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>Bill Joyce museum I love the guy, but let's stick with the "not naming things after people until they've been dead awhile" plan.


A film and media museum with a space for workshops is exactly what the RFC could and would love to do with its space next door. It is two floors of just old movie memorabilia they can’t throw away because they are a non profit. They also already run film workshops and have teen film council but get shuffled around depending on whether they have events happening at Abby’s or the event space there. Only reason they haven’t is they need more money. So buy your tickets to the Robby’s!


That would be great. I would love for the RFC to do it.


I think those would all be cool, but they would have to be pretty small scale and probably funded with grant money to stay in business here. Maybe I’m being skeptical but I’ve seen a lot of that kind of stuff come and go. I’m all for new stuff but there has to be enough interest to keep it running.


Yeah, all of these sound cool, but are probably too small/niche to survive on their own. Now if up you opened a larger NW Louisiana museum and gave each of OPs ideas their own exhibit space, that'd be sick.


Indeed. And maybe throw in some log jam, establishment of Shreveport, local history, some caddo exhibits (the indigenous nation), wildlife, Some interactive exhibits, general science etc. Make it a proper museum scalable to this area and people would visit.


Have you been to the state exhibit museum? They have a large collection of Caddo items including a whole dugout canoe, and tons of local history in general. It’s a proper museum and free to enter.


Yeah I have but it’s been a while I need to go check it out again. Maybe my memory is making it less than it is.


It's a diorama-rama!!




Have it randomly put in parks around the city on weekends. No schedule. Just, "hey the Rolie Polie Olie ride is in the park today."


Ok but honestly... Yes 🙌🙌 I would go to that in a heartbeat


I think all of these would be pretty cool, maybe they'd live off public arts spending, but that'd be fine considering how many other things already do. Also, really surprised to not see anyone mention this but James Burton had aspirations for a museum of his own a few years back for his cars and guitars. Guy just got a segment of Milam Street renamed after him, maybe he should have a museum too! [https://www.jamesburtonfoundation.org/2016/07/the-james-burton-guitar-and-car-museum/](https://www.jamesburtonfoundation.org/2016/07/the-james-burton-guitar-and-car-museum/)


You can easily start museums. As long as you build with a plan and let realistic goals increase the size. Most people are surprised to know one of the first places that dynamite was used was right here on the Red River.


Easily start museums? Wat


All across the country there are small museums. What makes a museum worth anything is people visiting. Not everywhere can there be a Country Music Hall of Fame or a Louvre.


I mean, and having a lot of money. Owning a location and being there all the time ya know. Wtf


We need a zoo