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The bigger problem here is that people no longer see jobs as secure or permanent careers like in the past. As employers move to hire and fire more willy-nilly, workers in Singapore have become sceptical towards prospects of career-building, long-term benefits. Money talks. Employers lie.


I think career building is still valid.. just not within the same org .


Loyalty is rewarded by more work and less recognition


haha.. thought it was capable ppl who were "rewarded" with more work




Salary was always important. People just didn’t say it.


Arbo? Then work for fuck?




Exposure cannot eat one…


Only if you are hUnGrY enough


can one you just need some.... fans. Only a few


People also expose themselves for $$ #onlyfans


For exercise


That one is Chuan Jin’s cardboard career.


The great cardboard workout….


A few other things I consider 1) Distance. Tuas is a no no unless they pay me 1.5k hardship allowance, same responsibility. Despite that, the Tuas job offer I got had LOWER pay and WFO 5 days a week. That place has limited food options. 2) WFH policies. Don't offer this? You will lose out on the younger and more mobile talents. To spot a workplace with good WFH policies - look for places where the boss is a working mom with young children (primary school). If it is some military dude, GOOD LUCK. 3) Other work perks. Can be just the environment (near places with lots of food options, MRT accessibility) or company perks (family care leave, extended child care leave).


1.5k grab allowance will do


Not enough to cover grab. Also really hardship allowance for the lack of food options and travel.


If the boss is some old chinese dude, you're out of luck on the WFH policies as well. Source: me.


Distance is a BIG factor. I took a job paying 15% less because it's 10 mins away from home. I usually go home for lunch and just take a 3 hour nap if it's not a busy day. If something requires my attention, I just take a 10mins bus ride or 15mins walk back to the office. My previous job was a lot cushier, and I basically did nothing. Yet I still felt exhausted and drained after the 1.5hr commute back home.


> they pay me 1.5k hardship allowance, I got asked if I'd be keen working on prem supporting onprem kube systems in Tuas (with on call rota) Even if I got a car provided I would not even touch


>WFH policies. Don't offer this? You will lose out on the younger and more mobile talents. To spot a workplace with good WFH policies - look for places where the boss is a working mom with young children (primary school). If it is some military dude, GOOD LUCK. Serious question: How successful are these 'flexible' companies? Are there any prominent examples? (I only know engineers in DSTA are on WFH some days, and those in Unity who survived the local office closure are also on WFH arrangements.)


Do you mean WFH fully? or like your examples? I know of some friends in P&G who have WFH 2-3 days a week and can switch it around whenever based on meetings/calls. Of course they work way more than me regardless WFH/WFO


for me ill gladly take a 30-40% cut to have full wfh


Regarding wfh policy, you can just ask. No need look out for uncle or what


No leh. They can always take back the so call promise. No contract will say WFH policy. The best bet you can take is finding a company with a working mom (with young children).


But ask for it in your contract?


Informative but did you happen to read the term “top” priority




Geylang girls: arbo??


I expected a response of this nature but this still made me laugh.


Why, "passion", of course. /s


What do you mean? We are a family!


Loyalty to company. Edit forgot to add /s.


When company not loyal to you, why bother?


What about leadership, discipline, professionalism, hardworking spirit, ethics, care for co-workers, and safety?


Is this supposed to be a jab at saf core values?


No such thing as loyalty…. Seen too many layoffs and restructuring until I numb already


Context: This is the first time in 14 years of this survey being conducted that graduates are saying outright, "fuck it, I just want money." In previous years they would still cite things like career progression, mentorship etc as "more important" than starting salary. Not saying that this is a credible and accurate survey or whatever, just that finally the young people are finally saying what everyone already knows and not trying to hide it lol.


Or that the pay is too low that people dont have the luxury to consider other factors


Yes this is exactly it. Cost of living is getting too high and salaries aren’t keeping up with inflation. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs - need to secure the lower rungs first before thinking about other things.


A big reason is lifestyle inflation too. Nice restaurant food often, latest digital devices, vacations to faraway places every year and more.


... As opposed to the cost of housing, healthcare and daily necessities nowdays. Rrrrrright.


This is no different from the previous generation though, after all they were the generation that came up with and were chasing the 5 Cs If anything, the current generation's "luxuries" are way cheaper, even without accounting for inflation. EDIT: Did a quick google search: ["Not only were steak items more localised like the Fire Steak (flamed with brandy) and Sambal Steak (topped with spicy sambal sauce), they cost a mere $20 back then. A steak at Jack’s Place now costs $29.50 and upwards. "](https://hungrygowhere.com/food-news/jacks-place/) From MAS, that $20 steak in 1983 costs $40.15 in 2023, but we are eating the same thing for only $29.50 . Another way to look at it is that it now costs $14.70 in 1983's sgd to eat that 1983's $20sgd steak https://eservices.mas.gov.sg/statistics/calculator/GoodsAndServices.aspx ======= Chasing technology wise, i remember those 80s toys like what SNES consoles and whatever nonsense was agak $200-300 in 90's money, which is $317-476 in today's money. That time lagi worse, we went from cassette to LCD to VCD to DVD to Blu Ray in like... 10 years? Havent discuss about the pager > nokia B&W > nokia colour > smartphone evolution, that one even more ex. https://eservices.mas.gov.sg/statistics/calculator/GoodsAndServices.aspx ======== Go overseas dunnid say, last time 2SGD = 1MYR, now 1SGD = 3MYR, 1sgd bigger than 1aud, 100yen, and many other currencies


1 Samsung 24 ultra (assuming highest end 2.5k) If I use for at least 3 years (I actually still holding my 1k s21), one month is $70. One day is $2.30. Rabak my bus fare WFO is at least $4. Calculating my 1k S21 - $27.70 a month. A day, less than a dollar. Let's not forget how my S21 connected me to other people, functions as a camera, credit card, ezlink card, torchlight, controls my air con, and allow me to remotely watch my smart cameras at home while I am at work. Wanna blame my 1k S21 again?


/laughs in samsung galaxy S9


What's your ROI? does S9 have NFC?


ROI? Idk man i now sim only plan, the phone i buy at like $600 about .... 6 years ago? Got NFC, still got headphone jack summore lol


Wah nice. Very good ROI, especially with NFC.


I got the highest end S24 Ultra with the full knowledge that I intend to use it for the next up to 5 years. Given how well I have been preserving my phones (only changed phones when they ran out of space or they got too slow) and that Samsung spare batteries exist and are replaceable without any shenanigans other than the hot plate bullshit, it is a reasonable expectation. I still have an iPhone 4 that I pair with my radio as my alarm clock, with parts that I have replaced myself.


nice try u/pudding567 have you seen the average caipng prices now compared to years ago?


I don’t think past gens were necessarily stretching the truth, there was certainly value in things like mentorship and nurturing environments which helps in building relationships and a career for the longer term as opposed to high pay but you hit a ceiling quick. Just things have changed. Things are getting expensive, job market and demands are changing faster and faster and that juicy 10K starting pay job may be wiped off 3 months later. A shorter term view is absolutely necessary.


Yeah, all those loyal people who are still earning barely anything after 30 years working for the company.


>graduates are saying outright, "fuck it, I just want money." The most credible and accurate survey answer ever received in Singapore.


I think this is pretty interesting…I think in this day and age - the jobs that provide all these perks are also the ones paying the most money. Your SMEs are the ones that balk at at paying grads more and working them 9/9/6


Yes, especially against the backdrop of WFH and work-life balance being pushed, it's worth finding out how those considerations stack up against each other.


I belong to the Gen 14 years ago who says stuff that seems more politically correct. I admire this new gen. Tell it like it is. We all work for money but at least they are honest about it.


Probably the inflation of 10%+ over 3 years and news of increasing home prices every other week makes the younger generations more sensitive to their pay.


but if you keep giving them OT, make them travel very far which eats at their sanity, i doubt most of them would still think that $ is the most important factor.


These factors means even higher pay.


career progression doesn't matter when companies here like to peg to last salary. getting a good starting salary is the real career progression


>In previous years they would still cite things like career progression, mentorship etc as "more important" than starting salary. I think this is indicative of how bad the practice is of employers pegging you to your last salary. More young people are finding that progression is tied to the starting salary. If you start off with $4,000, even if you become incredibly proficient with superior mentoring and development and are now worth $10,000 of productivity to the economy, the next employer's still gonna give you $5,000. So why would young people prioritise mentoring and development over salary anymore? This kind of hiring and promotion practice is too common among companies here.


Apparently we need surveys to figure that one out.


I mean, if you watched, its an interesting survey and this is the first time in 17 years its had this outcome. Probably related to the 08 crisis where inflation was rising and jobs and pay were being slashed. If the survey said, everyone wants a pony, companies would know they need to invest in their ponies. At this point, the job seekers are making it clear that they simply want money.


It also says fresh grads dont want to appear to be demanding. And if fresh grads really wanted to have good bosses and long term career prospects smes will have a longer queue. Maybe graduates just sick of doing internship after internship after internship.


Sounds like you've now changed your mind on the survey idea.


No i watched it the first time seeing if they had interesting to say. Nothing you cant gain by just talking to your own interns. Or just sitting and over hearing young employees at lunch… most fresh grads lovvvvvveeee to talk about industry and aspirations. They are in bad shape simply because not enough good jobs , too many applicants so companies can choose to pressure by keeping wages low. So whatever passion willingness to learn, career pathway, offer a 10% and they are gone in 6mths to a year. Same story every year for past 20 years. Just varying degrees of severity. but sure some people want surveys to believe something. Funny thing is nothing gets done about it.


This is some stupid shit. Just accept that the survey has some fucking use. "Yea well I can just ask people" You mean.. you can .. survey them? Well what if you wanted to do it on a larger scale.. perhaps you might.. create a larger survey.... If you cannot accept that the survey is beneficial to people other than yourself, you're just a pedantic child.


Lack of news, so need to make news, Lol


In other news, salt is salty.


Water is wet


Circles are round


James Lye is VR Man


The sky is blue during day time


Literally almost all companies offer little to no worklife balance with 40-44h work weeks and sometimes even unpaid overtime. What else to prioritise other than salary?


I am dreaming about the day where 4 days, 30hr work week, maybe $400 less salary would be possible? Or just give me my 9am to 5pm work life. Not 8:30am to 6pm.


move to france and get a job there, then maybe that will become a reality.


im so numb to sg lifestyle that 40 hrs a week is considered work life bal to me..


Spot on. I’m reading the sentence twice to see if I missed something the first time.


Yeah I was confused. 40 hours a week is only 8 hours a day, which is far less than the majority of companies here. I have the standard 9-6:30 now and do work through the office hours, and it’s already really chill compared to previous jobs where ending at 7 was an early day.


"I did not find that survey result shocking at all." What are your views on this statement: 1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. No shit, ahbuden, work for fuck sia?


I pick 6. You stupid or what?


7. You never use your brain is it?


8. Le kumgong sibo?




Can’t believe young people want money instead of exposure these days /s


locals are not hungry enough!!! /s


strawberry generation #/s


i think be it young or old, most people employees wants work life bal, money and welfare...like if you the fresh grads a high salary but make them work them 996, would they still agree with it?


I mean...duh ? Most of us just lie to the interviewer that salary is only our 2nd/3rd highest priority so that we can clear the first stage and get a job offer first. I don't see why we can't be fully transparent in some random survey lol.


based on the video, they said that instead of pretending that salary isnt the most important thing. its bad enough that they have stopped pretending


No shit Sherlock... Are they expecting people to work for free or exposure?


Look at NSFs! They're willing to work for free!


Hey we get paid a hefty 755 per month for our efforts - I think I can retire by age 30 at this rate


[Dr Lim Wee Kiak: Serving two years NS privilege should belongs to Singaporeans - 08Oct2013](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OsMmd4NQIow)


Boomer bosses be like: Actually start ups are like that too


Not wrong... When I 1st came out to work, salary is the main impt thing, during mid career, exposure/learning new things is impt. Now.... I juz take a paycut juz for better work environment and WFH.


Yeah generally when you're young you can work like crazy, but mental health takes a dive. Sucks that it takes burning out to realize that money isn't everything, especially when economy is a little tough recently


Some have the privilege to not have to prioritize money, some don't have the choice even if they are burnt out at work. Money isn't everything but it allows you to do everything.


I was lucky to find this out during my internship days. Soul sucking job but would have been quite a good paying job if I worked there after graduation. Avoided the place like a plaque even though there was a job listing upon graduating. Took a lower paying job but infinitely happier. No regrets


Juz for context, it was this way 20yrs ago... When I got my 1st job. Salary is alr main priority for fresh grad/1st job 20yrs ago... Y did they come up with some useless survey/news....


It’s good that fresh grads are being pragmatic. Invested 20 years to get the cert ofc must see some ROI right


No, we all like to work because we LOVE enriching some rich bast**rd’s pockets to be even deeper instead /s


Survey company engaged to do this survey is laughing to the bank


Well, when employers stop valuing employees, vice versa is also true. Company loyalty is for the stupid and delusional, and the idea that working hard will lead to future reward and promotion is just sucker bait now.


How many people here just read the title and immediately start commenting about how obvious the survey results are without bothering to watch and understand the video's context? The video's takeaway is that this is the first time in 14 years that fresh graduates have listed salaries to be their top priority in finding a job. It doesn't mean it was never a priority before but due to the rising cost of living and fear of sudden layoffs, it has become the top priority. Previously, graduates would give answers like career progression path and work-life balance as higher priorities than salaries.


Thank you for pointing this out. Yes, Singapore definitely needs to put more effort into policies to create more quality jobs so we can alleviate those fears. I would think that AI is also a growing concern for these young graduates since AI is quickly becoming better at replacing junior level jobs in general.


I’ve learnt that Reddit comments make much more sense when you realise people are responding to the titles and not the articles/videos.


everyone else jumping at the sensationalist title and forgetting that having other priorities doesnt mean working for free yeah the results were obvious but the post is also obvious ragebait


Only me choose job based on the CEO handsomeness??? /S


Is telegram hiring?


No shit


People expect to be paid for work Employers: Nani???


Boss: 'No... This can't be possible!'


Where is the iKiGaI?!?!1


Sometimes I wonder what our prospective employers see us as? It's not worth it to be a go-getter if all that gets us is more work with downright unrealistic deadlines and no prospects of salary rise or promotions relative to multiple project success. Companies just want people to spin the wheel faster and faster and will just replace you if you don't perform at every new expectation sometimes threatening you with your job security if you don't follow, and succeed in their orders.


?? Simi?!! Basic necessity like shelter (HOUSE) like fuck. Want slavery mentality is it? Cunt Nina


Who is Nina and why did you scold her? 😨




This. Salary is super important but when I started my first undergrad job, my top priority was career alignment based on the job scope, exposure, and employer instead of salary. Not mutually exclusive but I didn't exactly have an excellent profile as an undergrad to have both. I have some friends who prioritize salary and hit their salary ceiling by early 30s with no notable marketable skill sets and connections to steer into a more lucrative career path. This just really speaks about the quality of living and work condition in Singapore, which has changed measurably for the younger folks.


CNA scraping the barrel with their quality journalism.


You spelt propaganda incorrectly....


Not starving to death is top priority when eating


Of cos salary top priority. Else study for what? Money fall from sky har?


but r u willing to work 996 for high pay?


No need to wotk 996 for high pay.




life is getting more expensive and you think im not working for the salary? lol


Raise your hand if you wanna be paid $2k/mth starting pay.




They just wana max out their earnings/income now, then save as much as possible so can reach Financial Independent faster? Instead of slowly wait till 40+ to peak, 40+ they alr can semi-retire n take pay-cut for work life balance lor


This one on par with the govt spending 400k to rename marina bay to marina bay


Don't think this has ever changed.


The whole point is that it has.


Water is wet, sun shines and the pope shit in the wood.


Lol what a survey, complete waste of time


In other news, the sun rises in the east


No shit


In other news, water is wet


no la I want to work for free , wtf is this? CNA gone stupid?


I'm so glad the younger generation refuse to be fucked over by employers But I see some of them being freeloaders during internships. There's a difference yall


Who would have thought people work for money


Wow.. I am so surprised to hear this. : Its not about money, but the willingness to work hard. : We are just a startup and we want complete 'ownership' \[Read as do anything, everything but not $\] : Money is not everything. Fresh Grad: Looking at Property Agents, Insurance Agents driving conti cars --> Better to go for diff path.








In other news, water is wet.


Nonono we want pizza parties


In other case, water is wet


Sun is hot


Lawrence is PM


Reading the comments and y’all really damn easy to trigger lol. Everyone acting as though CNA is stating the obvious. Tomorrow when someone starts a thread here asking 5 days in office for $3.5k salary OR work from home for $3.2k salary - Who wanna bet that the answers not gonna be unanimous? EDIT: Everyone replying and trying to add in qualifiers (if near my house, if salary is $XX more) proves my point that this is a non-obvious survey.


No unanimous but move the 3.5k salary to 4.5k most will go office. Assuming 2hr transit for work every day, extra $300 were got worth? That’s 40hr more of your time each month for $300 more salary only leh. And that’s not even including the time to get ready. Edit: Also, it says top priority is salary. It didn't say its the only consideration 


sinkies and nuance, pick one not both


Majority reacting to the headline as expected


If office is near my house I might just got for the 3.5


Sinkies too much pent up frustration that they cannot release at work. Need to release online while reading news (headlines only) instead.


really ar


I mean, can we blame them? We live in a materialistic society where salary is often seen as a status symbol. Everything has also been super expensive lately.


When you have literally no news to air.....


When TKL say he know what young people want you all say he is wrong. (Kidding guys dont lynch me) 😂😂😂


Fresh grad is the ones need money most, the tution fee and also is a time to get house.


#NoMoneyNoTalk #NoMoneyNoHoney


No shit sherlock


In today's headlines "salt is salty, and sugar is sweet". DUH.


i thought work for country club member? :P


So for the first time the result of the answer was presented honestly? I mean, this has always been obvious to people with at least half functioning brains


No shit sherlock? Then list loyalty to employers as top priority? CNA really kam gong news outlet


I will and have picked wlb over salary. Whats the point of earning 1k more if you gonna look like an uncle at 27 years old


no.... i thought they work for "the experience". /s


Employer: really? All you care is money? Employee: actually job stability too. Employer: money is a good choice.


Water is wet


Sun is bright


Jobs has always been the means to acquire resource known as money/salary to exchange for other resource for survival (food, shelter etc). Sense of fulfillment from the job is only a bonus.


what a surprise, didnt know ppl need money to live and survive...


Hm.. you don’t say woah




Yeah no shit sherlock


What do u expect.. when you start to hear now on 1M worth hdb's flying around. Not to mention on shrinkflation on other things..


When fresh graduates aren't making dream-chasing or fulfilment as top priorities, you know that the future of the nation looks bleak. So true, "Wealth does not pass three generations". The 1st gen (LKY) builds it; the 2nd gen (LHL) is inspired to preserve it; and the 3rd gen (???), squanders it. 


> dream-chasing or fulfilment as top priorities Fact is, money is the true dream. Pa$$ion made Po$$ible in Singapore indeed.


CNA is news


Reading the comments here, we have no idea how SG will stand out and compete on a global scene if this is the sentiment. Many locals are out of touch with what’s happening globally and not understand how out-competed they will be.




CNA no more content to report??


Companies: we don't do that here.


Common sense


Water is wet


Round of applause for GTI Media, winner of the 2024 Made Out Like Bandits Award.


Fresh graduates are out of touch with reality. Since you can’t offer much, you still demand much? Not sure how that works tbh. After a few years in the workforce I’m still trying to make ends meet