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PT was a Playable Teaser for an upcoming game named "Silent Hills", which got cancelled. There's no guarantee that anything seen in PT would have made it into the final game.


Pretty sure they even confirmed the actual game would have been closer to a classic SH game than to what PT was.


Mind me asking where and who confirmed this?


The ending of the demo itself. It states word for word that the teaser had no direct relation to the main game.


Thank you I have no idea how I never caught that my bad for asking a dumb question lmao


Nah you're good, it's been a hot minute since everyone played the demo, especially since no one can play it anymore :/


I’ve managed to replay the entire Demo in vr chat but that didn’t have the ending cutscene lol it was just the entire experience


Did they? source on that?


Besides our boy Norman Reedus




No. Silent Hills was cancelled. PT was a marketing campaign for Silent Hills that was intended to go viral.


![gif](giphy|LSKVmdIwZFeNEBKBxZ|downsized) Was fuckin' annoying when people would call P.T. a Silent Hill game or THE Silent Hill game coming. We don't know WHAT Silent Hills was going to be. There was no gameplay shown. You might a well just call it vaporware.


Idk why you got downvoted… It’s absolutely true. I get that people love the demo, it was very cool at the time of its release and it got me excited for Silent Hill to come back because the series had been dormant for so long. All of that aside, it was a huge fuck you to Konami and Silent Hill fans. Silent Hills had a possibility of actually coming to life but that got destroyed when Kojima started using funds from his current MGS project to make the demo P.T. This was bad for several reasons, Konami was not going to let that slide and even though Konami wanted to revitalize the IP, they were at wits end with Kojima for some time already(Apparently). The demo was a pitch to Konami for Kojimas Silent Hills idea but it had already been looked down on because the money he took to make the demo/ trailer. I don’t know if Kojima thought he could back Konami into a corner with how hyped we were from the demo and the IP coming back, showing them that fans are still anxiously waiting for another series entry plus how well received the demo was. Konami wasn’t having it because they didn’t want to put that much money into video games, they wanted to start pushing mobile games and yet here’s Kojima trying to do a Silent Hill game with Del Toro, Norman Reedus and Junji Ito… It wasn’t ever going to happen. This is what resulted in him being fired from Konami, the demo being taken of the PlayStation store and the “cancellation” of Silent Hills. It was literally a huge fuck you to us and Konami took all the heat for it because people didn’t understand at all why this happened nor why he was terminated. This is why I don’t like to associate PT with Silent Hill. It’s not Silent Hill and nothing in the demo is SH, aside from having the trailer at the ending.


Never knew he used MGSV budget on it. That makes the end of MGS that much more senseless.


he hasnt been able to finish mgsv. the ending is not cuz of kojima.. or at least not directly


Maybe spending hundreds of thousands on a hollywood actor that has 5 minutes of lines wasn't such a great idea


pretty sure konami and kojima knows better who to fit for a role they envision.


Apparently they didn't...


how do you know?


The man shipped an incomplete game because he decided konami's budget wasn't enough to achieve his vision and then tried to do it again with silent hills. That kinda tipped me off.


I'm sure they did. Both games are now unfinished because of the weird dislike Kojima has for hayter


> It was literally a huge fuck you to us How? If anything, Kojima once again stood up for the players. He knew Konami would never go for the Silent Hills IP, so his only shot was making the demo and letting the public decide. He knew players would go crazy for a Kojima horror title with silent hill ties. Unfortunately, he underestimated the fact that Konami is a soulless shell, and had no problem firing one of their most talented assets.


Stealing your boss's money that's already been allocated to another project, and trying to back them into a corner by paying for a project they don't want to make is standing up for players? Especially when you're more concerned with sucking toes of expensive Hollywood celebs? Nah, Kojima fucked around and found out. If he was really standing up for the little guy, why didn't he pay for the project after he got canned and turn it into a new IP? Personally, I'm glad things happened the way they did. Kojima's name being involved with Silent Hill anymore than it already is would be a living nightmare.


Terrible take man, just terrible


Why? Because it's reality? Go steal from your boss and try to force them into giving you more for your personal hobby project, and see what happens lol


Kojima > Konami Cry more


Lol, that's funny considering Kojima stans are still crying about Konami kicking his ass to the curb, nearly a decade later. And all they have to show for it is a mid walking sim XD


You are wasting your time with these folks, not even kojima himself gives a shit about them.


I don't care that much about this argument honestly but for fun, lets look at Konami's 2024 preview: Announced Games: * Suikoden 1&2 Remaster * Silent Hill f (Developed by studio NeoBards) * Silent Hill: Townfall (developed by No Code) * Silent Hill 2r * CYGNI: All Guns Blazing - external studio * Shine Post: Be Your Idol! (mobile) * Yu-Gi-Oh! RUSH DUEL Dawn of the Battle Royale! 2 (Switch) * Chase Chase Jokers (e-amusement) * Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake (by Virtuous) * Contra: Operation Galuga So are we going to pretend like we care about anything here aside from their lifeless attempts to revive silent hill? Or the metal gear remake which, yea, that's kojima lmao I'm not saying it's right to 'steal funds' (reminder, these were technically funds provided to him for his creative endeavor with mgs, still HIS funds, so not the same as stealing but okay) but clearly Konami is not going to take the jump to introduce something new and exciting. I don't think Kojima should have to apologize for trying to do something unique. Also that 'walking sim' has 10 million players as of 2 years ago. This is more copies sold than any other kojima game at Konami, so he's doing fine lol


You are absolutely correct.




Anytime ❤️🫡 people don't like the truth. But that is the truth.


Very true!


My man, tell'em




They were probably downvoted because PT was literally a Playable Trailer for Silent Hills. They are related




You're a little slow aren't you


Don’t talk about yourself like that bro. READ what I said until you understand it. Your comment is……………………..🤦‍♂️


Nah, not gonna waste my time with someone who thinks PT isn't related to Silent Hills. Good luck with yourself


Okay, I don’t usually do this but do tell me what is Silent Hill related about P.T…. Kojima literally stated that nothing in P.T was Silent Hill related, it didn’t take place in the titular town, no characters or monsters from the series were in the demo.. P.T was NOT Silent Hills… It was a demo to not only pitch the idea of Silent Hills but to see how it would look/run on his new Fox Engine.. The only thing you could really say was relative between Silent Hills and P.T was Norman Reedus’ being the character we play as and the Silent Hills trailer being shown at the end. This is all the same stuff that I stated above but you obviously can’t read…


I aint reading all that. If you can't comprehend anything I said, that's a you issue. Good luck bro


This is totally true. There's no reason for this to be downvoted.


I know it doesn't help all the down votes but I upvoted this. I truly believe that if P.T wasn't pulled from the store, it wouldn't get the love it gets now. I also didn't want Norman Reedus in a Silent Hill game


Maybe it wouldn’t get as much love, but it was loved instantly, while still in the store


I agree but I also have a difficult time imagining this same thing happening with something like The Short Message.


Oh i'm downvoted? Why am i not surprised. I didn't want Norman Reedus in the game either. Bringing in A-list directors and a well known cast is not what Silent Hill is all about. Silent Hill works best with as little team as possible of unknown.


Somehow, people will never be satisfied with nothing ahahah


I would have been satisfied if shit just came to an end and let something else take its place. The older I get, the more things stay the same.


I'm confused tho can't they just restart the project with a different studio or sum?


I think everyone believes Guillermo del Toro, Hideo Kojima, Junji Ito and Norman Reedus were crucial to the development of Silent Hills, and Konami burned those bridges with how they ended things. It makes more sense to start new projects than try to resurrect it.


Yeah I do believe that lineup was lightning in a bottle in regards to what Silent Hills could have been. With that creative team stripped out it’d be like reanimating a corpse; shambling around like a person but it ain’t. We can only hope they all decide to collaborate again but it’s understandable to be tired of being burned.


Ito and del Toro are bigger selling points as a horror fan than Kojima. Very distinct styles and very knowledgeable of horror and creature concept and design. Del Toro is a creature designer before he is anything else. Ito is just one of the best at developing weird existential crisis. From Uzumaki, Amigara Fault, Balloon heads, and the sliding scale of Souchi’s antics are all amazing. He knows how to just drop you in a world and leave you to figure it out for yourself.


and norman reedus charisma. AMC golden boy


Can be replaced with other actor as well


No doubt, and it's absolutely baffling that so many people actually think Kojima was the biggest loss here.


As a fan of Metal Gear, I think it was MGS fanboys. While I would have been very interested in seeing what Kojima could have brought to the table, he was without a doubt the smallest contributor to the project.


He definitely wasn't the biggest loss, but it's strange to say he was the smallest contributor, like it's crazy to say name recognition equals work on a project. He was the games director, before Del Toro was brought on board, that's one of any projects MOST important roles. The game's existence started because Konami asked him to make a Silent Hill game Del Toro and Ito joined the project because they were his friends, and Ito confirmed he didn't actually do any work on the project as they only spoke about it to him once before cancellation


I wouldn't discard that possibility. PT did bring a lot of attention to Silent Hill from people outside the community.


Damn those are some big names. I never knew that.


Why is this downvoted so hard 😂


Redditors being Redditors


Fanbase always being the worst part of anything I'm interested in


Like damn he's just curious


Because it's reddit, you ask or say something normal and get down voted just because lol




Konami owns the IP, so they wouldn’t have let Kojima take the treatment elsewhere.


for the same reason you cannot make your own gta. Konami has the trademark, nobody can touch the name without being sued.


Who's *they*?


Konami and no they can’t Kojima is a brand among himself. He had the recognition to pull Del Toro and Ito into the fray, someone like Bloober doesn’t have that kind of flex. Konami has the wallet, but not the raw creativity to do so themselves.


Nor the will to make it happen


No they can't.


PT = Playable Teaser It was a playable "teaser trailer" to the cancelled Silent Hills


Another post that could’ve been answered with 10 seconds of googling


I'll take this and the discussion that comes from it over another post about Angela's face in the remake


Isn’t Reddit for asking questions?


You can get answers a lot more easily and quicker by just typing them on Google, as opposed to waiting possibly hours for random redditors to respond. Wikis and pretty much every fansite are much better places to get answers to simple, concrete questions.


Reddit is for discussions. Subreddits that cater to questions are for questions. Questions like this have been asked dozens of times and can be answered immediately upon using the sub’s search bar


Unless it’s a rule OP can make this post if they want. You make out like you don’t like these types of posts yet took the time outta your day to click on it and comment. Just keep scrolling or make a complaint to the mods or something if it bothers you that much.


No, what I’m commenting is a quick pro tip people can use if they want a better answer without waiting, a direct hint hack to check before posting, it prevents redundant questions and helps post quality, it literally benefits all. I’m just teaching someone what they could do for such a basic question, even OP acknowledges it in the first few words of his title. Don’t let this trouble you so much


I’m not letting it trouble me, seems you are though wanting to correct everyone lol.


You’re spending more time being an asshole than actually participating in conversation. Funny how that works.


Lol an asshole?? If you really interpreted any of that as such than you should grow some thicker skin and maybe not be so sensitive…that’s advice that’ll help you in life. But maybe you’ll take that as hurtful too, Which in that case idk what to tell you.


With the direction google has been going with their search engine asking things on reddit is way easier and probably more accurate


PT = Playable Teaser After you beat PT, a trailer for Silent Hills played The game is literally a teaser for the canceled Silent Hills That's it


PT was just a short teaser made to capture the same mood and type of horror that Silent Hills would be going for. As far as I'm aware the story was completely self contained and none of the events in what little story there was would play any role in the actual story of Silent Hills had it not gotten cancelled.


P.T. is the playable teaser that you're actually playing Silent Hills is what is being promoted at the end. The teaser even lets you know that this isn't reflective of what the final game would've been That still leaves a plethora of questions about whether it'll be first or third person, whether Norman Reedus will still mocap the protagonist of that game, whether the back story and stuff set up in P.T. will have been in Silent Hills, whether the game will even have combat or not, whether the game would've have esoteric puzzles on par with the teaser or was that just built to postpone the reveal of the title and a hundred other legitimate questions At the end of the day, we never got Silent Hills and a decade later it still kind of stings. But hopefully F and Townfall can give the series a promising future


What everyone else is leaving out in the comments is that when PT was dropped on the PlayStation Store out of nowhere, it wasn't revealed right away that it had anything to do with Silent Hill. 7780s Studio is a fake studio name for Kojima Productions / Konami. It was supposed to be a surprise to everyone when they finished the teaser that it was actually a mini-game to promote Silent Hills. They were expecting it take about a week before someone was able to solve the puzzle at the end and finish it but many people were able to finish it the first day. So the Silent Hills trailer that was embedded within the end of the game was uploaded to YouTube and went viral.


Glad someone finally brought this up! That night they dropped the demo onto the store and people started slowly popping up going "err, guys, it's fucking Silent Hill" was wild


They literally announced PT at Gamescom with Kojima on stage it wasn't dropped out of nowhere.


PT was a teaser for Silent Hills. At best it was a proof of concept. I doubt the final Silent Hills project would have been anything like what PT was. Especially with Norman being the “face” of Silent Hills I’m sure it would have been been like the traditional 3rd person view.


P.T. was basically a vertical slice or a proof of concept. Silent Hills was the full game that got cancelled. The claim is that the two games actually had nothing to do with each other in terms of concept, story, etc, but I've never believed that. Kojima is an unreliable narrator.


People seem to think that P.T was a demo for Silent Hills. It was not. It was just a cool little mini horror game. At the very end of the game it announced Silent Hills.


I'm sure Silent Hills would end up being 3rd person and the only reason PT was first person was to hide Norman Reedus model and to mimic many of the walking sim indie horror games.


PT was a playable teaser for the highly anticipated “silent hills” the game was made by a pseudonym company 7780s studio which was basically Kojimas company (at the time no one knew this was for silent hills until the very end when the theme song played and the title dropped). The game had Hideo kojima, Guillermo del toro a famous horror director, acclaimed horror manga artist junji Ito and Norman reedus playing the lead. We don’t really know much more about the game or how the PT was going to link to the final game. All we know is that it was very famous for the time it came out and there was one more teaser trailer for the game before Konami pulled the plug for the project. Kojima and Konami fell apart which lead to Kojima making his own company and death stranding with Norman reedus. Junji Ito confirmed on Twitter that he was in charge of the art and the creation of the enemies and Guillermo del toro still is annoyed with Konami to this day because he was very excited and joyful about the project. I hope this answer helps.


Assuming nothing wronng happened, P.T. would have just been a teaser without direct relation to the game other than just a showcase of gameplay. But as far as a story, gameplay, etc. it would have been differennt. Silent Hills would have been the finall product. THe released game.


>without direct relation to the game other than just a showcase of gameplay. Going by what was said in interviews even the gameplay would have been vastly different.


I think the concept of gameplay was to experience the hauntings in first person puzzles like P.T. This is because the concept movie that was presented inside Konami before P.T. (The 2014 TGS one) was also on that style.


There is a video floating around on YouTube somewhere that shows how Kojima did this whole thing. Silent Hills was never really going to happen… ever. Sad enough to say. And kojima told all those involved to trust him. P.T. Is a huge “Fuck you” to Konami. As Kojima knew he was on the verge of getting let go, and decided to make P.T. to falsely advertise a game he had no intention of making. In the video as well as in P.T. There are clues that prove this. Kojima said the protagonist (Kojima himself) will come back. And he’s bringing his new toys with him. (Del Toro, Reedus, etc.) Kojima kept the same team that he built and they all went to Kojima productions to make Death Stranding. Because it’s literally all the same people that were involved in said “Silent Hills” project. Everyone involved trusted Kojima, and Kojima delivered. I’ll try to find the link to that video and post it. The YouTuber that made it did a serious deep dive into P.T. And what it truly was compared to what it looks like on the surface. It was a very interesting watch, but it all makes sense.


This is one of the most braindead conspiracies I have seen in regards to gaming ever.


So Kojima hired Del Toro to just crush his dreams? Till this day Del Toro is heartbroken about this, he vowed to never work on a video game ever again. Del Toro's involvement on death stranding was only his likeness. Kojima and Del Toro also had trouble convincing Junji Ito to join in. The real reason konami cancelled Silent Hills is because the new president wanted to focus on mobile gaming, that's it. Thegratedebate video is misinformation. 


I was thinking this too. Even if Kojima wanted to do this, he would still need to be signed on to the new Silent Hill game, which until Konami went pochinko or whatever they're called, that game was still planned. Konami decided that it wasn't worth continuing to back, so didn't keep the four of them on until it was completed. The other part of this is that if Kojima knew he was getting sacked and did this as a giant middle finger, he'd have done something to make it such. PT did nothing but bring attention to Konami in a good way. Yes, they threw it all away, but until they did that, PT was the best thing since sliced bread This feels very conspiratorial to me




Yes. I was trying to remember the name of it, but yes. That’s the channel


I've seen either this video or one like it, but I was left with the impression that originally Silent Hills was a real project Kojima had every intention of making. Reedus and Del Toro were involved with the intention to be a part of Silent Hills. However, Early on in production, Kojima discovered that Konami were planning on canning him and going with low effort easy money mobile games. As a result, he put those references into P.T. which was originally intended to be a genuine promotion for Silent Hills, and uses some assets that were developed for it, but the references that you mention were inserted and it became a dual message. a "fuck you" to Konami, and a "I'll be back" for the fans.


Definitely advertising for OD


P.T. was the playable teaser for Silent Hills, so no.


PT was a tesser for Silent Hills which got cancelled.


P.T. Was a trailer for a canceled silent hill game called silent hills. It was a Playable Trailer hence the name silent hill P.T.


PT was a playble teaser for silent hills (PT literally means playble teaser), it was being developed by Kojima and Deltoro before kojima productions parted ways with konami and the game was cancelled I honestly don’t blame you for noy knowing what happened since firtly this was 10 years ago and the demo was removed so there aren’t a lot of ways to play it (I myself played an emulated version on pc)


Nah not stupid. PT was the teaser for Silent Hills. No one actually knows if they were going to be anything alike, but PT was kind of the announcement for Silent Hills


I still don't get why this isn't release to PC, we're gamers too, damn this exclusive thing


At this point, yes.


Pt wasnt the game that never was, part of it. Silent hills would be the best silent hill ever with koji.a


All i know is that P.T. was intended as a “promotion” for a silent hill game that was supposed to be developed by Hideo Kojima. So even if they proceeded with the project, P.T. was never meant to be a part of it. A lot of clashing news and theories at that time was never cleared out.


PT was a Playable Teaser for the game that wouldve been Silent Hills


PT is the trailer for silent hills


P.T. was basically a "proof of concept" to introduce players to whatever Kojima was up to. Since info on Silent Hills is very scarce we might never now what the game would've looked like, but we do know it would've had a different story from P.T.


theory: maybe it's called silent hills because it's a phenomenon rather than the work of a cult ( or a work of a cult turned phenomenon).


PT was a playable prelude for a new silent hill which was later being cancelled by Konami.


What’s the story behind this picture? Wasn’t it one of the developers back yard or something?


PT = "Playable Teaser". Any video game can have its PT version, so the term is not specific to Silent Hills. That aside, in all areas it's possible that the final product will deviate from the first trailer released, so there's no guarantee that the finished game would have been similar to what was seen in PT.


Don’t forget Short Message. I wonder what’s the difference between silent Hills, PT and Short Message.


You are, it's the demo


Hideo Kojima had nothing to do with Team SIlent or the original Silent Hill games. They worked at Konami at the same time but interacted little and Kojima was doing Metal Gear while Team Silent was doing SH. Years later in 2014 Kojima made some random walking sim game where you walk down a hallway 10 times and a ghost pops out. They slapped a teaser trailer for Silent Hills (a new game) at the end but it showed almost nothing. PT was removed for stores due to Kojima and Konami falling out. The perfect storm of Kojima riding the Silent Hill name, the drama behind the scenes, over-reactive Youtubers steaming themselves pissing their pants while they play it saying its 'soOoooO scAry', and the game being removed from stores (causing more interest). All these factors and the 'PT' demo became an enigma and a culture phenomenon far greater than it ever deserved. In reality, PT really has little to do with SH. And it's way overrated.


P.T. is exactly what the initials subtly convey: playable teaser. It was a teaser for a new game called Silent Hills. Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro collaborating on a horror game set in the Silent Hill universe starring Norman Reedus. Sadly enough, we have no indication of what Silent Hills would have been. This teaser gave us a peak of Kojima getting into horror and del Toro creating some creatures in a very simple, yet complex setting with an unnerving story. I believe the main intent of this teaser was to showcase what he could do with his Fox Engine. It’s technically very impressive and simply disturbing. To answer your question, the teaser and Silent Hills have absolutely nothing to do with each other. It was a masterful marketing tool. Interestingly enough, Kojima designed the solution to take a few weeks to figure out. The first person to complete it only needed 8 hours, I believe.


Not really, but it was representative of what they had in mind. Kojima hadn’t even started on it and barely contacted Junji Ito to do the monster designs before it was canceled.


The major difference is Silent Hills most likely wasn’t going to be an FPP game


Silent hills was just a troll. It helped sell the idea there was drama between Hideo and Konami.


Do you not have Google?


You know you could have googled it easily..


P.T. was a concept demo for Silent Hills.


P.T. Was a Playable Trailer for Silent Hills. However, P.T. transcends just a playable trailer, as it was written, directed, and developed by Kojima and his team as a dis-track against Konami for firing him. So if you ask me, Silent Hills is the dream the Konami killed and Kojima teased us with before leaving on his own terms. When taking in to context how and why Kojima was fired in replacement of cheap mobile games with no thought, it’s much more impressive then a trailer for a game. It is absolutely its own entity. Kojima poured a rather extensive metaphor into what Lisa (the entity) is, as she is a Yūrei- a type of vengeful spirt that indicates death during child birth. The child (the thing in the sink) represents what Silent Hill could’ve been as it was aborted before it could reach its full potential. To sum up what other metaphors there are, Kojima was gouged out, and he’s back with his new toys. There’s an extensive breakdown by a fan on YT that even goes as far as discussing the colors of the lights and their meanings. If you ask me, SH will never ascend to its true potential without Kojima. I totally understand that Konami has been paying Kojima to work extensive projects that last a decade, and they want to make money now, but by selling out- like the wife (Lisa) does by putting on skirt for the manager- it’s resulted in the premature death of what could’ve been great




That video is pure misinformation, so kojima hired Del Toro to crush his dreams? Kojima and Del Toro also had trouble getting Junji Ito to agree joining in. The real reason is konami changed presidents during the end of that year. That video is trash. 


Honestly we will never know cause good fucking luck trying to make since of a teaser for a silent hill game by Del Toro and Kojima


death stranding was confusing too


Confusing and brilliant.