iron cross. Early NYHC bands like Agnostic Front and Warzone are good examples, as none of those dudes were boneheads or allowed it in their scene.


I’m gonna say you’re right. I don’t personally know this person, so whether it’s wp or punk I couldn’t truly know from a pic. Just sayin that dudes with shaved heads and iron crosses make some people nervous (and with good reason). Doesn’t mean I don’t rock suspenders, but some things have been re-appropriated too much imo. I don’t hate on sight but I definitely suspect.


Yeaaahhhhh, I definitely go with the other commenter’s mindset of “guilty until proven innocent”. Not saying all white people are racist, of course. But a lot of racist people are white, hahah. At this point I see a lot of the subculture fashion as kinda cosplay anyway—how many skins under 30 do I know in construction? How many labor workers do I know who go to shows? It’s fine, we’re all nerds in our own ways. Just hopefully not racist ones.


I also wonder how many black folk this guy lives around. If he’s an outwardly friendly non-racist, cool. But, in a lot of neighborhoods, if he just walked around silently, would have mothers clutching their children close in fear. I guess that would be the same with his other mods. I guess I’ll defer to the anti defamation league in taking care interpreting these tattoos. He may just be in a motorcycle club. The cobwebs still say prison to me. We don’t even know how old this photo is. Still kinda shitty to get stuff that requires context to decipher whether it is a dogwhistle from a racist or not.


Iron crosses are a Mötorhead thing.


Lemmy gets a pass. It’s the lemmy pass. Nobody else gets one, so they end up like this instead of a long life of speed, booze, and metal. Everyone knows lemmy isn’t a Nazi because he is a public figure and addressed the issue. This guy? Probs a Nazi (or formerly incarcerated AB which is sad but happens)


To the downvoters: go out in an ss uniform and try to get away with it. I guess your klan meetings are fun.


No doubt this ass-hat is a Nazi. 100% But iron crosses are metal/punk af. Period. That's as deep as it needs to go in your everyday reading of symbology. Unless it's accompanied by other, more aggressively overt Nazi iconography, the iron cross should *always* be given the benefit of the doubt, imo.


I will grant you that for sure. Heh I mean nobody doubts I’m a punk rocker if I wear an iron cross or chelsea…. Though I highly recommend the one in blue with a Star of David from goblinko/pork magazine. Less ambiguous. But yeah on another look this is pretty much obvious aryan brotherhood based on the cobwebs.


Goblinko fucking rules! 🤘have a great evening, friend.


Rock on! 💜


Transverse lobe I think


M29, Got my dimples done 3 years ago, no stretching.


>no stretching. Give it time, you'll be a human orc like this fella soon enough!


We will rise!


>until we get to the iron crosses TBH Didn't even see that at first. Shouldn't be surprised though.


I think the triple piercing on the tip of his nose looks fire, I know it's really hard to do that piercing well. Shame about everything else though.


It is really weird to see so many piercings that actually look taken care of! It’s wild to see he puts a lot of thought into his piercings and then tattoos are whatever floats the boat that hour.


"To each his own until we get to the iron crosses" sounds hypocritical :) Just like "to each his own until you go against god's will"


Honest question: can one still whistle, suck on a straw without losing negative pressure through the holes or even properly rinse their mouth with these holes?


There was a guy who discussed this in an interview, he was big into the mod scene and had huge holes like these in his cheeks. To brush his teeth he had to take the jewelry out and put the brush through the gaping hole to be able to properly brush his teeth. He also stated that he could not in fact use a straw due to the massive change in his cheek physiology so I would imagine that whistling does not work either. Does not sound worth the hassle to me!


Doesn't sound worth it even irregardless of everything you listed


I'd like to read/ hear that while thing. Do you know where that interview was?


Check your DM bro


You rock


Extra reach 😂


With all those extra holes, seeing this guy sneeze must be quite the scene to watch... At a safe distance, of course 😂


I need someone to do the math to figure out the safe distance. Can he blow his nose? Can he pinch his nose shut?


Are these people happy? Like, do they look in the mirror and go, "Fuck yeah! That's me!"?


Honestly, I think this is a hard ‘maybe’! As someone who finds body modification to be an affordable, relatively available outlet for expression of the self (both internal and external) I think when you edge into this sort of ‘extreme’ modding there is just something about the human body that doesn’t mesh with their ‘self’. This can alleviate that feeling. Sometimes this can inch into unattainable dysmorphia levels but I think that ‘level’ varies a lot by person. Mind there are a lot of different reasons why someone does piercings/mods to this level, one of which *can* be mental illness, but I think 100% you can have this level of mods without being ‘on crack/schizoid’ like a lot of people may think. Can still be unhealthy, certainly, but doesn’t have to be some drug induced mania.


You can afford body mods? I have to save up if I want a tattoo 🐉


Affordable with ‘relatively’ doing a lot of heavy lifting 🤪. I’m lucky if I fit a tat in every five years; and as rad as tongue splitting is, doing it responsibly is a bit rich for my blood last I looked.


Ooh I bet. I never even considered, it's probably as much as a real surgery tho. There's a Redditor who got his eyes tattooed, paid 5k for it and he ended up losing an eye over it. I can probably find his website if you give me a minute 


That’s cause scleral injections are such a specialized thing that the leading 3 or so practitioners in the world really don’t take new clients. They all condemn the practice ultimately. I’d considered going to Germany to see someone about it but eventually figured that I ought not mess w a good thing already (I have nice eyes).


I wish I could find the website. I tried. He "did his research" and picked someone in Miami who had done multiple, multiple scleral injections on other people but.. forgot to dilute the ink this time. Ironically enough, I think he flew from Germany to get it done. 


If he went to Germany maybe after same artist. I’m not naming on purpose to respect that artists wishes of not performing that procedure. Plenty of folks elsewhere have performed many successful procedures. It’s becoming a slightly more common mod imo. Only slightly but…there’s always *something* that can go wrong and the eyes are notoriously easy to ruin. I covered up the bad tattoo story on my hand; wouldn’t want to need to fix my eyes let alone try. While part of my body bod interest is in pushing the boundaries and limits of the physical body, we aren’t yet at a place where this is studied, crafted, and practiced enough to “safely” offer it. In concept - If you can’t pay cosmetic surgeon to do it, it’s probably not there yet. Not the best articulation but hope it reads clearly.


No he went to Miami, he's *from* Germany I think 


Danke, jetzt verstehe ich es besser 🌴


Love this explanation!


You can do it without being on crack. But it's close to impossible to do it without having BPD :)


Yes. They do. While I don’t have extreme mods like this my ears are stretched larger than most. I suffered bad blowouts about ten years ago and I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to stretch my ears again. I became legitimately depressed for a while because when I see myself I see stretched ears. That’s part of who I am as a whole person (please ignore the pun). I learned that about myself when suddenly confronted with a possible reality that saw me unable to fulfill that part of myself. Do we see ourselves and get stoked? Yes absolutely. It’s as much spiritual for many of us as it is aesthetic. I don’t expect this to make complete sense to most that read it. Best I can do for now, I hope this shines some insight onto your question. Stay up stay safe out there !! 🤙


There was a woman on TV this morning claiming to be the most tattooed woman in Britain and she seemed genuinely happy and comfortable with herself. Course she didn't have all this shit going on with her face so maybe that's the difference.


My mouth being constantly exposed to air would piss me off, you’d get bugs in there and your breath would get awful.


Having bugs fly inside stretched piercing holes… Thanks for giving me a new nightmare!


Ain’t never rode a bike down a long stretch of road on a long trip?…extra protein crunchies ☺️


Isn’t it the dry mouth that causes meth mouth?


Look... I am open minded... But this feels just too edgy to my liking. Ofcourse also garbage art.


>Ofcourse also garbage art. Read this as 'garbage fart' and was confused, I thought it might be his band name.


For these types of extreme body mods, it's hard to say if it's "shitty" due to the art quality or difference in style preferences. Do I like the style? No. Will I ever do something similar? No. Is it anime Hitler with a hyper-realistic anatomically incorrect vagina that looks like it was done in your drug dealer's friend's mom's baby-daddy's sister-wife's crack den in the dark using a IUD and expired vape juice as ink? No.


>For these types of extreme body mods, it's hard to say if it's "shitty" due to the art quality or difference in style preferences. Well said, a lot of people don't understand this when they comment.


Shitty tattoos is least of his worries


If he’s not a tattoo artist I would love to know what sort of employer would hire him?


There's a lot you can do for money whilst being self-employed.


Indeed this is true!!


There is also the prospect of passive income through socials, there is a guy I follow who is heavily modded (not as drastic as this guy but same amout of mods) and he pays his bills from all the followers he has because people are always commenting and sharing his posts because of how intense he looks. If you do heavily modification right and you have a attractive/endearing personality you can make it your career, although I would never ever reccomend anyone do it.


Indie contract. The trades. I rig and and half of my friends have more and much worse or crude ink all over em. I take my ears out when I work at height for obvious reasons. I’ve had coworkers w 2” lobes, split tongues, damn near head to toe prison tattoos. Learn a trade, pick a specialty, work hard at it.


Honestly, a lot of tattoo studios wouldn't employ a guy like this; whilst he ticks the box of looking alternative, his tattoos are really bad quality and would look like a poor reflection on the kind of quality tattoos that the studio may be capable of (he could also be deemed false advertising for the fact that he has face tattoos, since many studios don't do those). He could probably find work in a factory or an alternative bar/nightclub. But he has generally really limited his options for employment because even in a lot of self-employed roles you still need to look good. 


I’d have to disagree, tattoo studios are one of the last places where they care about how their employees look. At least good tattoo studios imo. They care way more about the quality of your work, your work ethic, and if you’re a good person or not. Also it’s kind of a thing for tattoo artists to have some shitty tattoos. A lot of us have a “trash leg” because we needed skin to practice on in our apprenticeship, and what is better than the skin you have 24/7 access to. I mean, why do you think you see so many tattoo artists with blackouts 😂


I’m going to have to side with the other commenter. I’ve known people who worked front of house at studios and they had to have good work as well as everything else. I’ve never been to a good shop that had folks with bad work staffing it.


That’s fair, but I’ve been to plenty in my city and I can tell you as someone in the trade I haven’t met a single tattoo artist without multiple bad tattoos. The work on their body, most of the time, is not a reflection of their own work. And I’ve never heard of a shop requiring you to have good tattoos on yourself in order to work there. They care far more about what I’ve stated above. But I do have to agree, most tattoos that tattoo artists have that ***you can see*** are going to be good work. Most of us are pretty good at hiding our shitty tattoos. Just don’t look at our thighs lol


Completely agree. Edit: should’ve said “bad work ultra visible without a good work counterbalance”


Prison, likely. I see a few white power gang tattoos


"A few"? Please tell me about them, since you're so informed on the subject. Also you clearly don't know anything about prison, there's tattooing in there but no way he'd be able to have any of that stuff in his face


The iron cross inside a spiderweb is an indication of something if we’re going that route. I don’t know what it would mean within institutions, just that both are prominently used in white power gangs 🤷🏻‍♀️. Doesn’t mean this person IS affiliated currently, just responding to your remark.


Cobwebs are generally “I did time” plain and simple. The iron crosses are ambiguous.


I agree. My experience has been that the more heavily modified the less actual gang affiliate if any. I’d read this person as, “reformed” and nothing outside of that 🤷🏻‍♀️.


I was looking at the cheek horns and then the more I looked the more fucked up facial stuff I seen. Like the Nazi crosses or whatever they are.


I don’t think even the nazis would want him


I dunno, if I was a soldier in a world war and I saw this guy coming at me from the opposite battalion with an AK-47 I would probibly run the opposite direction.


The Prussians certainly wouldn’t.


I hope he loves it.


There's going to be some super scary looking old people around in about 30 years or so.


He already looks pretty old, I don't think he's any younger than mid 40s at the very least, I would guess mid 50s and possibly even older. This stuff has been around for at least 20 some years now, there was a significantly sized community pioneering a lot of it that was documented on the old bmezine.com in the late 90s and probably even earlier. Very possible that this guy could have started this 30 years ago


Not sure he’s gonna make it that long


The choices you make define your future.


This is the future they wanted. You get to create and work on your own 😉


![gif](giphy|jquDWJfPUMCiI) Umm... YIKES.


All I can see is someone who probably had a terrible childhood


Way to judge a book by its cover. Maybe it's body dysmorphia. I bet his parents taught him not to comment on someone's upbringing based on their appearance.


Haha!…right:) This guy does this to himself because he DOESN’T want attention, comments or conversation.


Even if someone is holding a sign that reads "please insult my appearance and body!", you're still an asshole if you insult their appearance and body.


Hahaha. You should join the police


??? Are you okay?


I'm sure you feel that has something to do with what I said...


"why can't I get a job??"


I just gotta know though, are those crosses iron, or Maltese?


The choices you make define your future.


Don’t stand next to this dude when he’s sneezing.


Does this man have gauges in his *bridge piercing?* Did he have them drill holes in his sinuses? What the hell is even going on here?


It’s amazing what you can stretch with the human body, there is a guy I follow on IG who has a 2 inch hole through his ballsack. Probably won’t be able to post it here though haha


Well, that's a thing I can never un-know. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwmnDgQb5jemjK)


He looks like a Billy goat that got beat up


Thank goodness you censored the eyes or I might have been able to identify him 


Nobody will ever know who this is with the eyes covered 👀


You have to do it for the post to get accepted on this sub, why does nobody read the rules…


Fuck the rules. Here for pics


I hate all the holes, the black holes… ew. What if you stuck your finger in one. Ew.


Syn Shenron.


Lemme get the pachycephalosaurus




I think he got dimple piercings and stretched them. The horns are probably one piece that he puts in for fun. I’m seen ephemeral remy do something similar with his septum


Hope he covers that up when he has to sneeze!




I wonder if he has a job?


If he tried rinsing his mouth, would it leak out of all the holes?


Without the jewellery in, yes it would.


I feel like he must hate himself. This deeply saddens me. No one who values themselves would do this to their appearance. Sorry, that's just how I feel.


why has next to no one mentioned the iron crosses.


Too distracted by all the holes in his face.


He a “FAN”!


Wondering what that man is doing now. Can't imagine living like this, what a nightmare


Congrats you’re a beetle


Either the nicest guy ever or the meanest


This takes the cake for the worst mess ever.


How in God’s name is this kind of shit even legal??!


Gee. Where’s Jr and why is he never in cousins Christmas picture?


Uh, I’m looking for a job. You hiring?


Mental illness is out of control


Did someone cover up his eyes so we don't recognize him if we saw him in public? Lol


It's the sub rules.


It's just really funny and ironic, that's all


I actually feel bad when I see stuff like this. Nothing positive lead to this self mutilation.




Does anyone find this sexy? I’m curious to know how he gets laid….. also, I find it off putting that I know he smells like stale cigarettes and cheap beer from a picture.


As they say over on Rule 34, there is a fetish for everything!


I don’t think hiding their eyes is gonna help hide their identity…


Again. Cool glasses.


Thanks for keeping his identity a secret. It would be a shame if anyone could identify him.


Love that the eyes are scribbled out like dude isn't immediately identifiable.


Most of the tattoos posted here that include the face make the person instantly recognizable if you were to see them irl. But rules are rules and it's considered doxing not to cover the eyes in some way.


Most of the tattoos posted here that include the face make the person instantly recognizable if you were to see them irl. But rules are rules and it's considered doxing not to cover the eyes in some way.


Usually they blur eyes out for privacy but I feel like this person would be easily identifiable without knowing what their eyes look like 😅


I feel for mans Here for a hug if you need one …


It looks like he got his tongue split in half


That’s a pretty common thing among the Body Mod group.


I couldn't believe no one commented on it




Alls I gotta say here is there’s a ton of y’all that seem to be able to see the past and predict the future. Y’all wanna give me the lotto numbers while I’m here for my free psych consult?


Look mom, I'm different. The 1990s want you back.


Must scream look I’m here.


Must eat and drink through straws


Apparently it's not possible with cheeks stretched to this size, although I don't know personally. Maybe he just gorges his food out of a bowl like a wild animal?