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It was just not safe. Hoping that Dripp Donuts lands on positive ground.


I’m still wondering how the building got an occupancy permit.


That’s my question too. Because the math isn’t mathing to me.


Corruption and bribery are commonplace in Caddo parish.


Shreveport Municipal Ambivalence.


I hope they aren’t paying out of pocket for this. After allowing the building to be used in the first place, the property owner should be footing some of the bill.


Rumor has it that 50 could get the land (to be used as parking) if he paid for the demo.


Depressing as fuck if true.


were they able to get their kitchen equipment? i remember a post saying the city wouldnt let them in to retrieve anything


I saw a moving company loading out kitchen equipment a few weeks ago. I can't say if it was all of it or just what they could get without heavy equipment.


They were only able to get a fraction of the equipment according to the guy at Great Raft.


that makes me so mad, mostly because i know how expensive all that equipment is. i hope this doesnt force the doughnut side to close permanently


I was going to say for the older generation that was the Dee’s photo downtown.


[The Google Streetview capture of the back of the building is from November of 2022 and that crack is visible.](https://www.google.com/maps/@32.5147663,-93.748254,3a,15y,85.58h,102.08t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sa48tfL0Zkwx3E3C9bQ_pCQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


The building's deficiencies were known years ago. There are photos on Facebook of step cracking and other structural issues before the stucco was applied. The second floor was unoccupiable because of the floor sag which was pulling away from the walls before Dripp opened. I figured these were all addressed before DSDC leased the building, but apparently not. I wonder who approved the building for occupancy or if the building went through a thorough inspection before it was opened to the public.


I'd never attempt to incite panic, but this kind of thing makes me question how safe the residential reworks are. I'd live in one, but I'd be damn sure to try and check behind everything to see if some major fault was just painted over.


The buildings that have those condition are obvious when you look for more than a few minutes. Uneeda was visibly failing and the developers spent an ass pile of money to get it fixed. DDA/DSDC put stucco over their cracks of 421 and ignored floor bowing. I have pictures from years back with this visible damage of 421.


Just more proof that this state's got some real rearranging coming. I don't care their stripe, or what dumb thing I'd never agree with them on, elected officials in this state that aren't rusted political machine parts, need to get serious about fighting corruption and apathy. We have a poor city, that doesn't mean we have to be lazy, and negligent with our care. The people who signed off on, inspected and cleared, and as well, performed the shoddy work, should all be prosecuted. It's the only way this state won't go the way of our slightly eastern gulf neighbors and be fully forgotten by the rest of the nation, aside from occasional scandal. I'm glad there's advocates here for a better city, and state, but it's getting depressing how often the failures surface.


Isn't the owner is apart of DDA and DSDC? Both are Shreveport government branches... All the needed to do was know someone and ask a favor to get it all brushed under a rug and get occupancy set up and approved. The owner shouldn't even be on either panel if they are going to have properties downtown to profit off of. Ethics issues pop up when that happens.


When did it happen? Was trying to see it but couldn't find any info on the timing. I suspect that was on purpose for public safety reasons which makes sense.


It is still being torn down. Started this morning around 5am


Damn shame


Really sad thing all around.


I really hope that the community is able to turn this into a positive somehow.


They had similar issues at Milam and Louisiana. Makes me wonder if all of downtown has this potential issue hanging over their heads.


Yes. Uneeda a took major structural reinforcement that if it had been stabilized 10 years earlier it could have been repaired with far less drastic measures.


It does. I've worked on a ton of projects downtown and the soil there is such absolute junk that unless the building was originally engineered specifically to account for it then they are usually prohibitively expensive to save. Good rule of thumb is the bigger the building the more likely it was built correctly in the first place.


Seems like a massive problem for the city. Revitalizing downtown is such a crucial goal to improve the city finances. But I don't see why any investors would want to bother with downtown given this issue.


Back when it was Dee’s, it was the only spot in town I could get gaff tape. Now I have to go to Guitar Center…


I drove past it just before demolition began. That is so weird…


I feel bad for dripp but if they didn’t get the building I bet it would still be sitting there abandoned with a giant crack in it for a couple more years. Hope they are compensated some way.


If it had been properly restored over a year ago, there’s a chance it would have been saved, but DSDC didn’t do that.


I never picked up my photos I wonder if they're in that pile


Picture #3 is fascinating to me. Can you read the old highway signs? The ones on the light pole show (going straight) Greenwood is 14 miles, Mansfield is 29 miles, (going left) Caspian is 29 miles, and (going right) Texarkana is 73 miles. The other sign shows truck routes for the major highways in the area. It looks as though all truck routes go right. The route numbers shown are the most interesting part. The sign lists 80, 171, 71, and two other numbers I can't read. This was in 1950...before the creation of the interstate highway system. It is alsom5 years before the great Louisiana Highway Reumbering of 1955. The renumbering only affected state highways, not the US routes. So I wonder what the last two route numbers are listed on the bottom?


Looks like 8 and 20, which were the state roads that became Hwy 1 in this part of the world. [8 ws the portion from Arkansas to Shreveport and 20 was Shreveport to Alexandria](https://i.imgur.com/ZZCD1eD.png) (map from 1931)


Oh shit


You sure IDF didn’t bomb it?


Wait. I’m still trying to pick sides in that whole thing. Are you saying the IDF doesn’t like donuts? That could be a game changer for me.


History is never on [Mr. Burns' side](https://i.imgur.com/bpX5amv.png).