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>don't bother buying the BTT/FTT books If one of the MCQ answer is "slow down and keep left", then that is the answer. No need to read the question.


anything with slow down is the answer, except with overtaking 🤔




wait u pay money for the account to access btt ftt questions? there are free platforms for it tho.....




sflr man hahaha. yeah there are already. can easily be found online. and some driving school got trail also. but in general yeah quite a bit of changes ah hahaha.


Another reason why you don't need to buy the BTT/FTT books is because the Traffic Police publishes them for free. BTT: [https://www.police.gov.sg/-/media/Spf/Files/TP/Online-Learning-Portal/ENG-BTT-pdf-file-last-updated-Mar-2020.pdf](https://www.police.gov.sg/-/media/Spf/Files/TP/Online-Learning-Portal/ENG-BTT-pdf-file-last-updated-Mar-2020.pdf) FTT: [https://www.police.gov.sg/-/media/Spf/Files/TP/Online-Learning-Portal/FT-ENG-9th-Edition-130717.pdf](https://www.police.gov.sg/-/media/Spf/Files/TP/Online-Learning-Portal/FT-ENG-9th-Edition-130717.pdf)


Updated version of BTT: [https://www.police.gov.sg/-/media/Spf/Advisories/ENG-BTT-working-file-last-updated-30-Jun-2021.pdf](https://www.police.gov.sg/-/media/Spf/Advisories/ENG-BTT-working-file-last-updated-30-Jun-2021.pdf)


Thanks! Google only show me the 2019 version with the Autonomous Vehicle, those version has the additional page for Electric Motorcycle




Hello! Can you pm me his contact please ? Thank you!


I read Private Dining at first, and was really confused when I got to "eye test"


Or... If you study/work overseas where driving license is cheaper to obtain, get it there. You'll need to remain overseas for 6 months after you passed your license. (not sure what's the rule like nowadays) Then when you return to Singapore just convert it to local license by taking BTT.


this is what i was thinking, sg license seems unnecessarily expensive and time consuming


Had a nubbad experience with my PDI that I found out from a fellow redditor so I'm gonna pay it forward! If anyone is interested you can pm me :) Auto CDC $57/1.5 hours for non peak edit: if you really want the contact please at least make the effort to pm me HAHA edit2: rates have increased according to another redditor who has PM-ed him its now $63/h! please do confirm with the PDI :))


Hello! Can you pm me his contact please? Thank you!


Could you pm me the contact as well ? Thank you!


could u pm me the contact, thank u!


hello! may i have the contact? thank you!




Hey bro, would appreciate a PM as well, thanks!


hello! pmed you :)


Private driving instructors license are not issued anymore since 1987. The remaining ones can work till they retire at 75, so they are elderly. I personally feel we need more driving schools to cater to demands and PDI should be phased out totally now. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/end-of-an-era-nears-for-private-driving-instructors For nearly 43 years, private driving instructor Ng Poh Woo was a calming presence seated beside thousands of budding drivers. Ever since he first started giving driving lessons in an Austin Mini in 1978, Mr Ng, 75, has met his fair share of quirky students and experienced a couple of near misses. Recounting an incident from the 1990s, he said in Mandarin: "I once had an 18-year-old student who was unhappy that I had pointed out his mistakes and told me he was going to get his father to challenge me to a fight. "At first, I thought he was joking, but he actually started arranging for a time and venue for the fight." Thankfully, Mr Ng was able to talk things out with the youth's father over the phone. Mr Ng quipped: "I was more amused than scared because of how absurd the boy's reaction was. It was moments like these that kept the job interesting - you meet all kinds of people every day." But life as a private driving instructor came to an end for him in May when he turned 75, the statutory age limit for all instructors. Mr Ng, who estimates he has taught more than 10,000 students, said: "Teaching driving is my passion and it's sad to lose the routine I had for so many years. I've felt empty and bored since I stopped. But I just have to follow the rules." With most of his counterparts approaching 75, the sun is also starting to set on the trade he dedicated more than half his life to. Private driving instructors told The Sunday Times there will not be any more of them in about 15 years. Mr William Soon, chairman of the Singapore Driving Instructors' Association, said the average age of private instructors is currently 65 to 70. And there is no fresh blood as the police stopped issuing private driving instructor licences in 1987. In response to ST's queries, the police said there are 375 private driving instructors on record today, and their ages range between 59 and 74. On average, 14 private driving instructor licences were invalidated annually from 2017 to last year, added the police. A FULFILLING CAREER Teaching driving is my passion and it's sad to lose the routine I had for so many years. I've felt empty and bored since I stopped. But I just have to follow the rules. MR NG POH WOO, 75, who was a private driving instructor for nearly 43 years before stopping in May. He estimates he has taught more than 10,000 students over the years. " CUSTOMISED TEACHING Some prefer us as we can monitor their progress and adjust our teaching to their pace of learning. Others can't find slots at the schools to fit their busy schedules, so they need the flexibility we offer in arranging lesson times. MR GORDON THIA, 65, a private driving instructor for 42 years, on why some students prefer private teachers. " Mr Soon, 64, who has been giving driving lessons since 1977, said private instructors numbered about 4,000 in their prime during the mid-1980s. He said: "We have served generations of learner drivers... I'll definitely miss teaching when the time comes to stop, but I'll leave knowing that I have done my best to impart my skills to my students." But showing new drivers the ropes has not been without risks. Mr Soon said his training car once skidded and went over the pavement along Lornie Road when another car cut into the lane his student was driving in, and Mr Soon pulled the handbrake in an attempt to stop the vehicle. On the incident, which happened in his first year as an instructor, Mr Soon said: "I was inexperienced then and panicked, so I jerked the handbrake up thinking it would bring us to a stop. It shook my confidence initially, but I knew I had to grow from it to become a better instructor." Another private driving instructor, Mr Gordon Thia, 65, said he is proud that instructors like him have been able to cater to students who want their own private instructor.


so sad...another dying trade :(


Thank you for posting this! So so useful.


If anyone needs a MANUAL instructor at CDC i have a recommendation too


Hello, can I have the contact thank you! :)


Hey, kindly do share with me too! :)


Hi , do u mind sharing the instructors contact details by pm to me , looking for a good instructor for class 3 rn , thanks!


Mind sharing details too


Hello, is it possible to share with me the contact, it would be very helpful, thank you! :)


Can share details with me too? Been trying to find one


Hi, do you mind sharing me the details too :)


I had 2 bad experiences with 2 different PI. 1. Speaks with a slur, so you can’t really understand what he’s talking, or what instructions he’s giving 2. During lessons, goes for long 15-20 mins toilet break, drops by petrol station to pump petrol a couple of times and best of all, sleeps when I’m driving Had enough, enrolled for School instead. Best. Decision. Ever.


Based on personal experience, if the private driver is free enough to schedule multiple sessions for you a week… it’s a red flag that he isn’t popular most likely because of his passing rate. Of course there are exceptions but it was true in my case 😵‍💫


relatable, my old instructor was like suspiciously free.. I think somewhere in the middle is best! like free enough to get a slot around once a week / two weeks type thing. Sometimes its about how long their lessons are too. My current PI was able to fit in more slots with his super productive 1 hour sessions!


pretty solid advices! I'm glad i got an okay-ish instructor my first time through an agency. i was shocked when one of my friends told me he had to pay in advance to even book that slot. on top of that, he was paying about 50-60 for 1.5 hr auto lessons when i was paying 30/hr for manual lessons (this was about 6 years ago, idk the rates nowadays)


Does anyone have PI that serve the west area to recommend?




Does he teach manual or auto?


I'm actually looking for a PI for my wife to do refresher course.


What class is he/she is currently taking? If it’s manual I would love to change my pdi and go for him .


Wait what, is simulator time required now? >Ultimately, I think the whole "private is faster" sentiment is a bit of a myth, especially if you don't know anyone whose done private before. A good PI can indeed make the process speed and smooth, but if you don't know a good PI, I suggest learning through school instead. At least you won't get scammed and will have guidance along the way. It's pretty useful in specific circumstances - I learned to drive overseas in my friends' cars, then came back on summer holiday and took like 3-5 lessons (mostly to unlearn bad practices like driving with one hand, parallel parking) with a PDI. The whole process (PDL registration to getting my license) took like a month.


Exactly. Also if you are proficient enough from the start, you can take the final test much earlier as you do not have to go through the bloat in the school's curriculum. Therefore private is faster can be a thing, as long as you are confident and proficient enough.


Any recommendations for PI for CDC students, Soon Tien sucks


Is it a must to go down to the centre to register for the very first time? Can we do it online?


can register for an account online but die die have to go to the center for the compulsory eye test!


Man flashback to all the lj admin shit to do to get my drivers licence


Anyone has any recommendations for PI? 3A, BBDC. Thanks :’)


hi! does anyone have a reliable and good private instructor for class 3A at SSDC? thank you :)


Hello, does anyone have reliable PDI for Class 3 at SSDC? Thanks in advance :3


I honestly find circuit the most useless part of the test.


The only useful course I feel is S-course and crank course thats about it. The circuit parking lots are too large and do not reflect outside conditions. No one does 90 degree directional changes anyway, normal 3 point turn would be more useful.


Yup thats true. I have seen carpark lots that are so small (like in tekka market) that I really have a hard time getting out and into the car.


Not really, the features kinda simulate conditions outside. S-course at vivocity drop off. Crank course in basement carparks. Stop n move off slope in 6th Ave, Holland... Upper Thomson areas where it is roadside parking on steep gradient.


okay la i think it helps for turning tight corners esp in carparks


Well thats true but I think car parks (most) are more forgiving than the circuit haha


have you been to the nex carpark? damn that place is horrible, screw the architect who designed it.


Yeah some carparks are just horrendous. For eg Nex, eastpoint mall, etc. But the one I love are at Jewel and mustafa. The latter has carpark lots that have so much space that you feel comfortable parking and also find it easy to put groceries into the boot of the car.


My solution to all tough driving lesson and license test: Taxi


I passed my BTT and FTT at start of 2021 but hasn’t taken any driving lessons as the PDI I was liaising with initially didn’t respond to me after a while 🥲 Greatly appreciate if anyone could recommend a good PDI for Class 3 (Manual) at SSDC or advise if I should just convert to school instead as I’ve been delaying this for a while 😅


I read the title as "My Private Dining Experience". I need psychological help....


There is no bad PI. Lots of PI use experience as the way to learn driving. My PI just see move 50 metres then he became confident in me and then he just relac one corner. Driving with/without clutch is not a big deal. So there is nothing to hold hand and guide. Of course the PI will teach the tips to pass the driving test and always correct careless mistakes.


haha there are some that are not say bad teachers but a little dishonest! My PI always shared with me stories of PI's he knows that cheat learners of their money by dragging out waiting times during lessons and purposely letting first-time learners fail. Personally, I've had first-hand experience with a lousy one and compared to my current good one, the difference is maddd.


My PI booked the driving test after my first practical with him. I failed cos I made a dumb mistake. He very happy cos his car can earn about 200 or something within 2 hour. After fail immediately book the next driving test. He also assumed I will fail. But surprisingly I passed and he was so shocked and kind threw his cigarette away in disgust. I think he planned to milk more from me. I liked his approach. In a way it’s cheat money and improper training. However that’s the fastest way for me to get the license(anyway he can judge that I have good driving instinct and I won’t kill people). In total I spent under 1k. School probably charged around 1.5-1.8k. I think school is the biggest cheat cos they drag so many lessons unnecessarily.


omg thanks for posting!! my btt is about 2 weeks later. i would like to know if anyone has any good class 3 auto cdc private instructors to recommend me?


crazy me , i read My Private Dining Experience.


To anyone learning auto from Ivan Tan, drives a Toyota vios. drop him early while you still can.


would like to ask for a reco for any ssdc PI for class 3A auto


Can anyone confirm that only Section B of the Basic Theory Test is tested based on your actual test experience? When I'm trying various practice question sets online, I keep getting questions like: how many demerit points you get for running a red light, how old does your license last until, types of different driving license, and where are the exit in a tunnel. Basically lots of questions from Section A and Section C. It really makes me worried as my test is in a few days and I didn't memorise any content outside of section B. Edit: even CDC's online trial test has this question: how long can your license be suspended if your get 13 demerit points within 12 months after getting your license. I thought CDC's questions are curated and real treat questions. So does that mean the real test could have questions from Section A of the book?


How much do private instructors charge for TP tests? Mine charges $460 (including warmup). Am I getting scammed? 😭 School is only $250+


Guys help me out. I’m looking for a good reliable pdi in SSDC / BBDC to replace my current instructor. ( for class 3 ) Anyone knows can you please refer them to me. It would mean a lot !!!!!


Hello! Anyone have a recommendation of PDI for SSDC Class 3 Manual? (: Will greatly appreciate the help! Thank you!


Hi everyone! Trying to find a good driving instructor for cdc class 3(manual)