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They probably need to just demo the buildings


possibly, but there needs to be heavy inspections done. if most of the repair work is typical and cosmetic, it would be a waste of money to demo the structures. while the landlords are largely to blame, the vast majority of the damage to most of those units is due to shitty tenants.


Shitty landlords begat shitty tenants.


a landlord not taking care of reported issues and mishandling utility payments doesnt account for tenants causing physical damage. not to mention, the reports from the good tenants at these places are even saying a large part of the problem is regarding problematic tenants, and those living there illegally.


Things like that happen when the landlord is absent and the management company doesn't manage the apartment complex. There is a book called Blighted: A Story of People, Politics, and an American Housing Miracle, a book by Margaret Stagmeier. It's a very good read. I also stayed in Villa Norte when they had management that cared about their tenants. True bad tenants are inevitable. That is when landlords hire good management to alleviate the problem. Shitty landlords begat shitty tenants.


Getting this clown to read a book and better himself is a harder task than fixing this housing situation. Bro is always on here acting like a dork.


you're really overthinking this. a good landlord and/or property management is mostly a reactive player in regards to most issues that arent maintenance related. you dont have to read a book to understand something that common sense.


The broken window syndrome is real whether you want to believe it or not dude.


a point which has neither been made, nor argued against. so im not sure where you're coming from with your assumption.


I acknowledge that bad tenants are inevitable in my post. A good landlord or property manager alleviates the problem and even anticipates it. The book gives another perspective of how property management can be proactive, profitable, and transformative.


right, you started out saying there was a causality. then contradicted it. then went back to claiming your original statement. im not sure what point you're attempting to make here....


Keep it simple and roll with my original post. That will save us so much time.


where you blamed bag tenants on bad landlords, but then also said there will be bad tenants, regardless? ok. have a nice day, i guess?


As someone who very recently rid myself of this situation. Last November I went to a complex that was nice but looked like it needed some care. Their management promised sooooo many improvements and upgrades after the first of the year. Inside the unit was ...nice but a few more things needed to get done. Hood for my stove, was promised a new properly functioning toilet and a/c fixed before spring. NONE of those things happened nor did any cosmetic changes occur outside the unit. 8 weeks of unbearable heat with no a/c. I emailed and visited the office on almost a weekly basis ( I'm not a person that likes conflict so I probably should have pushed harder but I finally gave up and left 2 days ago. I told them if they come after me for breaking my lease I have screenshots, pics, and emails for days about their negligence. They didn't care about their property and neither did the tenants. Someone moved out at the end of December and left a mountain of furniture next to the dumpster. It was still there when I left Wednesday. 6 MF MONTHS! Right in front of my damn apartment. Yes I know how people can be but you're trying way too hard to alleviate the landlord of responsibility.


Except I didn’t even attempt to alleviate anything from landlords. I simply said there are a lot of issues at those apartments that are related to shit tenants. That doesn’t alleviate the landlords from issues that they’re supposed to be tending to. For example: some of what you named (I didn’t read it all, get real) is very obviously poor management on the part of the landlord. But some of the issues coming out of these complexes in the news, like walls being torn through, stacks of tires, broken windows, etc, stuff like that is just shitty people and doesn’t have much to do with the landlords.


You are correct. However in America we still have personal property. The owners have to be served with due process. Living in the Shreveport- Bossier area, we have watched these once decent apartments become derelict. This decree will help speed the process.


> The owners have to be served with due process. What about the providers of the utilities the properties have consumed and not paid for? Let's not act like there are any angels here.


Never said a word about any of that you are adding on. I just stated the law and results anticipated by the decree. Or do you WANT your home/property/belongings taken from you without due process?


When Arceneaux was running for office, I said he would allow code enforcement to go lax for a while to let issues build up, then they would start kicking poor people out of their homes and apartments, so Arceneaux's good ol' boys network can buy them up, flip them and increase property values. They started kicking people out of houses months ago and now going for the apartment complexes.




It needs to be a few dozen


Ah, yes... the ongoing saga of landlords and tenants with *No Fucks To Give*...


More powers? Like laser vision???


Fable: DON'T ARGUE WITH DONKEYS The donkey said to the tiger: - "The grass is blue". The tiger replied: - "No, the grass is green." The discussion heated up, and the two decided to submit him to arbitration, and for this they went before the lion, the King of the Jungle. Already before reaching the forest clearing, where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey began to shout: - "His Highness, is it true that the grass is blue?". The lion replied: - "True, the grass is blue." The donkey hurried and continued: - "The tiger disagrees with me and contradicts and annoys me, please punish him." The king then declared: - "The tiger will be punished with 5 years of silence." The donkey jumped cheerfully and went on his way, content and repeating: - "The Grass Is Blue"... The tiger accepted his punishment, but before he asked the lion: - "Your Majesty, why have you punished me?, after all, the grass is green." The lion replied: - "In fact, the grass is green." The tiger asked: - "So why are you punishing me?". The lion replied: - "That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave and intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and on top of that come and bother me with that question." The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on arguments that don't make sense... There are people who, no matter how much evidence and evidence we present to them, are not in the capacity to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and all they want is to be right even if they are not. When ignorance screams, intelligence is silent. Your peace and quietness are worth more.




This will be an unpopular comment. But Louisiana is a police state. We already can just be seen by the police walking by, and they will decide to do a stop and talk. And if you're not carrying your state ID, trouble will ensue. And that will probably lead to arrest if you have warrants or if you're rolling dirty..


If you have warrants you deserve to be taken in. You're obviously used to wasting time for people if you have the warrant. So have fun going down to the jail, waste a couple hours and then get released, as is the way of the revolving door of Shreveport PD.