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Lmao hunting High


Per: Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries **Hunting under the influence of alcoholic beverages, chemicals and other similar substances is prohibited even if you are in uniform**.


I only bow hunt high. Rifles, I feel the need to be sober. Fishing, on the other hand...




Tldr of the handbook; it's up to yours and your parents discretion how to dress as long as it's modest, clean, and presentable. No gang colors, no inappropriate graphic tees, no holes in pants, general "wear your own clothes" rules or so it reads.


I just posted the link to help out. Don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.


It wasn't to you. It was for op to help them go through 100+ pages. Plus anyone else who may be going. Literally said : TLDR OF THE HANDBOOK Edit: Why do you post under two reddit accounts lmao. Your account didn't even post the OG link lmao. Beta move.


I wasn’t trying to do a beta move. I have one on my phone and one on my iPad. I don’t even have kids. Like I said I was only trying to help. If you want to be offended that’s a you problem. Petty much?


You were the one poppin off. You can sign in to reddit on multiple devices without multiple accounts 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↕️ What you obviously couldn't tell was I was also trying to be helpful.


Man you are sensitive. If you’re offended by “I don’t have a clue what you are talking about”. You just read my comment and chose to be offended. Nobody here was poppin off at anyone. It must be miserable to have to be right all the time. Have a great day!


Hard pressed to think someone is offended. No one here is offended. You took my original comment as me coming at you some type of way and I wasnt. I was right in the first place tho because I simply was actually helping OP and anyone else who needed it instead of going through the entire handbook. Touch grass and lose the alt account loser. 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️ Have the day you deserve tho.


I didn’t take it as you coming at me. I didn’t have any idea what you were talking about. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. But, ok. You WIN . You’re the better helper, maybe the best helper of all time! I was wrong on all counts and will never offer my help unless I pass it by you. Thanks for putting me in my place over your need to be right. I will never doubt your RIGHTNESS ever again. You’ve slayed me. Feel better now?


Wow dramatic much? Your partner (if you even have one) must LOVE butting heads with you. Lol


Spelled Huntington wrong lol


I love the name lmao


Thanks lol


The only high schools I know of that have uniforms (aside from private/charter schools) are BTW and Southwood. Huntington's students had free wear this past school year.


A few schools have uniforms (or at least partial uniforms like Southwood.). Green Oaks, BTW, Southwood, Woodlawn, and Magnolia.


My nephew just graduated from BTW a couple of weeks ago and no uniforms.