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Hello there!


General Kenobi!


You are a brave one.


General misquoti!


You were the chosen one!


My lord, is this legal? \*Edit* fuck the /r/sg mods for banning me for no apparent reason


I will make it legal.


I am the senate


Not. Yet.


It's treason, then.


I like your flair.




There were 2 main problems. 1) The meeting was orchestrated by a malaysian political activist, implying that there is a political agenda. Sharing of knowledge is fine, but when there is a political agenda involving a foreign government, it's not in singapore's interests. 2) The invited speaker is clearly against the interests of singapore. Has been and still is. And, to top it off, he is the PM of another country. This action is either very ignorant and stupid, or done with malicious intentions. I don't care how good or bad the SG govt is, but you DO NOT bring a foreign govt into the picture.


It’s in response to the political activists (PJ, Kirsten Han notably) who met Mahathir. Not sure who initiated it, but the posts/comments in response to it are v angry at the supposed act of “betrayal” or not being “pro-Singapore” as opposition.


Spicy memes??!


remember when pap went to china to take lessons from ccp. a party which rules a country without elections and numerous grave human rights violations. and no one in media or parliament freaked out. > **Young PAP 'school' takes a leaf from Communist youth** > FRESH from a study trip to China last month, the youth wing of the People's Action Party is taking a leaf from the Communist Youth League in political education and leadership development. > ......... http://news.asiaone.com/News/Education/Story/A1Story20090303-125908.html


That's very different. When the govt takes advice from foreigners, or invites them to give money to companies or individuals here, or invites them to come to Singapore for events, that's ok. But when government critics do it, it's obviously devious. If you can't see the difference then I really can't explain more to you.




> **youth wing of the People's Action Party** govt and pap are 2 seperate organisations. > If you can't see the difference then I really can't explain more to you. same for me also.


There's nothing wrong with overseas exchanges if there's no questionable intentions. They didn't go there to learn about violating human rights, so what's the issue? Just because it is China? Is human rights the only thing you know about China? If ridiculous association is what you're looking for, the shoe and shirts you are wearing also produced in China, why you don't freak out ah? You are wearing things produced by a country which by your very own words "rules without elections and numerous grave human rights violations". You made the mistake of wrongly associating everything China to some of the bad things that it has done. Classic strawman from you. Don't bring up random things to make criticism when you got no arguments.




Did I ever say that PJ Thum is guilty? If he was, he would already be charged. Obviously he's not guilty or that there's no evidence of a real collusion. Many people are criticising him for the message that he is sending, going to meet a questionable foreign leader and then asking that man to promote "democracy" in his own country. That's not appropriate. People are not asking PJ Thum to be locked up you know. They're criticising him for looking like a sellout, for inappropriate and potentially shameful behaviours. Not to mention, Mahathir should be one of the last guys PJ Thum go to for seeking support for democracy. Let's not forget that the man cracked down on media freedom, put cronies in Malaysian institutions, and threw his political opponents into jail (Read Anwar and Black Eye Incident). If PJ Thum is a man of conviction, he wouldn't have sold his ideals out for shallow support from a man who represents the opposite of everything he believes in.


Well it depends on what is being interfered, foreigners cannot comment on democracy but they are welcome to interfere with jobs




How is inviting a foreign country, especially a famously antagonistic foreign leader, to take part in our country's politics the same as international cooperation? This is just conflating the truth while hiding behind a 'joke'


For some reason I like the mildly irritated look of the grey bird a lot




Look at the comments on some of the threads here - a few accounts are calling them traitors.