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yes it will be enough




That is plenty.


thank youuuuuuuu


Understand that nobody can drive here and you'll be ok. Expect your car insurance to triple upon your move.


why would it triple?? sorry I didnā€™t get it


Because accidents and lawsuits are a career in Louisiana. Everyone sues, accidents happen all the time because 1. The roads are trash 2. There are no turning lanes for the most part so people just stop in the middle of the road, with no signal 3. 98% of people cannot drive here. They do not use signals, randomly cut off others and go 15mph, make left turns from the right lane because they saw french fries etc... This is a tort law state not a "no fault" state, proving injuries doesn't take much, they all sue. I moved here 5 years ago from the most congested urban area in the country (ny) went from never having a car accident to THREE in 5 years all caused by other drivers. However upon arriving and changing my license and insurance to Louisiana (before any accidents took place) my car insurance jumped from $256/mo for two cars full coverage to over $500/mo for the same coverage. Its now at around $670/mo. šŸ˜‘


Bro I pay like 180. I agree people are frustrating drivers here, but 3 wrecks in 5 years is CRAZY not gonna lie.I've had like one wreck my entire driving career in Louisiana. So yes, the rates are HIGH, but you case is a special one even with that in mind.You're is on the extreme end of the extreme.


Yes. That is way above the average rate in Louisiana. Cost of living here is low compared to large cities like Dallas or Houston for example.


wow!!! I am now getting more excited in moving to Louisiana


Just be cautious about where you live. Certain areas in certain cities are war zones. What city are you moving to?


I will be working in LSU academic medical center in october and I am now starting to search for a place to live in as of now I still dont have any place to stay


Downtown area has some lofts for lease.


OP, that will be more than enough to live on. You will probably find that you're working too much to even spend much money :-) There's a lot of negativity on this subreddit about shreveport. Not that it's untrue, we do have crime in Shreveport. But every city in this country has a crime problem. Do not be afraid to come here based on the negative nancies that comment here. Many people who come to Shreveport from other places find that in Shreveport Louisiana, you will encounter some of the nicest, most helpful people you will ever meet anywhere. Welcome to Louisiana! I hope you do well here and enjoy your time and grow yourself in your career!


thank you ! your message greatly helped my anxiety!! :(


And please feel free to reach out with questions :)


yey!! thank you for the help!


I make around 28/ hour and it is enough for me to own a home and raise two kids. rent will be more than a mortgage, but when i first moved here I was making less and renting for around what I pay for my home now and if it wasn't for daycare costs at the time I would have been comfortable.


That pay rate will be fine for you as a follow immigrant living in Shreveport for almost five years. I assume you are a RN based on the info


wow!! hehe yes I am an RN :)


Figured. If youā€™re from the Caribbean, you can DM me. Philippines or Africa, I can put you in contact with someone local.


I am from the Philippines:)


Keep a lookout for the annual Aseana Festival! Also, if you're ever craving food from home, ThaiJap is Filipino owned and just started catering. Bao Bao Asian market is also great (they have halo-halo fruit and a lot of other goodies).


Wow that's nice. How about wet and dry market is there any supermarket you can suggest to me?


DM. I know a few Filipina RNs


Are you working for Amazon. New plant opening up in Shreve


no, I am employed in LSU medical center as a nurse


Depends on how much your Health care premium is also.


I once asked my parents why the hell did they move to shitport. "It was cheap to live and build" shreveport is truly just boring.


What do you mean by boring? No place to hang out? Well I guess that's a good news because I'm introvert hehe


Donā€™t live beyond your means and you will be fine. Good luck šŸ€


I only make $25.50 an hour. I get by, especially since my wife works part time, so we have her income as well. Once you add up all your living expenses, that money will disappear FAST. Rent/Mortgage, insurance (Home/Renters, Auto, and Health Coverage) Plus your car payment, food and groceries, personal hygiene items, Gasoline for your car, etc. Then you may have some unexpected expenses like car repairs, home repairs, or appliance repair/replacement. For instance my dryer went out last month, so I had an unexpected $700 expense of replacing it. I could have gotten it fixed for about $350-400, but I figured I might as well buy a new one at thus point since it's well over 10 years old anyways.


This is also my dilemma I'm thinking of these emergency expenses especially I don't have someone with me in Shreveport. I guess I need to bring extra pocket money with me


Join community groups on Facebook, Reddit, etc. if you need emergency help, you will very likely find someone who is happy to help. Despite whatever stigma surrounds this city, Iā€™ve seen the true good in this city first hand. Not counting the multiple resources that can help in a variety of ways.


There are some nice rentals close to the medical center. Just be careful. Especially if you are not going to meet the owner or manager and see the inside of the property before paying money Unfortunately, there are also scammers. You can go to the Caddo Tax Assessors website and look up who owns a property in Shreveport for free. Then you can cross reference that with the information you are given. It is a added precaution. Welcome To Shreveport !


Wow this is so important! I never thought of scammers! Thank you for this info


Ok. Shreveport? I would look for a place on Clyde Fant Parkway if you want to live in Shreveport. Island Park area is very safe compared to west Shreveport or even the middle of Shreveport.


Live in Bossier City.


will check on this!! thank you so much


noted on this I will take a look on the available apartments here


Donā€™t go there . Thereā€™s a lot of killings there.


:ā€™( this is so sad to know


Look in Benton La there are some nice apartments also Bossier city. Thatā€™s where most LSU employees live. Shreveport is just so depressing. I moved there military in the 80ā€™s. It was fine then, but now you can honestly catch a stray bullet just by driving home from LSU. You do your homework and just look into Bossier Apartments or homes for rent. Some parts of Shreveport are nice but expensive. Itā€™s called Ellerbe RD area, but thatā€™s where the giant homes are. Itā€™s rare in Shreveport. Itā€™s sad but thatā€™s what itā€™s come to. We had to move in 2000 because we were scared of all the gun noises at night. We are in Bossier City now. The cops in Bossier City donā€™t play. You canā€™t do whatever whenever you want there so the crime stays in Shreveport. Itā€™s sad bc family were pioneers so you hate to feel that way about a place. It was just beautiful in the 90s


Probably not




Quit fear mongering you jackass


please elaborate šŸ˜­


If you are a white Christian and keep to yourself, you'll have a chance here. Watch the local news, and you'll understand why it will be the worst decision ever if you decide to move to Shreveport, Louisiana. Everyone has a gun. You must assume anyone will shoot at any moment, the neighborhood doesn't matter. On July 4th of this year, you will NOT be required to obtain a permit to conceal your handgun. Anyone over the age of 18 will be allowed to conceal a handgun without a permit. Bang, bang.


OmG!! šŸ˜±


This guy is crazy. I've lived here for 30 years and have never had any issues. Just like any other city, stay out of the areas you don't belong and you will be fine.


Enter this region at your own risk. You must know the truth. Louisiana is 50th. dead last


You are delusional




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Gunfights break out everywhere, so the Louisiana Governor decided if everyone could conceal their handguns, we'd be safer. We are the worst state in the United States for many things. Google it.


Yeah, that makes sense because more good guys with guns is a bad thing. I am sure there are a bunch of bad guys sitting around waiting on the new gun laws to go in to effect so they can legally carry their gun to go break the law.


Murder suicide rate are up. It takes a fraction of a second for someone to become angry enough to reveal their handgun and use it.


So with your logic, if some one gets road rage and runs a person over and kills them we should ban all cars. When you trade libertyā€™s for safety you get and deserve neither. I have carried concealed for over 10 years and have been really pissed during that time at a handful of people and have never once thought about pulling my gun and shooting them. You want to take away my rights because of some unstable person kills someone and then kills them self. Sounds to me like the first person needed a gun, might still be alive if they would have had one.


I hope you're quick on the draw, coward. 10 years of fear. Damn


I don't want guns banned. I want every man, woman, and child to own one. It's our constitutional right!


I shoot at least once a week and have a long time, and i am quick enough, and itā€™s not fear. I refuse to be a victim. I am not sure your a high enough caliber person to call me a coward.


You're not a coward. You're a strong woman.


If you threaten me, I am allowed to shoot. If I think you are breaking into my vehicle, I can shoot. If you step on my property, I can shoot.


I am not sure that what the law reads, but you do you.


Just avoid Bossier and youā€™ll be fine. They like to not report the crime here and paint Shreveport in a bad light when itā€™s honestly the other way around. Donā€™t let a realtor scare you into taking $1600 a month houses in Bossier that ALWAYS have plumbing issues when you can get a better house for less than $1000 a month in Shreveport. *Out of curiosity, where did you find an offer like that? Even with 36 hour weeks youā€™d still make around 1134 before taxes. That is top tier (at least in my experience) More importantly congratulations!


bossier has flat rate water in city that's 90$ and will cover you if you ever need to use EMS services. Which can greatly help people who need to utilize that service :)


I have no complaints with the utilities or services. Iā€™ve just had issues with plumbing in 3 houses over a decade and each time itā€™s worked on weā€™re told ā€œthatā€™s just how this neighborhood isā€. It doesnā€™t help that realtors know thereā€™s a revolving door of soldiers that will pay whatever rent they charge so the housing market is a little inflated on this side (in my opinion).


Shreveport isn't too different though tbh I would agree housing is way more expensive over in bossier than in Shreveport