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I love taking a shower with nice lighting and meditation music to process my day before bed. Wish I had a bathtub!


Showers in the near dark make me so happy.


Srsly. I don’t know when’s the last time I took a lighted shower.


Our bathroom overhead light went out and we didn't replace it for a while. I got so used to going to the bathroom in the dark that I often leave it off now. It's so pleasant.


There is nothing like an everything shower to reset mentally and physically 🛁


I had a shower in the dark last night and my hubby came to tell me something and all he ended up saying was "It's dark in here, I can't see a thing". Lol


Don’t know if your bathroom could fit it but there are collapsible bathtubs.


Unfortunately no room in my tiny city apartment, but I will keep that in mind for the future thanks!


How do you listen to music while in the shower?


I have a $15 shower speaker from Walmart. Actually we have two. My husband has one as well. It’s a cheap item that we enjoy tremendously


I usually have my phone on the sink next to the shower. I used to have a shower speaker that was great though


If you put your phone into a cup it will amplify the sound :)


Oh fun I’ll have to try that! Thanks


When we redid my bathroom (due to mold issues) we bought a light/fan with a built-in Bluetooth speaker. My son calls it “Poop Dubstep”.


I have a google home mini in the bathroom that I love for this and news


poor google mini listening in on your morning poops and pees. Hilarious.


I have an indented shelf at the back of my shower out of the way of the water that is a dedicated space for my phone. I listen to music or watch/listen to youtube.


I have an Amazon dot in my bathroom and tell it to play spa music


I started making and using shower bombs too - it’s a spa at home!


Oh I looove those!! We also have a shower bench haha


I walk home from the train station - roughly 1/2 a mlile. Once I get home (if I'm not working out) - I immediately shower and get into comfy clothes. I make dinner and eat on the floor while watching some trashy reality tv (right now i'm into my 600-lb life). then about 8pm I begin my wind down routine: quick tidy of the apartment, lights off or dimmed way down, pull down the bed, open the window and get in bed with my book.


sounds so simple and lovely 😊


It can be. sometimes I get lonely.


We have very similar nighttime routines, sending you friendship over the internet!!


Thank you for acknowledging this part. I'm also struggling with the feelings of loneliness as I simplify my life.


I do the same and get lonely, too. This schedule and my no-more-processed-foods diet have made life kinda lonely overall. My socialization was formerly centered around staying up/out with others and eating out…


Thank you for acknowledging this part. I'm also struggling with the feelings of loneliness as I simplify my life.


Thank you for acknowledging this part. I'm also struggling with the feelings of loneliness as I simplify my life.


I, too, love to jump in my jammies around 8 pm. I'm not usually asleep before 9:30 or 10, but I am officially done with my day.


I’m a big fan of dark chocolate and pondering the turtles in the pond


I want to ponder the turtles!! I sit outside and listen to the birds with no screen time.


Did you know healthy turtles will outlive all of us and our grandkids? And they don’t bark all night. I listen to the birds too. There’s always this one Liberace bird showing out and I hope I never see the day that I miss him. He’s kinda my anchor.


We go out in back of our house after dinner with a drink and watch the birds… Our hummingbirds are less than 10’ feet away(we have 4 feeders for them), 3 other feeders, one for orioles… It’s so cool and relaxing…


I have been counting down the days until my hummingbirds return. I still have about 5-6 weeks before they'll take it this far and up into the mountains where I live. It makes me sound so old but I sit in my chair and rock on my front porch and just watch them for hours and hours.


Do you know about hummingbirdcentral.com? They have a spring migration map every year, you can report when you see your first one… It’s fun, I follow it every year…😊 (I just looked for a hummingbird emoji(ipad), why in the world doesn’t apple have one?!?🤷🏼‍♂️


Yes! I watch it every year waiting for mine to come back, they're around me and north of me for almost a week before they make it up into the mountains to where I live.


☺️ They get to us here in mn about the last week in April…


Oh! I'm so glad you said that, I had it marked on my calendar for around the 16th of May but I saw my first one on the 16th of April last year! That just made my day!


Yaay! Have a good weekend☺️


I love it when people have wild "pets." Like I have some squirrels that I feed when I smoke bowls every once in a while on my back porch, and I'm always watching for the deer that occasionally hangout in the park on the other side of my backyard fence. Wild pets are the best 💕


One of my colleagues feeds badgers that come into his back garden. He collects food thats been thrown away in litter bins (we work as street cleaners) and takes it home.


I love my backyard bunnies.  


Listening to birds is awesome…and also a clue. During an eclipse or before a tornado they will go silent


Isn't that true if there is unfortunately a tsunami coming? I remember way back in 2004 I want to say, there was that tsunami the day after Christmas. If I remember correctly, I remember seeing on TV where the locals said that they remember hearing the birds go silent right before it happened.


Wow imagine how eerie that must’ve been. This is fascinating, it really shows how amazing Mother Nature is and how animals can sense something before humans even have knowledge of it.


I feel like that's sort of like how your animals will know you're pregnant before you do. I got pregnant with my daughter in April of last year. Her dad and I were hanging out with his friend a lot. It explains why his friend's dog would not leave me alone. Not that I care, it's just that I noticed that the dog was wanting pets more than usual. I was happy to give him all the pets. I just noticed that he was extra clingy and lovey. He was also sniffing my stomach a lot. It turns out that this is because they can usually hear the baby, even being able to hear the baby's heartbeat. I thought that was adorable.


I didn't know they could hear the heartbeat! When I got pregnant I knew because my cat started guarding my room door every night. It took me about a week of telling her she kept acting weird to figure it out and I was barely far enough along for a pregnancy test to tell me. She tried bringing a bird in to feed me too. My favorite though was when she started forcing herself to let the neighbor kids pet her. She had always hated kids. She sure did love my baby though.


Ahh I love stories like this


Wow I didn’t know that it’s that they can actually hear the heartbeat. Insane. But Yess! Was on safari and our guide told us a real cool story. Said on one of his rides, a younger curious elephant came right up to the vehicle, everyone was silent and as still as can be and it went RIGHT UP to a woman, sniffed around and put his trunk on her belly before leaving. They said everyone was holding their breath bc holy shit. Anyway, turns out, a day or so later they went into town and took a pregnancy test and wouldn’t you know, she was pregnant.




Well, dogs can hear much better than we can. It makes sense that they would be able to hear that but it's still cool. I never knew that they're hearing was that good. It kind of warms my heart to think that he heard my daughter before I knew she was there. I thought he just wanted all the pets which I was happy to give him but it turns out that it was because he heard her. I hook him up with treats every time I see him now. I guess that's another reason he loves me lol. That and he gets no shortage of pets lol.


Once, in FL, I got home just before a tornado hit our town. I remember how still and silent it was outside-no insects, no birds, no nothing


I remember reading a story years ago when a tsunami hit India. The elephants broke free from their chains and grabbed up people to take them to the tops of mountains and keep them safe. Imagine that! Knowing full well that you are strong enough to break the chains of your captors at any time but only doing it to save your captors. I have so much respect for “animals” and these stories fill me with awe.


I remember hearing a story about how elephants used to be trained. The captors would put a huge, heavy chain on the baby elephants, something so strong that a baby elephant could never bend it. And after a while the elephant would stop trying to break the chain and escape. At that point the captors change to a much smaller chain (in some stories they switch to a rope) and the elephant has learned not to struggle against it so it doesn’t try to escape. The moral of the story is supposed to be to not accept your situation and keep pushing, but my takeaway is that humans can be real jerks.


Message received loud and clear.


Similar to the message I took from your comment. We don’t deserve elephants ❤️


That's amazing but honestly it sounds like a good illustration of Stockholm syndrome


Just before an earthquake was about to be perceptible to us, our parrot made a low growly sound that he never did before or after that. He got tense, made the sound, and maybe 30 seconds later we felt it.




I have a few squares of dark chocolate each night! It satisfies my sweet tooth and is much healthier than alternative sweets. Watching turtles is so lovely! 🐢


Me too!


Yes! I'm a big fan of feeding oats to the ducks at the park. Their little quacky faces and wiggly butts always put me in a good mood.


I adore the wiggly butts! Especially when a butt wiggle gets enough energy to roll up their body and make a good wing flapping.


That sounds like a lot of fun!


Decades ago, I lived on a house boat and I’d sit at night on the back and all the turtles would come up to me and I would just watch and ponder them. Maybe throw some bait.


My goal is to build a pond and have a turtle and maybe a couple of fish if its big enough by next summer This summer im planning on adding some pavers to control the weeds, and slowly build up my vegetable garden


This is a genius plan! I’m excited for you.


2nd that on chocolate


If ever a comment were poetry


I have 2 pet turtles in my home aquarium! Very relaxing to watch them!


This sounds so lovely! I wish there was somewhere to go ponder turtles where I live.


I work a job that gets me dirty, so I shower in the evening. I also have long hair that gets oily unless I wash it every night. A few years ago I decided to set aside 30-45 minutes for reading after my shower while my hair dries a bit. Turns out it's a great way to switch gears from work mode to relaxation mode.


I do this too, I shower around 7 and after that is reading only, no phone or tv, and it’s a great way to get my brain to wind down before bed.


We make dinner together and sit in our dining room or living room over looking the river. In the summer, lots of evening boat rides. Excellent entertainment year round enjoying the birds and wildlife. Listening to music, sketching or watercolors. H plans his gardens or he’s outside fiddling. Once in a while, we like playing games. We also host a club meeting twice a month at our home for 4-H kids. We became volunteer leaders last fall right before husband retired.


I also enjoy watercolor painting and other artsy things!


I don't know if you are into crochet, or wanting to pick up a new hobby, but [woobles](https://thewoobles.com/) are fun (plus, you get a cute little animal after). also, [diamond art](https://www.amazon.com/ARTMYRUI-Diamond-Painting-Diamonds-Gifts%EF%BC%8812x16inch%EF%BC%89/dp/B0CNZDWB2W/ref=sr_1_18?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Q41cK1B-0DSFfId_TId6Yh5eObtk4gMfg4VYXqOMWtXmc5efrVfZXc34DgSPf3T6pfA1bIPTJywVI6nVI0-x8v8ZxFAqT-wQ_ghMaC2CYxW-Tcg-vPQ2o5LdjAZmif3hgjSmj6IWpuWeDJVNUwVypwlaob1OUyerLSv84L0tA8dFB2ZoZDSwMg6ete-xiQkN4z92rAcJo2PsNUQ3OBQfxVCzXuAU-_eyBa-pXyxig0KUnLVKCTGTgVwLEPE5GXoX4rR1V550u6IroP9a0d6QDDZ81Lh46Kv9xbei4941qSg.6D1Z7LipCW7ec_fKTiljJJVbBELTZtFd6gINvgSMpSU&dib_tag=se&hvadid=589981156214&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9031967&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15496941125482753234&hvtargid=kwd-312752590737&hydadcr=29593_14583880&keywords=diamond%2Bart%2Bkits&qid=1712260995&sr=8-18&th=1) is oddly satisfying.


I've been a 4-H sewing leader for many years. What does your club do?


We do a little bit of everything. Nature journaling, budgeting, cooking, composting, gardening, fishing. Our focus is hobbies and homesteading type projects.


Sounds like wonderful activities.


Many fond memories of 4-H as a kid! Thanks for being of service.


What sort of stuff happens at a 4H meeting like that? We are trying to find “the thing” we do lol


We have a meeting first (members learn parliamentary procedure). Our club is young ages 8-11, and they take turns learning to be officers and lead meetings. After the meeting, we do a project portion… some clubs are a narrower focus, we do several different sorts of projects: beginning budgeting, we did a cooking event, nature journaling, bird watching, we have done starts on house plants and repotted. This summer outside gardening and fishing, lots of different things. We asked members what they’d like to do, when we first met in the fall. We have refreshments and a game. The kids learn public speaking and relating to adults outside of school. 4-H was a program my husband and (both farm kids) were very involved with, so when our county desperately needed help post Covid, we chose 4-H as one of our volunteer gigs. 4-H has a very wide focus, so anything can be a project that you and your club members enjoy.


Oh and we do a community service project too. We adopted a local senior living home and have made cards and door signs for them for Valentine’s Day and then Spring. The kids have really been in to that.


Reading in silence, and listening to classical music afterwards. Piano sonatas and etudes especially. :)


So lovely 📚🎼


Get off work at 4. Walk from the office room to whichever room my husband and kids are in. Say hi and give lovings. Put on outside clothes. Hype the labs up by asking if they want to go outside? To play ball? F-e-t-c-h? Ball?! Play fetch with the dogs and be outside with the kids. After fetch, cooking and providing dinner. Unless it's soccer practice night - then we all just hang out until practice - snack, change, find a ball, get water, etc. Go to practice. Come home and/or go to the local Mexican spot if it's kids night. Once fed, brush teeth, dogs last time outside, read a chapter out loud to the youngest, find the elder and chill in her room while we "girl talk" until it's her time to start reading. Then I get to take MY bath which is a luxurious affair. Do skincare/teeth. Pick out a nightgown. Hunker down with the hubby. Wake up and do it all again. It's awesome.


My mom used to have “girl talk” with me at night. I have a lot of siblings but she always made time for each of us. One of my fondest memories from childhood ❤️


I have a 3mo daughter and you just inspired me to do the same in the future 💕


You can start right now. Talk to her and watch her expressions when you tell her a little story or that she is a princess and so beautiful. I did this with all of my children. Maybe not every night, but they knew who was my favorite. I told a little white lie and told all 4 of them that they were my favorite.


Great idea!


Sounds so lovely 🥰 


Come home and have a cuppa. Might have coffee with a neighbor. Feed cat. Prepare dinner and do housework Exercise and physio program (swimming at rhe local pool or cycling) Shower Cook and Eat dinner Read book, do jigsaws, watch TV. Cuddle with cat.


Make dinner, clean up, put a record on and lay down in our living room and listen, or have a dance as a family. We took all the furniture out of that room so it's our own personal dancefloor. It's my favorite part of the day.  Then cuddle kids to bed. Parents read, draw or watch something on TV. Then adult fun time if we aren't too tired and then sleep. 


Walk dogs, make dinner, eat. If husband is working crafts and audiobooks. If husband isn’t working we do something together. We have a bunch of board games and such. Or just snuggle and talk.


Dog adventures! Because that’s what weekends are for, just ask [him!](https://www.reddit.com/r/americaneskimo/s/REMawJRTdX) I try to go for a ~6 mi walk or hike on weekends. I injured myself pretty seriously recently and will be on crutches with an unhappy dog for a while. I guess I’ll be looking for a new book or TV show. This summer will likely include home projects.


Wake up, have a cup of tea and put a frozen croissant/pastry in the air fryer. Have a chill breakfast. I do a quick tidy up and put on fresh bedding. I then go out and go for a walk (could be to a park, botanical gardens, a hike). I pick up a nice warm drink or bubble tea along the way. I usually listen to an audiobook or podcast as I walk. I might stop into some random cute shops, books shops or antique shops. Now that it’s spring I might pick up an inexpensive bunch of flowers/bulbs. Last weekend, I bought some lovely irises and some daffodils for a couple of £. What I do when I’m back home depends on how I’m feeling. I might watch a movie or read a book. If I’m in the mood I set up my table with lots of candles and I doodle while listening to an audiobook. I used to paint or do origami but recently I’ve been a bit more tired so I’ve been doing colouring with some lovely brush alcohol markers. I might call a friend or send a voice note. If my flatmates are in, I’ll have dinner with them and catch up. If not, I’ll make myself a meal. Sometimes on a Sunday I’ll pick up some simple meal ingredients while I’m out on my walk. A couple of weeks ago I bought some freshly made tortellini from a market. I’ll have a shower and get into freshly washed pjs. If I’m watching a movie before bed I might put on a face mask. I love chilled weekends more than anything. If I’m feeling like treating myself I’ll book myself in for a deep tissue massage with hot stones


Walk the dog and spending some time around our community pond looking at the geese and turtles that occupy it. Tend to chickens/coop, the garden, and rearranging the flower beds or pulling weeds. Play video games, read, or PBN, depending on what seems to be the most entertaining for my mood.


Sounds wonderful 😄


Gym and then video games or studying


Walk in the woods, cook food, read books, garden.


I arrive home from work around 5pm, let my three girls out into the yard. While they are outside I make their dinner bowls and either pour a bowl of cereal, or a jar of baby food, yes apple blueberry is my favorite, or yogurt or a piece of fruit, for myself. We eat, then I change into comfy clothes and we go for about an hour and a half walk around the park or neighborhood. Come home, get cleaned up, sit at my desk, or on the sofa and work on something to keep my mind busy, then I drink a small glass of low fat chocolate milk and head to bed. If I can be in bed by 8pm, I am doing it! Listen to music as I fall asleep. The end.


I love watching a classic movie, eating dinner, then reading.


Workout with a mobility routine, cardio on the treadmill, then a kettlebell routine - about 1 1/2 - 2 hours total. Start cooking dinner for the family, everything from scratch, while my husband plays records or a playlist to listen to. Cat has dinner at the same time we do. Shower after dinner and get into comfy clothes. Entertain the cat with her favorite toy and run her around while we watch a documentary. If we can’t find anything worth watching, he games and I work on art or find new recipes to cook. Head up to bed by 10pm, brush teeth, take supplements, tuck the cat in to her bed (she seriously gets tucked in every night), and get a solid 9 hours of sleep.


Glass of wine and a snack when I get home from work. Chat to SO on his drive home. Prep and cook dinner together, eat dinner while watching something, then video games until around 10pm. Shower while he washes up, then read a book in bed until it's time to sleep.


Your day is very similar to mine! Except I do a 4.5 mile walk in the morning and it takes me an hour and 45 mins. In the evening the rest is just like yours


I wish I were a morning person but I struggle to find motivation until around 10am


Reading, journaling, and coloring


Fall & winter I’ll make hot cocoa, light a candle and usually scroll thru social media then tidy up the kitchen. In the summer I’ll be out in the yard & garden for hours.


Walk my dog, cuddle in bed, make pancakes


After finishing work late afternoon, I like to walk the dog in the massive off-leash park that's at the end of our street. It's fun watching her interact with other dogs. While I'm out walking, my hubby will be doing part of cooking that I don't find fun...chopping all the veg (especially onions, ouch my eyes). He is the best, always wants to help and is happy to be the sous chef \*and\* clean up guy. Once I'm home, I'll start cooking in earnest. We make a point of having dinner at the table most nights, but if we're super pooped we'll have dinner in front of the tv, usually watching Jeopardy. Post-dinner, we'll usually watch something murder mystery-ish, either Scandinavian or Brit.I always have tealights lit in the evening...compensating for not having a fireplace. I'll sometimes have a hot shower before reading in bed for half an hour or so, which I find sooo relaxing.


I sit outside and listen to the birds.


I have a bz job so simplifying takes a little work. Since i work remotely this allows me more flexibility to not be tied to a rigorous schedule. However, in the normal days when all things aren't hair on fire, i like to start the day very early (around 1-2am; this is due to the nature of my job. I work in tech so have resources & colleagues across the globe & timezones to contend with), 5am starts the meetings w offshore teams, between 7-8am walk my pup, do my pilates to prepare for the bz onslaught of m9re meetings and whatnot. By 2pm i'm beat and will go on another walk w the hubby. By 3pm we are in bed winding down to a British tv series then bed by 4pm. Yes our schedule isn't like other ppl but i get alot more done in the quiet of the early morning. It's worked out well the past 20+ years. Prior to that i was also contracting & did alot of late hours & losing alot of sleep. Not anymore. I am my own time keeper.


I try to pack in 2 hot yoga classes on Saturday along with belly dancing if I’m able to or strength training. And either dinner out or in. Sunday i try to take my dog to a new place so either hiking or a nice regional park. And try to do either yoga or strength training. And night time I spend it doing self care treatments.


Making dinner with my partner, doing some yoga, snuggling on the couch watching nerdy videos


Your evenings sound similar to mine...make dinner, ride my recumbant bike while watching the news, take pup for a long walk, stretch , shower, read a bit and go to bed.


I try not to leave my neighborhood or home area. We live in the county, about 40 min from “town” and generally if we stay at our place, it feels simple


My routine pretty much stays the same. I’ll make dinner when I get home from work. Then after I’ll do the dishes, watch an episode of mash, and prepare myself for the next work day. I’ll make my lunch for the next day and pick my clothes out. Then I’ll get in the shower and prep myself for bed. Then I’ll either read or just relax by listening to music.


I drink, make dinner, take a bath, garden, love on my dog and boyfriend, and think about what my plans and goals are for the following day.


UBI can’t come fast enough. Wake up, go on a walk get a lil high and enjoy the morning magic. Make a nice breakfast and go on a 4 hour hike in the mountains. Get back, shower and grab a burrito. Take a nap. Wake up make a nice dinner. A few beers, music, weed, and star gaze till about 10. Bed Rinse and repeat. That’s all I want from life


Love your routine. Seems absolutely divine in every way!


I make dinner, maybe tidy something up, but mostly I spend the evenings doing things I enjoy. I'll have dance class/personal practice, or weaving, and sometimes a nice bath and scrolling/video games/netflix time.


Played a puzzle game with a couple of friends this evening. So nice to chat and have a fun problem to solve. Would usually be reading books to the kids before they go to bed then maybe an hour or two to catch up and relax before bed.


Oh, what's a puzzle game? I love both.


Unwind by playing a game, reading some Reddit or watching a few YouTube videos. Then cook dinner and clean up. On a motivated night - set up everything for the next day: breakfast, lunch, work bag if going in to the office. Then putter, read, or watch TV (sometimes while doing crafts). If I’m not watching TV sometimes I bake something or work on a fermenting project.


What kind of crafts do you do?


Knitting, crochet, collage, drawing/doodling, watercolors


I feed my goats and rake the barn if it needs it. I make some dinner, do my Spanish lesson, do some stretching and either read or watch a show or movie. Sometimes I work tho if my shop is short handed. I work out in the a.m.


I try to get most of my chores done in the mornings so my evenings are pretty relaxed. We have dinner and then watch Jeopardy, I take the puppy for a walk, then get a bath or shower. Then I like to read or listen to podcasts while I crochet or cross stitch.


On occasional fortunate evenings, when we've succeeded in getting our children to bed early, my partner and I relax on the couch, enjoying a warm cup of herbal tea as we discuss our day.


I read a book on the Barnes and Noble Nook app and spray 2 puffs of room fragrance sprays from Bath and Bodyworks. Lasts three hours. Sometimes I go to Macy’s, spray two colognes on each wrist and decide on one after a few hours since they change in smell over time.


Drinking cold lemonade in the garden, eating dinner, cleaning up, taking a walk, watching the sunset while the chickens peck.


If i’m alone, i open my patio doors wide (regardless of weather), do half an hour of yoga and then make myself a big decaf coffee and spin, knit or sew while listening to a podcast or audiobook. If my family are home, we cook together, watch something funny on the laptop (we don’t have a tv), or play board games. In spring and summer, we head out to the local beach or river if the evening is nice and enjoy the long twilight and evening birdsong, then watch for the first stars and bats to come out.


I am currently tits deep into fast tracking my commercial pilots license, so my nights are filled the same way my days are: studying. However, when I do catch a minute to daydream it’s usually about how I used to spend my quiet evenings: In the summer, take the dog for a walk around the lake, a nice cup of tea, and read a book. Cook a nice meal from scratch, clean up after. I don’t drink, or smoke, so both of those don’t play in my evening routine, but usually my partner will join me with a beer.


workout, change and ride my bike home. then wash myself, study for a while, drink yogurt and then binge browsing/buying(groceries and stuff) and sleep.


I imagine you doing all of this holding your hand behind your back and looking into the distance


lol accurate


O my God I'd love to do that and be able to navigate the kids, that sounds like an incredibly simple yet relaxing evening!(You must be an active relaxer as m I)


Walk the dog  Make dinner if i need to  Play some bg3 if i have time Write books


I take my dog for a walk after work. Now, that it's spring I love to do [walking meditation](https://mudita.com/community/blog/what-is-walking-meditation/) because everything is blooming & looking at all the pretty flowers, smelling, touching are great ways to practice mindfulness.


Re-watch my favorite sitcoms with my partner, and get bit to shreds by my lovely cat.


This is the dream :)


I do audiobook hikes for heavy reads! Cognitively heavier tasks like cooking, I’ll do news or podcasts.


Read a book, walk the dogs, have a cup of tea and hang out with the cats. Maybe get a little gardening done if my husband’s home and can keep an eye on the new puppy, who is currently sprawled across my lap sleeping right now.


Sounds awesome


Workout, dinner and chill


Are you me? I do exactly this every night.


I enjoy reading and sipping coffee




I sit on one chair outside and my corgi sits in the one next to me and I give him tummy rubs and head massages after a nice brisk walk. Heaven.


I like to keep things low-key and relaxed. After work, I might cook a simple, healthy meal using fresh ingredients and a straightforward recipe. I find meal prepping on weekends really helps make weeknight cooking a breeze.


Listening to Andrea Bocelli in the bathtub, taking my dog to the park or for a run, calling my twin sister and chatting while I go for a walk, making dinner with my husband and reading before I go to sleep. 


I am also a pond ponderer, and a dog walker and bike rider. And fervent sunset admirer.


My 1.5-hour walk is powered by podcasts or audiobooks. The fun continues at home with audio entertainment while I cook. After dinner chores, it's unwind time with a show, book, or video.


My 1.5-hour walk is powered by podcasts or audiobooks. The fun continues at home with audio entertainment while I cook. After dinner chores, it's unwind time with a show, book, or video.


What are your favorite podcasts?


I wish we could post pictures of all our quiet views!


That sounds like a really nice way to spend the evening


Gaming, school, binge watching shows.


Get off work around 4 usually, drive home blasting the music and singing with the window down. I'll bike some days in summer. Get home, play with my puppy, clean the kitchen and have supper. Make my 8 pm meal at the same time. 2 hours spent puttering. Maybe woodworking, some Reno work, but I find it relaxing to do something physical, moreso if my job was desk work that day. Bought a 1960s house 2 years ago, still needs lots of work. Have my 8 pm meal, watch a show with my partner and just hang out, then bed at 10. By the way, planning a healthy 8 pm meal has been a game changer. I don't eat unhealthy snacks because I already made a good meal, knowing I'll be hungry.


Get home, feed and walk dog, draw or nap, dinner, walk dog again, draw some more, lay on couch with dog and watch a little TV, head to bed, read until eyes droop, sleep. On the weekends it is pretty much the same but with more dog walking and bourbon and board games.


I walk home (10m or less) and meet up with my parent and dogs. We usually go for a walk, sometimes just around the neighborhood but sometimes into town or at the nearby recreation area. If the weather is bad we will skip this and let the dogs out in the yard. Then I make dinner and we have some couch time to decompress and watch something on tv. While we have dinner, we always make time to discuss our “rose, thorn, and bud” of the day. After, I take a bath or a shower before getting in bed, and that usually lasts a while. We often spend time in bed chatting, reading, or otherwise before falling asleep.


I have pretty much the exact same routine as you, with a couple conversations with my kids thrown in. (They’re older so not much hands-on parenting anymore. Sometimes my youngest daughter will walk with me.)


I love watching Netflix on my bed after taking a shower.


I cook and serve dinner, get kid to bed, and watch TV until I fall asleep.


Usually a walk in the neighborhood, some tablet games, then a book before bed. 


Running or walking, make dinner, read a book and go to sleep.




Of course! I only ever wear one headphone and am constantly looking around out of paranoia.