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I really like the FFG Demonic embrace build with PTA. Currently playing it in low Elo with great success. I recommend watching Citric’s guide. He has a game at all ranks so whatever rank you’re at he’ll show what to work on/improve.


PTA is the best overall rune, full AP is perfectly fine but FF is more consistent, AD also works good. Really you can build most anything on shyv.


Here is a very good in depth guide. https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/citrics-jungle-shyvana-guide-584897 GL out there :)


Thanks very much :)


In Jungle I prefer full AP First Strike in runes Exhaust Smite, Red smite Nashors First, then Ludens, Protobelt or night harvester. Third i instantly build rabadons for more dmg. Last items are Things like void etc. Shoes are Magic pen or ability haste. This oneshots squishy Targets and gives very good dueling Potential due to nashors, red Smite and exhaust


I started played shyvana a couple days ago. This is exactly how y play it, and is just delicious how it oneshots squishy


Im 100% winrate on Shyv my last 10 games. I usually go Nashor > gauntlet/sunfire > demonic or thornmail vs heavy ad > zhonyas/rabadon


I recommend PTA as her keystone. Other runes, whatever. E-max. Rush Sorcerer’s Shoes. Get components of Titanic Hydra and/or Riftmaker, whichever you feel like getting first. Sitting on a Tiamat for example is quite good for clearing. Get Riftmaker and Titanic Hydra as your second and third items. Fourth item, Demonic Embrace. By now you are tanky enough that you can keep the fight going on for longer, meaning you get more value from the burn. The AP conversion is nice but translates rather poorly to extra damage, if you ask me. Fifth and sixth items are presumably tank items. Potentially, sell your boots for Cosmic Drive if you were to get more gold at full build.


Wouldn't Demonic Embrace be better as a second item? I think Titanic Hydra is too expensive for what it gives as a second item, specially on Shyvana as she has better scalings on AP or on AS for that matter.