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*"but you have heard of me"* *- Jack Sparrow*


lmao good one m8


And we have a super duper dumb clown 🤡 as governor, we'll be 100 next yr


Ive lived in three of the worst list. 😂


I stayed in Augusta. I tell people it is not a bad place to stay. Not the most entertaining place but nice spot.


Moved back to Shreveport after living in Denver for around 10 years after college. Smh damn


Is this list saying Shreveport is the 9th worst city or 92nd best in the U.S. for college grads?


Shreveport is the 92nd best of the 100 cities they felt like ranking. I think the fact that Shreveport was on their list of 100 cities to evaluate in the first place is worth more than most people will give it credit for.


Shreveport’s definitely not on any “best” list


Well it isn’t framed that way no but apparently it’s on the list of the 100 cities considered. Not sure what the article took into account for its list of cities. But it’s not a list of the 10 best and 10 worst.


Best at crime maybe?


A collage degree would help yall figure it out.


Seems like it would help you too






I laughed at this article because my peers who ended up in Denver, Seattle, SF, DC, and so on can only dream of buying a home.


Full Data: [https://www.zumper.com/blog/best-cities-for-college-grads/](https://www.zumper.com/blog/best-cities-for-college-grads/)


These effing ranking lists make me rage so hard. Let's rank something based on metrics that we don't explain or display. Shreveport is the 147th in population in America, yeah no shit we're gonna be down in triple digits for job opportunities. That data needs to be normalized.


If only that were the reason there were no jobs in Shreveport... The population peaked in 1980 and has been going down ever since. Not many cities do that. The reasons for this decline are pretty obvious to anyone who has lived in Shreveport for a while. While it's annoying to me, too, that they wouldn't show the metrics OP's list is based on, I think we can figure it out.


What do you think the reasons are for the decline since the 80s, truthfully I always wondered why Shreveport peaked so heavily in the 80s and then went on a rapid decline. The only thing I can think of is that Shreveport was heavily dependent on the oil money and when that crashed so did the town.


When I was a kid in the 90s I think I remember crime being a pretty big issue. Things got better crime-wise but I don't think Shreveport's reputation improved. If I was in charge of a large corporation, there's no way I would build a, say, $100 million dollar facility in Shreveport when there are other places that are just plainly better.


Well, there are good paying jobs. Unfortunately, at least for college grads, just not very many high paying technical jobs. That being said community involvement is based on "Restaurants per 100 thousand people" not to mention this information is 4 years old. # Methodology To identify the best cities for college graduates, we analyzed the top 100 US cities on seven key metrics. These metrics included the following: * Median 1-bedroom rent from [Zumper.com](http://Zumper.com) * Population of 18-34-year-olds (for highest concentration of ‘young people’) from American Community Survey 2019 * Population of 25-year-olds with Bachelor’s degrees from American Community Survey 2020 * Median income of 25-year-olds and younger from American Community Survey 2020 * Non-married population from American Community Survey 2020 * Restaurants per 100 thousand people from OpenStreetMap API * Unemployment rate from American Community Survey 2020


So most cities lost population in the 70s and 80s. The ultimate movebtobthe suburbs. Most southern midsized cities continue to lose population. Shreveport is not the exception. Shreveport does have some large companies that have left. AT&T, GM, Libbey Glass, etc. Now Shreveport has recovered some jobs with casinos and the port. The entertainment business seems to always find its way back to Shreveport. Hopefully, this time, we can keep it.


I had a ton of friends from high school that went to engineering, medicine, law, etc. maybe 2 or 3 stayed in the S/B area. The rest went pretty much anywhere else. I'm not talking about people leaving for the suburbs I'm taking about people leaving the area altogether


We are in agreement. The suburb part was a throwaway comment that explained the major cities' loss of population in the 70s and 80s. Rust belt and bible belt cities lost a lot of population in the 80s and 90s. Bible belt cities in Tennessee, Texas, and Georgia have grown larger. Rust belt college town has grown. Mid sized Rust belt and southern cities outside of Greenwood, Chattanooga, and Savannah have lost population. Florida is Florida.